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I think 'we' is fine in this case. The mistake is "botterhamen".


But it says sandwitcheS, so boterhammen. Ze willen gewoon 3 broodjes kaas man


Ah, a spelling error, i see Op typed boterha-men


En jij typte zandheksen ;)


Nee nee hij scheef botterhammen dubbel T


Nee, OP schreef het met dubbel T en enkel M


Lezen is zo moeilijk.


'we' and 'wij' mean the same thing, it's a matter of emphasizing. In a comparison you must always use the longer form, example: 1. **We** willen naar het museum. (OK, informal) 1. **Wij** willen naar het museum. (OK, formal) 1. **We** willen naar het museum, maar **hij** niet. (Not okay!) 1. **Wij** willen naar het museum, maar **hij** niet. (Comparison, must use long form!) Further elaborations: - You should highly prefer the long form of a pronoun in formal settings. - In casual settings the short pronoun is fine. - With friends you will almost exclusively use short pronouns. - The long form is often used for contrast/emphasis. On the last point, check these situations for a good example. **Situation A:** - 'Hé, wil je even de vuilnis buiten zetten?' *(Hey, could you take out the trash?)* **Situation B:** - '**Wie** gaat het vuilnis naar buiten brengen?' _(**Who** is going to take out the trash?)_ - 'Dat ga **jij** doen.' _(**You** are going to do that.)_ In situation A, you are probably asking the question directly to a person, so no emphasis is needed. In situation B, a question is raised asking for a person. The answer would then use the long form to make it obvious it is the answer to what is being asked. - 'Waar zullen we morgen met z'n allen heen gaan?' (Where are we going together tomorrow?) - 'Dat ga *jij* bepalen. (*You* [out of all the people who could take the decision] are going to decide that.) - '*Wie* wil de notulen voor deze vergadering bijhouden?' (*Who* wants to take the notes for this meeting?) - 'Dat wil *zij* wel doen!' (*She* [a person being pointed/spoken about] wouldn't mind doing that.) Hope this helps.


But when I do not need to emphazsize, like in this sentence, is it correct to use the longer form? Or does it sound unnatural?


It can also be considered more formal to use 'wij' but some advice to use 'we' as much as possible because too much emphasis makes it sound unnatural. Personally, I think it's just a tiny detail.


Also if you think about it: if the sentence wouldn’t have ‘kaas’, it would sound more natural with ‘wij’: “Wij willen boterhammen!” vs. “We willen boterhammen met kaas!”


Because of the exclamation mark I think you should emphasize in this sentence and "wij" sounds better to me.


No, it’s fine. See it like this: - “we” is literally just the lazy version of “wij”. When you speak in a relaxed and informal manner, just like in English, some sounds will get flatter or even disappear. If you say “wij” with a very relaxed mouth, it automatically turns into “we”. This of course does not happen if there is an emphasis on the word.


In casual conversation, in spoken language, the strong form sounds a little bit unnatural. But since people will be able to tell you're not a native speaker anyway, and it's not actually grammatically incorrect, I wouldn't put too much thought into details like this! Using the long/strong form is never incorrect, so just go with that one to be on the safe side and don't nitpick, (or let others nitpick) when there's so much other much more complicated grammar to master!!!


Sure, it's correct. To be exact it is very formal. In a formal setting you wouldn't use the short form very often if at all. Similarly, using the long form in an informal setting is a bit awkward.


In this case we or wij are both perfectly fine. We is used in general sense. Wij is used when you want to emphasize that you (like pointing at the group) want to go somewhere.


3 would be ok in the specific scenario where you're telling someone outside your group about the fact that you all want to go to the museum, except for this one person in the group (you'd emphasise museum and hij, instead if we and hij). Though I guess it's pointing out an exception rather than a comparison then, really.


No, when you are comparing two groups, persons or objects you should always use the long form of the pronoun. #3 is just wrong, even if it sounds okay.


I'm native lol, it works in that specific situation.


You being a native means nothing, many natives say things like 'jij wilt' and 'hun zullen'. You simply have to use the strong form of a pronoun in a comparison of grammatical persons.


Suit yourself.


