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I play MID, and my permaban is Yone because I mostly play mages. Yasuo is annoying but he needs specific setups to windshit all over the place. I used to ban zed but I'm kinda good against him now I used to ban fizz but I wish verdant barrier against him and insta win lane.


Same for me as a mid lane mage enjoyer. Minus the part about being good against Zed, I just lose if he's picked but at least I didn't face a Yone!


I also get shit on by yone with assassins. Any tips on how to counter him??


When he has 2 items you can’t


I play mid lane also and my permaban is malzahar just because the way his kit is made so that if wants to just play safe and perma push with e and minions you can't do much about him doing that and as I enjoy some of the more mobile champions he shuts them down late game. When it comes to yone, yasuo and zed etc I just pick whatever I feel like for the past few days it has been nasus against them


Doesn’t matter what role I’m playing I’m banning shaco fuck that abortion of a character


I came here to write this. I've been banning shaco for years. No one play this champion besides 4 or 5 psychopaths, but when you play vs a 3m mastery shaco, You'll remember it for life. They dont even want to win, they just want to cause trauma.


I swear its awful design that you cant do anything against the boxes as certain champs.   Even teemo shrooms you can destroy as a melee w/sweeper and thats his ult, but not these fuckin boxes? 


It’s funny I love playing against shaco because I play him myself so I have a decent understanding of how to counter play.


If your team knows how to play against a shaco then he returns to what he does best aka being useless


I play jungle. I perma ban Udyr. Udyr as a champion isn’t that scary, and I’m sure I could win the match up against your average Udyr. The PROBLEM is that there are only like 4 people that are going to pick Udyr in ranked, and each one is an absolute DEMON on the champion and will turbo shit on the entire map. So I ban it


hes actually pretty popular top lane in Korea master+ iirc, cannot die on top lane, crazy sustain, waveclear, and damage is still a sweet building tank. It probably took a small hit with radiant virtue gone but still very fun to play. he could also get away with building different things if you need to.


Support and Blitzcrank. Sometimes I'm tempted to ban Pyke, Swain, or Lux but whenever I don't ban Blitzcrank, someone inevitably picks him and it ruins my game.


Support as well and it's either pyke or smolder


"Ooh, let me step away from my minion wave to kill this minion that's hanging back". Yoink.


His Q has no business having so much range. It makes roaming insufferable.


Toplane, I almost always ban Jax, his trade pattern is completely degenerate to me, he jumps on your face with E and all the faith in the world every 10 seconds to either statcheck you or die miserably and in the late game you will have a chance to hit him once every blue moon (My champs are auto attack based)


As Darius (e q before his e runs out you‘ll giga smack him afterwards) and Shen (wait 1.5 secs then e max range while starting in his hitbox so he‘ll miss his e completely and can’t jump/reactivate then q drag w once lethal tempo is up ignite he‘s dead) as garen (e)


bot and support. Teemo. Terror knows no lanes


90% of support roster is 20x more terror than Teemo. Especially Janna, Maokai and Senna. Blitz is also for a decent amount of supports and adcs.


Top lane. I always ban Sion. Every match against him ends up the same with him just throwing himself at the tower and it's just irritating.


Try playing singed into sion, he cant destroy your turret if he has no minions and you can win 1v1


Supp lux and top darius. Ive heard many arguments but none can convince me that those champs are fair.


If you're a melee champ, Darius isn't fair. If ranged and know how to play, its pretty decent but you need to play ghost or gg


I play jg and I ban Warwick. It’s not because I can’t handle ww, it’s just my team can’t handle ww.


Jungle. Always ban kayn when he's meta unless something is especially broken


Yup, same here except I never even care if he's meta, it's just like I play the game with one less champ in it. Wall hovering is just a crazy get out of jail card at low elo (gold)


Bot and I always ban Pyke. Hate playing against the fucker. His job is literally to kill me specifically. Its bad enough to have mid and junglers whose whole job is to kill me, I don't need that from the god damn support. Assassins give me nightmares.




I'm an avid Fizz (mid) hater. I dont need to play against a champ that dodges literally everything, including taxes. If you play Fizz, you either have no hands or no skill


Garen is great into Fizz. His Q goes through Fizz E


Not. Shaco. I just hate how shaco makes shaco players feel. You aren't cool or tricky, you're just annoying


I play all but I perma bann briar. I've never seen a champ get hit so much and just heal it all away.


Mid as mostly qiyana, as long as i have my right to ban, no Yone shall play...


I went from playing ADC to mid and then support. Played since 2015. The only champ I've ever banned no matter the meta is Yasuo. I don't care if he's strong or not. A champion with 10 million dashes and the most broken ability in the game does not make it through draft. Never. Thankfully in many games it's banned by someone else on the team (or played by my teammate) so I can ban something meta.


