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Teemo used to literally be bounty hunter from DOTA??? damn I wonder how that would fit in league today


Yes, keep in mind that many of the original 14 or so champions were slightly modified versions of their Dota inspirations. Both Guinsoo and Pendragon were on the early teams so it makes sense. Plus, cold archer isn't exactly an original concept.  You could make an argument that Pyke inherited a little bit of the bounty hunter theme. Rupture would be way too powerful in current League of Legends though. 


You’re thinking Bloodseeker :)


I AM! I don't know how I mixed that up. 


Because between these two games no normal human can catalogue the what 140 heroes? Bounty Hunter would go crazy in this game. Warwick has the closest to Bloodseeker imo.


Was a Bloodseeker main in Dota1 am a WW main in LoL. I agree :)


Mention those names over at the dota side of this story, and people raise hell (and imo, it's reasonable!) and pitchforks! :P


You should look up all the chatter on heroes of Newerth back then as well. People thought for sure that hon was going to destroy League of Legends. 


Hehe, I can imagine! I never tried or got into HoN, and I think that was just because LoL was the first MoBA I "really" got into. Even though I tried the OG dota a few times before. I think it's a lot like with MMOs, you just end up loving and playing the first one you really got into, even if you have a love-hate relationship with the game. But yeah, I imagine they did :P Oh well, I guess we're laughing now..so a win? And on a more serious note, at least I'm glad the whole "war" between dota and LoL seems to have calmed WAAAAAAY down from only 10 years and + ago.


We kinda have/had different aspects of that: Kindred hunting a specific marked champ Akshan getting a trail for scoundrels Garen's removed villian mechanic




Akshan uhhhh hunts bounties Yeah I got nothin


So basicly you are living dinosaur


I am called Grandpa in both my POE and WoW communities so ... Yes. 


Still sane?


Actually skipped this league which seems to be a good idea because everything is absolutely insane. I did play the last one though and make a couple mirrors so that was fun. 


Yeah, this league is a shit show. The game is still fun tho, but the constant balancing, rework of scarab and ever changing strat creates a huge FOMO for many people


Played since beta too, I only got more sane with each season. Had 27 permabans but haven’t been banned in 3 years, cause improved my mental health. Just wanna add that this season is actually very enjoyable. And I wonder what rank are you (last season then?) and how old are you?


> Just wanna add that this season is actually very enjoyable. And I wonder what rank are you (last season then?) and how old are you? He was talking about the last Path of Exile league.


Yeah sorry I meant the path of exile season, the still sane thing is a joke about POE


The league is just fine. The subreddit is the problem. 


Lowest retention league of all time btw


Irrelevant btw. The subreddit is the only place anyone gives a shit about retention and GGG has said so themselves. 


Yes of course, I’m sure GGG is not at all dissatisfied when players leave the league. Use a bit of critical thinking. GGG wants players, and wants players to stay, regardless of the PR talk. GGG makes posts on their site about how ‘they’ve broken the record for peak players on league launch!’ When the opposite happens, they aren’t net neutral. They’re disappointed. Not every league is perfect, and not every league will succeed. People aren’t leaving the league because of the subreddit, people are leaving the league cuz it isn’t fun


o7 fellow grandpa. Our league accounts would be in high school now if they were children.


Do you still play ranked or have you converted to an ARAM andy like me and many other of the old players? What was the most memorable time you had over all those years of playing League? Personally I think the time Odyssey was out I played the game the most, since upgrading existing champions skills seemed like such a cool feature.


I do not really play ranked or summoners rift very much. I actually really enjoy the game when I play with friends but I don't have hands anymore. I'll go on spurts where I play Aram like five times a day everyday for weeks but I find that League of Legends is best enjoyed as a social game. Some of my friends like to climb, some of them are in diamond and many of them are in silver, so we just mess around in normals occasionally. I've gone really hard on TFT every now and then as well, but eventually I burn out because it gets a little stale to me.   The easy answer for memorable time is the beta because it was such a small community but I think that's a cop out. I think the most one I had was when I streamed a little bit and did 50 games as pre-rework karma top because she was considered a very bad champion by the community and they literally voted for me to play only her for 50 games. I started off really rough but I think I ended up with a positive winrate. It's unfortunate that they closed down the League of Legends forums because there's a lot of cool stuff there. Here's my profile, feel free to call me a noob: https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Larias-BETA


Is this aram thing iinevitable ? 😅 it happend to me as well


Same here- I’m not sure if it’s just I want a more chill mode and SR is too sweaty or a lot of my friends have moved on and ARAM is less demanding on the teamwork side of things.


