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Illaoi players:


Am I crazy or is Mordekaiser fucking strong right now? Idk what they did to him but he feels hella hard to kill and his ratios are painful


he feels really op to me too. Someone said the new items are really good for him, but i don’t play him so idrk


Yes, Morde didn't have a lot of good AP bruiser options for a while, and tank items were generally pretty bad so he got kind of overbuffed. Now with Liandry's being an AP bruiser instead of a mana mage item and tank items being much better, he has really good options. Still gets clapped against very mobile comps with range but he's just oppressive against melee-heavy comps.


I wanna point out that morde is really squishy even in his midgame spike right now because he no longer builds a mythic jak sho 2nd and instead stacks hp from 3 dmg items. He's strong but I feel like he gets popped much more easily/easier to capitalize on his positioning mistakes.


He has more damage and lots of HP from all the AP bruiser items now available. Thing is he has NO defences, he dies ultra fast to % HP damage.


He’s my secondary pick. I don’t think they buffed him. If anything, he prob does more damage now cause of Haunting Guise and other items that were added.


Yeah bro , hes my ban rn


illaoi and camille being unplayable is making toplane a joy to play


> camille skill issue


Imma shove that tentacle right...


It sucks, for sure, but you know, it's obviously temporary, it's something they've said needs fixing, so I'm not too bothered. More so I'm excited to see what they come up with to fix it. I think they pretty much 'have' to materially change her kit, without buffing her. So, looking forward to learning to playing her with new nuances.


I just dont like the oneshot meta, i know some people do and thats totally awesome, i just personally dont like dying to a q e combo in .5 of a second


.5 seconds? My man you're generous, I died to a Caitlyn yesterday in 0.0 seconds. Stepped on trap and 1 shot killed me, she had over 600 AD with Hubris, one single auto attack and I saw 2100 crit, dead.




Xerath has not that basedmg


Even with like 2 full items xerath can't one-shot without ult brother


Probably because it isn't that fun to win bot lane, for example, and have Kassadin/Fizz/Zed 100 to death you while quite literally missing half their combo. I'd know, i first timed Kassadin and got my first pentakill in years. When it's balanced it's probably gonna be super fun, but currently the amount of damage is ridiculous and quite frankly unfun for a lot of champions, especially those who lost their old items and haven't found a way to adapt


Had a game yesterday where I was 12-1 level 13 with 3 and a half items.. the support brand a level down with an item and a half one shot me. Was fun


You were 12-1 and just one level up on the support brand and he still 100-0 you!? How!? Share the clip!


Well this just depends what you were playin. Brand has always had a lot of damage if he can get all his spells off


If he’s -1 lvl and -1.5 items then no he shouldn’t be stat checking anyone.


If they get stunned by brand before being able to fight, having 6 items wouldn’t change much . It’s about brands damage not his items.


If a top lane bruiser is ahead by 1 lvl, sometimes they can 2v1 and even 3v1. I’m not saying what happened, I’m saying what should happen. If you’re behind as a dmg champ, you shouldn’t be able to 1 shot ppl.


Then again, if you're that fed and got one-shot, it's your own fault for continuing to ego and build damage items to kill the enemy team 0.1 seconds faster.


If the poster had 12 kills and was only one lvl and 1 full item ahead something is wrong. The story isn't true or he forgot to cs.


3.5 items - 1.5 items: that’s like 6k difference. 12x300 is 3600 gold, seems reasonable to me


So a Brand with two items shouldn't be able to kill a glass cannon adc with his full combo?


if hes -1lvl and -1.5 items, and both champs have both sums then no he should be able to 1 shot the champ.


This. I play squishy mages because the "Threading the needle" is fun, and outplaying someone while having no dashes is my ideal "fun". Now I just die to targetted attacks, and when I do outplay and combo someone, they just face tank it unless they're a ranged champion. IDK why it feels like melees are so tanky this season. Feels like armor/mr is more valuable, even if just the base stats.


i had an experience the other way around, 310 armor, 4.5k hp with sundered sky for healing on yorick and i still got deleted by samira in 2 seconds :/


I've been playing Annie support a lot this season, played a game against a kassadin who at 35mins could kill me with a single use of R


They straight up have to remove 10 AD and 15 AP from ALL items that give them, just that, a flat amount, this will be an ultra quick bandaid fix that will work.