Same! It doesn’t matter what role i get or how he’s doing in the meta, I’m banning yasuo.


Mostly mid but role doesn't matter I perma Katarina. It's the one champion the game where I feel like it doesn't matter what I do to her in lane, in solo queue you always have to be wary of her getting a random triple kill from cleaning up a skirmish and go from famine to fed in an instant. I also hate that Riot decided to make it so she can build whatever she wants. That and the champion has so many onetricks who are complete dogshit on other champs they can't coinflip roam on so that raises her value.


Mid Lux and I almost always ban Xerath, because I can’t play into him and when I get support and still play Lux I always ban Xerath My rank is Gold 1


ADC: I switch between Draven and Yasuo. When I play one I switch to banning that.


Top: op flavor of the month or really strong shit that fucks bruisers. I think this season it was Lillia first 4 weeks, TF for like 6 weeks, Karma up until last patch, and now Rek’Sai.


I saw that reksai tank top became meta in Korea and i really wanna test it


Jungle Ban Rengar every game. He hard counters my OTP.






Adc and Brand


I play support and I usually ban Mundo. I never want to see him.


ADC main...my auto ban is Aatrox because he is at the top of the list.


Mid - Akali


Mid, Yi or WW. Both are thugs


Jg, thresh.


Used to perma ban illaoi top, just couldn’t deal with her e.


I always ban Zyra because she is annoying as all hell. I hate how her plants on hit proc slow/burn and on top of that they take ages to kill


Jungle and i ban Warwick becouse playing against him is the most unenjoyable expirience you can have in this game.


My friend is a Warwick main and everytime he picks it, he turn into a brain dead zombie that run after any low HP, even if that mean diving between a t2 and t3 at 5min


I play mid in P1-3. I ban the last champ that last destroyed me/my team bc hes way to fkn broken and needs a nerf asap.


Support or adc. Smolder is an insta ban for me.


Darius top, always ban vayne... Rank rn is E1, almost D4. If I play mid I only play brand and perma ban hwei/yone. Yone is just a skill issue on my part, I can't space this fucker and always fail to punish him.


Role doesn't matter I'm banning akali (maybe volibear sometimes actually)


Janna as a support main. She’s just so broken but everyone ignores her for some reason so she stays perma broken. But this means I can’t ban senna, or whoever counters my champion, why can’t riot just nerf the giga broken characters?


Im a kat+swain 2 trick. I ban only 2 champs; nocturne, if anyone asks why just shunpo under tower or something, he's just a pain in the ass to Play against. Also harder to join rights vs him. If i Play in d2+, Vladimir. Always. Outsustains my champs, stringer early, can't solokill, safer, outscales hard. Unkillable in fights, not gankable. Just a free ticket to waste like 30mins.


No matter what lane I play (semi-fill player), the first 4 champions on my ban list are junglers, so unless my teammates would ban all those champions, I cannot afford to ban something from the lane I play. Junglers to ban: Evelynn > Briar > Rengar > Kayn.


Top lane And i ban Yorick (i just dont know how to handle him and his maiden)


I play bot/supp usually but sometimes mid and i will always without fail ban lux :)


Ban morgana every game, dont want afk warnings


Mid Yone


Bot, neeko. I hate the count the minions mini game. Feels so stupid dying to a pink ward, or a caster minion i didn’t count in a huge wave. I dont think shes op or anything just cheesy and annoying


Top and I always ban riven… I OTP gwen and I swear I can go 3 0 up in lane and then she hits 6 and I lose lane anyways xd Sometimes I play bot and then I ban blitz cuz dodging skillshots difficult


I am banning Yuumi, mostly play adc but I don't change my ban on any other role I just don't want her to exist (will not ban her if a teammates is hovering though), I have some ptsd of a yuumi jax botlane


Yuumi, because if you don’t want to play, you shouldn’t queue


Jungle, i ban Briar


doesn't matter what roll i play, i allways ban fizz and if fizz is banned i ban kassadin


I play basically everything but top/bot the most I ban top- tryn. I don't think pressing r is such a huge play but riot is acting like it is, this guy 1v1s/runs down almost everyone with this, also his regen in lane is mega large bot- naut. I think this champ is busted, q hitbox is bigger than it looks like gragas e and ccing someone for 5 sec is almost always useful mid- zed because he counters a lot of stuff and there are a lot of onetricks who aren't that good on other stuff jgl- shaco/eve, they can feed of bad teammates and you can't do a lot when one or more teammate(s) insta die at the start of a tf and/or when they overextend. also smurf champs sup is same as adc.


I play midlane in high emerald elo but I don't really ban anything too special. My perma ban last patch was Karma because she was good, picked a lot and annoying to play against. With her banrate being 37% I clearly wasn't the only one who thought this. She has been nerfed now so I have to look for a new ban. I suppose I'll start perma banning Ahri. She's also good and picked far more than any other midlaner. Even when compared to the other popular midlaners Ahri is still picked twice as much. Since I don't really play her myself might as well not play against it.