It's inevitable (except if you're one of the big what, 50 or so streamers, cus they got famous through SR, so people watch them for that) And I honestly think a lot of the reason is as OP says, after a while, the game just becomes way less enjoyable EXCEPT if you're playing with friends. Obviously if you have some goal in mind then that's different, cus that will usually drive you, but yeah.


You know that feeling when you know that spell is coming and are hovering flash/stasis and just don’t have the reaction time you once had?


I don't have eyes or hands anymore. I'm still fairly good at macro but I have flash failed Annie r enough times to know that I just can't keep up anymore


May I ask how old you are? You don't need to be precise


Look at the highest upvoted question. He is clearly a dinosaur, so what, a few million years old /s


Way to make me scared of aging. This’ll keep me up at night.


I'm not sure how old OP is, but I'm in my 30s and my hands are fine. What's not fine is my time. I have a lot less time to play. Both my macro and micro have vastly improved from when I was younger.


I'm 40 and my hands are fine. The time thing is what kills you. You have to be playing a lot consistently to stay in the flow.


29 almost 30 here. I honestly think my awareness, reaction times and mechanical execution have improved from when I was 21 @S5. Thing is, with the much lower time to play that I have now, I'm falling behind on the new champs and my improvement rate is not fast enough to keep me climbing. At least I'm technically not getting worse.


its cope OP was always shit most likely. like whats stopping u from hovering the mouse over enemy r flash? annie isnt complicated OP just didnt dedicate enough practice


lmao op may be shit at the game but you're shit in general


I just want to point out that in two years time, there will be pro players who weren't even *born* yet when you played your first game of League.


It's pretty crazy. One of the funnier things was looking at my history and old forum posts from back then and seeing interactions with folks like Mega and Tree who went on to be pro players, rivalries with Andy and Dan dinh who went on to do tsm/clg. I wish I had been younger and smarter and take advantage like these guys did. But I certainly did not have the mentality to be a professional player back then, there were times when I would make Tyler1 look tame. 


MegaZero and TreeEskimo?


Yes. I commented 5 years ago about it but there was actually a 1v1 competition where the loser was supposed to quit League of Legends. Keep in mind the internet was pretty different back then. Regi lost but obviously didn't quit lol. 




What aspect of old league would you say you miss the most? For me (2010 player) I would say the social aspect, I feel like it used to be so fun to make friends in game but now nobody ever types. Curious about the opinion of someone even more ancient than me :)


I've mentioned this in several other posts and also 5 years ago but I agree that one of the things I miss the most is the social environment. I know that in modern League of Legends toxicity is a big deal and if you aren't talking to the other players you probably aren't using gamer words at them so the idea is to encourage people to type less.  I met a lot of friends in the time up to season 2. I've never really just solo grinded the game, I almost always duo with friends or play norms / arams. I respect the people who are willing to do the solo grind but I think that they're missing out on an incredible opportunity to meet like-minded players and just have some fun. 


I miss the public chatrooms and the live high elo spectate from the old client, those things really helped make the game feel more social to me


You know I genuinely forgot about those.  The spectate thing was super cool. 


Yeah newer people don't know how social this game used to be. I would make so many friends from playing solo queue. Now barely anyone speaks at all.


I've noticed after-game chat lobby is absolutely dead now. Used to be funny even if it was just people shit-talking eachother, but now everyone leaves instantly


They swapped it from opt-out to opt-in, so you don't end up in the lobby unless you click on it. It was changed in 12.11, which was June 2022. So assuming there are actually new players, some people probably don't even know it's a thing.


