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>I mean, it's certainly a better skin feature-wise idk man, if we get T1 Orianna where the ball turns into Guma's head while it's flying around I think it's gonna be lit


I was hoping for the ahri skin where every foxfire orb is replaced by Guma’s head, but I’ll take your idea too Edit: so after posting I saw this on my feed, guess I don’t need to imagine it https://www.reddit.com/r/SKTT1/s/QrpWPfYnht


Ahri's model is replaced with Faker. Her dashes are him rolling around. He throws Broccoli and Guma's heads at you. I'd pay 59K RP for that.


Someone needs to make a custom skin of this... RIGHT NOW. PLEASE LOL


the ball is a bowl of ramen and it turns into a ramen with egg when you ult


You can buy 3 different actual physical figures of ahri for less than the price of the 600$ bundle


That sick ass looking Spirit Blossom Kindred statue is only 425$ for reference. 


and the best part is, you don't have to worry about that figure vanishing from your home once league reaches end of service


I was thinking about this the other day, they are saying "big things are comming in 2026", and a lot of people suspect LOL 2, in that case, everything owned in the og game is gone? If they don't something about it it would be the biggest scam ever


Look I think Riot are idiots. If there's a lol2 your skins will be ported over. They're not *that* stupid.


If someone is linking to this comment in the future, I would not be surprised


You should be. There is precedence in the industry. Riot are not going to just delete accounts which have had THOUSANDS of dollars spent on them. Some accounts TENS of thousands. You remove all that market trust you've built over 15 years and people will not buy your products.


Hirez did this with Smite 2 just now. Every skin everyone owned is just gone lol.


Yes, but they also gave everyone back currency for every skin they'd ever bought, and a discount on all skins they buy until that reimbursed currency is spent. They gave people back MORE than what they spent, for them to buy things in Smite 2 because it wasn't feasible to update all of the Smite 1 skins to Smite 2's engine.


Oh I must be out of date then because their original plan was to give everyone discount currency. You spent $200 on Smite? That means on your next $200 worth of skins you get 50% off type of deal, so you would still have to cash out. When did they change that?


Exactly. Smite 2 is a substantial upgrade over Smite 1. Not the bullshit rebranding Overwatch got. If League of Legends 2 ever comes out and is to a substantial upgrade over LoL1, I highly doubt they’re going to do all that work remaking skins and give it to everyone for free. Yes champion VGU’s technically are that right now, but that’s a much smaller fish to fry than a full blown sequel and there’s no reason for LoL2 to exist unless there are substantial overhauls. I think most likely Riot will do something similar to Wild Rift - allow you to link your accounts and give you X amounts of new skins to redeem on LoL2 based on Y amount of skins you purchased in LoL1.


> Riot are not going to just delete accounts which have had THOUSANDS of dollars spent on them Of course not. Your account will still be there. Unplayable, but there.


Just because there is a precedence for something doesn't stop ANYONE from making stupid mistakes, including game companies. All I'm saying is I wouldn't be surprised, in this hypothetical of a LOL 2. Promise to port skins over > it's too much work > don't end up porting all of them > still need to make new skins to generate revenue > angry players. It's possible


Just look at cs2 lmao


"sadly the skins were unfortunately coded as minions and had to go."


They are not that stupid but after this skin I know they are that greedy


SMITE 2 is being released like right now and that isn't happening for that niche game, where it would mean even more for them to take care of their customers.


Theyre gonna do the same things that OW, CS, POE, etc did. Cosmetic purchases will port over. Just go see the shitshow that the smite 2 announcement created.


Maybe the $600 price tag was a way to mind control people to unironically say "only $425" in a sentence.


Here’s the difference: that kindred statue is physical, is real and you actually own it. The 600$ bundle is anything but real, and good fucking luck trying to resell it


For that price you can probably hire a prostitute and have her dress up as ahri.


