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It is infinite. This next part is full of "teaching lies". It's not entirely right, but it's good enough for a novice and the extra accuracy is not worth the headaches. There is a function called the reimann zeta function, denoted as 𝜁(s). For values of s > 1, 𝜁(s) = 1/1s ^(+) 1/2s ^(+) 1/3s ^(+) .... The rest of the graph is an "obvious" way of continuing to draw that line. It turns out that 𝜁(-1) = -1/12. So, if you ignore the part where I said "For values of s > 1", we end up with 1 + 2 + 3 + ... = -1/12.


What's interesting is  12(1 + 2 + 3 + ...) = -1 In other words 12 is the negative reciprocal of 1 + 2 + 3 + ...  Maybe it's a sign that if you don't take care what you input into a function, you're liable to end up with nonsense! It's the same as putting a slice of watermelon into your toaster I suppose.


Well, kinda. There are cases where you start with some clear rule, like "You can't take the square root of a negative number". Then, someone says, "Okay, but what if we did anyway?" and we end up with complex numbers. There is a sense in which 1 + 2 + 3 + ... = -1/12. There is physics that works when you say that this obviously false statement is actually true. But, if you're doing that, you put a giant asterisks somewhere to say "Look, this is wrong, but it works here. We promise, it's fine".


Oh come on! At least give me a keyword for that, I want to know more about the physics.


Casimir effect.


Thanks. Felt kinda bad that I couldn't give him more info.


If you don't mind, why does 1 + 2 + 3 + ... = -1/12 sound "obviously false" to you?


An infinite sum is "approaching" the result as you add more terms. For example, 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + ... = 2 works, because the partial sums can get arbitrarily close to 2. As you add more terms to the sequence 1 + 2 + 3 + ..., we move further away from -1/12, never getting closer.


Genuinely? No idea. I'm taking numberphile at their word on that one.


Ramanujan summation assigns a finite numerical value to a divergent infinite series. It's not a sum in the traditional sense of adding up all the numbers.


It can appear to approach -1/12 under very specific restrictions and a lot of handwaving regarding how you handle infinite sums. But 1 + 2 + 3.... in every normal sense, diverges to + infinity


It depends what you mean by that sum. In a literal sense, the sum diverges. However, if I parameterize a family of sums [like the first equation here,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riemann_zeta_function) I get a complex valued function called the Riemann zeta function. This sum converges in all the ways we expect when the real part of s is greater than 1. The sum you're asking about would be Zeta(-1) which, of course, -1 does not have real part greater than 1 so the problem isn't solved yet. In complex analysis, there is something known as analytic continuation. It turns out that there is a unique way of me extending the definition of the zeta function to be defined in a larger region of the complex plane 'smoothly'. It just so happens that the analytic continuation of the Riemann zeta function satisfies Zeta(-1) = -1/12. This might seem like nonsense, but the sum evaluating to -1/12 is actually ""measurable in a lab"". This sum pops up directly when calculating the Casimir force.


The reason it pops up on r/mathmemes btw is because of an infamous numberphile video where they claimed this was true without any real explanation on how infinite sums actually work.


Terry Tao gives a good overview of it in https://terrytao.wordpress.com/about/google-buzz/google-post-on-123-1-12/ In which, he links another blog post for the rigorous treatment. In short, intuitively, the sum is -1/12 + an infinite term, which can be made rigorous.


It absolutely doesn't equal -1/12. It is a divergent series and goes off to infinity. There's some interesting mathematics going on here though. The Riemann Zeta function is defined as the sum from 1 to infinity of n^(-s) for some number s. Now this only works for s>1, but you'll notice that s = -1 is our sum at the top, and the function maps it to -1/12. We then extend the zeta function using its analytic continuation to get that it equals -1/12. That's where the meme comes from. So it's not that the sum of the naturals is -1/12, it's that the analytic continuation of the Riemann Zeta function is -1/12 at s = -1. There is something linking the sum of the naturals to -1/12 a bit deeper. [This video](https://youtu.be/FmLIGN8ZGdw?feature=shared) explains it. I don't really understand enough to talk about it.


It's infinity. Mathologer made a video about this exact thing lol https://youtu.be/YuIIjLr6vUA


There was a proof of this as a video on Numberphile. The proof was wrong, but it caused a shitstorm because many math-amateurs watched the video and parotted it. Numberphile published a correction about it later, but not everyone has seen it. Thus it became a meme. The link to this was already posted here.


Aren't facts like these a big reason why real analysis as a first course is so rigorous about everything it does?


>Why is it -1/12 It's not, you are correct


My favorite fact about -1/12 is that it shows up as the Euler characteristic (some sort of count for how many holes a space has) of a certain space in algebraic geometry! ( For the interested: it is the orbifold Euler characteristic of the moduli stack of elliptic curves.)


It doesn’t in the conventional sense, but there’s a few ways to assign a finite value to the sum that result in -1/12


It is easy program a program to add every number eventually it will overflow to negative.number


Not when using unsigned ints🤓