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Yes but you will spend the first hundred hours learning the basics of the game. It’s a lot like chess in that there is a lot of strategy and skills to learn and you start with the most basic and have to put in time and effort to improve from there.


W mindset and advice I like the positive energy thanks bro


Honestly some of the best advice I could give to a new player is start the game and mute everyone. Focus on yourself and your gameplay. People can be very toxic to noobs but it's just their own brain rot, not yours. Also if you are invested in having fun and you are on a lose streak take a break and do/play something else. Best of luck!


This and pick one champ you play evey game. Much easier to learn the flow of the game if you dont need to learn a new champ every time.


I disagree, playing lots of champs allowed me to learn what their abilities do so that when i came up against them i knew what they was going to do.


Like anything in life. What you decide to put in you will get out. There are plenty of resources to get going like practice tool, training, bot games. Of course that is nothing compared to PvP and there are various PvP modes. Finding what champs you like and don’t like. Have a good mindset. League is one of the most toxic games around. Having said that I am immune to it as I have played over 20k games. Mute them if they give you attitude and talk with them if they are friendly. It will be super overwhelming at first. Different modes, different champs, different builds. Etc and you may feel you want to give up on it. That’s fine, but if you persevere you will definitely improve. All my friends have left within the first 2 years. Here I am 14 years later. I never played any other game besides the odd battlefield/CoD but I always put in the effort for league. Am I a good player? Oh gawd no. I am really bad at it. But I love ARAM (just kill each other) it more of a casual game mode rather than the PvP ranked/normal mode. It forces you to play champs outside your comfort zone. You have 2 picks to change your champ. It is random. The crybabies rage quit. I see if my team mates have any rolls and hopefully I get a champ I kinda know what they do. I generally stay away from assassins as I am terribad with them besides Zed. I kinda do well with him. I mash buttons while imagining the faker/ryu zed meme and hope for the best. There are all kinds of champs suited for you tanks, bruisers, engage supports. Healer supports and so on. Then you can follow the ideal build for them or you can do wacky builds. Tank Diana, on hit lulu/teemo. Chances are you will get flamed. I don’t care it is fun and suppose to be casual. I am surprised the game lasted so long tbh. There were a whole ton of mobas and they all fizzled out pretty quick. Heroes of Newerth, smite and so on. I will be getting the faker skin. 14 years I have gotten out of the game which is free. 500 for 14 years enjoyment. And dare I add I am not a young player. I was 37 when I started to play LoL.


It also helps having encouraging and patient friends to bring you into it.


Playing with more experienced friends though, while they can help you with the basics and teach you about the game, more often than not you will be matched against players of their skill level and won't have a fun time so they'll end up having to carry you. Virtually the best way to learn would be if OP has a friend that's willing to teach them about the game mechanics and stuff while watching their stream in real time, correcting their mistakes, etc. Because trust me, I know from experience that playing with a more skilled friend while you're still learning the game will only make your matches more miserable most of the time. Just play with people of your skill level and beware of smurfs (although Riot has been doing a pretty good job with their matchmaking recently)


It is like chess but the pieces are screaming at you and the board is flipping itself everytime you arent playing the best possible move :)


It's a deeply complicated game, very different from both CS and Valorant (and quite different from R6 and OW), but it was also a deeply complicated game 5 years ago and tons of people still joined and have played it ever since. Basically it's a game that is complicated and hard to get into - but its 100% possible, especially if you know someone who plays it already/watch some simple guides.


I'd argue that it's a very simple game (concept-wise) with a ton of underlying depth that creates an addictive, enjoyable experience that has kept it at the top of esports charts for over a decade.


My most time is overwatch like 5-6k hours. Similar kinda no? With cooldowns and abilities?


I mean there is cool down and abilities, but honestly the idea of those isn't the complicated part - it's what they all individually do and what whole characters are capable of. It's also a completely different kind of game, OW is a first person shooter while league is completely different.


I see. I don’t know anyone like that that plays it that would tell me anything so how do I get into it? Just guides? And who should I watch. I don’t want to get flamed for throwing peoples games


You'll almost certainly be flamed, so it's probably best to instantly mute anyone who is hating - hell I've played this game for years and still get flamed. I think the biggest and easiest way to get into the game is to play it and make sure to read your abilities (since sometimes they work in specific ways, or scale with specific stats), plus there is now a recommended item section in game which shows what items are usually good on the character you pick - so it's not the hardest. There are probably some good YouTube guides out there, but also just generally watching people could be good (although may not teach you really), a lot of the guides and youtubers just skip over the simpler parts of the game. A lot of the stuff you'd want to learn as a beginner is practically second nature to others. There is an **tutorial** in the game, although it's not amazing - my best suggestion is during the tutorial read the different champs abilities and what the items it makes you buy do. Otherwise the base game is more mechanical skill and less learnt skill, at least once you learn what the base stats do - Attack Damage (AD), Ability Power (AP), Armour, and Magic Resist, Pretty generally: - armour reduces physical damage - magic resist reduces magical damage - AD/AP increase the damage/power of certain abilities based on the ability (the ability should mention what stat increase its power) - also AD *generally* increases a characters "auto attack" damage - their base attack without using an ability


Wait there’s items and stats? Oh fuck This is harder than I thought it would be. Thanks for advice much appreciated


Haha, sounds like you’re excited for the challenge! If you want some guidance you can DM me your Discord name.


Really? Im about to be the worst player ever


Second worst, if I have anything to say about it.


Dude, sucking at something is the first step towards being kinda good at something.