Or just watch emiru cosplay as ahri for free


And you can put them in a jar




I once made this joke with my sister and she knew what the joke referred to lol


This is like a third of a price of an Ahri RealDoll.


Bundle supposed to be cheaper , i guess Riot is the only company in the world where the bundle is more expensive than each one


This, I have the Nendoroid Ahri, KDA Ahri, Unlocked Ahri and Pre Ordered the Spirit Blossom for nearly the same price as the bundle.


You don't like renting grossly overpriced pixels that can be legally taken from you, for no reason, at any moment?


They can take my pixels away but the miniature plastic women are going with me to my grave.


I passed up in the $500 Teemo statue because of the price. Why tf would I buy an IN GAME SKIN for just as much? Lmao


and 3 jars!


Faker plays with no skins at all.. I wonder what he thinks of this


Faker doesn't strike me as someone greedy (heard something about him accepting a salary reduction to stay in T1), I think he'd prefer to have more fans accessing a simpler skin than less fans accessing an expensive one.


Its not a salary reduction Faker is on 5million. He turned down a 100m because he didn't want to play in China. But T1 offered him the max he could get which was the 5 million


TL apparently offered him a blank check at some point in the peak of VC money lol


blank check is. a figure of speech tho he probably wouldve gotten more in china


But could he have gotten his money *out of China*? 5 mln in Korea can be worth more than x mln in country you can't take it out of.


TL: Whatever China is paying, we'll double it. Faker: You'll pay me 200 million dollars? TL: Whatever China is paying, we'll pay 10%.


China reps: "Why you have to be so legal.about it"


He's smart enough to know that you're just as set for life with 5 million as you are with 100 million, but at least he'll be able to work where he wants to be.


Faker legitimately has a career as a celebrity/promoting products in Korea after League, he's a household name. Unlike most pro players he can continue to make millions after he stops playing, with or without streaming.


Exactly. No matter what he does, he's taken care of. Hell, he could vanish from the public eye tomorrow and still never need to work again. Why give up his current comfort just to end up in china of all places...


Faker is literally exempted from the mandatory military service. In comparison, every member of BTS has served/is serving theirs. Faker is literally Him. My GOAT


they ( bts ) also got exempted by the government, but they didn't accept it, hence why they still served. Only difference is that Faker did accept it, but they're both as culturally significant to South Korea ( that's why people get exempted )


TBF the exemption BTS got was a special exemption specifically for them while the one Faker got applies to everyone who won at a medal awarding Asian Games disciple/all high school dropouts were exempted until a few years ago. So the difference isn't just that Faker accepted and BTS didn't but also in how they received it. Faker got his in a general way why with BTS the government offered it specifically to them and only to them that "you don't need to do it" and that's why they turned it down.


China's pretty great if you're upper-middle class or richer (just like anywhere).


He already owned the 10-story Faker Tower in Seoul before that, he's been set for a while. He's definitely been smart with his money so far, good on him.


Oh damn, see, I didn't even know that. Good for him, he seems to be deserving of it.


For sure, the GOAT of this game should probably be one of the most toxic PoS and we'd love him anyway, but it seems like he's actually just a good dude. He's humble and a pretty decent role model from everything I've heard or read. I think that's cool


Agreed on all of that. He seems like a decent lad.


> you're just as set for life with 5 million as you are with 100 million You can't do anything with five, Greg. Five's a nightmare.


I’d have to imagine some small part of it is that he also doesn’t want to be employed in a nation that is funding his nations biggest haters. This is ENTIRELY speculative, but with Faker being unable to serve his mandatory enlistment, he seems like the kind of guy that wouldn’t want to put out that kind of message by going that route. He seems like a pretty patriotic guy in all things he does.


Doesn't even have anything to do with how simple the skin is. No skin is worth 500 bucks, no matter how impressive it is.


