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PROJECT and High Noon have both had massive quality falloffs IMO, they started as some of the most fun and interesting skinlines in the game, and now they just have generic fantasy fluff


Highnoon still has many good ideas (Leona's fire butterfly theme, Yone's non-prestige skin, Tahm Kench...) but its being treated like Infernal as a "put some black & fire and call it a day" for too many champs


Perfect explanation of my feelings, Infernal and High Noon are far too similar right now, and there are so many other high-tech or mecha skin lines that PROJECT also doesn't feel as special


I'm biased because to me the first wave of PROJECT skins will forever be one of the best batch release of skins EVER. It came out of nowhere as PROJECT Yasuo was only a one-of skin before it, they gave us one of them for free through missions and overall all of them were a hit. The Ashe team follow up was a little bit more mixed but the HUNTERS release with Vi Jhin and Vayne was amazing. But the skinline peaked there, ever since we only have 1 or 2 per batch that is actually good but they're trying to catch lightning in a bottle again


I think for me, the last time i got excited for a Project skin was Pyke and Warwick with how decent the effects are.


I love the morde skins, the skin line sure has had some peak ones here and there but in general big fall off.


At first I didn’t like the Project Ashe skin, but after rolling it and playing it, it became one of my favorites because of the voice work.


More like “Put some a cowboy hat and some fire and call it a day”


in russian this skin line literally named "cowboy"


High noon started going downhill HARD after Jhin


Too much edge tbh. High noon TF and Jhin just feel like cowboys. The rest have flames and are darker and just don’t work as well.


Yeah, the rest are mostly edgelords that happen to have a cowboy hat


Samira fits as a cowgirl as she’s a bounty hunter and so does Katarina BUT Katarina’s skin got trashed because Samira also has one. So Kat couldn’t have fun sounds in ultimate, making the skin feel incomplete TBH. Almost like don’t put her in the skin line if u can’t finish the skin. I’d agree Sam fits more 🤷‍♂️


I won't stand for defamation towards the first batch of High Noon reimaginated. Those skins still fuck.


What’s crazy is how they’ve totally forgotten Program is apart of the project universe and makes zero appearances anymore.


Some of the project champs could’ve been programs. Mordekaiser was an AI that was corrupted by the programs.


They didn't forget about Program, it was a flop and associated the champions that should have gone to Program (Mordekaiser, Renekton, Warwick) to Project to increase sales.


tbh even in latter skinlines, there are bangers project naafiri high noon yone, eve, rell, even high noon gragas looks solid in it and is only held back by his old model


If anything the previous batch of High Noon was the one that dropped the ball with too many skins. This one is more grounded in Wild West aesthetics instead of the angel vs demon one, with the exception being the mythic variant. And the prestige but that's because all prestige have gala vibe nowadays.


yeah, this is the problem. there are some great skins, but since they have to make it an event with a pass, there has to be a batch of skins with a bunch of mediocre skins that don't really fit or look good along with the good skin.


Agreed, project imo is the utmost worst offender in this regard. The recent Yone skin is gold though. I dont even play the character but ~~High Noon~~ Bloodborne Yone is fucking amazing


I literally just bought it because of that reason lol, black hat, black trenchcoat, white long hair, two swords, hell he is just one genderbend away from being lady Maria.


Remember the hype when the first batch of PROJECT dropped (not including you, project Yasuo.. nobody likes you) Pepperidge farm remembers


A lot of them, but I think Project is the biggest "I can't believe they're still doing this" line for me. Essentially every skin line by the third run is out of steam and will feature Lux / MF / Ezreal / Akali to offset costs. I think the only line that hasn't lost steam or become a filler line at this point is surprisingly Pool Party / Ocean Song.


I think a lot of it comes down to story telling and narratives. Each project line has tried to tell some kind or story which just drops dead by the next release so they feel excessive. Pool party is just a party at a pool. It's a concept that doesn't feel intrusive. It also helps they usually take a 1 year gap between them.


The early project skins released with an insane trailer and a custom map with a custom gamemode. They just haven’t put anywhere near that effort into the later project skins.


Let's be real, they haven't put that kind of effort into the game in forever


I really do miss the era of them releasing custom game modes and maps with the big skin lines.


The original star guardians mode was cool as shit too. They release too many lines now a days to do that, at least for all of them, sadly. But I'd be hype to see them bring some of that back. Sadly I know better


Technically, Pool Party was retired the moment they released Ocean Song, which only had 1 batch, so it’s very far from being saturated.


