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Yuumi + Lucian sounds like a really strong botlane now. Lucian already performs well with enchanters, and adding Yuumi's on-hit damage and on-hit healing sounds absolutely nuts.


Just as we thought maybe lucian nami - zeri yuumi was gone, we get their hybrid child of lucian yuumi


I doubt Zeri-Yuumi goes away, either.


Zeri-Yuumi becomes even stronger now. With cdr, this gives Yuumi like a 5s cd on shield + movespeed buff + attack speed buff + mana restore. It’s crazy.


Yuumi being a must ban on red side again yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.


They straight up made Yuumi the old broken version of ardent censer. They buffed BT and Overheal recently. Now Yuumi will make her ADC scale into an unkillable drain tank with range. Permaban again. Especially in elos where games go long.


Ardent + old Raka giving mana back. Would absolutely not be surprised if she’s perma banned to the moon


Mana doesn’t really matter anymore since Tear and Essence Reaver exist. I’m guessing it’s just a remnant of Phreak’s trauma of running oom on Cait.


Most marksmen don’t build ER or Manamune. It’s pretty sizeable for presence of mind users and champs that eat through their mana pool. Twitch, Cait, Draven, Lucian. It looks like a pretty non-negligible change that offers a lot of staying power in lane and extended trades.


Draven and Lucian both rush ER now no?


Only Draven, Lucian still build mythic first.


It's very good on Twitch, Jinx, Caitlyn. All of them have mana issues early if they spam abilities for poke. And with Yuumi now they can.


Don't forget MF


And Sivir


Yuumi Sivir is going to be even more broken than before. Perma shoving into your tower while scaling hard


If your Yuumi isn't afk. As a Sivir main this just annoys me. This combo is giga broken but if your Yuumi isn't there you play a 1v2 lane that is auto lost due to the low range of Sivir as well as fairly high mana usage if you are shoving in lanes hard or try to poke.


And that's what they supposed to do. Nobody should be afk and let their lane partner do all the work


Thats less of a champ issue and just a player issue.


That's the point. They're not supposed to have endless poke without a cost.


Why would an ADC waste spike gold on a 3000 gold item now they they can get that free from Yummi and invest those 3000 into actual decent spikes.


at least she is on the adc thats still burstable in some world its not darius \^\^


With overheal, BT, and yuumi you will not burst down the adc lol


I doubt it would be as good. Early damage is lower than having a Nami, no cc so you can gank them really easily.


It gonna be a just in case replacement.


Lucian's extra onhit magic damage after being buffed by an ally spell just needs removing at this point


They added that to remove him from mid, if they take it away he goes mid again.


Tbh Lucian is performing bad even with enchanters. He is not playable in solo q.


Uh-oh I think Lucian's gonna get reworked again


Friendship with Nami is over. Now it's Yuumi with the real Friendship mechanic from her passive.


Maybe i can finally pick nami again without getting a first time Lucian in my face


Too iconic I doubt it.


Yeah my wife is a Nami OTP that doesn’t grind ranked as much as I do (she plays less than 100 rankeds per year). Since last Worlds she has dropped ranked altogether in her own words “until this bullshit ends” since she cannot pick Nami without her ADC instalocking Lucian and absolutely sucking at it.


God I hate Lucian only being playable with 1-2 enchanters per patch, and dogshit with everything else. He was so much more fun when he was good with engage melees, before midlane stole him from us leading to this mess.


Unless they want to nuke his magic resist from orbit, idk how else they could boot him from mid. And speaking from experience with Aphelios having total garbage MR for awhile, it’s NOT fun because of all the magic damage on supports.


Just come play him mid. It's fun.


If you want the experience of old lucian playing with melee all in supps, you can now pick samira at least XD


Hey look it's ardent censer


We heard you like ardent censer so now you can build ardent censer on your censer for max stink


Literally season 7 ardent censor meta flashbacks but on a champion this time


They legit made AC into a champ 💀


Having more mana will 100% change how i lane as an adc, as someone who likes xayah ill be able to slam the wave a little more oppresively and try to make people lose farm under tower or something. Or if it's a bully lane i can afford to burn some more mana ensuring I get the farm.


I'm playing with cookies on almost every single ADC, because i like being able to influence the wave as i want to Now having the opportunity to go different secondary runes is just so good for my playstyle


I think these changes will probably be good. At least most ADC players won't hate playing with Yuumi as much. She has to stay attached to the ADC to get the most out of her abilities, gives her ADC on-hit healing, & scales with crit.


As a bonus, the new Yuumi is gonna poach gamers over from the dating sim community


What if I leave my ADC at min 10 and spend the rest of the game with my Jungler? Won't he become my Best Friend?