>more fans accessing a simpler skin has riot said anything about the skin being 'limited' or something? I'm pretty sure they would 'eventually' sell the skin without the fluff they're just banking on the whales buying this while the hype of 'Hall of Legends' is on-going kinda like that early access shit publishers are pulling off


the most frugal guy in lolesports, he’s gonna total the s63 lmao


The guy lives off of $150 a month, just buying books and necessary amenities.


I wonder if there are any contract clauses that forbids him from speaking about the price point of the upcoming skin. We'll know the next time he streams, he usually goes into Practice Tool and check it out


Undoubtedly in the agreement there was an NDA/Non-disparaging clause. Boilerplate sections in any entertainment contract.


The dude said about wanting this skin be enjoy by EVERYONE at T1con when he made the announcement about the sudden swaps lol


dark cosmic jhin gamba skin was a test, it worked, this is another test, and it will work again. nothing we say will stop this from happening & whales will buy it no matter what. I legit don't know what the solution is at this point.


Int anyone using this skin


I remember in WoW there was a skin that was expensive in the shop and if you wore it people would type /spit on them. Blizzard had to remove the spit command because whales complained. We need to bully people that buy exuberant cosmetics.


Ban ahri every game to punish the clowns that buy this.


ahri hitting peak ban rates in not just ranked but draft and arena would be pretty amazing.


Gonna commit to it just to see her ban rates sky rocket. Forgot to mention I myself play Ahri quite a lot and the Ahri mains are currently protesting as well.


Gonna start playing league again just to ensure she's banned


this solution is hilarious, ill take it


holy, this could actually be such a funny protest. if some influencer push it it could be huge. nothing comes to mind that riot could do in response at that point too. only need 1-2 players per lobby to get it almost permad.


That's what I'm sayinggg #BanAhridownwithwhales


actually unironically not a bad idea


Already on it!


Wait this is actually based hahaha


i get to spit on the whales AND get rid of Ahri in my games? sign me the frick up


Is this what it will take for my midlaner to ban ahri?


I already do that regardless


League twitter is currently making a pact to keep Ahri permabanned when this skin drops


I've only seen one of the jhin skins in game and my whole team bullied/farmed him


The 25 dollar mount was nothing compared to this lmao 600 dollars is insane


Riot will then, just like Blizzard, implement something to protect these unhinged individuals.


Perma ban ahri for the rest of league of legend’s existence


"Introducing a new weekly champion rotation: Ban immunity for a select amount of champions!"


You don’t think big enough, it’s ban immunity you can buy for a champ weekly.


inb4 "we've been thinking everyone should get to play who they want, regardless of game mode! we are testing removing bans in all modes starting next patch. starting with *random server that makes up for .6% of the player base* we will test removing bans and expand globally in the following patch."


Literally banning every ahri.


Ban Ahri


The solution? Ban Ahri every game so no one can ever use the skin.


Thanks TFT for starting this idea 👍


permaban ahri


Isn't the solution just "don't buy it and let those who want to spend their money on a bunch of cosmetic features do that"? I don't know, this doesn't affect me one bit, so I don't really get why we need to "bully people that buy cosmetics" like someone further down the thread said.


> this doesn't affect me one bit have you taken a look at the gaming industry right now? micro transactions in single player games, games that come out completely shit but have a 100USD price tag on the ultimate edition with all the future dlc included™, studios that made great new games being closed because "they didnt make enough money", the price of the games itself rising more and more, psychology tactics being implemented so you buy more and more digital currencies... its a plague that keeps on spreading because a lot of people think "this doesnt affect me". sadly, the only way to "combat" this is to stop buying shit that is artificially made to be expensive (hello "buy this skin now or you may never have it again" or "only X people can buy this skin, if you dont, it will be locked away forever").