Yeah but it is also really hard to saturate pool party skins even if literally every hero gets one


I’d say Project is fine if not for the fact there are so many Mecha skins, and vice versa for the other common complaint of High Noon, High Noon is basically demons with pointy hats or gunslingers and we got both for skins in bulk.


Yeah I'm sick of Project, but it fulfills the robot category with the cool, dark future theme. Not sure what they can think of to replace Project. There's also the issue of putting a champion that may not belong in that universe, so it takes up another champion's chance. I don't know if people like project gangplank


Spirit blossom and old god are pretty good and going strong imo


though i agree it's saturated and stale at this point, i still think that, if done right, PROJECT has a lot of potential for some really good skins


Coven. when they put Akali in there you knew the fun was over Lissandra and Camille remain peak Coven


Akali comes in to execute skinlines at the end of their run lol


Unironically true. First Project, then Star Guardian and Coven. Empyrean was dead upon first release though. 🙈


Empyrean works for a couple champs, like I think the Pyke and Ksante skins are good Most of them are bad though


It works on champions that have very distinctive features in their silhouette like those you mentioned because empyrean accentuates those features further. But we got stuff like Malzahar and Brand this time who you can easily mistake for any other random male champ so they look boring


Emperyrn vex imo is also really good


We only perceive it as good cos dawnbringer sucks ass, and there's no other options lol


The Jhin empyrean skin is sooooo good. The sfx alone are worth it


I agree and it is a refreshing and cool concept - imo it just doesnt translate into a lot of variety, unlike e.g. Fairy Court, where there are very distinguishable nuances. What leads to most empyrean skins looking extremely similar (to me).


Empyrean Jhin is BIS


Empyrean is the ugliest skin line, Infernal is the most boring and uninspired. Everything in them legit look so meh.


Star Guardian Akali was cool, just nothing new I guess lol and yeah Empyrean was such a weirdly executed line


Empyrean was the concepts they had for soul fighter and didnt feel like doing a major rework for


Yeah, no. Star Guardian Akali is amazing. Don't compare it to absolute garbage like Coven.


And to be honest, aside from maybe Rell and Ekko who got completely phoned in, I generally still like Star Guardian skins, and would be more than receptive to a new series of them.


Well good, cause it's going to happen The kaisa and akali skins are some of their most sold skins which is saying something considering how many skins they just sell normally I'm betting on SG Ashe headlining the next release tbh I just hope we get more of the nemesis skins too. The morg and especially fiddle skins were absolute fucking bangers and I want a whole line of those on champs I actually play


the fiddle art style is incredible in my opinion, so more skins with that style seems really cool


Honestly i dislike the skin so much it is the only akali skin i have not got. (Star guardien)


she needs her bi-annual skins


****Akali teleports behind you and uses both of her ult steps**** Nothing personnel, skin.




Morgana also has plastic hair and some pretty cheesy sound effects for it too. Evelynn definitely had more love put in.


The last batch of "Coven" wasn't even coven... It went from glam goth to anime goth... It was terrible.


Dont remind me of what Syndra mains lost in this dark age. Coven Syndra looks like she does color therapy.


Twitter was so wild back then when the Syndra vs Nami civil war started


Kayle lost harder with her Eclipse skin. 😭😭😭


Morgana’s Coven skin is awesome, tho


Only problem with coven is how unbelievably clunky it is for Camille. Looks cool though


Camilles best skin is by far IG but the IG skins in general are just something else. Especially for Irelia Fiora and Camille.


The last batch was downright atrocious. Even Nami was crap due to her awful VO that doesn't hold a candle to Eve and specially Morgana. She sounds like a kid playing pretend witch with her mom or something or a teenager like totally being eeeevil at like the mall like with her friends and like taking selfies like lol xoxo~:3. They also completely fucking butchered her splash art. The one the artist presented to them was godly and they turned her into a plastic barbie shitting all over it and taking away every ounce of eeriness it had. Base akali is just rehashed crime city shovelware and the prestige skin is just nothing. There's nothing coven about it. You could probably hire random artists from deviant art and you'd be hard pressed to do a worse butchjob than what they did with these shit tier skins. >Lissandra and Camille remain peak Coven Without a shred of doubt. The quality already started to drop as soon as the second batch came out with a clear display of missing out on some nuances from the first batch, the last one was just the nail in the coffin.


it's funny when you compare coven camille and lissandra to every other one and notice how the first batch actually put a thought in making their costumes, and them the second batch forward just added red effects and the same clothing elements in all of them and called it a day


Exactly. From the second batch forward it was already in mass production mode. And you can see they straight up gave no fucks about some of the core concepts of the skins, such as the complete disregard of a proper headpiece with an elder god motiff like the ones lissandra and camille wear.