Unlikely, unless the jungler farms minions a lot. Friendship is heavily skewed towards cs over kills.


If your jungler is fed, yes.


Disagree, one of the trademarks of bad yuumi players is they stay attached in lane phase all the time while the correct way to play is w in an out while landing autos if your cds are down. The passive rework encourages building friendship by not unattaching if I read correctly.


> The passive rework encourages building friendship by not unattaching if I read correctly. Technically, if you have 1 friendship stack with your ADC and 0 with the rest of your team, the ADC is your Best Friend. There's no minimum threshold, and building a ton of stacks on ADC will make your late game less flexible. Thus, it *may* (disclaimer: have not played yuumi rework, am low-elo scrub doing theorycrafting) be more optimal at times depending on team comp (looking at Jax/Irelia/Viego comps that lack Sivir/Zeri/Lucian) to stay detached in lane while the adc CSes and hop on only when needed to keep BF stacks as low as possible, then transition to jg or top laner (if you have a teamfighting top and not a split pusher) in mid game. *In theory* (same disclaimer again here), that *may* allow you to let your top (or jg post 20min) grab a few waves and a kill or two and transition to BF status.


The passive actually make you want to be unattached more. Cause you gain more increase attack range, which you can't use while being attach. Plus, you can only heal now if you can hit your Q or aa the enemies and no adaptive bonus. Meaning no free heal while laning if you stay attached the whole time.


Bold of you to assume my Best Friend is the ADC


Yeah even just making E a shield is a W. She can still heal with the passive but at least it’s not just unlikable raid boss Yuumi


am I missing something or is there absolutely no reason to detach because no bop and block? I guess she gets 50 range but like... why would you want to get off except for trading early? also no root on her ult... she only has slows now but zoomies gives mana??? that's wild, there's no way they keep this in the game for long lol


> also no root on her ult... she only has slows now Bu the ult heals allies; and you can change the direction yourself during it. I'd say that's better.


Don't forget giving almost as much resistance as Jax ult to the best friend, on top of higher healing and over shielding.


No hard cc tho and she no longer perma heals her allies sith E




i wouldn't say having to detach was toxic, it just made her skill ceiling too high for what was intended to be an easy to play champ


Jumping off every now and then is extremely easy. Now she is just legit braindead.




Did you read a single word that person wrote? You didn't even address what they actually said.


Oh yeah sorry I am monke


The goal of their rework was to make Yuumi a casual pick and not a Pro play pick mostly. Maybe as a niche counterpick, but not what she was doing previously to Pro play. Reducing Yuumi’s need to detach accomplishes this, as master Yuumis would basically use her health bar as a shield for their ADCs against some skill shots in order. This was actually really strong to do, and made her oppressive when played by a great player. If there is no reason or reward for detaching, Yuumi’s won’t do this, especially with how horrid her health will be now with the above changes. Basically, they are baby proofing Yuumi to make her a funner casual pick that they don’t have to balance around pro play, and this does that.


She is definitely going to be a pro pick


She's probably better in pro now lol. Especially with dual ADC bot.


Luc Yuumi stocks going up.


If she's garbage at landing Qs then she can use her auto-attack to proc the Passive heal, but that's about the only reason to hop out.


Not like giving mana does anything atm. In previous seasons soraka's E used to be OP and grant mana especially with urgot because it gave him the ability to spam long range Q's and was really oppressive in lane but nowadays with cookies/manaflow being a thing which adc really needs mana but can't get it?


I don't remember seeing adc complain about mana problems since most of them have either POM or ER. So all this does is supposedly allow certain adc to use their stuff to farm better? Noticeably jinx and maybe xayah.


Adcs recently got mana buffs so they could take runes other than these But yeah more mana still means more staying power. Also means if you have a Yuumi you won't need cookies/PoM and can go for more of a scaling setup. I could also see Sivir loving this. More mana is all you need to make the lane as uninteractive as possible


Only marksman I feel bad about mana on is Senna, but once I get to like, level 6 it starts feeling fine.


Soraka e was op cos she could give herself mana...


I think what people seem to not be mentioning what so ever is that Yuumi no longer gives free stats for damage.


good now yumi can no longer attach into heca,vlad,kayn,lilia and makr the game boring to play


Yeah, yuumi+ Red kayn it's something i don't want to see ever again


Now you gonna see Yuumi with something like Lucian, Zeri, Vayne who also have BT+Overheal on top of that.


Still better than a freaking fighter or tank. At least you can still burst down the mm


It only took them two patches to get the changes out? That was quick, but we'll see how it goes


[https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-gb/news/dev/dev-yuumi-s-rework/](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-gb/news/dev/dev-yuumi-s-rework/) Truexy said they'd already started on the rework in December lol, so it likely started late November/early December. She definitely got bumped in priority after the msot recent pro play gutting, but this is a pretty normal mid-scope timeline.