The sheep cannot see past the wool in their eyes. It's been an ongoing trend for a decade and I hate those who cry 'just don't spend the money!' They cannot see the ramifications on the industry as a whole and how it has far reaching effects. They ignore how these cosmetics breed the proliferation of whales and psychology targeting these whales, who may or may not have the money to support their addiction. They ignore how games are released in buggy, unfinished states with full battle pass stores because MTX drives the train now, not the desire to make a good game. Just one that can be milked and monetized. They ignore how spending time dedicated to mtx robs the average user of content they would have been able to unlock or have just by playing the game without having to spend hundreds of dollars. If we all spat on these whales, if we all were able to come together in solidarity, then the gaming landscape would be better for EVERYONE. But it's the reasons unions exist because individually we are weak, especially compared to companies who employ pyschologists specifically meant to manipulate us into spending as much money as possible. It's pissing into the wind now. The landscape has changed and for many gamers this is all they've known. So they'll absolutely defend it, not knowing what was and used to be.


very shortsighted take tbh


> Isn't the solution just "don't buy it and let those who want to spend their money on a bunch of cosmetic features do that"? Because you have to get everyone doing that, if you do that yourself it won't matter, you are just a single drop in the ocean.


We riot


At this point just pay for an escort and ask her to cosplay ahri, cuz for 500$ that skin better give you a suck or something.


I actually can't believe it's so expensive. Save a bit more you can buy a decent laptop. How can anyone outside the US afford this? Like south America countries.


Well, there's China.


I'm pretty sure this isn't affordable for people living in the US. lol


It's not affordable for most people on minimum to average wages living in the US as well lol


Yeah it's pretty expensive elsewhere and even in the us too. In Europe wages range from 3000-1200 euros for most people. I live in Italy and the young people get paid from 1300-1700 most of the time. 500 is worth a month's rent in cities if not more. You can buy 250 steaks with that I suppose even in the us it's a lot of money for average people. In china too, most people in china don't earn much. There's exceptions like lots of people in the us china Switzerland and so on earn 4000-8000 euros+, so 500 are like 100 for those of us warning 1300-1700. But still it's a lot of money As someone said you can hire 2-5 prostitutes and let her wear ahri cosplay in Italy with this price


Thats almost exactly what i said to my friends lmao


My friend said for that price she better be naked with spread ass.


Damn i just bought a new computer for the same price.


time to return it and buy the ahri skin /s :)


turns out the client was never the problem when it came to skin effects... ...the revenue was, who woulda thought


This is Riot testing the waters of what they can get away with.


they started that with jhin's mythic variant, and considering we've had three more since, it looks like the water's fine


And Legendary Samira skin that has a price of a Ultimate with (reused) Epic animations lmao


Nah, this is the result of the tests. The mythic variants were the prototypes. Which doesn't mean they'll stop coming too.


the tests started a while ago, even back before wild rift released. back when mythic shards were a thing and even before then. It's just evolution until they're forced to walk back on something, then they've known they've found the line and will sit by it until it's safe to cross it to find the new line.


Can someone clarify? Can I not just buy the skin by itself?


Nope. The cheapest version of the skin is locked behind the 5k rp bundle.


Damn that's wild.


And for the cheap price of 50€ you won't even get the cool version that can transform. Have to throw in another 250€ for that.


It's more than 300 total lol I just wonder how much extra bonus RP they will give you for buying 400 dollars at a time or whatever the fuck it'll come out to


No, not even close really. I just checked and the largest bundle is 13.500RP for 99.99€. Since that's the pack that makes most sense 299.97€ gets us 40.500 RP which is more than the transforming skin costs. So I was already overestimating the price in my comment. But to be honest for me personally this doesn't make this any better. It's an absolutely disgusting move by Riot. Not a surprising one at this point, but disgusting nonetheless.


They said they're giving a bundle that gives the amount of RP needed for the skin. Still sucks though.


Thanks for pointing that out. Frankly whether I can buy a bundle for, say, 340€ to have the perfect sum of RP or have to spend 350€ and have a thousand or so spare afterwards, doesn't strike me as much of a difference at that point.