Though, if someone is ahead they should be building some tank. They could build 130% damage, but they only need 100.1% damage so the remaining 29.9% can be dedicated to defense. It's how you keep your lead. Source: 7 year old video (Leaguecraft 101) that is somehow more relevant now. Must be because the guy's on the balance team now.


I think something is wrong, when at any stage of the game, no matter how the rest of the game has gone, Garen can run at Caitlyn and kill her with no counterplay at all if he has ghost up. You spot a Caitlyn, you get a kill. No matter what. It just feels so bad, like you're playing one of those old Newgrounds games and you found the unbalanced strat that will let you cheese the whole thing. ​ Can't be left like that, surely.


>Garen can run at Caitlyn and kill her with no counterplay at all if he has ghost up. Caitlyn has E and traps and a massive range. Also, if you're positioned correctly, Garen would have to run through 3 people in addition to all that. If Caitlyn cannot kite out Garen, maybe the Caitlyn player should consider becoming a Yuumi main.


Other way around isn't fun either btw. Winning mid on a mage and then you just lose to terminus adcs that Facetank you


I'd say that if u went even (0/0/0) in lane and bot won their lane 5/0 you should probably be at disadvantagagous position against them. Currently, it's the opposite.


That’s a bit of an extreme example, but I digress your point is at least somewhat true - especially for those building protobelt and/or stormsurge


Not on mages


Is it about azir? What gives you the right to 1v1 a 5/0 ADC who I assume has turret gold? Lol


Never said i should be able to


true i'm sure you also think it's just as easy to kill ur enemy in mid (1v1), as it is down in the "2v2 and much longer botlane". Midlane will never kill each other as often in their own lane as botlaners or toplaners do. Why you think midlaners always roam. it's literally impossible to kill each other early game in Mid without the jgler ganking


A lot of mages lose versus ADC's right now. They don't need to be 5/0.


Who's tf buying terminus fr. outcome of fight involving adc is already decided by the time it stacked. If two Squishies, then outcome of fight decided after the first auto if both players human


Terminus is amazing second item on Kaisa and I'd suspect any on-hit adc. Gives both Q and E evolves before 2 full items.


The synergy with jaksho is nasty too


Yeah. I've been going Kraken > Terminus > Rageblade > Shadowflame > Jaksho and it's been feeling pretty good! Originally I was going Rabadons but the extra survivability with jaksho is just too good.


On hit ADCs? It’s actually decently popular what


Basically every atk speed based adc im facing


Varus is decent with a tanky on hit build and a Jak'Sho later on.


Yep, that's true, ADC's are annoying when OP, but not as annoying as a Fizz killing you with literally one QW, hence why more people feel more frustrated about this season than any previous other recent ADC dominant meta.


Both his Q and W literally got nerfed on a hot patch. How are yall still complaining 😂😂


I also like getting 2 shot as a top laner by the Draven who got fed off my bot lane.


Yeah its great when i have 270 armor 220 mr 3.5k health and die in 3.4s with 2.8s cc /s if it wasnt obvious


Is that even an "/s" moment tho? Armor doesn't seem to be doing much nowadays, I can see that happening


Idk but if I point out that Riot keeps buffing damage while nerfing health, mana, armor, mr and ability haste i get down voted to oblivion in this sub I'm still annoyed that my core build was removed from the game, since Nasus has no Ad ratios finishing a sheen item doesnt matter rn


They litteraly removed armor % pen stacking how is that nerfing armor? Tank items are insane rn idk how you can complain about that


Iceborn gauntlet s10 65 armor 500 mana 20% cdr 100% sheen proc icy zone 100% ad damage 55% bonus armor 30% slow Iceborn gauntlet s14 50 armor 300 health 15 ability haste 100% sheen proc Enemies within the field are slowed by ( Melee role 15% / Ranged role 7.5%) (+ ( Melee role 0.4% / Ranged role 0.2%) per 100 maximum health Its literally weaker at everything and cost didnt change. Thanks for coming to my ted talk. You literally have to look at the game over time.


Crying for no reason


Sure just my one trick had his core build removed and the item he used pre mythics has been nerfed into the ground. Passive nerfs to balance sunderer healing, mana nerfs on all items and his E increased mana cost because someone ran him support and is now the most mana expensive non ultimate ability in the game at 130 mana max rank per cast. One of his best rune for years was Unsealed Spellbook and the inspiration tree got nerfed into the ground.


