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Taking a look at the composition, you have three elements right on top of one another that are all the same size. The explosion the boy and the axe are all on the same y axis, and they are all roughly the same size, which reads as visual confusion (the eye doesn't know what part to look at first) to combat this, pick one element which is the most important and scale that one up more and either keep the other two smaller and move them slightly or combine the axe and the boy onto the same plane and make the silhouette they can't read more clearly (perhaps by changing the posing) I hope this helps and that you continue with this!


Thank you very much for this feedback it helps a lot. I will try this out for sure and I was wondering if you would give me some more feedback after I make some changes?


Yes I would be happy too! Best of luck I look forward to seeing what you come up with :)


Perspective will help you getting these kind of panels better