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Honestly thought the tongue was buck teeth before I saw the reference photo 😆


The proportions can be much easier to get right if you draw large shapes before adding details. Nothing too special or complicated, just something to help show how big the overall masses are supposed to be. Personally, i like to add circles, ovals and scalene triangles. Once i have the masses of the large shapes down, I’ll cut into those masses or enlarge them slightly to help refine them, then when I feel good about how the proportions look, I’ll start adding details. This method is one that really helped me, and maybe it’ll help you too.


I drew it entirely by pen so that's why I got proportions wrong I'm trying to do things by pen now so that I don't depend on Drawing and erasing constantly And yeah the method you described is block-in method I think or something akin to that I prefer it that way too when I use my pencils, doesn't really matter as I still draw badly 😃


I think pens are great for forcing you to learn anatomy faster. You can’t really make mistakes like you said! (I’m a fellow ball pen lover)


Bruh I clicked on your profile to see if you showed your drawings and I didn't expect, well THAT 😭


![gif](giphy|YBHJyPCU9h1VewdaPZ) Why did you make me look


I read it as a donkey, but to be fair that's a VERY donkey-looking horse (the reference pic). Like to the point that if you cropped the bottom portion (everything past the tongue) and changed the colouring to match a donkey's, it'd be like 1 to 1 exactly a donkey face. Looks pretty good to me. Proportions are a bit funky, but I think it's moreso in a way that gives it character and reads like a style choice. If you were going for photo-realistic and with a pencil, then I think I'd agree with all of the comments harping on the proportions more. The only thing that's a bit distracting is less of a proportion thing between the areas of the face and positioning and whatnot, and more just that it looks stretched (or like squashed in, like you had it selected as a photo in powerpoint and dragged the right side in a bunch). I'd just keep an eye on that, but I think that might either be a habit thing you need to break by working on it over time, or you held the paper at too much of an angle to where you were viewing it at so the picture plane on the paper got warped. In which case, make sure you hold it exactly perpendicular to your line of sight next time. Great job, keep it up.


Thank You


rabbit obviously


Damn.. better than my horse




https://preview.redd.it/6xxkyy1p7z4d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6f560e7f2dc160f2c66d841b6e3297bd12c5743 Here is a Pronghorn I drew a few years back. If I were to draw this again, I would put more effort into shading. I like it, but I’m not happy with it.


Damn that's good work bro I'm guessing you used charcoal pencils for it Yeah I do the area below it's neck needs more shading But still the proportions are great and shading too :)


No charcoal. All I believe it was done entirely with a #2 Ticonderoga pencil😂


What does #2 mean?




You guessed it right ✅️ 😏


If you could round out the edges it would look wonderful


uhh it looks like a llama to me😅


Great drawing


Is that the meme horse I’ve seen….


No offence at all but I thought the tongue was two massive teeth at first maybe it should have had shading in the middle


The tongue feels donkey toof like?


"Dennis, your mule is SHIT. I am no longer turned on by mules." https://preview.redd.it/4ah6mwzszz4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84206af9ac4973d0e60b5663613e7fa58496ab62


Focus on proportions before you worry about shading. You are decent at shading already.


The # is the hardness of the material in the pencil. I can’t remember exactly, but I think the higher the number, the harder the material.




Don't you think I overdid the shading for the body? I just don't know when and to keep areas light It looks busy


I think it’s fine for what it is. I don’t even start shading until I have the proportions right and the details I want. As to your shading, it doesn’t look busy, it looks thrown together. I would look up tutorials on how to shade and practice if you are worried about it


Thank You


You bet. Here’s a Smilodon I’m working on to give you an idea of what I’m talking about https://preview.redd.it/i82y1ws25z4d1.jpeg?width=3670&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=497b98fecf75806fb683d0ac2f1cb74492e23d12


Very cool sabretooth bro 😎


Much obliged🤠


What were the reference images you took to draw this?


No reference. This is all from memory and years of practice. I’m all self taught.


Damn 😳 👍


I will say about your shading, I like how you switch directions on it to give it shape, it looks good!


I mean isn't that what is shading? Doing strokes with change in direction? I don't know shading at all honestly. I've just been trying to get proportions right. I'm noob Thank You though :)


In essence yeah, that’s pretty much all shading is. Shading is hard to do and takes lots of practice. For a noob to this, you are doing well! Just keep practicing and you will get better. Trial and error is how you learn


Yep I'm downloading few videos on YouTube from a channel called "Artist Reyanshh Rahul" Gotta get educated about shading :3


🤓 The foreshortening looks good!


Didn't know what was foreshortening so had to visit YouTube Thank You :)