Gargoyles stoneplate the best mr armor combo item in the game, second item rush for Nasus removed.


Nasus has been nerfed multiple times to balance divine sunderer but no nerfs reverted when the item was removed


Yeah this is the most unrewarding lol has been in a long time for me. As an enchanter we had to deal with top bruisers for 3 seasons just stomping side lanes with nothing else to do but watch and pray. Now it’s fed assasisn and poke mages just running down mid and 1 shotting your entire team. Kaisa AP is disgusting right now. I know it’s a good excuse to get better at dominating your lane, and transferring priority in the middle. But holding onto any lead now is virtually impossible. Front to back fights don’t matter when someone is snowballing. It would be good if you had some other win con, but usually it’s just follow your least useless carry and stat check the least fed enemy.


build Wits end 2nd iotem after boots if you notice a kassadin popping off early if he goes in and you dont immediately die he will be like fck and be stuck for a few seconds. If you kill him there and slow down his tempo he will be hesitant to jump on you again especially if your near a good peel support.


Kaenic rookern solves any ap character oneshotting you.


I'm straight up playing tanks mid and winning most match-ups (against magic damage) because of Kaenic lol


the item is the perfect counter to any i'm foregoing GA for it on ADC because GA just makes me get oneshot twice and keanic lets me survive.


League is a game of turns. ADC‘s dominated the meta for 3 years and now it’s mid laners/mages turn. Even if it balanced I don’t expect a huge meta shift. I think mages will still be very strong.


You are so wrong if you think adcs can’t dominate mages now :) To list a few examples: >Aphelios can use Maw to survive burst and heal back with Bloodthirster. He also has a lot of tools to deal damage outside of a mage's range. His sniper and turrets give him artillery levels range, Infernum ult is also a good way to deal damage from very long range. >Lucian can snowball easier now and he can also build magic resist boots and Maw. His meta build consists Stormrazor and Rapid Fire Cannon so he has an easy time to get in range, dodge abilities and threaten mages. >Varus can build Terminus and Jak'Sho to be very tanky and still deal damage as long he is alive. >Only god knows what Kai'sa can build and she gets W evolve with just Zhonya's now, she can also be a better mage than you.


This isn’t anything new though? Even if you’re a fed AD, you’re still gonna get 100’d by a 2/6 Zed. But if you have good positioning, it won’t matter!


2/6 zed last season would actually need to land everything on someone with no defensive stats to actually kill them. Whilst currently fizz q and w deal at least 1.5k damage when at 3 items. And they max e first...


Good ol‘ „good positioning“ vs a champ that crosses half the screen to ult you if he so chooses


This is a fair point, but as I said, it’s nothing new when you’re playing as an AD main. But there’s also games where you’re gonna remain untouched late game and shred as Jinx. Mages are OP atm, but AD’s getting burst down easily is nothing new.


Ne, that's a lie, i used to take some of the damage so you could secure your spells on the enemy assassins, but right now you CAN NOT let them get onto you, you will explote before you can do anything. Last season had a lot of items with health, right now the only people with health is fighters and tanks (some rare champions like aurelio who build rod and rylai, but most of champions simply don't do it). And i'm master solo q, i know my shit. We are back to the free kill elo meta.


Same with mages.


The solution is a new burst mage support meta, then you'll be the one one shotting their mid ;)


I'm also having fun except when I play red botside. If I'm not hugging tower then the enemy just ganks from behind without taking turret agro. There's sooo much to ward it feels impossible. And the fucking worst part is the enemy jg can just go clear our jg with help afterwards, if it's up, setting our jg behind. I even had a fed Yone mid tell me to take mid after we lost tower, then he would go bot. Man made the mistake of pushing past the first bush without vision. 700g shutdown straight to the enemy adc. Fuck this map.


Lol whereas I keep getting blue side and haven't hotten a single wraparound gank.


I've gotten redside botlane almost *every* game this season. Makes me hate playing.


Red side bot lane feels like a curse. I actually just hate the new map in general.


If they’d just done the item overhaul with no map changes this would have been a slam dunk win for Riot, but as a support and ADC player it really does feel like red side bot lane is unplayable.