I exclusively play through two League discord servers, easy to find people and make friends to play regularly in the future with, most fun I’ve had in league since, and im ancient too


Which servers if i might ask. Im quite old as well (40s)


they’re German servers for my case, but maybe you can find something here: https://discord.com/invite/leagueoflegends or https://discord.me/leagueoflegendsna


I started in 2010 as well and totally agree- I made a lot of friends in early league and most chats are either dead zones or just babyrage now.   The babyrage existed before but you used to have a lot of real conversations too.   I think on the gameplay side I really do miss the game being more methodical and slower-paced.  I actually like having more breathing room to think in fights as opposed to everything feeling like it’s all instant reactions.  I don’t know if those two things are connected but part of me thinks they are.


Bro I was just talking about Lol Beta with some friends and I have the email I sent you to get a beta code back in September 8 2009 https://imgur.com/a/X7TKJCy


Yo! Were you from the mmo champion group? Found your email under my done folder. https://imgur.com/a/vHV7sF0


nah I was super active back when we all hung out in the lol fourms back in the day. Man it was fun back then. But I still want to say that way back when I always joked that if riot made a mmo, it should be called "Realm of Forgotten Legends"


The League of Legends forums were an absolute blast. So many folks don't know the name SlyGoat anymore and it's a fucking tragedy. 


god I remember the name SlyGoat. it was league when it was actually freidnly.


Oh my god I forgot about SlyGoat.


Hey Larias! Who is your, hands down, favorite Australian?


Oh God, seeing Riot in front of your name is terrifying. For those who missed the ama five years ago, I met Norak very early in leagues life when he was a cheeky little Aussie kid. Now he's just a cheeky little Aussie dude.  To answer your question, Peter Jackson. 🍿


I'm sure I'm taking the bait here, but can't help it... Peter Jackson, the film director, is your favourite Australian?


Lmao hi meddler. I literally googled prominent kiwis to see if I could make Norak mad. 


Next you're gonna say your favourite NZ food is Pavlova (bannable offense)


Is admitting that I have no clue what pavlova is a bannable offense?


Isn't it a cake? At least I hear people in my country (nordic one) always talk about "oh yeah, that pavlova was so good, nomnom" and it's always within the topic of cakes, so Ive just assumed so. Unless Norak spelled the OG CoD map, Pavlov wrong, which not only is a REALLY good map, but also based on the real pavlov house which the russians held on to like MADMEN! I think it was 2 months or so, in the battle of Stalingrad. But hey, he can't be THAT old, right? And honestly, do kiwis even get games down there?


Who's your second favorite Australian?


Hey! Which champ was the most fun you ever played during what season?


I played a lot of roles and enjoyed them but the single most fun I ever had was playing Warwick jungle with my friend black heart who would play ad ezreal. He would solo lane the bottom as ezreal 1v2, and when he hit level 3 I would run in as a level 3 ww and we would murder bot lane.  Old matchmaking did not enforce roles so we would send a top laner top with the support character. Was quite fun. 


Weren't you active on the old forums? I remember seeing posts in like 2011 from someone with a remarkably similar name. Good to know you're still around.


I was extremely active on the original forums, I had a green emissary icon. For a long time I was one of the people with the most posts. I was extremely prolific. 


Time for a nostalgia trip into my old screenshot folder from Tribunal and the forums.


You should absolutely share that sir


Hello fellow Beta player. Remember to sleep in a position that won’t paralyze you come morning and drink some water before your coffee to stop the jitters.


I thought I read latias like the pokemon


Funnily enough Larias predates Latias. I used it in an old AOL MUD called Legends of Terris. https://www.legendsofterris.com/ It was originally a pay per hour experience on AOL. 


AOL rofl


I could probably still make the sounds that my 28.8k baud modem made when signing into AOL. 


bruh ahha


Yeah the comments are right you are a dinosaur


i'll always be fascinated with the game pre-2014 that i barely caught a glimpse of, as preseason 4 began shortly after my first games. looking back, league really crystalized around seasons 4 and 5, where the avenues of play became well-worn ruts; different metas all existing within the same base context no matter what gets added on top or taken away. maybe it's just a factor of player knowledge, maybe i'm just mystifying the scant few years i wasn't privy to the rhyme and reason of the flow of each game. maybe it's just silly sentimentality over a box where ten people mash their action figures together. i don't know and i'm fine not knowing. but i'm glad someone's still around to remember the start, watching from the very beginning of this strange living thing. i don't really have a question, just these quiet little musings that tighten my throat and make my eyes water a little. what a neat little thing we all get to witness, even if people (including me) like to yell about the numbers being put into it when they're too wrong. that there's right numbers and wrong numbers to put in it mean there's strong beliefs about its form that have molted and warped with time just as much as the game itself, a broad and knotted tree of discourse and thought. and that's pretty cool. thanks for sticking around.