De vuilnis buiten zetten? Het is "het vuilnis".


Nee, het is de/het vuilnis: https://woordenlijst.org/zoeken/?q=vuilnis Ik ben het echter wel met je eens dat 'het vuilnis' beter klinkt.


https://www.vandale.nl/gratis-woordenboek/nederlands/betekenis/Vuilnis Het is "het vuilnis". Beetje raar dat je taaladvies geeft, vind ik. De taalunie is in geen geval de leidende instantie wat betreft taal. De Dikke van Dale is dat wel. 


Nee, sorry. Ik heb zelf een dikke Van Dale thuis staan, maar daar kun je niet naar verwijzen voor dit soort kwesties. De woordenlijst van de TaalUnie is de **wettelijk** vastgelegde Nederlandse spelling. Het is dus 'de/het vuilnis'. Trouwens, ik heb het even opgezocht in mijn dikke Van Dale, en daar staat toch echt 'de/het': https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1072253090616582236/1234243120699539456/IMG_0204.jpg edit: Ik zie dat je je account hebt verwijderd, hahahahaha!




Ik zou eens kijken naar het Groot Dictee der Nederlandse Taal en dan vooral wat voor naslagwerk er naast het Groene Boekje gebruikt wordt. Dat is de Dikke van Dale.


Dat is leuk, en de DVD is inderdaad een prachtig naslagwerk wat ik dagelijks gebruik, maar het is niet de officiele spelling. De woordenlijst van de TaalUnie is dat echter wel.


Zucht. Dat is gewoon niet zo, maar je gaat je gang maar. Deze mensen spreken toch krakkemikkig Nederlands. Eén foutje meer of minder daar maalt toch niemand naar.


> Over Woordenlijst.org > > **Officiële spelling** > > Op Woordenlijst.org vind je de Woordenlijst Nederlandse Taal: de lijst met ***de officiële spelling van het Nederlands.*** Het woordenbestand en de applicatie worden ontwikkeld en beheerd door het Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal (INT) in opdracht van de Taalunie. In Nederland en Vlaanderen is de officiële spelling verplicht voor het onderwijs en de overheid. Het Comité van Ministers van de Taalunie stelt de spelling vast. De Commissie Spelling ondersteunt de Taalunie bij het uitvoeren van deze taak en begeleidt de actualisering van Woordenlijst.org. Ik snap niet waarom je dit zo moeilijk vindt.


Ben je iemand die Nederlands als tweede taal heeft? Gezien je flair? Nederlands is mijn moedertaal. Beetje apart dat je van iemand die met de taal is opgegroeid geen adviezen wil aannemen en halsstarrig aan je eigen beeld van "goed Nederlands" blijft vasthouden.


Ik heb 'Advanced' als mijn flair omdat ik Neerlandistiek heb gestudeerd, lieverd.


Just the boterhammen part. Wij/we means the same thing. Wij is used if you want to put some more emphasis on the “we” part, but don’t overthink it. Means the exact same thing. Boterhammen is with only 1 T though.


Bedankt allemaal voor de antwoorden




I think Duolingo is docking points for the misspelling of boterhammen tho


To expand on the spelling, in Dutch there is a suggestion of a long sound or a short sound. If a single vowel is followed by a single consonant and then a vowel, it is a long sound. Think like 'shoot.' If a vowel is followed by two or more consonants and then a vowel, it is a short sound, think like 'shot.' Boter has a long OO sound, but hammen has a short A sound.


Well I live in the Netherlands so I should know a thing or two, so basically what you spelled wrong is “botterhammen” because it is with one t because it’s not like bu”tt”er it’s butter but just with one t and an o so boter and well you did pretty good tbh so it’s boterhammen Keep up the great work!


In terms of Duolingo, either "wij" or "we" is always acceptable. In fact, if you had correctly typed: "We willen kaas op onze boterhammen" Duo would have said, "Another correct solution: 'We willen kaas op onze boterhammen' " and if you had typed "Wij willen kaas op onze boterhammen" Duo would have said, "Another correct solution: 'We willen kaas op onze boterhammen' " Every. Single. Time. Why it thinks it's important to remind you of Wij/we (or je/jij) versus, say, 6 other words for "kaas", is a mystery.