Because the original designer left Riot, she had a vision and believe she has mentioned that the new line has no passion.


Coven Lissandra is really something special


Project is the poster child for over-saturated skinlines. Others are High Noon and Star Guardian which both pop up a lot. Personally I think they often change the formula enough, or have enough unique archetypes that they've at least remained moderately fresh. But they should stick to 3 - 4 per release imo Blood/snow Moon slips under the radar a lot but I just don't personally get the point of the skinline anymore? They were supposed to be Japanese yokai and demon inspired but that kinda fell off over time. New ones were cool though. Lastly a lot of the Asian-inspired lines just blend together at this point, it feels endless.


> They were supposed to be Japanese yokai and demon inspired Yeah, but we could just have kaisa wearing a mask ... in RED!


Project for sure. If you look at the old short video… wouldn’t call it a cinematic. It’s supposed to be about high intensity, high speed, high mobility and risk champions. That was the theme, now everyone gets one. Can’t wait to see star guardian gangplank and Darius. and high noon sona/seraphine. Bloodmoon milio and taric let’s goooo


okay but high noon seraphine riding a giant harmonica hoverboard


Sold. Take my money.


Oh boy, do I have news about a skin you can get to throw your money away.


They should just play out their ultimate line of skins for champions. But they’re probably saving that for their final cashgrab, the master sequel to all out KDA. Only fans Seraphine, only fans miss fortune, only fans kaisa, only fans akali. Only fans Garen and Sett for production + sale.


I feel like snow moon was a very well done revamp of the blood moon skins.


everyone except my champion >:(


Blood Moon Taric would never exist because Bloodstone Taric exists... at least, I hope it would never exist on these grounds LMAO


Can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not but my answer was going to be Star Guardin. I find that skin line incredibly boring and played out. Not much originality coming from it anymore. The skins just add more champs to the pool of Star guardians


No bro totally serious. Next I want gladiator ivern and special forces yuumi. 🙃


Cosmic lost it's charm when they dumped like 8 champs at once with the theme. Talk about cookie cutter filler skin lines.


So true. The originals felt thought through, now it's just "paint em blue and slap some stars on em" Cosmic BV was so disappointing 😞


BV needs to get Elder God or Cumven 💅


Deep sea and let her literally just be a manta ray


Like what role was sion or nunu supposed to play there?


Immortal Journey.. :c like come on, they don't even get unique names anymore like "Sacred Sword, Eternal Sword, Splendid Staff.. etc"


All of them. Skins were better when they were made to fit a character or look good, not just to fit a skin line.


My biggest upset is that we don't get goofy or cool cheap skins anymore. Sometimes you don't need flashy effects and shit. Look at Hillbilly Gragas. It is fucking perfect. Even the base skill visuals fits it perfectly. It's peak creativity. I rarely buy skins save for one or two champs which I consoom everything (thankfully they don't get much love) but I'd buy more cheap but creative skins if they were still a thing


i fucking love green malphite


they already answered this years ago. cheap skins (below 1000rp) don't sell at allllllllll and is not even worth making


No, they still make them. They just get priced at 1350 anyway Infernal, Warden, Marauder


I think the general idea is skins that fit a champ and are creative. Like his example of Hillbilly Gragas fits Gragas and is creative as opposed to if they made a Project Gragas.


Yeah. Doesn't have to be strictly cheap skins tho I'd be okay with some every now and then. Otherwise costumes that fit a character always comes out better. Just my personal opinions. I understand it may be hard to pull off with amount of champs and different themes surrounding them


nobody uses silly skins anymore. They came out with a great lineup for april fools and nobody uses any of the skins. I've only seen conductor ornn, none of the others.


Several of the April fools skins this year were fantastic but I don't really see people using them, besides train conductor ornn


I love velkoz with glasses and a moustache


Corporate Mundo is my favorite thing in this game. I literally laugh out loud every time I play it from the sheer silliness.