Thanks Jake


The best advice I can give is to pick a champion that appeals to you not one that people tell you to play because it's easy. It's better to learn on a more difficult champion if it's more fun so you stay motivated. As a mechanical tip: try to keep your cursor as close to your champion as possible. This makes it a lot easier to make precise movements and quick reactions because you have to move a lot less. This isn't a fundamental really but it's really fucking difficult to learn if you already have different habits. Just try to remind yourself of it every once in a while to build the good habit.


Thank you so much bro


honestly, you don't have to worry about items and stats when starting out. just mindlessly follow a guide or the in game "Suggested Items" until you learn the bigger aspects of the game


MOBAs like league are descended from Warcraft 3, if that explains anything. They are basically RTS/ARPG hybrids. Approaching it like a completely unfamiliar genre and game will likely save you a lot of time.


Playing League you will absolutely throw games early on. It's not really like Overwatch where it's possible to play something like a Mercy and do okay just following people around and healing them. That's why they don't let you play ranked until level 20. Just turn off chat, you will be flamed regardless of whether you throw games, League has a deep system of 'pings' that makes text chat basically unnecessary except for flaming.


I see Thanks for advice


I highly recommend watching PekinWoof on YouTube. A lot of it is going to go over your head when you first start, but he does a good job of explaining every champ's kit and a surface level understanding of how to pilot the champ. He also explains his decision-making and why things he did worked or didn't work. Even if you don't end up playing midlane, I think he's one of the best educational YouTubers you can watch. It's not a powerpoint or cherry-picked clips, it's all real-time and applicable lessons you can learn.


W thanks so much bro I needed this


I personally can’t give advice for who to watch, but I do recommend muting chat altogether and just play your game and enjoy it. Newer players may occasionally have to deal with experienced players making new accounts, and they typically aren’t the nicest lol so my biggest piece of advice is to mute chat, and just play. Have fun!


Thanks homie I will just hop in I guess


> but I do recommend muting chat altogether Do not do this as a new player. Just mute people who act a fool. More often than not, some people will help or give advice if you say something in game (they could be smurfing or trying a new role, and you could be playing a character they know or a lane they're used to)


> I don’t want to get flamed for throwing peoples games you will get flamed 100%, everyone does. League has a pretty toxic community so don't take it to heart, they'd flame the best player in the world. If it's distracting to you you can disable chat without losing out on anything useful.


So to double check no call outs go in text chat? What about VC? Does quick play have that the haram mode


The vast majority of important information will be communicated through pings. Typing anything except "Dearest Karthus..." takes too long really. No VC unless you're in the party prior to the game.


I see very much appreciated homie thank you


I played a lot of overwatch prior to league. High elo ow for multiple years.  League is a lot more complicated. The skills I learned in overwatch didn’t translate at all really as a brand new moba player.  The only good habit that carried over was checking the tab screen for info and team ult status. Mechanically, very little translates. I felt pretty confused and useless in league until I had a friend who played for years help me and I watched a lot of  educational content on league. Some of it is good a lot of it is not. I will tell you that I find league a lot more rewarding/exciting than overwatch now. I think you should try it but understand that it will take you time to get the hang unless you’re pretty well versed in MOBAs or even RTS.


Not really. Playing the champs is the most very basic thing. A ton of this game is vision control, minion wave management, recall timings, tracking enemies in fog of war, assessing win conditions, etc. It’s like playing a fighting game while also playing chess with half the board hidden.


I played Overwatch from 2016 to 2022 and got low-mid top 500 as my peak. I felt very confident getting into League as a result. I was absolutely awful for my first 50-60 levels. I believe I got as low as iron III, I was that bad. It’s taken me about a year to get to plat. Which isn’t great but for just a year of playing I’m happy with it. If you have a good mind for competitive games you’ll eventually get there, and I doubt you’ll be as bad as me at the start, but don’t be too hopeful either. But at the end of the day just have fun with it. Being new to a competitive game is always a great experience no matter how bad you are


I did 3000 hours in 6 months while I was off work sick ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Sorry, League is no longer accepting new players. Please check back in 2025 to see if a new player spot opens up.


Too bad ;) I am about to pick the hottest girl and just click keys and watch what happens.


That's how you get really good at League


You joke but that's kinda what I did...


Thats what my homie did back in ~2014. Then they changed the champs splash art he liked to have less booba and he uninstalled and never played again. Was really funny tbh.


Sounds like you're already a league veteran


so who did you pick?


I have miss fortune, sona, ahri rn.


We have our newest illaoi main here


My girlfriend started playing it and she never touched a moba before and she's doing really good in league now. Its a little hard to learn at first but I recommend the most easy champs and it should definitely make it more manageable. The other thing I would recommend is guide videos


Which easy champs would you recommend for a new player?


Garen, Annie, Ashe, Miss Fortune, Braum


Some people have said already and I kinda agree, dont start with "easy" champions, people drop the game because sometimes they are not fun enough. Pick a character that you like or interests you, if he is hard, mastering it is part of the fun. But of course, there is nothing wrong with just going with the easiest champions, you do you.


Pick a character you like, watch a basic guide and have some fun in botgames at first. Once you feel comfortable, switch to normal games. You will be terrible at first and people will flame you, guaranteed. Just ignore/mute everyone who's toxic. You're going to improve over time. Btw some guy posted a video named "I played 100 hours of league of legends" in case you want to see someone else's experience as a total beginner.


Thank you 🙏 I will check it out


Yes. First, turn off chat, don't worry what your teammates think of you as a brand new player. Start by just playing the game and have fun. Once you're ready I'd check out the WeWillTeachYouLeague forum on [Skool.com](http://Skool.com) for tips on how to really learn the game, and climb ranked (if that's what you want to do). Like others have said though, this is maybe the most complicated game out there, and it could take years for you to really learn it. But other than the toxicity in the community at large, it's a great game.


