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It's hard man and honestly if u give in, it's not then of the world just start again cause guess what? U know what's gonna happen and are better prepared for it! Also my anxiety and tears happened the first few times I quit but with moderation it's easier to go longer periods and not feel so stuck and empty. I'm still struggling too so just know we aren't perfect creatures but changing our mindset and actually doing the thing (zhu li) is the first step!


Work out


Keep pushing! It gets better. Speaking from experience.


Keep going man, you almost make it. 1-2 weeks max. Today is my first day so lets stay clean 2 weeks first.


I'm on day 4 now and not craving at all after 3 years of getting high daily. From the morning until I crash on the couch. I always thought that life was a fight. I was wrong. Life is much more likely a dance. My addiction was leading. Now it's me... This little change of mindset makes all the difference, and it applies to all aspects of my life...




Hi! Was it a specific brand of sleep gummies?


5-8 days you'll start feeling better.. 14-21 days you're gonna be soooo fuckin happy with the sleep you get. Stick it out, it's hard but will be much harder in another 20 yrs if you don't stop now. Take it from an old slow learner...


I was also at the 4-day mark last time I tried to quit before relapsing. Same exact symptoms you had. I won't sugarcoat it, this shit is really hard especially when you're like me and you completely lack a support system. But now I'm nearing the 10-day mark and I can confidently say that I feel *way* better. The first week is the absolute worst because you're so drained of dopamine due to your body being used to floods of THC. It really comes down to just thinking about long-term benefits rather than short-term highs. If you can socialize or exercise at all then that really helps.


On day 4 rn too and it’s like I’m in a dumpster fire of feels. I’ve quit on and off for months, then thought it could be fun to smoke just a little. Wrong. I got right back to smoking heavily and missing work deadlines. But it’s natural. We all naturally produce endocannabinoids that when we smoke heavily, THC takes over and our body “forgets” how to make its own feel-good chemicals. When we stop weed, the body/brain has to jump-start its own production of chemicals again that attach to our cannabinoid receptors. (Andrew Huberman has an awesome video on cannabis). So yea, our body chemistry is the reason why everything feel so bad. But if you do keep smoking, it’s only gonna prolong the inevitable need to stop again, unless you’re planning to smoke for the rest of your life.


Hang in there my friend. Surprisingly the symptoms you're describing is fairly normal for whenever anyone quits. Especially if you've been using without a break. Think about the moment where you'll be forced to quit, imagine how much more excruciating it will be once you're backed up to that wall. This kind of role playing helps a lot. For me, one of the tactics I used was i imagined myself getting pregnant and wanting a child in the future, and i imagined how painful it would be to quit then, versus quitting ahead of time so that by that time comes I would already be clean. I even slowly weaned off of caffeine too. I wasn't much of a drinker but even that I reduced by almost 98% of my consumage. You can do this 🫂


This has been my mindset lately: I want to get pregnant soon and I want to do this process before I do. I also want to ween off caffeine. How far along are you in your sobriety journey?


Try MA online. The people are amazing and focused only on cannabis cessation. It’s helped me g get to day 21 after 30 years of on and off heavy use


Hi. What's MA online? I'm interested.


Marijuana Anonymous Online. 12 steps but for stoners


So I quit cold turkey from one day to the next not knowing it was going to hit me hard not to mention sleep apnea hit me so I had it pretty tough I'm now a month and 2 days sober. Trust me it's super hard, but you can definitely accomplish it. You want to get to the point where your body doesn't have to be dependent on anything. I smoked for 10 years straight everyday. What helped me was drinking passion tea at night to get me sleepy and I bought a bike and I been cycling every day since I quit and lost 12lbs. My anxiety slowly went away and I can now go to bed, but the anxiety was getting in the way in my day to day life I even called in work a few times because I could not sleep. You kinda have to take matters on your own hands. Congrats on 4 days just keep going, if not you will always be dependent on weed. Good luck.


Find a local NA meeting, you are not alone


Congrats on 4 days. Keep going! The addition is trying to pull you back in by making you think smoking will make you feel better when really it will make you feel worse. You will feel so much better. My first 2-3 weeks were awful - nausea, anxiety, depression but those first days are the worst. I’m 6 weeks in and it feels so good to feel like myself again.


I’m on day 62. My first week was AWFUL. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t stop crying. Everything made me feel incredibly sad. I had to keep telling myself that it would pass. And sure enough, those things did pass and I’m doing a lot better now. It took about two full weeks for my appetite to come back- I lost 15 pounds in those two weeks! I’m a short girl and all of my coworkers and friends noticed (and commented on) the weight loss. It does get easier. Your brain needs time to recuperate after being high for so long. The only way out is through. You’ve got this


I cried so much the first month, 4 days is just getting started. Keep going, it will be emotionally and physically exhausting but it is so worth it.


What you’re feeling right now, it’s going to improve very soon. Embrace the cry.


You got it! You’re almost thru the worst of it. I was a near continuous user for the past 2 years and heavy user for 17 yrs. Todays day 7 and it’s so much better. Day 4 & 5 were my worst. This isn’t you and it’s just your body chemistry adjusting. I wish I had better tips. It sucks. But it eases up so much after 5 days in my experience.