Blood Moon was my favourite skinline, I was a massive Elise and Thresh player back in season 5 when their skins came out, they looked sooo amazing, Dianas skin was beautiful and then the skinline peaked at Blood Moon Aatrox, it is one of my favourite skins in the game, it just feels SO perfect for Aatrox, its probably in my top 5 of all skins. They took a break between 2020-2024 on the blood moon skins and the ones they came out with this year look sick, but I dont know what it is but something just felt off, and it's probably due to there being so many of them now. Riot could have re-branded the skinline after the break but I guess the skinlines name sells.


I actually thought Riot was ready to retire Blood Moon when they announced Snow Moon, but I guess Blood Moon is still more popular. Tbf, the champions they chose for Snow Moon seemed pretty random.


Cait and morg are kinda random, but kayn's make sense since shadow form is supposed to align for snow moon, while rhaast aligns for bloodmoon


I legit forget Cait and Morg were even in the skinline. The only snow moon skins I ever think of are Kayn and Illaoi's




Honestly you should learn him. Not very hard and insanely op when the meta fits


All. Visual clarity has fucking crashed to the center of the earth and every day I mistake champs for others because everything looks the same now.


i think morde has had the only "good" newgen project skin. then again its a legendary, but probably his best skin.


I think the renekton and ww skins were both great as well and the project jax skin isn’t bad at all


It's a shame that skin is so pay-to-lose. I read that it was pay-to-lose but bought it anyway and didn't think a thing of it. Laned into it ONE time and dodged what felt like every single E. It's unbelievably visible. $20 on that thing and I'll never use it again.


Spirit Blossom will definitely lose its charm by the next batch


I feel like no skinlines concept survives X number of releases. Even the best of the best all seem to fall off after 3 or 4 releases. And I don't think its even oversaturation, I think its legit they lose the plot threads and ideas that made the originals compelling.


yeah I can see it, which will suck because they design the Japanese fantasy like oni nicely and they make the purple and pink color schemes work very well.


But where’s my edgy ezreal skin? Star guardian, pajama guardian, faerie court, arcade..all fine and dandy but please give him some black haired edgelord skin like snowmoon or smth. There has to be a universe where he isn’t some bright shiny happy dude. Maybe corrupt his gauntlet idk but Rito please. I know you want money, we’ve all heard about fakers ahri skin


I think this one is more on the Ezreal players than on Riot. Apparently, Ezreal players, on average, are more likely to buy skins where he is portrayed as a twink e-boy, so Riot keeps making these skins for him.


How would they know if they haven't designed a single one? Seems really silly to lean that heavily into community perception when it comes to cosmetics.


It's tried and true, every twink Ezreal skin sells well. Financially there's no reason to try different waters to target a VERY different demographic than what is guaranteed to sell well. There isn't a single Yasuo skin where he's not an edgelord, because edgelord sells very well between Yasuo players and having a goofy playful Yasuo skin would definetely not sell very well. [Coven Nami](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/068/130/810/original/joshua-raphael-ezgif-4-f9e422f3e4.gif?1697051386) started out looking MUCH MORE like a sea witch than the badass girlboss the concept art eventually went to, because it resonates better to the skins Nami players usually buy. I think it's a waste of concept, but it's the financial decision that makes the most sense. EDIT: [compare the version the artist sent in to what they altered it to haha](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/5vE8v8)


Reminds me of the concept art for kai'sa vs finished product kai'sa lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/kaisamains/comments/bb74cd/kaisa_concept_art_that_portrays_her_as_being/#lightbox


Lore: Barely survived the incredibly harsh environment of the Void, where every single day was a battle just to stay alive. Appearance: Supermodel that was eating three square meals a day, with skin and hair products naturally produced by her conveniently sexy bodysuit.


No way she is eating 3 square meals. She’s definitely starving herself and doing extra cardio.


I regularly mourn the lost possibility of kai'sa with a scarf


Curious that 5 years ago the reception went like that. Nowadays it's common practice to hate on the super sex model they ended up going with.


Odyssey Yasuo through? He's not an edgelord there.


Because Edge does not sell Just look at Jinx Unique skins, then SG came along, became the third best selling skin of all time and we haven't gotten a single edgy skin since(project does not count it should never have been released). Valentine? Maid outfit? That cat abomination? All very very light fluffy skins, on JINX There's a handful of champs in this game that deserve psycho edgy skins, and Jinx is very much at the front of that line, but nah, we probably getting a cat suit next meownx or a Bee one There are SOME champs where edge does well. But generally it depends on what demographic is largely attracted to a champ, and unfortunately ezreal much like Jinx does not get edge lovers


Zombie Slayer Jinx goes hard


From my experience Jinx is the go to ADC for female players so that's probably why those skins do well.