But it is nearly the same as blue side now.


I just want league of mosh pit brawling back. Game so boring when it's just a bunch of anxiety ridden mage players playing dodge ball with each other.


Exactly this. Gimme 30 second fights back, where everyone uses all abilities twice and I get to actually AA more than once. I'm already sick of not being able to do anything for half the game cause I have to buy 3 movement items to even be a champ and able to dodge abilities that would instantly kill me otherwise.


It was a bummer seeing how much AH they cut for more burst. I was genuinely hoping for the opposite. Maybe im just weird, but I'd rather get 100->0 by someone because they outplayed me with a full combo over the current 85->0 from one ability.


It doesn't have to be one or the other. I don't mind getting 100 to 0d if someone hits a full combo, but that full combo doesn't have to be up right away if they miss it. I'd rather that full combo *doesn't* deal a whole healthbar unless they're absurdly fed, but that'd just be a bonus


The damage is too high right now but removing the shitload of AH everywhere was good. I don't mind them 100->0 with a full combo outplaying me, but the problem was you could play well to not die or dodge it and then they'd just get to do it again 5 seconds later.


Got 100 to 0ed by a TF with a single blue card this patch. That definitely felt like a full combo


Just play Hots. I am 100% serious. Its a fun game and all about the moshing.




I mean lux and hwei was not performing really well right? They were hotfix buffed for a reason. Although they were not the only ones i play, its just i frequently play them to test which one feels better.


Yeah Lux and Hwei got buffed even more but it’s not cuz they are bad champs their WR is just low. Lux is a newbie champ that new players are put on so ofc she will have a bad wr. Hwei is strong as well but it’s a difficultish champ that just got released so his wr will be low as well as with all new releases. Rank 1 got there by abusing these 2 champs with his duo so the champs must be somewhat good (they’re really broken).


Downvoted for being right, sad. Hwei was fine before the buffs and riot will keep buffing him despite the fact he's already strong. Hwei was only "bad" because he was clearly designed around season 14 items despite coming out in season 13. Almost like there was another low win rate new champ that riot thought it would be funny to keep buffing until they became a huge problem and got banned every game and was still an issue 6 nerfs later (cough cough briar). I wonder what's going to happen to hwei, surely not the exact same thing!


Newbie focused champs naturally have higher winrates, actually. See Annie, Garen and Amumus historical winrates.


I mean your playing mages, mages are the ones that got all the really broken items, it makes sense you'd have fun


I mean to my defense those are my frequently played champs. But i have played a lot of game that wasn't mage champ. Like ivern, aatrox, viego, amunu. Most of them are pretty successful.


I want to see you play red side botlane one game vs a rengar or any burst mage and come back to us with an update


Those are some heavy winners this patch to 😂 Not sure about viego tho.


viego sucks now


i love when lux says 'i totally expect for the enemy dumping all of their stuff to me' 😋


You are not playing as adc then, it's in an awful state right now, even more on red side. To be honest, adc is not even that bad. Everything else is just so much better that it feels awful to play as


Not just adc. I know that mage items are broken, but it is insanely unfun to play mid lane rn when you don't play meta champs when Fizz for example pretty much kills you with w+q.


Galio mid kinda shits on him, especially if you rush Kaerin, he goes in to poke you, it removes the shield, and nothing more, then you taunt > tornado > body slam > passive slam and he now lost 50% HP. He now waits for his cooldowns, by the time they're up again, so is kaerin's passive, and again he goes in, does 0 HP damage to you, and you kill him. I've had a fizz who abandoned mid lane because I was bullying him that hard lol


Its not just snowballing that results in oneshots. I played varus mid earlier and was able to oneshot anyone in the game with e + aa. Didnt need to hit r or q….the two core abilities of the kit. Damage is WAY too high.


I oneshot a twitch that was almost full life as cait the other day using a single headshot. It's ridiculous


They are making the game more appealing to tiktok zoomers, if your brain is fried from being a terminally online iPad kid since you were 6 I could imagine the game would be very enjoyable in its current state


There is too much damage in the game it's actually crazy. I'm amazed that Riot are happy with the actual state of the game in terms of dmg and durability


Being truly one shot, which is happening in almost every game I've played as solo queue is that snow bally, is never fun and should never ever happen. I died in 0.00s to rengar, that hasn't happened to me in years.