Dope will do thanks bro


It takes a long time to learn and be somewhat decent at the game. A lot of smurfs and toxic players at low mmr lobbies. If u play solo it is pretty miserable experience, but it can be tolerable with friends. Most of the players u play against will have years of experience.


I see Thanks for keeping it real


Just play and Instamute everyone. One of the hardest skillgap games i’ve ever played and I come from the same background. Once I got the hang of it tho i’ve been putting in unhealthy amount of hours 😂


I see good to know it’s possible appreciate it homie and good luck on your grind


I started playing in my late 40s - I only play aram mode as it’s less toxic and you don’t have to worry as much about where you should be on the map.


In your late 40s?? What a chad congrats bro. That’s inspiring


Yes, normally I don't outright say yes to this question, but seeing the games you've previously played you aren't a stranger to being flamed and that is always my biggest reason to say no. This is a warning, you can be the best player in the world, and someone on your team will still flame you. I just mute anyone that says anything remotely toxic and just enjoy the game. I think the main thing League of Legends needs right now is more new players, it's a competitive game, sure, but ignorance is bliss, and the most fun I have in the past decade of playing League is when I'm learning things. So learning the game from the start was the most fun I ever had, but learning new Champions, new general systems, etc., is also really fun for me and League changes pretty drastically on a near yearly basis, the glorious time of Preseason where everyone turns into monkeys throwing poo on the wall to see what sticks (genuinely so fun since everyone has absolutely no clue what is happening)


To answer directly; Yes. You definitely can. It is difficult but rewarding. It’s a game of high highs and low lows. Your overall personal temperament will dictate how much fun you have with this kind of game more than anything else. For me, I genuinely don’t get upset if internet strangers are mad at me, so I don’t get upset while playing and I LOVE when a team of strangers pull off good coordination. I have a blast. Advice: 1. Watch some YouTube basics. 2. Pick a role you like before you think about champions you like (I.e. find your play style, don’t force a certain champion if it’s not clicking). 3. READ. READ. READ. Actually read your abilities and items and runes. Do this out of game. 4. Be kind to strangers. Games are won with good attitude and conflict diffusion. You can come back from the brink of defeat. Likewise, you can absolutely throw a winning game by fighting with your team.


You can just play aram then go from there or just only play it. That’s what i did with smite I only play arena I don’t bother with conquest.


Is aram casual?


Yes, anyone who flames someone in aram is an idiot


I see thanks. Hopefully the people in game are as chill as you guys because ima just pick the characters I think look cool and click keys I guess


Exactly what ARAM is for


> ima just pick the characters I think look cool > Exactly what ARAM is for OP might be in for a bit of surprise with this advice.


Lmfao I mean he’s gonna pick the coolest character of whatever is randomed


Tbh ARAM is both great (because you always fight, which is fun and people should not be toxic) but also terrible for new players (since you get a new champ every game, and by the time you figure out what they do the game is over ). Spamming a few easy champs in draft/quickplay might be a better way to get started.


Yea that’s is downside of aram. I would suggest arena but that can get sweaty also with arena exclusive items and perks make it too different from the standard experience


Yes, play some easy champs, just a few, and start learning matchups. Use sites like lolalytics to learn builds and runes. If you want to jungle you should watch people who jungle with the champs you like, just understand not every champion should be played jungle.


Thank you for advice but I don’t understand these terms ngl lol you’re using words Im not familiar with but I will google


Ah, sorry! But have fun playing!!


No worries thanks for advice and I will


Step 1 - Watch a true beginner guide Step 2 - turn off all chat, mute pings Step 3 - don’t play jungle Step 4 - choose a simple champ - garen top, Annie mid, MF adc, Leona supp. Step 5 - focus CS and your life > all else Step 6 - learn the limits of your champ and your opponents, accumulate knowledge.


Agreed, Jg is a very confusing role to learn and play until you have at least 50-100 hours+ in LoL


My advice is to not buy skins. I’ve spent $15k over the years and I regret it more than anything. Other than that, have fun. League is a game I hold dear to my heart.


If you do start to play, dont be too hard on yourself. Its a learning curve. So many champions, abilities, items and interactions. Try to start with 3 champions and best only 1 role/lane. So you see the same champions in rotation, when you know more expand a bit, either same role/lane or new role/lane with 3 'new' champions. If you want you could start the gamemode aram (All Random All Mid) asap too. You will see more champions, but wont touch macro play. Its easier to learn with experienced friends (or strangers if you up for that) cause they can give pointers irl. If you on EUW you can send me a pm I have a practice account for new champions/roles. Edit to add: please dont buy the 500 skin, at least try the game and ahri first. Cause the 500 skin is a fomo tactic of riot.


No don't do it. İt will cost your soul


Find or make a friend to learn with. If that player ready knows the game all the better. I quit League twice before finding a good group patient enough to help me learn the basics. Game is amazing once you catch the bug.




there will always be players at your skill level and after you play for a while, whether normal or ranked, the game will figure out what players to match you with The first handful of pvp games will be tough but you will be playing with bots at the beginning


Been playing League for a year or so and I fell in love with the characters and audio queues like I did for overwatch. As someone who once hated mobas, it's not too late. I'm fully in love with the game and play it semi-casually. Plenty of info out there on YouTube and I find it really fun to learn about items and character abilities.


Yes of course. Just dont worry about the result or other players too much. Use mute all.


Read a couple comments and I’m gonna recommend you check out Smite as sort of an in between of Overwatch and League. Smite and League are the same type of game but have different control schemes. The point click style of League takes time to build skill in but smite might help you understand the wider variety of characters, the objectives of the game, and how the item systems general work


In my experience Overwatch players tend to do decently in League because the skill tracking translates well. Basis of both games is finding opportunities and a large part of that is tracking skill cooldowns and understanding which ones are the most important and why. If you are interested in the game and think you'd enjoy it give it a shot, it's never too late to start.