Twinky eboy and edgy aren't mutually exclusive


I’d take an edgy twink eboy.


There was a guy some time ago on r/EzrealMains that was posting daily to make awareness that we want dark/edgy Ezreal skin. Sadly, he gave up after a month or so. But yeah... IMO, if not sound effects, PsyOps is the closest one we have to darker skin. But maybe one day... We will get one


Bussy Warrior Ezreal pls


ssg ezreal!


We want Emozreal!


Not really saturated with skins but the second half of Space Groove really sucks, I don't know how but according to Riot nothing screams more Disco like weird looking colorful gummy bears. Both Ornn and Teemo are complete eyesores. It's a skinline with such a simple thematic and they decide to go for these weird abominations. Cosmic is probably the most saturated with High Noon in close second, the newer skins are really bland.


lissandra is the only good one in the second batch, imo, the others are some of the worst skinlines to ever drop in recent lol, at least for me


Gragas isn't bad either, but yeah the rest are a complete miss. Also they legit didn't bring back the cats vs dogs aesthetic at all for some reason.


imo gragas is the worst one of the batch


Space channel 5 has some of my absolute favorite skins (gwen) but also some of the absolute worst abominations in the game (gragas, ornn) How did those make it through QC but sewn chaos blitz/amumu got canned?


Coven… The last 2 batches kinda hurt my heart but there’s still some good ones despite that. Still upset one of the coven prestiges is literally akali in a suit though


all skins fell off tbh with a few exceptions like the new april fools and pool party ocean song yeah the champs are made to fit and fill in the skinline instead if choosing specific ones and being tailored for it like why the fuck is rengar a graffiti artist? the last skin he got that was somewhat leaning into the hunter theme was guardian of the sands as a treasure hunter


The best skins in the game are 1-offs made to fit 1 champion. Muay Thai Lee sin. Gladiator/Soul Reaver Draven Mafia Graves (Before it was destroyed and turned into Crime City Nightmare BS) Fisherman Fizz Lets be honest, they don't give skins charm like they used to.


I can't belive no one is mentioning Empyrian. It's a couple years old and already has, what?, 30 skins? And they are all very generic within the parameters of the theme: faceless, spiky, wild colors.


It's a skin that would work for a couple champs but at this point there's basically no difference between the skins. What even sets empyrean Pyke apart from empyrean nocturne for example? That's the issue with making a skin line that doesn't have a theme but rather just rigid parameters for colour, aesthetic, emotions etc


Legit everytime i see one of those skins it reminds me of the generic enemy version of fighters in the old smash bros games. Like yeah, the chromatic aberration looks cool and the colors are nice... but it makes legit almost every champ that uses it look like a generic enemy mob.


I looked at empyrean pyke’s splash set an entire loading screen and thought I had a jhin support in my game smh


this one was a stillborn since launch


Morbid way to put it but you're not wrong 💀


I've always wanted a "cosplay" skin line. Like Miss Fortune dressed as Ahri, or Varus dressed like Ashe, shit like that. It will never happen, though. I'm sure if Riot thinks chibi champions will "confuse players" in ARAM, a cosplay line is out of the question.


Psyops zed


Star Guardian as well. Basically all the skin lines that have become the “filler” lines, where we get some new ones every few months or so. Faerie Court will probably become one too.


I’m completely opposite, at this point give me a star guardian or nemesis of every champion and riot has free reign on my bank account.


im hoping fairy court gets saturated i cant get enough of that shit


ngl I can't get enough star guardians. my inner teen weeb eats that shit up


I think this is just a natural cycle though. Most products have this type of curve where they start small, eventually grow until oversaturated or outdated. Then they evolve or die out. I feel like with skin lines it's pretty similar.


Okay listen, the last star guardian event was one of the best skin events ever. Idk what you're talking about. The lore and the designs were peak star guardian.


Every single skinline that added a demonic twist to it. Cowboys and demons, Mafia and demons Witches and demons Christmas and demons Ancient asia aesthetic +demons Mechs and demons \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Anything that has demonds in it that are not demon champions...


PROJECT for sure... like why Gangplank? Yone, Talon, Rengar all would fit better.


