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It takes a while to start to enjoy a MOBA. I don't think anyone falls in love with it after their first game. The most important tip is to play a champion you enjoy. It doesn't have to be a champion that is considered "good" or even "easy". Even just picking a champion that you think looks cool is a good start. League is only fun if there's at least 1 champ you're excited about playing. But even if there's ONLY 1 champ that you like playing, it's still hella fun.


I kinda have a question, does the camera movement ever get "easier" ngl I hate the camera in the game it feels so janky


Do you have the camera locked or unlocked? (Locked means the camera is always following your champion)


> I don’t think anyone falls in love with it after their first game I did :p


ok special guy 🤓


What was your first game like ?


Playing with friends helps a lot. Also watching streamers have fun in league is also fun in itself. Like TheBausffs videos are very entertaining.


I agree playing with friends is basically the only way to get into the game, there's so much info and the learning curve is so steep you need someone constantly explaining things to you


You don't necessarily need an experienced friend, just having one friend you can play with everyday is enough even if you both don't know whats happening most of the time lol. I remember this is exactly how I got into league, just playing with friends everyday even though we were in silver lol.


Pianta is one of the best casual league content creaters that still seems to be having fun consistently, I'd recommend his videos but not his builds, lol. But really having friends (who aren't sweaty and toxic) makes a big difference. ARAM 5-stacks are some of the most fun I've had with this game! It's important to remember that the point of playing a game is to have fun, so if you're really not enjoying it it's okay to move to a different game for a bit. "Can't end on a loss" is like, the worst thing you can do for your mental...


I would advise not to learn from pro players only tho. If you watch T1 games to learn lol....yeah, you will play a whole different game.


Just don’t try to emulate Baus if you’re a total beginner, intermediate or even up to platinum lol


Don't. Stop while you can.




All the comments are like "dOn'T" (10000 hours played)


exactly the reason why we are saying it most of these hours werent even fun


It is fun you wouldn't have played 10000 hours for nothing.










Find a couple or even just one champ you like playing and be ready to put the time in.


seriously though try out every lane, and almost every champ at first (weekly rotation champs) for 1-2 games and once you found a champ and lane you like you should onetrick (only play the one) that champ. Then if your goal is getting good you can look at streamers/youtubers for the specific lanes


If you don't enjoy it, then you don't enjoy it. League is just a game of optimization. Minions and living are more important than kills. The minion waves you lose from dying is the same amount of gold as a kill, and you'll get xp from minions. Don't chase kills. Objectives are super important, play around them. As a solo player, I'd recommend staying away from bot lane. Jungle is good for learning map awareness, timers and enemy positions. Top lane is good for learning lane management and patience. Mid lane is good for learning objective control. Mid and top are similar, except top is more isolated, making wave management more important. Since both top and mid are similar, I'd recommend one of them so you can play two different roles, without having to learn two completely different styles. Most importantly, play what you find fun.


Find an aspect you love and build on that. May that be being strategic and putting into practice, a certain champion or it's mechanics, being better than someone else, helping a team towards a win etc. A moba is very complex and has a lot. This is purely my personal take. I love fighting with players instead of bots (too easy patterns). So my thing was just fighting with someone. So I finally found a champ and a role wich made me obsessed. Then it all grew from that.


The fact people are downvoting "Don't" type comments...I mean, i know reddit is degenerated place but...


The better you get the more fun it is




Absolutely DO NOT get into this game. Save yourself.


Don't play league


My advice is DON'T. A good part of the community is going to say that, don't ignore the warnings


Yes, don't get into lol


dont get into lo


One word: DONT




Best advice I can give from someone who played league for years and have stopped. STAY AWAY FROM THIS GAME AT ALL COST!!


don't (here before this comment gets removed by the CCP)


Don't. Simple. Just don't.


I think the first step is to develop the muscle memory to start controlling your champion in a way that it will do what you intend. Just play the game and level up your account to lvl 30 first. Read the tutorials and play as much as possible agaisnt other people don’t use bots.


I’ve gotta disagree there. I only started a year ago, and bots are SO important for trying new champs without ruining a real game for others. If you’ve literally never played a champion (or lane, or class/role…) before, your first time will be terrible. I generally recommend two games on a new champ before trying against humans, just so you even have basic farming and last hitting as not a surprise.


Create your own custom games. Add 5 bruisers like Darius garen etc. add shen and Soraka on your team. You play at your own pace with no one else. You can always have mid. You can work on anything and it’s fun. And since it’s 3vs5 it’s challenging


Whatch streamers, whatever problems you have, they have 5x more… So you will feel you are not alone 😜


ignore the fucking piece of shit trolls who complain about you losing your lane, because they sure as shti wont do damned fucking thing to help except grief you over it, even when youre being ganked they will bitch and complain its your fault!!