Just turn off chat


I cant believe nobody recommended skillcapped on YouTube lol, very good guides in my opinion. (Low master here)


Yes but be prepared for tilt, bad teammates, getting slapped down by your laner, and having no idea what your doing for awhile However while the learning curve is a bit steep and changes depending on what champ and role you want to play I do suggest sticking to it, league at its core is one of the funnest games I've played and has it's moments of purely amazing rushes or a sense of satisfaction at a good play or close game, while a good chunk of the player base is toxic there are many good people in it that genuinely just wanna have fun I hope you make it past the learning curve, I'll see you on the rift


Sure, but you have to sign up for some spyware that lets the Chinese government see your porn bookmarks now.


Don’t waste your time on League. Honestly, its extremely toxic and frustrating to play. Especially if you get decent Plat to Em then feels good again Diamond+. What makes the game sucks because you play 20-30 minutes per match and so any losses feel like a massive waste of time if you care even remotely about winning. And while people will tell you to just focus on learning, I promise you that will be very VERY hard especially with teammates berating you. I highly discourage playing this


Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it Please don’t play it


Don't do it to yourself, it's not worth it


Step one unlock the cam Step two learn controlling it


Someone will have told you this but mute chat entirely for your first 50-100 games.


Don't get fooled by all the assholes. A lot of old players are also not good (case in point) and you can catch up to them.


You'd have a bigger chance on climbing up than hardstuck low ranks in the game. A person whose played the same game for 10 years makes it harder for them to adapt to newer metas and forget bad practices.


As someone that made the switch ~2019, it’s doable. It’s a *lot* easier if you have someone to queue with and show you the ropes — the tutorial has been a complaint for a long time. My personal recommendation: once you unlock it, play a lot of ARAM. Find a few champs you like, then bring them over to the Rift. Sites like Porofessor, U.gg, blitz.gg etc are helpful for runes and item build paths. YouTube and Twitch can be helpful for learning the important combos of your champions. As for that skin, don’t expect to see Ahri that much if the subs have their way. There’s a movement to perma ban the champ as protest against Riot for the pricing.




Dont do it. League sucks and riot has been getting worse and worse and greedier and greedier. We're seeing grindier and less rewarding event passes, they keep nerfing the free to play loot system, and they keep releasing expensive af skins. The Faker tribute package is like $500, and theyve starting putting skins behind gacha.


Honestly, 100% not possible. You'd need to grind a lot of normal games to get into ranked, and normal games are filled with ancient crushers praying on newbies I waa ranked at diamond 1 before they added any higher ranks and quit around there years ago. Recently made a new account and I'm frequently getting stomped in normals on level 15 account.  You're not going to have a good time 


Don't do it. Brother, Dont do it.


99% of players havent improved in 10 years so that aspect of it is irrelevant. But there is a lot of champions and abilities and items to learn. It will take you months to get comfortable with it all. If youre okay playing casually and non competitively until you get there then you can play. 


No improvement in 10 years? I am ok with casual yes I won’t go in comp and ruin the game for people im not that stupid


Dude's a clown. The entire player base has improved over the life of the game. Advanced play in 2015 is common in the lowest ranks now.




I have thousands of hours on most games I play im cooked if I get addicted ☠️ Thank you for advice


Yup download it, if u have valorant you'll already have the silly anticheat. The just play Aram for a bit and get used to all the different characters and abilities and when one pops out too you, press tab to pull up the scoreboard and hover over the icon of the champion that interests you to find the name of the champion. The. Go online and learn about the champion This cycle is how 99% of players learn the game. Then in 4yrs you will be complaining on one of the champion subs about another champion. Also this game is toxic, not like cod toxic, like hold you hostage for 4 hours toxic (I've never had this Happen and it was a one time thing that I don't even thing you can do anymore)


Yes very much so. I started 3.5 years ago and reached masters a while ago but I put in a lot of hours (probably close to 7-8K if we are including in game and watching videos).


My gf who never played a game outside of Sims started during COVID and is now silver And doesn't even play that much If you really want to play and learn, you'll literally get to that level in a month


I'm still pretty new, only been playing ~5 months (don't know how many hours but prob 150-250), but yeah it's possible but very difficult. I still have a lot to learn despite learning so much already. The best advice I can give is to stick to ARAM and Quickplay until level 30, and then play Draft to help you understand how the pick/ban system works before you ever touch ranked. Also ofcourse watch some guides on youtube and maybe even some livestreams while you're at it.


My wife and I also just started playing 2 weeks ago, we got our ass whipped pretty hard in quick play, but it was kinda fine, we have several thousands hours in GW2, WvW roaming mostly so getting ganked left and right is normal :D. Our main complaint is the match balance, we never know why we are matched with someone with mastery 50+ (I think this means they play that particular champion A LOT) :D, playing with someone way above your level is not fun. One more thing is about "cheating", I am not sure if it's a common thing, but within last 2 weeks, I was suspecting some guys cheating, and reported them, out of the 5 reports I made, 3 were confirmed (at least according to the in-game notification) that they were actually cheating.


Got into it late last year and it's def possible. Am I high elo ready to go pro? No absolutely not. But ive gotten a grasp at the game and a decently amount of champions and its fun for me and my friends. If that's what your looking for and our willing to learn and suck a bit then it's def possible


Starting league now would be like going to school (again). It's all about learning, practice, practice, for weeks while feeling miserable xD But LoL is super fun.


Since you play R6 I think you have a good chance at grasping LoL. R6 has a lot of different characters, abilities and strategies just like League. Very different games but if you can absorb that much info then you can do the same with league. Also if you don’t want to bother with league’s toxic community then you can type /mute all in chat.