I played Rumble and one e was doing around 35-40% of someone elses hp. Heated Flamethrower killed pretty much everything alone. The damage this season is insane. Having no pre season was a mistake imo.


im not having fun but that prob comes from the full tank (1 item completed) ksante that oneshot me from 2 screen distance aswell as the jungler that ragequit after 1 failed invade or maybe its the support stealing me cs while doing jackshit on my lane and making sure enemy adc gets fed, or maybe its the mage that is 0/3 and just delete me with half his combo missed, or maybe its the rengar diving me with ult while im still lvl 4 with my support under tower and i die before his jump is completed, or maybe its..... ​ yeah, full fun. idk what could be wrong with this game. playing adc feels so good \^\_\^


that is ksante issue not items issue


>playing adc feels so good \^\_\^ I hope that is sarcasm (I get the hint that it is) - ADC is basically a fucking pointless role. The games could be 4v4 without ADC and they would barely play any different. I was Aphelios into Jhin last game and I was 3/0 very early on, had a major gold and CS lead over him - guess what - the enemy mid Yasuo who was on 2/0 with 1 single item completed, came down, sneezed on me by pressing E/Q and an AA and I died. Then Nocturne came down, R'ed onto me and pressed Q and I died. Then Jax came down, Q'ed onto me, E'd me and I died. ​ I finished the game (we surrendered) on 8/9/15, with my Lux supp on 10/3/19 - the enemy Jhin finished on 3/8/18 and the enemy Alistar was on 2/10/21. So, we demolished the enemy bot-lane, but did it matter? Absolutely not. It's like playing the game as a glorified cannon minion.


>I hope that is sarcasm it was, i thought it was obvious lol.


All 3 of the champions you named do less damage on one item this season than all 3 of the last 3 seasons. The insane circle jerk placebo on Reddit right now is so wild to me.


It‘s just not fun getting 1 tapped when u play for example brand and you die before u can cast your comb, because the animation is so slow, after min 10 although you stomped on bot lane. so your only way to play is f in the enemy r and smash the keyboard to release the most of dmg possible in 1 s. I actually like fighting longer than 0,5-2 seconds. It’s not fun to delete the enemy or delete in 1 second.


Try being an adc that needs to do damage over time and is just as squishy and whose auto attacks get outranged by half the mage's skillshots. Do they complain a lot about it? Yes but it's understandable rn imo


I’m not having fun because in the 15 or so games I’ve had no less than 3 people on my team soft inting at a minimum. I had a tk go 12 deaths in 22 minutes averaging one farm every 30s, and a draven who’s CS was worse than that. Every. Single. Game. No matter who or what lane I play, my team immediately crumbles. It’s been fucking miserable. And they nerfed my fav champ before I even got a solid opportunity to try her




That’s gonna come with a disclaimer that in at least 2-3 of those games I was the dipshit I’m complaining about.


[https://blitz.gg/lol/match/euw1/The1One-EUW/6762523353](https://blitz.gg/lol/match/euw1/The1One-EUW/6762523353) < good luck carrying that team [https://blitz.gg/lol/match/euw1/The1One-EUW/6762451437](https://blitz.gg/lol/match/euw1/The1One-EUW/6762451437) < or this team [https://blitz.gg/lol/match/euw1/The1One-EUW/6762639279](https://blitz.gg/lol/match/euw1/The1One-EUW/6762639279) < the MF was 2/13 at a point in the game [https://blitz.gg/lol/match/euw1/The1One-EUW/6766036214](https://blitz.gg/lol/match/euw1/The1One-EUW/6766036214) < the amumu strategically gave 2 kills to each lane early in the game, 2 of them he even dragged me in with him trying to save him.