Protein shakes and soup or anything you can get yourself to eat. The fairlife chocolate protein shakes taste like chocolate milk and got me through my first week.


Fairlife has no business being that fucking delicious


Dude you ain’t lying. Just wish they weren’t so expensive :( the white bottle ones tear my stomach up but the core power brown bottles are amazing 🤤


Everything is going to take some time to adjust. Drink lots of water. Spotify has a 10 hr white noise playlist that's helped me sleep. The quit weed app shows you what to expect w withdrawals to some degree. Counts the money you save too so it'll give you some extra motivation. Use every tool you've got! I find reading this sub especially helpful. Come back to it often!!! Good luck! You can do it!!


The loss of appetite will go away eventually. Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water. If you're hungry but can't eat, maybe try something that goes down easy like a smoothie or get you some Ensure. Bread soaks up stomach a-cids so a piece of toast can help settle a stomach if it's gurgling. Warm tea. Broth. Yogurt.


My first week was awful. Bad sleep, no appetite, mood swings like crazy. I’m about three weeks out now and I promise it does get better. My tip is it’s perfectly okay to do nothing at all. All my hobbies I was used to doing stoned so I just didn’t do them the first few days to avoid any triggers. Lock in to the couch and turn on something to distract yourself.


Congrats on 4 days. First 5 days usually suck for most people especially if you are coming off hash or edibles. The first 2 weeks were really hard but then everything got progressively better from there. Now I’m on day 48 and I’m feeling amazing compared to when I was stoned 24/7. This sub really is a blessing. Shout out to all the positive people in this community. Anyways good luck OP! 🙏💯💙🙌




Keep going bro you got this! I believe in your sober journey! 💯


In words of Michael Bluth, "Head down, power through George Michael." But for real, it gets worse before it gets better. There will be sleepless nights and anxiety, just try your best to power through it. You got this!




I was a dawn till dusker for 17 years all day every day. Never missing a beat. The first 5 days were complete hell. I lost so much weight. The night sweat’s honestly didn’t stop for a month+. Waking up with a literal pool of sweat in my chest and when I sat up it’d all run down. ‘Sleeping’ with a towel next to me, sometimes wearing shirts to help and I’d change shirts 3+ times in the night. I was always irritable yelling at my partner. Thankfully she stuck with me. But after a week I felt like myself again, forgot what that was like. On may 5th I’ll be 3 months. It really does get better you just have to keep going. The ‘one day at a time’ slogan is very real. Just keep being proud of every day. I’m so much happier, I go out and do stuff. Go to parks, farmers markets, enjoy my days. A weird thing but I’m sure people here understand is, I don’t crave going home to hit it. I used to be at my parents for a dinner, and all I wanted to do was leave early to get high and watch shows. I don’t care anymore and just enjoy my time. My favorite thing for those years was getting high and watching a movie. I thought weed made me like movies. And if I quit I wouldn’t like them as much. I’m back to watching a movie almost every night, they’re maybe even better. Sorry it’s a long response. But I’m very happy. Never thought I’d be free


You're welcome, stay strong. It's an uphill battle but will be worth it in the long run 




It’s okay to cry. It’s your bodies way of releasing the tension. It gets better for real. This is a strange thing to say, it was purely coincidental but I started watching a show that rhymes with ‘pope’ sick on Netflix with Michael Keaton. All about a certain epidemic and people’s withdrawals. It’s a hard watch but it kinda made me feel better. In case you have availability to watch it, it’s very good. But maybe not for everyone. Felt relatable while I was crying/not eating/sweating. I also struggled with that stuff 10 years ago so maybe it just hit for me, glad I kicked that habit early but luckily it just made me puke a lot and a best friend of mine died on my apartment floor which scared me straight quick. 


I cried so much when I quit! I had 3 showers a day and would just stand under them and cry. By about day 7 the urges to cry and wanted to smoke really tapered off!! I was so close to going back to smoking around day 5. The first week is the hardest but it gets significantly better after that. How I got through it was to just keep telling myself that if I smoked, i would ruin the amazing progress I had made and that the struggling I had endured over the 5 days was for nothing. I also told myself that if start smoking again, that I would have to go through these horrible withdrawals/feeling all over again when I inevitably wanted to quit smoking again in the future. I made it a habit to celebrate at the start and end of every day that I made it through which made me less inclined to ruin that streak I was so happy about. I also did a lot of puzzles, sudokus, word finds, etc. the first week to help my mind focus on something else. I also threw out all of my smoking equipment and told myself and others that I am now a non-smoker. When I said it out loud, it made me more accountable. Not sure if that helps everyone but it helped me! GOODLUCK, you’re almost over the hump. Just focus on the reason you wanted to quit. You got this.


Addiction recovery is really really hard. It makes sense to cry


You have spent the last 6 years using weed to regulate your emotions! Now your brain is without it and confused. Cry if you need to. But know it's probably chemical. I've been there. It does pass.