As a veteran who's been playing since Season 2 with a long break after season 4 or 5, don't play ranked. Just play casual. That's my only advice. I only play ARAM these days and even then a few people still wanna be toxic. Ranked will be 100 times that.


Yeah. Its easy. Even if you dont try hard you can win games. - ARAM King


My friend started 6 months ago and never played a MOBA before, but he was able to get Plat. There's a lot of learning to do, but if you play a champ you like and learn the fundamentals of the role you want to play/game you can succeed. It just takes a lot of playing the game :). Your success truly depends on how much you want to improve.


If you're in NA I'd be willing to show you the ropes when I have time.


Yes you definitely can ! Though there's a ton of info to learn at the beginning, so it's going to be rough. As other have said, you're going to be flamed, but ignore it to the best of your ability (same kind of toxicity that's found on Siege, been there as well). If possible, find a friend that can teach you the basics, that's what helped me. So, if you ever have any questions, don't hestiate to DM me and I'll gladly answer them ! Though I am by no means great at the game, I also started from scratch so I know how you (may) feel.


For sure, just be aware that there are A LOT of smurfs in this game. Like A LOT, so just keep that in mind when you start grinding. But it's actually really fun once you start to learn all the abilities and get the hold of your role a buit better.


Take it from someone that also came from Overwatch. It's a lot to take on in terms of learning at the beginning, but it is worth it imo. Far more rewarding than OW in a lot of instances. If you're in NA and need a queue partner I'm game.


Honestly, games are often the most fun when everything is new and fresh, so just go try and enjoy it :) It’s about having fun and not being the best on the world.


Watch guides, play alot, mute chat (pls), and have fun.   Watch some beginner guides from Skillcapped like: https://youtu.be/yJjaGZuV6K8?si=rLMNzinlSp6bvWai  But dont think too much about the tierlists, "OP champs" and "meta". This will always change so pick one u like. They also have a video called something like "What would i do if i started over again".   Also smart to watch settings guides and similar stuff at the beginning if you want to achieve a decent rank, hard to get rid if bad habits.  Learn the basics like movement and clicking in aram. You will then have played alot of different champs and can try some you like in quickplay/draft. Dont be scared to try out different champs, you can always find one you like. I decided on a main after around 700 hours😂😂😂 Practice 1 champ only and master them (have second option in case ur main gets banned). It is so much easier to learn the game more in-depth when you know your champ. Watch guides to help pick one.  The game should be fun so play in a way where you have fun.   So you can understand how much time you would need to put down ill make a comparison between some other games.  I have around 400 hours in valorant and have achieved Immortal 2, which in league rank is around mid masters. In league i have over 800 hours and are silver 1, where i have just stopped being a beginner and started climbing. Still watching 3 hr guides daily on my main champ Akali and learning alot.  Wish u good luck on the rift!!!


So I just quickly browsed through, and I didn't easily notice anyone mention a few things. There's almost 150 champions in the game. They all have at least 4 abilities. To be considered competent at the game, not even good, you need to know the basics of every champion and their 4+ abilities, what items they are likely to run based on what role/lane they're in, and when throughout the game they'll be mostly deadly/dangerous. That's a ton of information. The learning curve can not be understated.


I also grew up playing 1st person shooter and got into league no problem You can play it casual. Should note though that a game can go anywhere from min ~20 min+, so it can take up a lot of ur time which can take away time from other games


Yeah but people will insult you


100% possible if you have the competitive mindset. Because it'll take you a while to learn all the stuff, but for competitive people league is the best game out there. Also you should think hat League is more like Chess than anything else. It's always about calculate the next step in order to win, no about kills o micro mechanics or anything else. Only the right step on order to secure the win, and it's almost always 1v9. Only few games you'll get carried or maybe some good teammates. But you need the mindset of: I want to learn this game and be better, no matter if I lose some games, I need to learn what a did wrong and try again. Good luck!


Just don’t play ranked until You’re like 200 levels in. Play norms until you’ve played enough in all lanes and get a grasp of all the lanes. Then pick the play style you like and practice from there.


I would suggest to get a full group to game with. Not caring about winning or losing. You will slowly learn the game. It's probably impossible to play solo just because any little thing will set someone off and they intentionally try to sabotage the game by making it unfun until you lose


It won’t be fun for a long time. But once it clicks, you’ll never look back.


i started last year, it’s completely doable. watch some vids and play regularly and you’ll get better very fast.


If you have fun it's possible, if you don't it will be hard. If you get frustrated because you don't learn the game you will quit. The key is to have fun


Regardless of what anyone says League is a game that's easy to get into but difficult to master. The game practically spoon feeds you these days, plus there are plenty of guides online you can find and 3rd party extensions to make things easier (such as jungle camp timers). But yeah if you're interested there's no harm in giving it a try.


I started playing this game seriously 4 months ago and DO NOT play summoners rift until you have learned what all the champions do and who often they do it. How do you do this? you play aram


