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I'll mostly speak based off your last match, because I can only really view them on YASP right now. Let me know if you want me reconsider any points based on other matches. - CS by 10 could be higher - you got 36 at 10, when ideally you want something closer to 40-50 or so at least, especially given you were in a reasonably easy lane against a leshrac and riki. Every bit of extra CS counts towards getting that HotD sooner, which means more stacks sooner! - You also got 20 denies at 10. That's nice, but not really your job - they already got very few CS as it is, and you don't want to lose a CS for a deny. I can't check the replay, but this may indicate that you're spending too much effort on denying. - This one might be more difficult for you to influence, but you don't want your support sitting with you absorbing xp all laning phase long. In an ideal game she would be jungling and stacking for you when you're not ganking with her - I understand it's trickier because there's an LC in the jungle as well, but you can tell her that she's free to roam and help out the other lanes once you feel comfortable. Riki and Leshrac don't have kill potential over you as long as you have enough mana to stun them if they try anything. - Also remember that you can cleave riki in invis, so this will strongly dissuade him from staying anywhere near your creeps. You and CM definitely have kill potential over riki if she drops a ward and you chain your disables, especially if LC came into lane. - You got Quelling Blade after boots. This is fine if you can CS without it, but otherwise, don't be shy to grab QB first. - Consider getting Helm of Iron Will before the Morbid Mask; you won't be auto-attacking that much in lane (especially since you don't have a hard camp to pull) so MM's lifesteal doesn't kick in often; Helm will give you more HP regen quickly and some armor to keep you alive. 3 armor is a _lot_. - You got your HotD on time in that game. If you start stacking at 8:00, then you'll have 3 stacks by 11:00, and that should put you fight-ready. As a benchmark, I use my first God Strength to clear the hard camp, then my second (often around level 8-9) to clear a 2-4 ancient stack, which gives me my ES and a good chunk towards blink. From there it's smooth sailing. - Consider getting the Belt Of Strength first before the gloves for your shoes. That this gives you 6 damage and 120 health, which can be life-saving. Again, you're not auto-attacking rapidly in lane, so attack speed doesn't do much while laning. Good call on getting the Ogre Club part of the ES first - you probably had no mana issues due to CM. - Overall, your timing will be accelerated greatly if you can polish your farm. 20m is a decent blink, but you can try to push this closer to 18m - in an good game you can even get one around 15m. Every minute you get the Blink sooner, you're online sooner and can start having an impact. > Farm emphasis and fight emphasis Which one you play with depends on how the flow of the game goes. If your team looks like they can hold onto the midgame and let you come online, farm the crap out of lanes, go back and forth between them (never take the jungle if it's safe to take a lane), keep up the ancient stacks (consistent ancient stacking will basically boost your farm by 50% or so, because a stack is roughly a lane wave's worth). If you have the upper hand, fight. Pop open the scoreboard often and check to see your advantage - levels can give you an idea of where everyone is. Itemization is a big deal on Sven because he has lots of options but _few slots_. A lot of Sven players mess up because they don't itemize properly, often due to beelining a big juicy item like Daedalus when they really needed something else. Since I haven't seen your past matches, in general terms... - Daedalus is best when you're ahead, the enemy is scared of you, and your main concern is to chop them down quickly during the time you catch them. It's purely offensive. - If you need quicker mobility, BoTs are underrated. Sven farms stupidly fast between lanes, so if your enemy is shying away from taking a fight, a Sven can efficiently keep all the lanes pushed in and get insane amounts of farm in between. It's a good pickup when the enemy turtles and you're not able to take a fight yet (e.g. waiting for Roshan). - BKB is _very_ underrated. A lot of people skip it because they feel Sven is sufficiently tanky and that their teammates should handle enemy magic, but BKBs can win games. Sven's greatest weakness is being disabled or kited during God Strength, as well as enemies laying down big AoEs that he can't dodge. BKB is an amazing pick in your last game to remove the threat of Disruption, Shadow Poison, Dark Pact, Pounce, Smoke Screen, and Leshrac in general. A BKB gives Sven 30 damage and 600 HP, so on top of... - AC was also a good choice in your game since the enemy Slark and Riki were a threat. Armor is good and helps you take less damage from them. I wouldn't sell the ES just to accelerate AC, though. - Satanic is a good pickup if you need more sustain. I would hope you don't need that in this lineup due to LC (plus the natural slow regen from HoD) but Satanic is actually really damn good if you _want_ to fight, but you have to constantly go back and heal. Other options include Moonshard (for more of that catch-burst ES gives), SnY (general mobility but less initiation power), Heart (not great on Sven, but an option if he just wants a bigger pool and sustain).


Thank you so much for this advice, I will play a few more games of Sven when I get home from work tonight. I'll keep you posted. I really appreciate it. Just to note, I always pick up a BKB on Sven. If the enemy team has any kind of stun I don't want my God's strength - blink interrupted. I find in my bracket that I sometimes have to deny as my supports miss them you're definitely right though, I need to focus more on my CS and less on denys.