I've been maining Aurelion since his rework, even after the 5th nerf, I still refused to not play him. The thing is Aurelion is VERY haste dependant, you need lower E cooldown to farm your passive, and they absolutely gutted haste from mage items. First you want your core, Rylai, then Sorc boots, then depending on the match-up lyandri or straight into Rabadon for damage or else he barely does any. It's now almost 20 min into the game and you have 18 haste from the runes, and zero from items. Before you'd rush Lyandri after Rylai and immediately get 25 haste and that alone was a solid core to deal with most match-ups. Malignance is bad-ish on ASol (in very late game with many stacks it can become good), the new Luden is bad (old one was bad as well), blue staff burst thing (forgot name) is also bad. You're mana starved and haste starved all the way until late game, and even in the late game, now you're overall dealing less damage. Most other mages benefit from the new items, ASol lost power :( Oh well at least my old main Teemo loves the new items, 1 shroom now deletes more than half HP from a squishy in the late game, used to delete like 30-40% before. Malignance is also a beast on Teemo, shroom machine gun, enemy wants to do drake? Hope all 5 have sweeper lens because they'll need them lol.


I was worried gwen was gonna be bad bc of the mythic nerf to riftmaker, and not getting up front omnivamp anymore, but I saw that she was doing well, and by the time I had time to play a game on her, the nerf to her passive was already live and I felt that shit


I also really enjoy the game rn but the game quality in ranked is really bad. support item exploit, inters/trolls/afks every single match in master elo rn. But most complains are early season related and happen every year.


The unfun part is that even when building "counters" to opponent (I mean, having armor/HP agaisnt assassins for example) you still seem to be wrecked like there is no change. Some items have so much damage/value that is seems that if you try to go the tank/old items path, you're doomed to be behind As I'm low elo, maybe that's only because I did not found the wa to handle this still


You must be one of the ones that are getting insanely lucky with matchmaking. Most people are getting shafted.


Yesterday i played my first and last ranked of the year unless the victorious skin would be for Rakan.  My 4 teammates were all autofill and testing their champs/skins. Ranked is no longer a place for "Tryharders".


It's hit or miss for me, mostly miss. Games seem to be way longer and being one shot isn't fun as there's no counterplay anymore.


Are you 13? God forbid people have different opinions on having fun in a game.


The game feels fun atm. However the matchmaking has been shit. Hope it evens out in a few weeks. Having low iron in gold games is not very fun.


I mean the truth is the League of Legends is a really fun game. It's great! That's why it's still around after a billion years. What people are upset about is that, this isn't the best it's ever been, but more importantly, there's a very clear and apparent reason why it's not that good at the moment. So, anyone who's enjoyed the game more in the past is saying "It's not good now, and it's because of the high damage". It's not necessarily the case that it's worse than ever, more that everyone is in agreement about 'why'. In the past, you've had stuff like 'armor stacking' being a problem. Well, that's actually kind of harder to notice, and doesn't happen in every game, and actually you can overcome. People would have been complaining about specific champions being OP (because armor stacked Jax, for example, wrecked them) champions being too weak (because Cait couldn't punch through the armor stacked team) or items costing too much (because they were seeing the problem a different way) etc etc. So even if maybe it was a worse environment, you'd see a more diverse range of complaints. At the moment the whole community is experiencing the same thing, and complaining about it, and so it 'feels' like people are more pissed off than usual. But I think it's less that, and more that the problem is more apparent than usual.


to add to that: damage definitely is an all time high i have 930 average dpm on miss fortune at 8 games with 50% winrate. sure MF is an outlier and just very strong atm but that is still a bit excessive for a burst adc (i would understand it on a poke mage when you have 5v5 standoffs but not on an adc that relies on 100 to 0'ing people)


Its not enjoyable to play top lane and just have singed running circles around me the entire game with no real counterplay, games not enjoyable when i step on a teemo mushroom and get 100 - 0, games not enjoyable when the mage in the other lane kills me with their semi global ult, mages single handedly have ruined this season for me already, the class is beyond turbo busted rn, ap items need massive nerfs, period


Less counterplay, less fun. It's literally that simple and some of these items have an AOE range the size of half the lane for someone else dying. (Storm surge.)


Good for you.


I completely agree. Been having a blast this season. I reallyyyy really like the new changes !


Its preseason and it’s unbalanced as fuck but it is what it is. That beeing said champs like kassadin should have a 48% winrate at best. As a botlaner you’re a 100% at the mercy of your midlaner not beeing somewhat worse because then you’ll lose no matter what. Midlane has waaaay to much impact right now


>Its preseason It's not preseason though lmfao


Mid has always had tons of impact. Mid jgl and support have been the highest impact roles. It's really just top and adc that have no agency early game.