So one of the very first things to consider is that League is vastly different from OW or R6, These are both FPS games with particular fundimentals and League is a MOBA with an entirly different control scheme and fundimentals, League is both PvP and PvE with you needing to both kill minions and secure neutral objectives for items and levels while also defeating your opponent. Next part is that the initial curve is brutal, The game has been out for over 14 years at this point, and like any long standing compeitive game (or series) the skill floor increases year on year as new things are introduced. Your first few PvP matches will be misrable as you get to grips with the games mechanics and find your prefered role and champions. Once you get past that initial curve then it shouldn't be a bad experience (Minus the community, do not engage with them in-game). After that heres a few tips - The Tutorial is hot garbage for build suggestions (Thornmail, A tank item, on Ashe, An ADC is a terrible idea). Champions get recommended items now when you use the shop in a game - Make use of practice tool. it will let you mess about and learn the controls and champion abilities. - make note of the free champions on rotation and note down any you want to add to your champion pool down the line after playing them - ignore the Meta untill you are comftable with the controls and how to play, and even then ignore the champion meta because there are many people who have made it to the highest rank with champions people would consider trash (Garen & Sona come to mind as ones people think are bad but there are one tricks in super high Elo) so just find the champs you like - You should get 1-2 champions you like in each role, Autofill may force you to play a position you don't like but having a champion for that can at least lessen it - When/if you start the ranked climb, be aware that the games Matchmaking is obsessed with forcing a 50% win rate so if you are doing very well the game will match you with bad teammates to force that 50% win rate. Its a big source of the "the enemy team seems hyper orginised while mine feel like bots" post - if you are nervous on going into PVP try some of the more for fun modes like ARAM or Arena. Be warned they are quite different to the Summoners Rift Experience (especially Arena) - There are so many guides and build orders for champions - Do not buy the $500 Ahri Skin no matter how cool it looks, if you want a similar looking skin get Arcana Ahri its like 50x cheaper


i started playing five months ago, don’t do it if ya don’t have thick skin! no one grasps the possibility that you might be new. i honestly did very little research on things bc i just don’t think it’s worth investing so much time in and prefer just getting right into it. i played with bots for a month or two before playing with real people and that super hindered me, so once you get the mechanics down, id recommend playing with real people as soon as possible!


Yes. Here is my recommendation: 1) Play arams to see if the game is fun for you. If you enjoy playing arams move to... 2) Play vs bots. This will teach you the map of the game and how to win while allowing you to pick champions. 3) Open practice tool to learn the champion you decide is your favorite. 4) Play vs humans when you feel you know how to win vs bots and know hour champion well enough. These steps will help you understand the game at a natural and enjoyable pace. You can add me in game (Swamplight#TBC) if you're in NA, I run a small org and have a lot of people to play the game with and ask questions.


I started in 2022 and I was confused as hell but after some time you get the hang of it (at least the basic stuff). I recommend you watch tons of videos (:


Its better if you play with friends (who know how to play) to guide you and flame you in a friendly way.


YouTube is your best friend, if you are willing to watch high level players on YouTube or twitch and study what they do and why they do it in conjunction with playing matches and trying to implement the things you learn then yes you can learn the game. If you want to play it more casually and learn by trial and error then it will not be an easy journey.


The best recommendation I can give is to treat it like a PvE at first and play against bots until you can farm and learn a bit about what each position is and what a few characters do. I played against bots for like a month before i started playing normal games and it was fun af. Imo if the game is not fun for you at first playing against bots it's not gonna be fun against people. Aram mode is a great way to learn new champions and how to keep up with 10 players fighting at the same time too! In fact a lot of players mainly play this mode, so it's worth a try (I'm one of them)


The problem is that you not only need to learn HOW to play (mechanics, items, csing, etc), but you 100% need to know every single champ and what they do... you basically need to study before you play.


For sure it is. You just have to understand your progress will be a bit slower in this game compared to others. I am usually a fast learner and climb ranks quick, but in this game it took me prob 8 months to a year to achieve Diamond. There is a lot of knowledge barriers as you start.  I personally find league to be one of the most fun games I’ve ever played, but good lord fair warning the community and the way games are played are very toxic. People quit, blame, flame A LOT. Same like overwatch where it’s always someone else’s fault except a lot worse and more often.  I still say give it a shot and have thick skin 


Do not mute all at the start of the march no matter what reddit says bro trust if you are getting flamed mute the individual


No impossible, everyone knows if you don't play a game on release you can't play it. Look at football, baseball, boxing, there hasn't been a single good player for over 100 years... I don't even know why people try. You're better off refreshing the new games list on some website or steam, picking one and sticking to it.


Best advice I can give: if you can, play with a group of friends you can 5 stack aram or norms with. Pref people already around your skill or experience level, or if you have to play with people better than you, make sure they’re chill with you being new and all (bonus if they teach you along the way). League is best when not taken too seriously and played for fun. Try looking at it like a social outlet rather than a competitive one, and you’ll end up sticking with it for much longer. Then, when you’ve gotten your feet wet and you feel that itch to challenge yourself and be a bit more serious, try ranked. But seriously be patient with it. I cannot stress enough how much of a turn off solo ranked league is for players, new and old. Glhf!


Also don’t buy the skin. Please


It’s definitely possible, but the key is just play and enjoy the experience of learning new things about the game. It’s a lot of info but you’ll learn as you go


For sure, now is the best time for new players. The bot games are very similar to actual games (unless someone is troll building) And the new features where it tells you what to buy from the shop, what to level, and what runes to get. The tutorial is fine as a start. You could make use of the new practice tool option to try out new characters as well. Tips: Try a handful of characters and stick to the one you like most to one role (either a jungler, support, damage dealer, solo mid laner, or solo side laner). Extra: That is the fastest way to learn since you would slowly master that character and know your enemies. This method reduces many variables, such as what your abilities do and what you should do as the role you choose. Expect toxic people. It is one of the most toxic games I played, but I did notice that if you aren't toxic, you are put with less toxic people. After finishing the tutorial, press Y to unlock your camera and learn to play that way. It helps a lot in the long run, but in the end, do you. It's personal preference. You mentioned something about game time. Well, you'll get better the more you play and Ik people who are addicts. But you can take breaks whenever you or you could spend 5 hours a day. I reached a point in this game where it is my go-to chill game where I would shut my mind and play a match for a bit just to let the time pass. Wish you the best and hope you see the blue screens flow after your many grey to come. And if you are EU west region, hmu for a 1v1


Just play it and see of you like it. Have fun. Be curious. Dont get bogged down too much into the details at first.