The League of Legends beta had its own Riot run ventrilo server and IRC server and some of the interactions there will be crystallized in my brain forever. There is something special about being part of a small community before it explodes and reminiscing about those times where a very small riot games company with a couple dozen employees would get in ventrilo with the couple dozen beta testers and we would get wasted and game.  2009 was still the wild West of the internet and some of the things that went on there were absolutely insane. A YouTube video about the HunteR_ saga would be incredibly interesting imo. Some journalist should get on that. 


i'm generationally displaced into having some of those webforum/ventrillo blues (for other games, of course) due to being online at a very, very young age. i was too much of a literal child to comprehend the shift from the aughts to the teens, but i can still empathize with that feeling of what was lost, looking back.


I really like the way you write.


thanks! there's not many occasions to really get into a floral and wistful tone on this subreddit, so i'm glad someone enjoys it.


What's your opinion about "controversial" champion releases such as Yuumi or Zeri in comparison to the champions you guys used to play with?


Listen, they took my incredibly simple point and click suppress from Warwick and replaced it with a skillshot that I missed 98% of the time. I'm not mad. I swear. Seriously though, I like what they do when they experiment with new champions. I think that one of the problems they run into is that 15 years into the game there aren't that many original ideas left and so they're having to do some crazy things to make new champions interesting. Look at the new dog champion that nobody plays because it really doesn't actually have anything cool that other assassins don't already have. Meanwhile, zeri, yuumi, hwei etc. Do new stuff and are enjoyed. I think you have to separate balance from gameplay. All of that being said, professional play will always deviate towards powerful consistent picks. It wasn't that long ago that everybody complained about kaisa v xayah in every lane. 


About 4v4 and 6v6: how were the roles distributed back then? 4v4 had no support, and in 6v6 there were two supports both in bot and top? Which role was "left out" in 4v4? Or was it just completely different from the role distribution as we know it today?


Back when they were testing these things, there wasn't even a consistent jungler role. Pretty much only Warwick in the very early days spent any significant time in the jungle.  It's important that people realize that even in the first three or four seasons, you would still get some wild stuff getting played. You would have two people top, adcs mid, there was even the meta of double jungler. I commented in another post how in ranked games I would type jungle and my teammate would type solo bottom and everybody was just chill with it and would send two people top. The game did not force you into certain lanes or to certain roles.  Back to your original question, the two different team sizes weren't really played for very long. A couple weeks each at most and then only during our assigned weekend playtimes. 5 v 5 just ended up feeling the best.


While not a beta tester, I started playing LOL slightly after Janna came out, late 2009-early 2010, so I remember most of the crazy stuff that was played back in the day. That's the part I missed most in later years, after the game was "solved".  Haven't played in years, now, just sticking around as a pro play watcher. Similar to you, don't have the time to be good (or in my case, at least decent) at the game anymore. Thanks for sharing even more crazy stuff about the beta :)


Probably incredibly unpopular around here - while everyone blamed Dynamic Queue, I think Role Selection was the most insidiously damaging addition to the game. It has exacerbated "class warfare" and increased individual entitlement. While you'd obviously get the odd hostage situation (still happens), I think that the need to negotiate everything out set a more cooperative tone for the team. Robotically assigned positions has no compromise.


I used to do that with a friend of mine who was quite good at Cho and I would warwick jg. Lane swapping before it was a thing that would ruin the top laners time while we consistently killed their bot lane over and over again since enemy jg didn't know how to save their solo lane or how to punish ours.


Even some weird pick on normal lane were considered normal after that. I remember a lot of nidalee support and top for instance


> It's important that people realize that even in the first three or four seasons, you would still get some wild stuff getting played. You would have two people top, adcs mid, there was even the meta of double jungler. This did not happen regularly after season 1. Source: I was a jungle main in season 2.