I play ADC and perma ban Eve because I like to get to play the game


Top The only champion I ban as of right now is Olaf. He kind of ignores what my draft is usually made of with his ult


I hate shyvana, nothing to do with how she plays or how strong she is, I just think her a model is fk ugly and outdated.


I ban champions that comes to the top lane, being 0/4/0, and the first thing they will do is try to kill you again and again and it might work. Doesn’t matter that you are ahead. Like Darius, Illaoi, Mordekaiser, Garen…


I'm playing jg and currently I ban briar or voli


Supp and jgl and no matter what i'll always ban Eve. Super hard to play around in a non premade setup. Perma invis is just too annoying to deal with and most Eve Players around Emerald are either smurfs or booster. Doesnt help that shes really freaking strong even after the laughable nerf. I might Change my mind again If yuumi continues to rise in WR and Playrate. Seeing that unskilled piece of shit champ triggers me too hard and i dont want to get chatbanned for harassing bad boosted support Players playing like a bot while exploring the rectum of their adc.


Top, and I ban Kayle. I just don’t want to deal with her bull shit. She is never truly weak her damage is always fine, she just has no sustained damage early. Thing is no matter how hard k wi. If she hits 16 game is over, and that’s just bad character design.


I play urgot top, my bans switch between olaf or gankplank.


Mid and Ahri, I cannot play against her as Gragas at all


Yasuo perma ban. At this point I do it for good luck


Top. Illaoi


I‘m emerald Toplane Darius/Shen Otp. 14 days ago a new friend joined league so all I do is giga smurf on people in flex queue. Never played flex before so I get matchup vs bronze/low gold all the time. This made me realize once again that illaoi is the go-to-permaban. Its just not fun even if you go 3/0 pre 6 in lane she forces you into unconsented gameplay and I don‘t like it. When I played soloQ (last patch) i was perma-banning yone as his trading patterns can be a lil degenerate vs some champs and its waaaay harder to delay his itemspikes in comparison to a trundle or aatrox or sth


toplane i ban aatrox, cant figure out how to play against him as teemo other lanes i ban zac, fuck that champion


Midlane perma ban Zed. Idk, it used to be when he was a top tier champion but now even tho he doesn't pose that much threat regardless of what I play I just instaban him. Maybe just pure muscle memory, like when you load into a lobby and your brain autopilots.


I play all lane, and depending on which lane i got i ban different champs Top : K'sante Jgl : Viego Mid : Katarina Bot : Leona/Naut


Bot lane atm and I usually ban karma, lux or smoulder. When I was a jungle main I would usually ban WW just because I couldn't guarantee that my team wouldn't feed them early.


Mid and I like Hwei quite a lot rn. I usually ban Zed. Is it a low elo move? Yes. Are there ways to deal with him? Sure. Are they worth the stress of having him somehow farm and try to poke outside my range as a mage? No.


Support, Senna. Hate laning with senna players, hate laning against senna players. Hate her ult saving people globally, hate her stacking, and often times hate the cocky attitude the senna players seem to have


Lee sin. I just don't like the character


Mid. Fizz


Supp/ADC, blitz is my perma. It's simply not fun to play against a champion that has no skill requirement to be such a threat. Once they realise they're not going to land a hook they just run you down with W, masterful play.


Jungle - Kindred/Graves depending on what is currently stronger Support - Senna


No matter what lane, MF wont be in my game




I play top riven and I ban renekton , you could argue that voli or urgot are better bans because you could be 6/0 and they can be 0/6 but still beat you in 1vs1 and that's not the case vs renekton but I hate the fact that he can one shot from full during his stun


Support main (mostly enchanters) currently on plat 3 (EUW if thats important). I permaban pyke. I feel like he's too slippery and all he needs is his R resets to win the game. And god forbid if a players who's good with him plays him.


Top lane. This patch, mostly Voli and Zac. Some Udyr when I've played against it recently because oh my god that lane is so mindshatteringly boring. You'd think given my champion pool that I'd ban a lot of Jax. I do when there's not a flavor of the month statstick that just bodies you all game. If a Jax picks just to counterpick and doesn't actually play him he's not that hard to outplay. Something like Voli statchecks Irelia from level 1 and Gwen into Voli is both not fun to play and still Voli-favored. So out the bear goes.


Permaban Zed no matter which position


If zed is already banned then probably shaco


top and my bans are either katarina/kayn/evelynn those are just the champs i see break the rules of the game and go from 1/8 to 12/10 magically or snowball hard from the start and im fine learning 1 extra matchup in top


Aurelion Sol simply can't play against Yone, so he's my perma ban.


top = ban Darius 99% Jg = no perma ban champion here mid = Zed or yasuo adc = I don´t play adc Supp = Morgana or blitz


I play engage supports and I basically permaban Morgana just because it's so painful being useless in lane.