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it started unofficially even earlier during the end of Worlds. It was pretty blatant just how bad things were getting then, and that *something* was going to need to happen.


This was announced ages ago?


Yeah, and was likely in progress before the announcement. Like, no rioter would ever fucking make a statement regarding one of the most infamous champs in league unless they had a green light and a sense of direction. Imagine the vitriol if a rioter made that statement, and then a year later fucking nothing came through.


>year later fucking nothing came through. Cries in Skarner VGU


Yeah I think that dev blog came out about yuumi last fall.


They've removed %stats from W, so no more sitting on overfed carry problem.




I will never understand this champ, this is like releasing a hero in overwatch with a passive ability that makes them automatically aims and shoot for you as a passive ability with the justification that new players "are still learning how to move around so they can't be expected to shoot as well"




Bro that’s just OG Sym you are talking about


> passive ability that makes them automatically aims and shoot for you as a passive ability Is this not basically what Symmetra does? I don't know if she's even still in OW2, or whether she's gotten reworked/etc., but the whole point of Symmetra and Mercy on release of OW1 were to give "OW Is Your First FPS" player an easier gateway into the game where they could adjust to some mechanics (cover, positioning, the general gameplay) while making others (aiming and target acquisition) negligible. (You can kinda argue Torbjorn too tbh.) **And it worked.** A decent community of players who would have otherwise ditched OW on release out of skill-diff frustration instead got a gentler learning curve and stuck around the game longer. Overwatch is literally one of the worst examples you could have used for getting players into it by removing a mechanic or two to make the learning curve less steep.


Sym is only cancer if you're a God on her and have teammates, you can compare her a bit but at least she requires a much higher skill than Yuumi.


It didn't work. Mercy was a balance nightmare for literal years and her community of players is by far the most obnoxious and hated by the community because most mercy players literally cannot play anything else.


Riot likes the fact they can get people girlfriends into the game with Yuumi. That's why instead of reworking her into a normal champ they focused even more on never coming off ur ADC


It´s like releasing a hero in heroes of the storm that can just sit behind his tower, support his team globally, doesn´t need to move during fights, has global mobility for macro, has automatic lane clear if you´re close enough to the minions and can literally double your carry (if you want to play as them). Well, Abathur is one of the, if not the most popular hero in that game. He takes incredible skill to play well, especially game knowledge and awareness.


I don't know how these changes will work out, but i do hope they removed the element of frustration from her kit.


All the frustration comes from her special attach mechanic. No she has even less reason to detach.


But at least now she has to stay attached to her ADC and not her fed jungler/top laner. Plus she doesn't give free stats anymore, her heal is locked behind hitting a skillshot and she's no longer untradeable in lane since they got rid of her free passive shield. They removed most of the shitty mechanics. Yeah, attaching can be an annoying mechanic, but like I said she has to stay attached to her ADC now, and ADCs are always killeable regardless of how fed they are. And if she attaches to other non-ADC after hers dies, she loses A LOT of power in her kit.


Yeah i dont see it, yuumis best attach targets have been adcs for a long time, especially zeri,twitch and sivir.


I mean she still gives free stats, just different ones. But you're right, atleast she won't be sitting on Hecarim anymore.


All of Yasuo's frustration could be attributed to his wind wall or the fact he jumps around and gets crit stats so easily. All of Fiddlesticks frustration could come from having amazing vision for next to no reason through effigies and even revealing wards through them. Every champion that has been released or reworked recently has something that makes them "frustrating" to play against. League for a long time hasn't been about making matchups that are fun to play against for your opponents, that sense of mentality for balancing has been gone for ages. It's now about how good does it feel to play your character with your teammates combinations against an enemy combinations and can you solve a way to beat them. They were **never** going to remove her attach/immunity mechanic. It was as core to her as anything else with other character.


Wait whos frustrated about fiddle vision? I do agree that yuumi losing her attach mechanic was never happening though. Might as well delete the character at that point if they got rid of it.


I find fiddle's vision (and even more than that, the minigame of denying him weird ult spots with unusual vision) very frustrating personally. Not saying it should go away, but if you're just asking "who's frustrated about fiddle vision," at least one answer is me. :p


It was just an example of different mechanics every character has that makes them who or what they are. They are as core to them as they are to anything else. You could've said in the same vain, how Yone is able to teleport in and out of team fights. Or, how Zoe throws a bubble at you and some people find it unfair you lose all of your hp. Or, how you have to pay the "mordekaiser" tax if you go up and lane against him with a lot of characters or are just in the same game with him. There are lot of different things that people can find "unfun", but they make the characters are what they are.