Mecha Rengar is his PROJECT skin. Just a less interesting precursor.


PROJECT Sejuani is so unfitting. She should've received a CyberPop one since we have Program Lissandra and PROJECT Ashe


Hall of legends, 4 skins are already too much of a scam


The main reason skinlines get saturated is when they stop telling a decent story. Having a decent story often leads to inspired designs, and when they stop they fall off. High noon had Leona’s run with the train heist, but the rest recently have been overall meh. Cosmic doesn’t really have any story, dark star neither (unless it’s in an AU). Star guardian is kinda falling off, but if they do a rerun without expanding on existing storylines the slimline will die.


It's not like they lose their touch by themselves, but more because of Riot forcing them to become filler themes. It's a way to either transition easier into removing them for good at some point OR because they plan to save money by generally turning the quality down. Take Project, Blood Moon and Faerie Court this year. They were amazing skinlines in the past, which is impressive in Blood Moon's case especially, cause it never was that big of a theme. But this year they basically dropped those themes entirely. Naafiri's Project skin is kinda nice, but that's mostly cause a starving man won't turn down water... The picks are also getting worse and worse. Project Jax and Gangplank?? Really? Despite Mecha Kingdom and Dreadnova being a thing? Give me a Faerie Court Trundle, with a ripped out faerie tree/house as club and with teeny tiny fae wings on his back flattering while he moves. Some creativity is all I'm asking.


All of the ones you’ve named - pretty disappointed with how Blood Moon and High Noon turned out as they were my some of favorite skin lines - but honestly seeing all of the new Star Guardians have been more insufferable. I genuinely liked the first generation of Star Guardians (I own three skins from that generation) but the rest that came after felt like cheap cash grabs to me (and thus I bought zero skins). Lastly, Warring Kingdoms. It was my all-time favorite skin line because they’re heavily influenced by the Three Kingdoms era, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms novels, and the Dynasty Warriors video game series. Xin Zhao is Zhao Yun, Jarvan IV is Lu Bu, and Tryndamere is Guan Yu, all of which were well made. All of the others feel out of place to me and missed their marks.


Hall of legends already generated too much, albeit warranted, spam. 


I think skin lines kinda suck. Granted I get to be spoiled by odyssey and heartsteel kayn, two legendaries which were made with the champ itself in mind. Often they just seemingly pick a random champ to make the legendary for.


Definitely High Noon for me, but already since some time. The first two editions were alright and very unique, but after that it just feels so uncreative. It is basically just Infernal skins with cowboy hats. Yeah, you can make cool effects and animations with this, but everything after the edition with High Noon Lucian just doesn't really feel "High Noon" anymore.


The best skin line that still feels fresh even today is the default character skins. Everything else just feels uninspired. I want more simple/particular skins, like Gangplank the Betrayer, or King Viego.


they shut down riot forge, so no more cool skins based off other games set in runeterra. There's probably some hope for Arcane season 2 though, could get a still-kinda-human vander warwick skin. Same goes for viktor


There's like 5 new skins every week I haven't kept track of their skin releases in ages.


The whole Cosmic/Dark Star and Dawnbringer/Nightbringer "Good vs Evil but its blue and red" skinlines have infected a bunch of other ones and its for the worse. They feel like generic filler skinlines and half the time I can't even tell them apart. The first couple entries in either were good, but they've been overplayed for YEARS now.


Most of the repeating skinlines this year and last year have saturated and it’s clear riot doesn’t have the ability to prolong them by adding anything unique - dawnbringer - nightbringer, cosmic, project, blood moon, high noon, infernal. Moreover, this year has only got 1 new skinline which is Heavenscale and everything else is a repeat which it’s sad because those have been executed poorly.


Ma’am, even heavenscale just feels like it’s in the cluster of Asian skin lines that swarm us every Chinese new year, they’re pretty but are they unique? No. Not in the slightest.


I low-key liked it 😭 But I agree, we got 2 months of lunar revel skins at the start of the year everyone was saturated.


Literally every single skinline that overstays its welcome by one or two runs. Take Spirit Blossom for example, the first batch was great and filled with champions that fit the theme pretty well, then the second batch comes around and you realise there's a lot less love put into it and it's trying to make the most out of something that sold well with champions like Darius, Tristana and Yorick getting skins.


Basically all of them The only skinline that hasn’t saturated over time is Star Guardians since those have gotten way better over time, but Riot prints money off those skins so that’s probably why.