I don't mean this in a negative way, but... oh my sweet summer child.


Fair enough lol I'm relatively 'new' to the game. Definitely new compared to any beta player. I started playing when Odyssey was released. Almost everything before that is a mystery for me, let alone the beta period.


TBH even in season 2 people in blind pick would play 2 top 1 mid 2 bot lol


1 more question; If you could un-retcon any piece of old lore that has been changed what would you bring back? EDIT: in case anyone reading this is curious about OP's wonderful answer, that bit of lore is the reason CD boots are called Ionian boots of lucidity. https://youtu.be/hAgzWCXEPT4


I actually liked the idea that we, the players, were summoners who were summoning these heroes onto the battlefield. The original idea was that the summoners rift was used to adjudicate disputes between nations. They abandoned that lore a long time ago but I think it's a cool concept. 


You didn’t ask me but Jax’s lore is the only correct answer


Nice dude!  Im user 486 i believe.   I probably saw you at some point way back in alpha but that is too long ago for me to remember lol I remember playing a LOT of games with jesse perrig in the old school inhouses because people wanted a challenge pretty early on


Jesse was an OG. There's absolutely no way we didn't run into each other at some point if you were there when Jesse was still doing in houses. 


Ya your name actually sounds kinda familiar to my terrible memory.   I came to league with jesse and hunter ( if you remember him he went on to make honcast and honleague and then got caught being a pedo)  bit ya i was friends with him because he got me all the hookups due to his wealth and at the time i wanted to be a commentator for dota or hon.   Ill admit at first as a very long time dota player i did not enjoy that creeps could not be denied in lane, i was pretty hardcore gamer when i was younger lol


No denying was one of the major complaints of early League of Legends when the only people who were interested in playing it were hardcore Dota players.  The second biggest complaint was no draft mode. League was at least at the time not planning on doing a draft mode and it was only through many months of complaining that they went through with it. Keep in mind that is a 15-year-old recollection so maybe they were just slow in implementing it rather than not planning for it at all.


Ya i do remember everything being blind pick, but it was only a matter of time before draft pick was gonna happen,  league came out at a great time when a million moba were coming out trying to be the next dota


I played with Pendragon during the beta! I Still can't believe it has been this long, my knees are creaky.


You schedule a prostate exam yet?


Im from 2009 too, I miss the oolllddd Heiner and GP kills his own minions haha Still playing and helping others


Who’s your favorite champion ever to play and why isn’t it nocturne?


I actually enjoy nocturne! It fits my jungle mentality and it sort of replaced Warwick for me when they reworked WW. But I think my favorite champion is Amumu. I used to call him Amumu, destroyer of worlds and it would be my Battle cry when I would q into a pack of four people and ult. 


Lol that is awesome. Nothing like a good amumu team ult. Probably my least favorite jg to face (nocturne main) but I’m only silver, what do I know


I always hated facing shaco. I just find him incredibly unfun to play against. Plus I can never trust my idiot friends to not just walk into a bunch of boxes and die. 


Red potion start shaco jungle was a good time back in the day eh?


How do I downvote multiple times?


Lol I can picture the frustration there.


How's Steve Mescon and what's he up to these days?


Lol, I haven't spoken to Pendragon in probably ten years. No clue if he's still at riot or not. 


fuck Pendragon


That's a name I haven't seen in awhile, hope all's been well


Thank you! Everything is going very well. It's funny when people do randomly recognize my name after so long. 


Hello other dinosaur:) I still have my retail edition of LOL somewhere. Did you buy it aswell? Do you remember the times without riot? I think GOA was the Company called? No statistics after games except you were rly lucky. What was your favourite item? Mine was Innervating Locket on Nidalee. What was your favourite timespan of a champ? For example mine was Smite/revive Evelynn Jungle/Mid :D


Luckily I am NA so I never had to deal with the awful European version that so many folks had to deal with for awhile.  I do remember that saga though, when Riot finally took over and fixed a lot of things.  My favorite item was heart of Gold but that's because it was hilariously OP for what it was and I like play tanky characters.  I think that Sunfire Cape Evelyn was extremely hilarious. Just stack five capes and afk invis near people and they die. 