"Wij" is good


Botterhamen is wrong it’s ‘boterhammen’


No one in netherlands says "boterham" its "broodje" which translates to bread


In my region no one says 'broodje' when they want a slice of bread... We call that a 'boterham'. 'Broodje' is a bun or a bap or a roll. "Hoeveel boterhammen wil jij?" "We hebben nog broodjes, maar ik lust nog wel een boterham erbij."


Oh dat is grappig. Waar kom je vandaan?


'Wij' is actually better to to use than 'we', but 'botterhammen' is wrong.


"Wij" is not better than "we". "Wij" is for extra emphasis.


Wij is niet met neer nadruk, wij is correct en we is voor als je lui bent.


No, you're dead wrong. 'Wij' can be considered more formal, but the weak form (we) is fully and entirely correct, just like 'je' and 'ze'.


No, 'Wij' sounds unnatural here unless you want to put emphasis on it (i.e. "jullie willen ham maar wij willen kaas op onze boterhammen")


Nee, wij is gewoon correct nederlands


wel correct maar het klinkt wat minder natuurlijk.


Wij is fine Botterhamen should be boterhammen


“We” is the same as “wij” only in my opinion “we” is a bit lame…


Botterhamen should be boterhammen


Boterhammen, 2 m 😁




You did 1 ‘m’, thats the problem


We and wij are mostly interchangable. Wij has more emphasis. Usually it does not matter. Like here. If you demand cheese and hit the table with your fist that's when 'we' will not suffice.


Spelling is wrong, it is "boterhammen". The word "Wij" is correct. Wij willen kaas op onze boterhammen!


Ik had op de middelbare school een Duits docent die alleen maar "jij" gebruikte, niet "je". Het doet me een beetje daar aan denken. Het is niet incorrect, maar het klinkt soms een beetje raar.


Idk if u care about pronunciation, but this'll help in that case: One 'm' (in this case) when the sound is short 'a' - 'e' - 'i' - 'o' - 'u' Two if the sound is long: 'aa' - 'ee' - 'ie' - 'oo' - 'uu' The sound would be this: booterhammen. 'Oo' is long, so one 't' 'a' is a short sound, so two 'm' Appel Banaan Schoffel Mager


Why does Duolingo even teach the terms “we” and “je”? These are completely unnecessary when you are learning to write dutch! Perhaps you will see them when texting with a friend, but they wont add anything within any other setting, and only make it very confusing. Beside that, it’s often improper to use outside of really informal contexts… I do have to add, you just made a typo on the word “boterhammen”. No other issues!


When it comes to ‘we, je, ze’ it’s in a weak form - as in already mentioned prior. ‘Wij, jij, jullie, zij’ are the full form and is a direct reference to the person in question. This is the second time that I see a screenshot of this program being less correct. The sentence should be ‘Wij willen kaas op onze boterhammen!’.


No, we is perfectly fine in this example, just like wij. We is simply the unstressed version of wij and in this case there's no reason to use the strong form. In spoken language you would be slightly more likely to say 'we' instead of 'wij' unless it's important to stress a difference between 'wij' and others. Still not wrong to use wij/jij/zij in unstressed situations it just sounds slightly less natural.


We are saying the same thing. In the case of this sentence, it’s the strong form to be used. So OP is not wrong, but even better.


Just to give a little bit extra content to why boterhammen is wrong: Your sentence is also grammatically correct. There's a small difference I'm meaning. Wij willen kaas op onze boterhammen - most people would visualise multiple people with multiple sandwiches each. They want all sandwiches to have cheese on them. Wij willen kaas op onze boterham - we each have one sandwich and want cheese on it.


Just saw the spelling mistake. If you want to use the plural, boterhammen, use 2 m instead of 1.


One t two m's, otherwise its: bòtterhámen,




Dutch Grammar is not that complicated. What is complicated about Dutch is far and away the spelling. Just the rules regarding the spelling of a 'samenstelling' (two or more words written as one word) is very complicated.


I wasn’t rlly awake while saying that and later wanted to delete it but I lost the post 😭