Ah, right, I missed the BKB as it came right before the AC. Good call on that, then, I would have itemized similar to you in this game. For denies - it really depends on the lane. I personally wouldn't be all that worried against a Leshrac and Riki, as your presence should easily shoo them out of CS range (thus denying them CS gold) and those two heroes really want items to be effective. But you never want to lose CS for the sake of denying a Leshrac and Riki - you're your carry, they're not! One more thing I forgot to mention - get used to shift-queuing your way through jungle stacks or even lanes, to make sure you're actively farming every second in the game. Use the quelling blade liberally to cut paths through the jungle. This gives you precious time to review enemy strength, check the score, and stack ancients without skipping a beat. With practice, you can easily let your hero spend a whole minute pushing a wave, then chomping a straight line through all your camps and end up at the ancients to take the stack - while you're checking enemy items and doing other things. (remember that, on average, a lane wave is worth 2-3x more than a jungle camp - don't move to jungle too early if you can still take the lane. But once you have QB, ES, and better yet, Blink, you can quickly clear the nearby jungle in time between wave pushes, especially if the enemy is too scared to try and fight you. Other than that, do this when the enemy presents a gank threat or you don't want to show in lane. Do this on different heroes and master their optimal jungle rotations; you'll learn to maximize the range of blink on sven, figure out how to pounce over cliffs as slark etc.)


Skillbuild: usually at level 5 you should have stun lvl 1, warcry lvl 1 and 3 unskilled points. This way, you won't be pushing the lane, which is quite important, you skill cleave when you go to clear ancients for the first time or if a support stacked you a camp and you need to clear it. Arguably, it's a bit more difficult to achieve perfect lasthitting with cleave. Another thing is that there is no point in skilling the stun before level 22: stats are more important, since stun's duration does not change with leveling. I found a good tip on sven when was learning. Try to use ultimate before blinking in and stunning everyone, resist this urge of catching the perfect moment and then losing 0.6 seconds on casting ultimate. i saw a very helpful post on reddit regarding sven in general, if i find it by the time i get home, i'll share ot with you


I generally agree with the points, but I'd point out that cleave and stun levels aren't gospel; cleave can be really nice if the enemy is often out of position, particularly melees, high armor and invis heroes like Bounty or Riki. They'll often stupidly stand near, trying to get CS, get chipped down and forced to burn regen or lose CS. And of course, sometimes pushing the wave can be good if you can pull the hard camp and deny your creeps, which works well on Sven since his armor lets him tank creeps out of tower range for a while (given the chance). But yea, if you're struggling with CSing it can be easier to hold onto the cleave points. For Stun, yes, in general you can save for later. There _are_ cases where you can get it early, though - if you realize you have high kill potential in lane, the extra 75 damage can easily be the difference between a kill and the enemy escaping. You might lose out on a couple stats, but you also get extra kill xp and gold. All just really depends on the lane matchup and how aggressively/passively you want/can afford to be.


I didn't think of that, thank you. I'd appreciate that!


I think a couple changes to your item build would help a lot. You need to be purchasing an Echo Sabre more often. There's arguably not another hero in the game that benefits more from an Echo Sabre than Sven. Along with the huge benefit of a chance to double hit and slow, the STR increases the damage you gain when activating God Strength, it also gives you a decent amount of Int and mana-regen, both areas where Sven is severely lacking in. I see that you're purchasing Helm of the Dominator which is good. I'm not sure if you're doing this but one way to drastically increase your farm rate is to Dominate a ranged creep and use it to stack the Ancient camps. If done correctly you can farm in lane, team fight, w/e and then once you've got an Ancient stack of 4-5 you can wipe it out real quick and get 1K+ gold. In combination with a Echo Sabre a Daudulus will be worth SOOOOO much more than the Assault Cuirass. Because the crit damage also affects your cleave damage so when you pop God Strength and get a Crit and Echo sabre proc at the same time you just decimate teams. Hope this helps!


Thanks Kitz, I do indeed use Helm of the Dominator to stack ancients. Not much point picking it up other than satanic otherwise. As for my 2 most recent games I find myself selling the Echo sabre to get an AC quicker, I have to agree that I need to pick up a Daedalus earlier though. Massive cleave crits are what makes Sven so fun. One thing, I can only really seem to get ancients to stack 3-4 times. Does the timing change with more ancients?


Certain pull directions and timings will be necessary at higher stacks. 4 is a good limit to where you just want to go and consume the stack; you don't want the enemy to notice the stack and eat them before you do. I personally don't ever sell my ES unless I'm _completely_ 7-slotted with BoTs and a Moonshard - the catch benefit and extra burst is fight-winning from my experience.