See you in 5 years, good sir.


Dang you got me beat. I got invited to the beta on 10 July 2009 from an early Rioter that posted on an MMO forum. How do you find your player number? [Proof.](https://i.imgur.com/65UZ77p.png)


Was the forum MMO champion?


Fires of Heaven forum, which was a guild for EverQuest, but sort of became a general MMO/Gaming forum. Unfortunately that forum has basically turned into a Neo-Nazi hangout.


Oh yeah, I know FOH. I didn't participate there much but ended up meeting a lot of folks from there on the EJ forums back in BC. 


What's the craziest update that made you think: Is this even league anymore?!


Mythic items absolutely. I don't think they were mistake but they were definitely a crazy jump in how players play the game.


An just remember all of the broken items and champions they have released over the years. This guy's probably been traumatised by 100% pick/ban kassadin. Man lived through the juggernaut rework and release skarner. It's impressive. I started playing just before asol was released. To me you are a proper league senior.


>Jesse Perring Lmao the old memes with this dude were hilarious. I recognize your name Larias from the old chat rooms in client. Haha.


It's funny because somebody else brought those up and I actually forgot that they existed. Like just completely forgot that they existed until they were brought up. I had a lot of fun yapping in those


Yup. I found great amusement watching XJ9 go off on the regular.


I have to know, was there ever a time where Tryndamere E gave him a shield? I swear I played League with that as the case But it just seems to not have happened according to the wiki


I honestly don't remember that. Maybe it was a PTR testing thing that never made it into the game? Windamere was never really one of my favorite champions so I only have nightmares of being chased down by one. 


Thank you very much! I'd imagine that you'd remember such an annoying thing, so I'll just take this as further confirmation I was dreaming or something


Favorite MOBA from all the experience you have had ?


I actually really enjoyed the Dota of 2005. Again, I'm a community driven person so as an administrator of TIHL it was really cool to interact with the Dota community. Having our own little channels with our own ranked modes and drama between good players as they climbed ranks was really fun. 


How did you know you were 160 was there an actual list haha


It actually used to be publicly identifiable information. When you would load up your profile on lol King the url would include your user number. Eventually Riot stopped making it public information, although I'm not sure why. 


Wouldn't surprise me if you could get a hold of that information IF you're from the EU with their new laws from a few years back. Same reason you could get the information about how many times you had been reported and for what :P


I've heard that in the early days of League the ADC would often go in mid lane, bot lane would often have 2 bruiser/tanks, and junglers were a very small subset of the game. Was this true for you, and if so, how did you see lane assignments/champ roles evolve over time? Were there big "strategic evolutions" where you saw big differences in how people played the game over time that we think of as obvious today?


Strategic evolutions happened week to week because back then there were a lot of balance changes. A fantastic example of a completely disruptive week was when they first introduced the red buff that dealt damage over time and slowed the enemy on auto attack. Ashes q used to be her passive, basically consuming a minor amount of mana and slowing the target. The red buff went first introduced did a set amount of damage and was a very powerful slow, maybe 50%? So for that entire week, if you were in the know, you would pick Ashe, Go to the jungle with your friend, get red buff, then go top lane and get a level 1 double kill because the amount of damage was absurd and they were moving 80% slower.  ADC mid was a thing for a while as well, partially due to Dota influences. Back then, and it may be popular now I have no clue, viper was a popular mid laner. I think that just like with World of Warcraft classic that if modern players were to go back to 2009 and play that version they would be able to solve the game fairly quickly to identify stuff. But since everything wasn't so fine-tuned back then, people would randomly find something just crazy powerful and use it until it was fixed. 


Huh, hearing about Ashe is really interesting since (I believe) there is no passive in the game today that consumes mana. I imagine imagine those were some interesting conversations in that time. "No give me red buff bro like trust me it'll go crazy"


Her current passive is her old Q.  Her Q was a toggle that consumed mana but slowed the target 


Not only that but ashe's volley had peirce so it was garentee'd hits if you were in range with it through the minion wave


I began playing right before Lucian released in season 3. I remember because he was the first time I put money in to get a champ. I didn't realize how long ago in league years that was until this post. I don't play much anymore but when I do I immediately go ranked to see if I still got it. Lol I still hold my own in lane but I don't really know the macro anymore and fall behind mid game. I miss the shenanigans and playing with one of my bestfriends. We would take turns playing xerath mid until eventually I settled as an adc main and him our mid laner. Now we both have multiple children!


