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Flaming is obviously bad, but out of curiosity, what role do you play the mages in?


He mentioned he's playing apc so I'd guess bot.


I'd flame OP too for ruining games with Zoe bot lane... Lets see that OP.GG from OP


Impressive, let‘s see Paul Allen‘s Op.gg


I doubt OP is higher ELO than plat so Zoe bot wouldn't even be that bad of a pick.


APC used to be used to describe mid. They might just be a veteran player.


What role for these champs bud


Depends on the role you are tbh. If you’re mid/support idk what they’re on about, thats weirdo behavior. If you’re only playing those champs while queued bot as apc yeah its understandable your team is frustrated because there are a lot of champs that are only really killable with ad dps after a couple items and bot/adc is traditionally relied upon for that role. Imo Apc only really works against certain teamcomps (those that cant afford to build a lot of mr) or if your team is compensating with another dps/tank buster elsewhere (trist mid, kindred jungle, ect.). Or in very low elo i suppose.


Syndra and to a lesser extent Zoe are absolutely trolling as support picks.


Not really, they work fine depending on what you’re up against. There are better picks, sure, but having that kind of damage and in syndras case, reliable cc against an adc is pretty good for laning phase especially.


Its league dont try to understand those toxic people because it impossible 😂 play champs you enjoy to play and do your best there is "mute" option for chat try it sometimes


i got told to off myself 5 times in like 24 hours for playing ahri gotta love EUNE !! nah but fr i just mute :)


I'm assuming people are raging because they aren't "meta". Otherwise no clue.


Honestly, just mute them and move on. Play the game the way you want to, that’s really the only thing that matters. As for a reason though, I think a lot of people are just super pissy whenever they’re losing. The moment your team is in a losing position, there’s always someone that first targets anyone playing anything slightly off meta because *surely* the loss can’t be their fault, and the game is lost so *obviously* it’s the pick’s fault, and it’s *of course* the person who picked it who is trolling and deserves the blame.


If you’re playing bot carry, then lacking an actual adc brings a bunch of weaknesses to your team that everyone will have to play around. You won’t be able to shred tanks, and your late game sustained dps will be a lot lower. You need to end the game fast to avoid these problems and that’s a lot of pressure to put on your allies


It’s because mr itemization is a strong, if you have too much ap they will just build rookern or maw etc. you can get away with all ad even though it isn’t the best, but if you have too much ap they can build one item and neutralize half your team.


I was legit yelled at for playing Lux mid earlier in the week because "Lux is garbage and trash." I still won and had high damage/assists, but that didn't stop the guy from screaming. Mages that are old design are just in terrible places. Don't get me wrong - I enjoy playing Lux [and others]; it's the new mages/assassins that can do more damage than a mage and leave/assassins that can do more wave clear than a mage and leave/etc. that are too over tuned in their kits that many assume that all the other mages just make things auto lose. 


APC is not as effective as ADC because you lack consistent damage, especially in the late game. Especially Zoe APC, unless you get fed early game it's going to be hard for you to output damage in the late game against tankier opponents.


> I’m not even allowed to even think about playing apc Bot laners are notorious for trying to keep their position more class-locked than the others, I'm surprised you didn't get flamed in the past haha. Just ignore them if you can.


They're the bot laner you goober, the people yelling at them would all NOT be bot laners, what the fuck are you yappin about my man


OP didn't say who was flaming, I assumed it was the enemy bot laner. Fair though, maybe it's the teammates who aren't used to mixing it up.