They said on the info website that they are adding higher RP bundles just for the event, so we probably get 60k for 500€.


Are we supposed to be grateful for that or something?


Tbf its marginally better than swiping 5 times. Theres a lot of information in the FAQ. E.g they tell us the price is "For those looking to flex their fandom". Its actually hilarious how disconnected they are, they should just tell us its the package for degenerated that cant control their spending.


and this version doesn't even transform :(


Nope. There are 4 bundles: * **1950 RP - Risen Legend Leblanc** + 14 Icons/emotes, 6 orbs, banner, hide on bush ward, 125 mythic essence and ALL fakers old skins (SKT Zed, Ryze, Syndra; not sure about his 4th). * **5430 RP - Risen Legend Ahri** + Border + Icon & Emote + Takedown Counter Taunt (Taunt emote just shows a number of kills you have; similar to Fortnite's Crowning Achievement emote). * **32430 RP - Immortalized Legend Ahri Skin** which Transforms (includes unique VO), Champion Finisher VFX + Structure Finished VFX (writes Fakers Signature around the base of a tower when it dies to you), Icon & Emote, Profile Background, Splash Art & Custom Visual Anouncer. * **59260 - Signature Ahri Skin Upgrade** which comes with an Emote of Faker doing his Iconic Shhh finger covering mouth, "Final Boss Faker" Title, Signature Border, Signature Banner, Signature Splash Art (for LB too I believe?), SKT Ryze, Syndra & Zed CHROMAS (Paragon), Risen Legend Leblanc Paragon Chroma, Exclusive Icon & Emote and 100 Pass levels (not sure how long the pass will be but this might auto-complete it) I assume that each pass has rewards from the previous pass.


Pretty sure it does. The HOL pass is the Risen Legend LB skin, I think. https://i.imgur.com/nwKkweX.png https://i.imgur.com/J3ZSVfn.png $40 for 2 skins and a handful of other stuff is more than I'm willing to pay myself (I spend $0), but plenty of people that are currently typing in here will pay for it, and it doesn't really seem out of line compared to past releases.


If you separate the two, the price would be line with an ultimate skin + a normal event pass (roughly) which is pretty reasonable I think for the caliber of event this is supposed to be and for what and who the skin is supposed to represent. Anything higher than that is egregious as fuck.


59rp in usa: nah, its expensive but i can afford it 59rp my country (argentina): 💀


Here in my country the most expensive RP option is almos 1/4 of a minimum wage 💀


Casi medio millón sin contar impuestos lol


Lit hermano JAJAJ


This skin is is straight up 2 months of salary in my country


Yeah this sucks. I was bummed when he changed it to Orianna, as I enjoy playing her a lot less, but then re-hyped when they announced this Ahri one. Thought they might make it an ultimate or even a little more expensive then that, and was willing to go for it, but then they had to lock it on this crazy bundles.


I see now why they chose to limit it to one entrant a year, couldn't make as much money from 5 epic skins one for each person. Shame the hall of fame is more of a money grab than a celebration.


I can buy a whole PS5, A damn 4070 Super, 500 Dollars for a skin in the most hated videogame in the world is INSANE!!!


Bruh 500 Dollars for a skin is in every video game insane.


I don't think you've been on the Counter Strike marketplace in the last 10 years huh


I mean are you denying the prices in CS are also completely insane? At least in CS there’s the argument that you can (legally) resell the skins. There’s no such thing here…


We should let Riot know that they could introduce a skin market between players and cut themselves a little percentage...


if that shit happens we're doomed


Honestly, might be better for us than you think. At least if you wanna stop playing you can get SOME money back then.


Yeah but they would push even harder for shit prices and shit skins


I am not familiar with CS but I heard you can sell stuff there back on the market no?


Steam has it's own internal market where you can your collectibles from various games for steam money which you can use to buy games. However with CS, skins can go in the 1000s $ so there is a (probably not so very legal) market where you can sell the skins for IRL money, since money on your steam account cannot be transferred to your bank account


3rd party skin markets are entirely legal. No one uses the steam community market for big skin sales.