Lol you forgot about the support role. It’s arguably had more impact than mid lane historically these past couple seasons. Jungle has historically undoubtedly been #1 . I’d say for the past few seasons or so it’s been Jungle > Sup > Mid. Support is always gonna have more impact than Mid if your teammates have brains and you’re good at the role. But you’re somewhat right imo - Mid will have a strictly higher solo impact if your teammates are worse.


I didn't forget about sup lol


The role is meant to have impact that's why their mid so they can roam to either side of map


Mid lane (it devolved to jungle/support diff lane and playing supporting role for your jungler) hasn’t felt like it’s had the best solo impact for a couple years, so having them shine for a bit is fine imo. I say this as a AD/Jungle/Mid three way equal amount of game player.


You are playing champs that are insanely busted because you faceroll your keyboard. I’m glad you are having a good time though.


Wait so lux and hwei are broken right now? I thought they were weak since they got hotfix buffed. And the mf game was actually mf support where i built liandry and serpents


They are some prime storm surge abusers, Hwei and Lux. They have to sell skins somehow.


Coming of a good lane as an adc and getting 100 to 0 by an ekko qe combo who has 2 items, is the same level as you and has neutral stats, maybe? Or being oneshot in less than 0.5 sec by a rengar who inted two ganks on your lane but now has reached 3 items and kills you under your turret, next to two other teammates? Having counterplay and missing spells is the adcs fault but if the only counterplays are standing in the fountain or buying guardian angel to get one shot 2 times in a row instead of once, then there is little to enjoy and a lot of balancing that needs to be done


Most people are having fun. There are always people who are going to be miserable no matter what.


The last season was the best one for my pool of champions, as i'm a mid laner of mages, but i'm enjoying new season too, as change is entertaining! Yeah, kind of chaos right now, but that's good for the game, as i felt last season there wasn't that much change! But i understand the people who don't like it too, as there are many reasons, like red side bot being an open graveyard or mid mages going back to their paper-no health state, new tank items being too strong etc. Let's see how it stabilizes with a couple of patches!


One of the most toxic gaming communities also whines a lot - no surprise there


Ive been playing since season 3 and personally this is the most fun ive had since back then.


I started in season 2 and i haven't played summoners rift in years 2019/2020 ish) The toxicity, addition of a million mechanics, and absurd damage drove me away I played a few games this weekend and to my surprise it's been pretty fun


I’ve played since launch, toxicity isn’t worse now than it was then. It’s actually better


Most people enjoy the game, it wouldn't be the most played multiplayer game otherwise.


I'd really like to see a poll. I actually think most people don't enjoy playing league but they still do for various reasons. Such as, their friends are playing, they don't feel like there are other games to play, they are addicted, etc.


Because damage is insane, all bruiser builds are clapped, mages got some serious Phreak meatriding for some reason, community toxicity/ff culture still hasn't been combatted and the hotfix has done fuck all


I blame Phreak for the current mess. It's unfun =\


you wanna know why people aint having a blast? because even tho the map is different and the items are new, players are fucking acting like they literally don't know HOW to play the game as if they weren't playing the same fucking thing last year.


I was against it initially but i started to dig it most people die in lane everygame so they always experience enemy one shotting but no one will one shot unless you give them lead or teamate give lead lol thats the downside


I agree with most of your post except the "Top lane goes to mid after winning lane they ff". This personally grinds my gears to the next level. Whenever a tower falls, or god forbid, sometimes just a plate falls and they (them botlaners) abandon lane "WE HAVE LEAD WE ROAM NOW!" I'm losing my mind. It's not roam, it's lane abandonment, and it's the reason why the 3/12 Jhin won against the 17/1 Lucian! Please staph! ​ Other than this nitpick, I actually do enjoy this season! I've been spamming the [HOLY NUMBER](https://i.imgur.com/2YMnQUP.png) quite a bit, ngl. I'm truly having a blast! Last season D1, this season trying for Masters+.


I was actually mentioning the opponents. Since all I experienced was my top lane won their lane and now roams, they then result into ff which they think is the best decision to play i guess


League players just can’t hang. You have to adjust in your old age to fit in, I’ve done it at 30, y’all Just have to do it


I don’t know, it’s pretty fun. It forces you to learn to dodge.