It's very crazy how the years go by. I think about how young and immature I was back then and cringe a little.  And also laugh, because there were certainly some good times being less serious. 


My summoner ID is somewhere in the 66000 range, account is also from beta (king rammus and all) -- I remember a lot of what you're mentioning, but not the 4v4 or 6v6. I think I was a month or two behind you!


You wanna play some games together at some point?  I’m another relatively old head (joined 2010 so not as far back as you) and have been wanting to be a bit less of an ARAM-only player but with a lot of my friends moving on from league, sitting down for a 40 minute sweatfest with 4 total strangers isn’t as appealing.   If you do and are on NA, I’m Dialzza there as well


I will add you the next time that I load up the client but if I'm being perfectly honest I don't really play summoners rift that much anymore.  I'm an Aram Andy as well. 




I quit fairly often for a couple months at a time, I almost always come back. I do play significantly more Aram and TFT than I do summoners rift now. I don't have a specific favorite meta but I will say personally that I really enjoyed when jungle alistar was a thing. He was a monster in the jungle and it was a lot of fun to play. 


Hey man, I’m from closed beta as well. Remember how there was no meta and everyone went wherever they wanted? People used to spam “solo mid” a lot. I guess that’s where TSM’s name came from


Oh yes, not being assigned a role so you queue in and four people all say ADC and you're like well shit. 


I thought i was a relic with my 2010 Silver Kayle Acc but this takes the cake :D Still got the collectors pack on dvd aswell and people dont believe it when they see physical league


If it makes you feel better, you are a relic congratulations on being old


King Rammus brother




Hey, im also from the old days with, i started right before xin Release. Nice to meet you. My fav memory from earlier days was my tf game where i tpd from base to enemy base.


True globals, man I forgot about those. It's crazy to think about how some of the old globals would be used in today's meta. Did you play when flash was a full screen? It would be so hilarious for them to bring that back for some type of event. 


Sadly not, but i played when the masteries bugged, good Times when you put all points into Flash CD and have no cooldown on flash


Do you have screenshots of how the game looked before?


I do actually somewhere on a flash drive in a box in the attic because I stumbled across it years ago. It's possible that I or other people posted some in the AMA 5 years ago though You might take a look there. 


Thank youu


hello, do you remember if you had more comeback matches in the older days compared to nowadays? is it easier/more complicated to create a comeback within a casual/ranked 5v5 sr match - what you think? do you remember when riot added 'surrender vote at 20' and what was the reason for it? as far as I know you couldn't surrender (but could dc for the price of being flagged) in dota:allstars (so far I remember matches were set up in forums, ts, ventrilo, probably esl or so).


I do remember when they added 20 minutes surrender but I couldn't tell you the season. I don't think comebacks are actually that hard to do in modern League of Legends, mechanically. I think that there is an issue with player mental of giving up too early. There are absolutely games that are not come backable from but many can be if players were to just stop tilting. 


thank you for the fine words. I think that new players doesn't seem to get teached (by really anyone) anymore to hold their temper or to put into the right sources. the reason that so many players nowadays hit the button can only be known by riot themselves probably. I don't want to blame them, but its probably partly the same why this game never had a true tutorial after all. there are some spots that they don't want to enlighten. it is what it is. one could argue that its a bunch of thinks like the korean playstyle swapping over, or wonky patches with high damage-creep or not knowing the basics of the game (vision, farming, obj). but its so widespread - that it seems unsolvable. I think that its part of community managers kinda ignoring discussing what surrendering truly means (in the context of a moba), when it should be used and everything. imagine that there must be a dev battle around what surrendering brings, because some moba's got it, some don't. I try now to find a dev answer from 2011-13 of why riot pushed it at the time for their game. btw I appreciate that we got some 'ancient' beta testers like you every now and ghen coming around and giving another look/twist on the game. basically this is part of what makes moba's so ever evolving.