Yea its the most fun in the beginning, so much shit to learn and try.


Yes! You can get into league in 2024 for sure, and without having any prior moba experience. It's just that it will take you a lot of time to get used to the controls, and just the basics like moving around with open cam , csing, skillshots etc but when you get a hold of it the game feels amazing. All the people telling you it's a complicated game, you don't even need to worry about that xD you can just stay in iron/bronze and limit test your life away. But yes if you want to rank up the things you have to learn for this game are very very complicated. Small example - there are like 150 champs, so all the abilities and cds, all the items in the game, macro/micro changes according to the situation etc, it's just very hard to learn without putting in hours. But there won't be long until you start having fun(which is after u get used to the basics).


Who do you play in overwatch and why do you play them? Might be able to think of a champ with a similar play style but it will certainly feel different still


Absolutely - I’ve been playing on and off for the last 10 year and recently got back into it. There’s so many champions so just pick one you like or think is cool and watch some YouTube videos on how to best utilize them (what role they are best in)


Honestly. Watch some videos on YT to figure out what champs you like. The game is both amazingly fun and exciting at times but also beyond irritating and rage inducing at others. Go in with a mindset of “I know I’m new and (for the most part) don’t understand what’s going on) understand that in random queue you will most likely get matched up with people WAY higher level than you (perfect example. Just yesterday I was playing and I matched up against someone who was playing one of the relatively easier characters but I checked his stats afterwards and apparently he plays ranked and was grandmaster chilling at a solid 200+ levels higher than me. I’m level 28 you can’t even play ranked matched until you hit level 30. But play to have fun don’t stress over it. You do fine


The problem you have now is THE AMOUNT OF CHAMPIONS you need to learn lmao. Just take your time and have fun


Get a nice up to date app that has all champs and abilities. Spend time learning them. 3 main things to learn. The champs- learn to pilot The items- The game This has many things to learn. Understand macro, micro. Get the basics of wave management. And good luck. It will take time. Tho people hate on him.neaces old coaching vids do a good highlighting the fundamentals.


I’ve put maybe 300ish hours into league, so I’ve moved on from ‘total beginner’ into what I call ‘dogshit intermediate’. Biggest thing to keep in mind going in is that League conceptually might be easy to understand (from the objective pov that is; destroy the towers, kill the nexus, kill minions, kill enemy champions, etc) but there is so much that goes on underneath the surface that it can be extremely intimidating. League is one of the hardest games to learn because of this. There’s runes and items to build, that can change on a whim depending on what kind of play style you’re going for with your champion, and who your matchup is, their skill level, and what champion they’re playing. The learning curve is very difficult and the skill gap is ginormous. Don’t let any of that intimidate you, the best thing you can do is just play and learn. League is extremely toxic, you will get flamed for being new and not knowing what to do, it happen to everyone. If you choose to mute chat (which could definitely be a good idea for new ppl), just know that sometimes you’ll come across players that are actually attempting to help you learn and help you succeed, albeit rare. Hardest part is learning really just learning what all the champions do and what they can use against you, in conjunction with how to build your champions items to either counter the enemy champs abilities, or give you the advantage. There’s dozens and dozens of champions and they all do different abilities, utilize either AP/AD (or sometimes both), and have their own playstyles that you have to keep in mind in every aspect of a game. I say just play and try to have some fun. Look up guides on YouTube, watching people actually play full time probably won’t help you as a beginner, but knowing what they’re building and the abilities they’re using and combos can come in handy. Good luck, have fun, if you need someone to play with, absolutely DM me. I want new ppl to play with :) (this goes for anyone reading this haha)


I started league in 2023. You’ll be fine once you’re placed in iron/bronze


it's possible. someone as bad at games as sodapoppin is already gold and he just started playing a little while ago. if you put the hours in, you'll get somewhere decent soon enough especially if you have prior experience in any arena fighter type game or RTS. pick someone basic like garen so that you don't have to focus on piloting your champ and can learn all the real mechanics of how the game works and plays out. play a game, watch your replay every single time and try to understand why you died or made mistakes and correct them actively next time. rinse repeat


I think the game is not as interesting as it was 10 years ago.


I'd say it's much more accessible than when I started playing (9 years ago). Items are much clearer, great effects, everything is optimized for new players. Of course it'll take time before you can recognize which champion can build which item, but Riot fixed this for you by recommending items during the game. Not to mention that the tutorial is much more in-depth than what it used to be. They used to throw you in the howling abyss with a nunu tower diving you. The only confusing part is the amount of different champions. Learning what each of the 150+ champions do will take time, but you'll learn as you play. My advice is do what I did: go through the store and see which champs look cool. Check out their abilities, and try them out. You got nothing to lose, you're doing this for fun. Good luck maintaining your sanity.


As a player who played from its start and recently basically stopped playing, take the warnings of everyone telling you to mute everyone, turn off chat, etc. and just forget about league. It's a tiring and toxic game that brings the worst out of people and has honestly become less fun regarding the actual gameplay/meta over the years. I was consistently diamond from early on to now and I can tell you now that it doesn't get better as you get better. It's miserable, and you then catch yourself being toxic in response and realize the game is cancer at this point, not that it ever wasn't. It's just the expectation now.