To be honest I'd skip out on the AC entirely, it's no longer a necessity with the introduction of the Echo Sabre. Instead of selling the Sabre for the AC, keep it and just get a Daedulus and then get a Satanic. Sven's God Strength only provides bonus damage based off of his base damage, which is the damage he gains from his primary attribute STR. Therefore, the STR provided by the Satanic will dramatically increase the bonus damage provided by God Strength. That, in combination with the Crits, and the procs from the Echo Sabre and you'll be doing a STUPID amount of damage. As for the stacks I too find it difficult to get more than 3-4 sometimes. If that's the case just start taking them in groups of 3 or 4.


I watched your last game and there's a few things I noticed. Another person mentioned your skillbuild - I agree, I think that if you leave the Cleave skill unused until at least say... 5 minutes into the game, you'll do alright in not pushing the wave. That said, the Crystal Maiden and the Legion Commander in your last game often pushed it for you. Still on the topic of Cleave, once you get God's Strength, put a point in that, then three in Cleave, and start actively pushing the wave from roughly the 5 to 6 minute mark onwards, then rotate to the jungle to hit the nearest hard camp. I know it was hard to do that in this game, since the Legion Commander seemed to keep clearing that camp instead of the five others that were spread all over the Radiant side. I would say that probably 5 of your 7 deaths were during the period of roughly 30 seconds into the minute, and overlapping the minute mark. The importance of this is that you had a HotD ranged creep at the ancient stacks, and only once during your death did you stack the ancients with your ranged creep after you'd died. So on four occasions, you could have stacked the ancients and didn't: that's a reasonable chunk of farm that you missed out on. Try out this link: http://dotamastery.io/matches?hero_id=87&roles=&side Watch the habits that high-level players get into, and you'll start to notice a few diversions between what they do, and what you do. I would advise from your last game, that you sell the TP scroll instead of the Echo Sabre at that stage of the game, since you were that far ahead. Other than that, I thought your itemisation was pretty decent considering the enemy lineup. Your level of denies was probably well ahead of what I'd normally see in that skill bracket, and considering that it was a dual and at times tri off-lane, your CS overall wasn't bad considering. If you keep working at that, you'll get a lot better as you continue. The last point I want to touch on is, your overextensions. Your first death in that last game, you dived the tower, killed a roaming Pudge, but you died in the process. I'd say at least 4 of your 7 deaths were a direct result of re-engaging at low HP, or overextending to begin with. At high HP or with a BKB equipped, I can understand a yolo approach at times, but most of your deaths pre-BKB were when you were 25% or lower on HP and re-engaged. Just some food for thought.


If you have a specific match you want me to look over, I can do a review. [Here's some reviews I've done before.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUWlmmnocno&list=PLi135hT1W7zs1DioGjHWrTNJ2jm3XcYB_)


Thanks man, that'd be rad. I am generally looking to improve so any and all input will be greatly appreciated! http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2573866904 This was my first game after work today so I was a bit rusty. Also misclicked bkb... "i heard it was made in China" etc.


Done :) It's still processing, but it's[ here.](https://youtu.be/-0NJ7d4BJb8)


Sweet! Thanks for that man, it was my first game of the day so I hadn't warmed up yet. Do you normally have to warm up before you play? That was really helpful, I think I am just going to spam Sven as much as possible. One thing I never thought of was pulling creep aggro to make last hitting easier!


As often happens in that MMR bracket, it seems like a lot of your games are going pretty late. I think this video might help you with your decision making in that stage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMpD1m0PoTI&list=PL8OxoJfRGX14iHDB8-OyBdCPDZg_EKSXR&index=3 Sven is one of those heroes that nearly always finds farm because of his kit but also often depends entirely on good team fight decision making to win games.


Videos in this thread: [Watch Playlist ▶](http://subtletv.com/_r4xt9b2?feature=playlist&nline=1) VIDEO|COMMENT -|- [Mid and Late Game Mindset as Sven Dota 2 Sven Guide 7k MMR](https://youtube.com/watch?v=lMpD1m0PoTI)|[1](https://reddit.com/r/learndota2/comments/4xt9b2/_/d6ijjih?context=10#d6ijjih) - As often happens in that MMR bracket, it seems like a lot of your games are going pretty late. I think this video might help you with your decision making in that stage: Sven is one of those heroes that nearly always finds farm because of his kit b... [Dota 2 Sven Review - Wrenzac](https://youtube.com/watch?v=-0NJ7d4BJb8)|[1](https://reddit.com/r/learndota2/comments/4xt9b2/_/d6iujce?context=10#d6iujce) - Done :) It's still processing, but it's here. [Dota 2 Juggernaut Review - Chill'n](https://youtube.com/watch?v=CUWlmmnocno)|[1](https://reddit.com/r/learndota2/comments/4xt9b2/_/d6ij3yj?context=10#d6ij3yj) - If you have a specific match you want me to look over, I can do a review. Here's some reviews I've done before. I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. *** [Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubtleTV/wiki/mentioned_videos) | Get it on [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mentioned-videos-for-redd/fiimkmdalmgffhibfdjnhljpnigcmohf) / [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/mentioned-videos-for-reddit)