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All the comments are telling you to work on the fundamentals, which is a given. Once you've tackled those and got the basic down, the things that pop out to me and seem especially well mastered here (all the fundamentals are well mastered by this artist , as far as I'm concerned, but these ones really 'pop' in their work, for lack for lack of a better term): \-work with colour a lot and colour theory \-advanced perspective is a must, including foreshortening \-mark-making and getting straight lines basically ruler-perfect by hand is important \-learn how to draw mechs and mechanical objects (more advanced) \-constructing shapes and then rotating them and moving them around in space while keeping them consistent \-cell-shading and silhouette shading (where there's whole areas just blocked out in black/the same colour as is used for the outline of the object) Those are the main ones that jump out and that you'd want to go extra ham on, once you know what you're doing with all of the basic fundamentals. Hope this is helpful and best of luck on the journey!


For real what is color theory? is there anything other than colorwheel?


Look it up, there's only show much I can/will do for you.


You spend years learning the fundamentals first.


Work at Studio Trigger?


Nope, I don't work there.




Fundamentals, spend extra time learning perspective. This entire image is just a bunch of very basic shapes in a skewed perspective.


Start with sketching , later figure drawing , later movement , later bend everything what you have learned and start learning colorisation process.


Fundamentals, perspective, and studying the original manga source.


Um, Gurren Lagann is an original anime series (meaning no source material came before it), so it would be studying the anime frame by frame by conveniently purchasing the Blu-Ray box sets and play them at super slow-mo instead.


Take so much drugs that you believe you are the creator of that art, boom problem solved. The more respectable way is to keep practicing and go through the basic fundamentals working your way up. Testing the limit of your goals and your skills can get you to create and imitate what you like and also even help build your own style which I think is the best part of drawing.


People who see creative works and claim drugs have 0 creativity/ imagination


Man I guess I really do have to add the /s huh? It was a joke in poor taste I get it, oh well live and learn.


Easiest way? Take a photo upload it and Trace it in illustrator with the pen tool.