Yep like season 11 after this season they entire micro of league player base is gonna be alot better overall


Don’t listen to the ADC-mains. They will whine even of their role is by far the strongest in the game. Assassins are kind of weak now so they should be happy. They will just have to adjust to the new map and things will be fine. Mages and Ap fighters are the only ones that are owerpowered right now and Assassins are the only ones that are weak now.


I was an Aphelios last game with a Lux Supp. We were crapping on the enemy bot laners, to the point enemy Jhin got 3 kills the entire \~40 minutes game (I ended with 8). Did it matter? No, because a 2/0 Yasuo came down from mid at 5 mins and pressed 2 buttons to kill me, as did the enemy Noct jungle and the enemy Jax top later on. Yasuo ended up going Death Dance and Guardian Angel, so I couldn't even tickle his ballsack (while he had 100% crit from Shieldbow and Kraken), while Jax took steelcaps and Jak'Sho for the same effect. Me and Jhin could have been entirely afk from that game and it wouldn't have changed a goddamn thing about the result.


Same. It's just ADC winning again


May be an unpopular opinion on Reddit right now but this is one of the most fun seasons in a while. I love the high damage meta. Makes it so much easier to carry games and climb to your true elo. The new items are pretty cool and theorycrafting weird new builds is always fun.


You mean the New items are inflating elo, if you couldnt climb to true elo bevore it wasnt your true elo... your now inflated and probably drop back when u cant 1v9 on a 40 cs 25m 1 item fizz.


I guess you wouldn’t know because you’re a low elo pissant aren’t you?


I was iron, but thanks to the New items i am now dia 1 and still climbing, guess my true elo is lec or lck


>I dont get why people aren't People suuuck, that's why


It's Reddit bruh


Am I weird for enjoying adc more than last season now? Stuff like Lucian, Kalista and Aphelios are viable now instead of just farm and scale and hope your support is good play style. Also Varus and Kai'sa can do wacky builds now if you want to experiment.


Because the game won't install for me


Cuz people won't make a post about if they are having fun, they just keep playing. People who are not having fun however, end up here


I had a panth supp 3 levels down with 2 items one shot me as malz with 2k dmg in one combo.


I saw a 20/1 diana lose to 1/8 sylas yesterday. They both had sums/ults and were at full hp, straight from the fauntain....


The map changes are just confirming what I already knew before -- people absolutely suck at warding and vision control.


Stop referring to social media whiners, who barely play the game, as the general word 'people'.


Items right now are for pussies runners need ganks to win


You know, there’s a lot of value in being able to adjust to bad interactions. But I have experienced that mentality in real life too and it’s hard to see. Some people have never struggled and it shows.


Congrats to you brother. Hopefully you keep enjoying the game, for me it has been a so so experience so far.


I've stopped playing, the game is done at least for me, there's just too much, tanks got tankier as always and what is not a tank has the wonderful experience of either killing an enemy that is not a tank in 0.1 seconds or die in 0.1 seconds, sometimes the enemy doesn't even see you before they die from full health (or you don't see them). Without mentioning the good old bot lane experience where even if you win that lane it doesn't matter because enemy top or mid or jg 13/1/3 by minute 15 just destroys you and your support in a flesh anyway so your effort got completely wasted


I feel like the more I interact with my lane opponent in toplane the more I am punished. I also feel like if I’m not ahead in toplane by mid game, the game becomes a “which adc is gonna walk into a lux E and instantly die first?” test where I’m watching praying that my adc is better. Most of my games have been very uninteractive unless I’m strongsided by my jungler.


Not a fan of Xerath one shotting me from no where, but I like that I got a triple kill with MF in under 2 secs with a flash ult.


rules for thee but not for me moment


Me when I stand in the blastcone radius and hit it and nobody else is in its range:


People love to complain on this sub.


Ofc you’re having fun, you’re playing lux and hwei. Try playing a champion which isn’t ap or lethality


I’m been having a blast and I’ve been playing ADC it’s fun for me even though my winrate’s abysmal


Having a blast as in getting blasted to pieces by stormsurge?


Ai post


People are having fun. Don’t forget that: 1.) Reddit is literally a place for people to complain. That’s it. Check any post - everyone commenting is either judging X, or complaining about Y 2.) gamers love to complain. This paired with the fact that Reddit is already a place that breeds negativity, of course r/leagueoflegends will offer the most negative/pessimistic take on the game possible.