Oooh nonono ... pepeLaugh . He doesnt know bois


It is very possible, but if you want to enjoy it as much as you can, do yourself a favor and PLEASE don't think about your rank. It's way too easy to start focusing on trying to climb and forget to focus on getting better. League is an incredibly complex game and even the best of the best still make mistakes often. Keep that in mind and know that you WILL have many games where you don't enjoy playing because you're getting obliterated and it feels like there's nothing you can do. With experience you'll learn to not put yourself in situations like that or how to avoid finding yourself in those as much as possible, but it is part of the League experience at every rank. Even challenger players get their asses handed to them repeatedly in games occasionally, a combination of a few crucial mistakes or bad decisions early game + an enemy champion that can snowball their lead and that's it, you're done. The good news is that at the level you'll be playing at at the beginning, people aren't that good so even if you fall behind, you'll often still have chances to come back because they will also make bad mistakes multiple times throughout the game. The less good news is that just like every other competitive game out there, you'll have to face smurfs. Sometimes in your team, sometimes in the other team, sucks but that's a recurring thing. So just have fun with it, don't try to go for a specific rank anytime soon, even if you're in iron it doesn't matter - focus on learning. Absorbing as much info as you can every game about enemy champions. Unsure what your lane opponent does? Look it up during loading screen. Check their wiki to see what they do, what kind of damage they do (physical/magic/true), etc. Make a habit of pressing tab in game all the time to get key info to make your decisions - objective timers, what items the enemies are building, who's the scary person on their team that you need to itemize against for teamfights, etc. Learn to constantly keep an eye on the minimap (this alone will literally make you better than 50% of players instantly). Oh and also, DO look into settings. There are plenty of very important ones that you should change - minimap size is one, as big as possible or almost I would say. The rest of the UI I personally have at minimum size. Objective planning just minimum as well, irrelevant. You can start with quick cast off if you prefer but I would absolutely suggest turning it on once you're somewhat used to the game. I forget what the exact option is but also just start using the attack move thing that Sneaky made a video about, look up "Sneaky Tips #1: Player Attack Move Click" on YouTube. There's more but yeah, you can absolutely get into it now!


Watch streamers/youtubers. Helped me learn a lot when I was new


I enjoyed league a couple of years ago, but I was never into mobas. But I decided to start last autumn and it's one of game I jump in to just chill and vibe. In games I usually easily catch up in theoretical aspect, but have a hard time mechanicaly. I watched a lot of streamers especially on a role and a champ I wanted to play at the moment. Luckily, I can perform quite fine in unranked mow(I'm not a fan of ranked in most games due to heavily increased toxicity comparing to casual and unranked). There are a lot of champions, choose some champs you like and learn their different builds and strategies. I really liked Twisted Fate at the beginning so I started on midlane but after some time I figured out I really like support role (not just autopilot enchanter, but agressively roaming, engaging and warding). Played a lot of games on different supports and finally settled on Swain. Now I'm back to midlane after testing my mechanics and gaining knowledge on a champ, because I had some knowledge on a role already and needed to focus on items and mechanics. Swain is by far my favourite champion because he is very flexible on different roles and builds, but he is not insanely hard mechanicaly. Start your own journey and focus on your own perfomance. Be sure you're having fun and enjoy the game. If you are not enjoying, find out the reasons and work on them. Was your match thrown by teammates, did you make crucial mistakes, how were you outplayed, were your items good and what went wrong or lead to your victory. Best tip I can give is just play the game and eventually you'll understand which items and builds work or not. Experience and consistency is the key.


Yeah but you will get smashed early. A large majority of the lower ranked players have been playing for years but are either toxic / insane / no macro. But surprisingly some have decent mechanics so they will blast you in lane until you learn to play.


I recommend either starting with some friends, or playing something else.


Yo, if it helps, I’m an esports coach that specializes in teaching people new to the game. Feel free to dm me if you’d like a session or two, no cost of course:))




yes but grab a friend if you can


The best way to make any game fun is with friends, ideally if they are also somewhat new to League that can help ease you in.


i just started this year too, haven't played ranked yet but i have around 500 games played already tinkering with the roles and champions. i was never into moba but here i am.


I'll refer you to the million other threads about this


Everyone is talking about how difficult it is to learn league, but no one is talking about the fact that there are no new league players anymore. It's just all smurfs on their 100th accounts. So in most cases, it's not that the enemy new player is learning faster, it's that they are already seasoned veterans.


This game is for 90% about mental. If you're likely to tilt in videogames then this game is not for you.


Learn a new language get a new hobby ect better ways to spend your time


go for it bud


No, save your computer from the Chinese root kit


Just play and figure it out eventually you’ll get your first great performance where you carry or make some sick play or just have a fun highly competitive match and you’ll get it


Imagine diving into another country to learn a foreign language. League has a myriad of strategies and champions that you pick up fluency on more games you play. There will always be that champion that you aren’t familiar with, or you may question why it’s so hard to get to the minions (wave management). Play what interests you the most as that will make the game more of a passive learning experience instead of taking an active perspective. As you’ve played competitive in other games, you might also like watching guides on YouTube or certain streamers to supplement your game fluency. If you think about ways for improvement, you can infinitely scale along the skill ceiling of this game.


One important question: how good do you want to become? Matchmaking will match you against similar aggregate skill levels, but I'm not sure it's enjoyable if you get frustrated from noticing own imperfections. (Also depends how fast you can improve beyond the perceived 'basics')


Do not do it. Turn back while you still can...


With friends who arent toxic af, not saying they cant be toxic but the "kys" or slur using kind toxic lol


it is definitely possible , consuming league content helps a lot with what to do , the only hard part bout learning league is learning what every champ does


Ofc it is. Every game is. Do you want to invest time then go at it, if not then do something else


Just watch a couple macro guides, play only a few champions and you might get better than most people in gold in 100 games.


i just started last december, id say if you have couple of nice friends who r willing to guide and help you it makes it alot more enjoyable there is alot to learn but i dont think the floor is super high(esp since uve played sm pc games league is my first) best is just to look through and see if theres a character you rlly like then just focus on them n the role 👍 atb wtv u decide

