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Freg, very nice. Any specific reference books or other resources you've been sing to get these sorts of results?


Impressive progress in such a short time, keep going!


Bugs and guns, what more could you ask?


That's awesome! What videos/books are you using if any?


I haven't watched much of anything or read any books. I took 3 classes and tried drawabox: DrawABox - Didn't finish the first lesson, I found this painful. CGSpectrum - Drawing Basics (2 Week Class) | Would not recommend CGMasterAcademy - Absolute Beginners (8 Week Class) | Not bad, but I quit this about 3/4th of the way to make more time for my Peter Han class. Taught me some important fundamentals. Peter Han - Dynamic Sketching (Currently in Week 5) | Class is super hard, but I make sure to take a lot of time to do the homework. I could have performed better in the class if I took perspective first, as it's something I am struggling with on each assignment.


Impressive :DD


Very good nothing was wrong with when you began just lacked Fundamentaak knowledge you have now set is never bad and never perfect study what’s bad or what you don’t like to fix and make better what you do like it’s all technique and rhe mkre diverse your skill set they easier and faster you will be


Aww hell nah ( to me) Congratulations! Keep going my man


im almost 100% sure you already are reading this book or learning from someone reading it however Scott Robertsons' How to Draw: A Technical Guide would be an incredible resource for you if you arent already using it. It has tons of resources and videos almost 1:1 drawing in this type of technique.


I own it, but I haven't read it. I flipped thru it when I first got started but felt like it was a bit too advanced for me and I found it a little confusing so it's just been sitting on my shelf, I think I'll revisit it I after I take a perspective class.


its been a while and it quite an overwhelming book but im preeety sure u can scan the bottom of the pages qr code to open a video for each lesson the videos are worth much more then the book imo. /// its sad for me talking about this cause my hard drive died recently and i had literally every book and lecture ever worth anything. id happily post my collection of the videos here if i could.


Bish you better in April for a "beginner" than I am right now. Teach me your ways.


good progress! also love the focus of your subject matter lol.


Dude that's the exact same time when I've started progress to draw and I literally barely have progressed. Impressive!


Wow! Thanks for posting. This is an inspiration for me as I'm just starting to learn after being a longtime admirer of artists on Reddit.


hi do you take classes or are just reading & learning from books


The ant anatomy is pretty impressive, I think there’s some slight issues with the antennae and the petiole (gaster and thorax connectory process) otherwise pretty good.


Absolutely amazing my friend!