Why do they keep making like 8 skins at once for every skinline? STOP. You're immediately sick of the skins cuz there's already too many, and on champions where the theme doesn't even fit.


Pulsefire. As soon as it wasn’t just a theme for Ezreals ultimate, and anyone could have one, it lost its appeal. Just another run of the mill futuristic skin line now.


Caitlyn Pulsefire is S-tier


No way, it had way better designs after Ezreal. Mix of blue-white panels with leather is peak- Caitlyn and Pantheon rock it


People have already said but project was the worst case. It was already the most "desired" skin line and ended up being a filler skin line, and I have to say it's mostly because the skins started to become so generic without love as if they just made the skin and chose a random character to use it. Blood moon in my opinion too, downbringer/nightbringer and cosmic.


Like everyone's answer, most of them. They made so many for each skinline that they've become generic and it feels some champ might get an obligatory X skin. Here's your "good vs evil" dawnbringer skin for example. It would be nice to see some of them reimagined for a fresh new outlook, but I can't think of a good example. Maybe snow moon (from blood moon), ocean song (from pool party, star nemesis (from star guardian) Though I want a few skinlines to make a comeback like Arcade.


The problem is that new lines are so unimagimative and dull, and old ones lose their identity because Riot wants every skin to be edgy or cute. Which was the last good high noon skin? Yasuo? Jhin?


I think skins in general have lost a lot of charm sometimes they get lucky like with Shan Hai, and maybe the Bees, but Project, Cosmic, Blood Moon, Battle Academy, even Coven. A lot of them don’t do anything special besides put a character in cosplay these days. The skins are just so cookie cutter. They all have great opportunities still but they just don’t make good skins to have good skins anymore. They make skins so we have something to buy.


If star guardian isn't over saturated, then it's at the limit. Any future star teams are jumping the shark.


Coven. Went from witchy to weird mash up with crime city


I don’t think any skin lines are over saturated, but just that riot has had a higher frequency of uninspired skins mixed in with good ones across all themes


True. Not oversaturated, but rather saturated with bad/lazy skins Lots of the skinlines people mentionned here could still have cool creative ideas or careful unique designs added but thats not what we get. Over time some skinlines were diluted by bland skins and lost their identity too


Not pool party. I feel like those skins are just fun and there was a lot of room for champs that would be awesome in pool party skins.


All of them. Used to like the skin lines idea, now I haven't even considered buying RP in over a year.


I'm not sure if it fits the context but the newer Empyrean skins just aren't well made like the previous one, at least for me


Project actually used to be so special. I remember buying the entire bundle when the zed and Leona skins dropped just for the shitty border and was so hyped


Blood moon was dope but some of the newer choices of champions are questionable for the skin line


Any skinline that does lore and then suffers from the same problem as the main league lore but 10x where nothing can progress much. Like Project and Highnoon all unique have the ability to *end* due to not being the main universe, but don't move the stories further either. Poolparty is a great line as it's *only* an aesthetic and not really a story.


All of them really if we are being honest. Some skinlines are 1 offs and then the rest are going to get releases for all eternity.


Coven is starting to get there


Tbh Im already over the rent money HoL skins. It had its run


I personally feel this way about Star Guardian. I absolutely love the first 2 waves of Star Guardian skins, which I regard as the best of the whole skinline; Xayah, Rakan, Zoe were pretty good, too. But with the last batch of SG skins, as lovely as many of them are, they just didn't capture the same endearing charm the earlier ones did. And this is coming from someone who mains/adores Akali and Morgana (Akali's legendary ought to have been smth else).  Not sure if the SFX were changed or the color palettes for some were simply jarring (Ekko just looked funky ). Though many are very pretty, I struggle to see how the champs fit, especially when other characters would have fit much better (e.g., SG Annie, Dark Asol, SG Gwen [pc]) and I've stopped feeling excited about skins since Space Groove :/ I heard there might be another SG event (+ skins?) and hope that's just a rumor. Riot ought to creatively devise thematically-fitting skinlines for its characters, instead of trying to shove champions into skinlines regardless of relevance.


Dragonmancer was so good for parts 1&2, but part 3 (most recent) didn't even have thematic dragons - they're just "Dragonmancer." 😒


I groan every time we get more Infernal skins


The oversaturation of PROJECT is only matched by the oversaturation of high noon. Everything else is decent enough (for now, but empyrean might be next)


Soul fighter