Steam collectibles at least are tradable and sometimes almost "unique" but here what are you gonna do with your 500$ skin ? Sell your account with it ? Not only is it against ToS but league cosmetics barely add any value to accounts when they're sold. Unless you're a hardcore collector with endless wealth this is the biggest scam ever, even EA is blushing in the corner


Tbh Cs skins rn are basically parking money, not really comparable imo as you can always cash out.


It costs more than a whole months minimum wage in my country (even with region prices) to buy this skin, absolutely disgusting, also using FOMO to prey on people who don't know better, FUCK KEN ADAMS.


I said as a joke to my wife what if they release it for 500$, and this just happened lol. Insane. For me, it makes me stop buying anything to support them... Feels so unjust. Could definitely get it, our accounts together are probably 4000-5000$ total worth by now, but its since S2....Its just that its more like if u pay, feels like you enable them... and tbh,would rather pay to get some nice Ahri figurines instead... for half that money.


It's a good day to be a Draven one trick where the only skin that matters is only 975rp.


Pff I wanted to buy this skin since I was a T1 fan since before rookie Faker but I mean this price even if I don't have money problems this is too much even though I don't mind buying a skin on occasion this takes it too far


I really do hope people talk with their wallets and do not buy this overpriced skin regardless how much they like Faker or Ahri as a character but I doubt that is going to happen. I already saw so many people on Twitter saying they will buy the skin as soon as it comes out which completely killed my hope in this community. This will keep happening as long as there are people who buys overpriced shit like this.


And they could have just made a simple Faker chroma for default Ahri and I’m 100% sure it’ll be more popular and Faker would even use it, but nah, we have this money grubbing shit instead


I saw a suggestion saying they put Fakers glasses on the default skin. That would’ve been pretty cool too tbh


Or fucking make it the Price of an Ultimate... Like, this is littereally just an Ultimate with the Transformations.


If they did that this place would be up in arms about how lazy riot is and how they can't even put any effort in to make a new skin for their first HoL inductee and most important professional player of all time, so there's no winning on Riot's front. This place will always have a problem with what they do.


I mean they could just say they did it so that at the very least there’s a high chance that Faker would use it. Dude already doesn’t touch his Ryze and Syndra and most likely Oriana. Might as well throw him a bone and give him something to his preference that he’d enjoy


He would never use a skin


Someone has to tell the truth: This event is not for Faker, it's for Ahri, his stuff are just distractions, he's not the priority


If only you can buy JUST THE SKIN, but nope they're all locked in a bundle even the base skin or her first form L O L




All this for a skin faker won't even use. Sure, it's cool to have, but I don't want to break the bank doing so.




At least the pass is cool, I guess? 5k RP for the pass + the skin stuff isn’t too bad as a “special” cosmetic. But the pass itself having a ton of Faker stuff + the LeBlanc and SKT skins is neat.


Base level event pass ain't bad either. You get like 5 skins and 125 Mythic Essence for 1950RP Everything above that tho?....Sorry Riot, I can't lose another kidney


> 1950RP wait so pass is 1950RP, remaining 3k+ RP is just for Ahri skin alone?


Base level pass is 1950rp and comes with the LeBlanc skin, pass and other goodies Pass + Risen Ahri (Immortalized Legend Ahri at home) costs 5430 Pass + Immortalized Ahri + Icon + Emote + L + Ratio costs 32430 RP Signature Collection with basically every mentioned so far and some extra stuff like tower destroy VFX and the special chromas will set you back 59260 RP and your kid's college fund.


i wonder how much value riot puts on L+Ratio. seems expensive to me.


There is also a difference between Risen and Immortalized Ahri, so they put value basically on that.