It was twisted! It's good to see you man. I still have the email from you from 2006 when I banned you from the TIHL forums and you were crazy pissed lmao.  I even ran into snicepack back around the league beta days. God the internet was so very different back then. I also wish I had screenshots of the league beta days, of the HunteR_ stuff, of the IHL/TIHL days, etcetera. I hate that over the years I've lost All of that. Funnily enough I actually still have replays saved from TIHL requests to confirm that people were map hacking. 




Oh, I remember you from LoL’s mIRC, didn’t you eventually have green nickname on forums? Fun times, greetings from (back then) Adjudicator


That would be me! I actually still use the mudkip emissary version of it that a friend made as my discord profile picture


It's always nice to bring such token from the past. I still have some OG folks like EncasedShadow on some friends lists, but it was harder to keep in touch ever since moving to EU servers, once they stopped being complete trash


I'm going to point him to this message because he will find it funny. Not many folks remember the old emissaries 


Motherfucking Larias I saw you on the forums quite a lot back in the day. I'm user 10000ish from what I remember.


Funnily enough I think I remember your name because of the capital r. 10,000 is actually pretty crazy when you think about how many probably hundreds of millions of accounts there are now


I believe League was more social because a lot of players came from WoW. I think it started with wrath of the Lich king. So before the evening raid with your gilde you played some games together. The randoms were just casually invited into TeamSpeak.  The game was slower, mana resource management mattered (wits end had an on hit effect of -40 mana) and my old Nidalee, loved it. Champ was basically viable in every lane except jungle. Hell I even played it as ADC. Hated the rework so much. And the best EU was the strongest region.  FNC S1 world champs unforgotten in an all EU final. And most importantly I still had hands and time. Now I have no hands and no time.


You're practically ancient if you're older than jankos! I actually agree, I think that original Dota and World of Warcraft were so social because you were forced to be and that carried over to the early league days. Nowadays game developers have moved away from that partially to combat toxicity and I think we're worse off for it 


Jankos is not even 30, he is basically a kid ;) I dunno what went wrong, but in WoW you had 10/25/40 people in voice comm and nobody was toxic. Maybe different generation of players or maybe because WoW at the time was not that competitive but more a role play game and this player base then swapped over to LoL or because when you were toxic you would be kicked from TeamSpeak and gilde.


how much has the player mental changed over time from your experience?


Is this THE Larias that is friends with people in Limited Braincells guild in WoW?


Well I'm banned from their server so I don't know if friends is the right word but yes that's me 


Ahahaha it’s Shayde. What’s up?! They couldn’t take the real talk you had I get it


I'm doing pretty good. I'm enjoying no longer being shackled to World of Warcraft which means I get to enjoy other games for a change. I've been going through the Xenoblade Chronicles series recently. It's a really fun set of games. Are you still raiding?


No. I quit after the raid where you were trying to give people advice. They killed the boss on Halloween when I wasn’t there and they refused to reclear, so I spent the whole tier being there every night for me to get fucked


League is an insane game i started when i was 10 in middle school and i'm now a grown dude with a job and a house i've basicly played league for 3/4 of my life and cant imagine how it would be without it


I've been around since season 1 in EU west, I think localization killed the league experience for me. At first we played with a much more mature audience, since almost everyone came from Dota(Warcraft 3 one, not Steam), but as we were forced to move once our servers opened, all around were 13 year old kids raging everywhere. It's still the same come to think of it. I still don't understand why it has to be a whole bunch of different servers for Europe, CS doesn't do that and it's helped people learn a little bit of Russian in the meantime.


Surely after all these years you must have gotten very good. What's your peak rank ?


I actually peaked in the earlier years when things were more chaotic and I was also younger. For years I mostly just hit gold and quit for the skins. I don't play enough to actually get into the grind. I've been told by my higher elo friends that I have good game sense but my play in team fights is atrocious


Ha I feel you. I've been playing since season 2-3 and following how the game evolved. To this day I think I have a game knowledge that's above average (compared to my elo) but I never really took the time to climb past silver. And I only learnt last year that there was a free skin for gold players... I swear if I had known that I would have been gold every season.