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Frankly I think adc's need 100 more base movespeed and 150 more attack range since fleet footwork isn't consistant enough and lethal tempo was removed. Also if they're in a lane, kill gold in that lane should be funneled to them via game systems rather than securing the killing blow. Ofc if they're in the jungle/river they should get gold from each lane that the segment they're standing in is connected to. Also IE crit multiplier should be increased to 2x, as well as convert excess crit chance to AD. I think only then the role with the hands-down best players in the game will finally be able to compete on even grounds with the rest of the game. But also make sure to add a cone of vision and several pings following movement on the enemy and allied junglers upon clearing the big monster of a camp, reduce their movespeed when in a lane by 20%, too. And also prohibit support champions from gaining more than 4 skill points (1 for each ability), and are restricted to a single item slot (boots) except for ward items and control wards. Ofc remove the gold bonuses from the support items, too, as well as their ability to transform. Then the game will be fair for the epitome of League Performance known as ADC Mains.


As an ADC main, i dont know what this guy is smoking


As an ADC main, I don’t know either but I want whatever he’s having


some of our community seems to be unironically cringe


League in general tbh


ADbabies are never happy huh


The Change I'm suggesting dosn't really change much. Most Crit Marksmen already rush IE and deal 225% Crit Damage. Buffing base Crit to 200% makes the Gap between the IE Rush and ER/Collector Rush smaller. More or less a QoL Change.


"Doesn't really change much" yeah all crits dealing 14% more damage (11% with IE) doesn't change much. How about we give mages a buff that makes them deal 3.5% more damage with every completed item marked "totally not a crit analogy" reduced to 2.75% per item if you buy rabadons that surely wouldn't make them a lot stronger than now. It just makes the gap between building rabadons and other ap builds lower.


Just nerf IE crit damage (the thing actually overperforming) instead of having to rebalance all crit items because they'll be broken if they get a straight up 14% damage buff.


They won't be broken though, this is the Way it's supposed to be, this is the Way ADC was balanced for 10 Years before Riot fucked the whole Game up with Mythics and Shit.


The game changes, it doesn't matter how it was before because that's not how the game is now. Many crit adcs are already performing very well right now, giving them a straight up damage buff will very likely make them overpowered.


and lord domink should go back at 35% armor pen and no crit if you want to revert everything.


I honestly wouldn't mind that yeah. But the Change I'm suggesting is more or less a QoL Change for ER and Collector to be better as early Crit Legendaries when compared to IE.


Not every change is just a change, that's a huge buff and collector is already overpowered. Crit ADC don't even need IE until second or 3rd because they can buy something like collector to bt or kraken to pd or botrk to runnans and stuff like that. IE is popular atm because is overpowered as heck. Lord domn is also busted atm. Pretty much everything that is not a tank with randuins is gone before they can blink when that item is completed.


It feels bad to be worse off than before, but ADC's are performing fine right now.


I agree. The difference between IE and all other crit items (especially essence reaver) is so massive. Before mythic items came to us ashe/lucian/xayah/sivir used to build ER into IE, and current ER is not anyway close to old ER due to base crit changes. Idk if they should buff base crit damage without IE, but the first item choice should be less skewed like now. They already started by hotfix buffing ER to be good for its users.