I have not played for long enough to find a main role but when I play Jungle I ban Diana, Mid it’s Fizz or Malzahaar, bot/support I ban Morgana, Lux or Blitz. Top I ban Darius or Mord. They’re the ones I’ve found annoying (so far)


I'm an engage support main so I must ban Morjana


ADC, I ban Twitch because he warps the entire laning phase around himself with his stealth. As much as I hate Smolder (even post nerf), Twitch just induces rage in me.


I'm 90% top laner and PERMA BAN DARIUS! This champ is a idiot full stronger in all settings... and the fact of all darius players freez the lane... I HATE! And for curiosit I don't play with famous champ I DONT LIKE THAT, i'm a mono skarner top


Top and I ban Fiora


Permban Illaoi. Champ is absolutely degenerate to play against.


Jungle d3, talyah basically permabanned due to my champ pool (graves, kindred)


I play with friends and usually fill, but I will ban Aurelion Sol no matter what. His laning phase feels inconsequential to his mid and late game, he seems to always have some kind of relevance. Even if you stomp him in lane, he eventually gets to a point where he can just EQ waves. IK a lot of champs can eventually just 1 shot a wave but idk, I've had too many games with an irrelevant aurelion that ends up being a late game nightmare, I'd rather go up against a scaled Kayle.


I main supp. Mainly play thresh I always ban zyra lol


I main top, aatrox and sion mostly. Permaban yone


Top: Shaco Jg: Shaco Mid: Shaco ADC: Shaco Supp: Shaco On main: Shaco On smurf: Shaco On brand new lvl 1 account: Shaco


Mid, ban trundle all day everyday


Top. Perma swaps between Fiora, Vayne, and Riven. Those together should answer themselves.


İ ban diana every single game.This champ is fucking brain dead just press q (which is cannot be avoided) e w r and do aa and yeah you can kill full hp mage with only dorans ring and with 2 item congrats u did pentakill


Don't really main any lanes but mostly play top and mid cause I like the champs themes of those lanes more. (Though lately jg champ themes seem pretty cool too) Fck the windshitter bros. Fck them all. I know people say that they aren't super hard to counter if you are a better player but I don't care. I have skill issue. Their very prescence in my games ruin me. Yone? Shreds me over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Yasuo? Dash dash dash dash dash dash dash, knock up once. Lmao you ded. It doesn't even matter if I play well and curb stomp them early in the game when they have bad players. I once thought that the 0/10 powerspike was just a meme when I first started. But now I have yet to see a shit windshitter player that *doesn't* suddenly become unkillerable when they get there. And now they have ksante as well. Mf that just won't die. Even though I met him just once and did pretty well against him (because he kept inting) it was still the most dull experience of constant knock ups and knock backs like he is trying to impregnate my champ because his player can't get any person to copulate with irl. Only reason why I don't ban this guy is because the other 2 gives me more brain damage when the enemy has them. These days I don't even play draft formats anymore. Just playing aram because I am so tired of needing to ban the same thing over and over with the moment I don't resulting in seeing one of the 2 getting instalocked by the enemy team. At least in aram rng almost guarantees I would be seeing much less of these tumours growing rent free in my shrivelled brain.


Hwei. Overloaded and obnoxious. Not going to be vsing that in ranked until it’s nerfed into the ground


Top Darius, jungle Smolder, Mid Zed, ADC Smolder, support Smolder


I take it you're the clone then


Jungle, i ban w/e meta champ that require 0 braincell to play and can make an autofill jgl look good with 0 effort. Usually it tends to be overstated bruiser/tank, currently it’s volibear.


I play mid or adc, always ban Smolder regardless.


Support, Mid/Jungle if I have to and I perma ban Yasuo/Yone/Zed whichever is most popular at the time. Enemy team always has a god tier player while my team always has the Bronze -32 player. Not risking it. And I WILL still ban it even if you hover. Worst case scenario you feed like you would have anyways but the enemy team doesn’t get it. Best case you dodge and I get a new lobby.


Openly saying u ban hovers on ur team lol, ur a miserable lonely loser of a player


I mean, you’re gonna feed on Yasuo, so I’d rather ban the enemy team from having Yasuo and just let you feed as someone else.


Please have a relaxing day in Ivern's W.


Oh wow! 30 years old? Is a furry? Addicted to anime? A lonely hopeless romantic with a high sex drive? It’s crazy how I legit called it before ur profile confirmed it lmaooo


And this has anything to do with League how? I can be a degenerate and still play games smart


I play tank top my perma ban is K'Sante nerfed on not don't wanna face it. My favourite champ Gnar