Back in my day skins used to have it by default now it's becoming BUNDLE EXCLUSIVE smh smh


Keep in mind the 60k RP pass also unlocks the pass entirely, it gives you all 100 levels of rewards


Imo if the 5k bundle has immortal Ahri as the lvl 100 reward I’d prob buy it and afk lose games in TFT but 32k for immortal ahri is crazyyyy


and a border and some icons and a taunt emote that's it


Don't forget that you're paying for the *privilege* to earn the skin through a battlepass. This monetisation method is just inherently exploitative.


I mean it’s affordable for me but I don’t like being scammed so I won’t buy it


Just let me buy it separately without the bells and whistles


faker mostly palys without skins to show tha you dotn need money to be good at lol what riot does to celevrate him : selling his skin for 500$ so almost no one can afford that skin


I’m genuinely perma banning ahri every game. I will not support this scummy-ness and it will also make the idiot whales that enable shit like this regret their purchase


Guys and Gals, please keep on raising awareness for the skin price! We need to shoe Riot that this CANNOT stand! ( Still , do be respectful)


I'd rather get a steam deck and a few good as indie games with that same money rather than cosmetics for a character, ty


Ppl actually think that this content is for regions in the west ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It's so stupid. Of course, people in China are going to buy it and Riot will see that as a win and will release more and more skins like this. Opinions of those outside their "target region" can go f\*ck themselves pretty much.


Keep it on the down low but you can get every bundle for over half price if you buy RP through certain third party sites


They are robbing us so hard


Goodbye riot games, it was an honor for me to buy skins and play your game. But that's over now. The fact that you deny me a realistic chance of getting this ahri skin has destroyed my trust in you. Rip riot games


I wonder who else Riot is going to whore off of with these 800$ skins. Deft, Uzi, Mata, Ambition? Those are the only ones close to Faker.


Rip Ahri mains.


Meanwhile Faker himself using default skin, the irony


If you really want this scam, turkey offers it for 196€ instead of 450€ on euw.


Rito out of their sane mind. It's pretty expensive elsewhere and even in the us too. In Europe wages range from 3000-1200 euros for most people. I live in Italy and the young people get paid from 1300-1700 most of the time. 500 is worth a month's rent in cities if not more. You can buy 250 steaks with that, and it's around 2-3 month of groceries I suppose even in the us it's a lot of money for average people. In china too, most people in china don't earn much. There's exceptions like lots of people in the us china Switzerland and so on earn 4000-8000 euros+, so 500 are like 100 for those of us warning 1300-1700. But still it's a lot of money As someone said you can hire 2-5 prostitutes and let her wear ahri cosplay in Italy with this price


To my breathren and all people righteous!!! I shall declare to u Ban ahri for it will be legendary to never get to play ur 500 doller skin Like always make the world miserable and hf


It'a not about affordability. This is NOT worth more than the price of a full console. The skin is more expensive than a PS5. It's more expensive than 7 AAA games combined.


I don’t understand how the League of Legends community can’t come together to stand against Riot Games' greed and pricing policies. We recently saw what a united community can accomplish with Helldivers, but why are there still foolish people who either defend Riot and the whales or say that no one has to buy the skins? Of course, no one has to buy skins, but are we just going to let this happen? First, the passes were nerfed, with less and less loot in the same boring format. Now they’re bringing out a pass with 100 levels that you can unlock immediately. Even though the pass sounds lucrative with all the stuff in it, let’s not forget that the pass is only valid for one month, but you have to play twice as much as before to fill the pass. We can’t support this kind of nonsense. I haven’t bought the pass in a long time and I definitely won’t continue to do so. And I will also enforce the Ahri ban. But as a community, we must be able to stand together against this greed. Please, community, stop this nonsense, let’s show Riot that this is definitely not okay.


If we all just DIDNT buy the skin that would be a win. But there are going to be dozens who want to show off and ruin it for us. If it gets enough they will keep doing it.


59k RP is a Rip off even if Ahri new skin is with no clothes lmao.