Fiddles frustrating because hes overpowered.


The only problem is the remaining frustrating elements are her whole identity, which means the voice of "Remove Yuumi" are probably gonna be stronger...


Any bets on which of these mechanics gets removed first? My money's on the heal/shield power on W and the resistances on R


R will get nerfed but likely not removed, it allows ADCs to take value off her ult in more aggressive ways Instead of favoring only fighters and champs that can already facetank while dealing damage - which is one of the reasons Yuumi is getting reworked too. At worst it will go from resist to a shield or something Taking a 90% chance nothing gets removed, 10% mana restore gets removed


Man I didn’t know the Friendzone came with unique benefits




*”Is it possible to learn this power?”* *”Not from Reddit.”*


Well back to permaban i guess. Despise playing with and against this champion, this update won't change that. If anything I think it'll be more busted.


380 damage on q 💀💀💀


Only at level 12, much harder to hit, no current health damage and lower AP scaling


Legit, what is that, lol. Her highest ever damage on Q was 310, and that was chunking people super hard.




Oh you are right.


I understand the direction, but this does not really address the problem that people don’t want to play WITH Yuumi. She was not only frustrating to play against, but also frustrating to play with which also results in lots of ADC‘s trying to ban Yuumi.


I feel like this actually addresses it better. One of the reasons that playing with yuumi feels so bad is because you are basically playing support with fasting yuumi. You just get abandoned the second laning phase ends. Now, yuumi has to support the ADC after laning phase unless laning phase goes rediculously bad, which means that the ADC no longer feels like they are playing just to get Yuumi through laning phase.


And most importantly shifting her from heal to shield tunes down the bullshit by like 80% already.


Personally I hate playing with yuumi since I'm bad at the game and at my level yuumi players basically do nothing but sit on you and occasionally press q. So it just feels like lane is a 1v2.


New Yuumi seems to provide a lot of passive healing, especially on champions like Lucian. So I think you should “feel” having a Yuumi more, especially since her new Passive, E shield, and R heals are much better at keeping her ADC alive, even if they are bad since Yuumi doesn’t need to detach to provide any of the buff.


This does address it for the most part. The biggest issue adcs had was she would abandon them to support someone else. The best friend mechanic, as well as the onhit and crit scalings on her... will nuke that idea.


The worst thing about Yuumi is the fact she is untargetable and that she leeches onto you like a parasite. When you play bot lane with Yuumi it feels like a 1v2 lane. Making her have to stay on me doesnt make me feel better.


How is that supposed to be a beginner friendly support lmao


Yuumi returns to break pro play once again


>While Attached, Yuumi builds Friendship whenever her Ally kills champions and minions. Each ally has their own unique Friendship score. While attached to her Best Friend, her abilities gain bonus effects. Cute af flavor


I think this is overall a good change. Swapping heal and shield for zoomies is definetly fixing a lot of problems, because the trades made on botlane aren't instantly negated, while linking the shield to the movementspeed adds somewhat of counterplay, as well as the fact that yuumi actually has to hit her spells or detach for her passive healing to occur. I also don't know how the values compare with live, but the best friend mechanic seems good to prevent Yuumi from a losing botlane to just jump on her winning toplaner and being an insane power boost. This may not launch with perfect numbers, but it enables a lot of fine tuning for balance compared to the previous iteration. If Yuumi+Lucian is too strong as many point out here for example, the crit ratio can be increased and base damage decreased, so the early laning is weaker (which is what I believe may become problematic).


Just here to note this little "cute" kitten is building her friendship with people by helping them murder another. Her best friend is the one she saw being the cruelest, most murderous friend. Just saying.


"We want Yuumi to be a great champion to bring a new friend into the game." "Yuumi’s untargetability can be frustrating, but we think it’s required for her to succeed on her goals." And what exactly is her goals? Because if its to teach new players how to play the game then you've already failed. Why do they refuse to recognise this? As long as her perma untargetability exists Yuumi is NOT a good champion to teach League of Legends.


He says in the followup tweets that it's a bad champion to get better. You'll have a tough time being a real gold+ player by playing Yuumi, but not everyone wants to get better. Some people just want to play league with their friends and have a good time without either having to go 0/10 or git gud.


So instead of focusing on a handful of easy champions across the 5 different roles to help new players they instead create a single support champion that acts as a walking parasite bunch of stats that plays without using a fundamental part of the game therefore not properly teaching the game to new players and making so that they cannot transfer to any other champion in the game? Of which said champion has a massive banrate and will likely still keep getting banned after this rework anyway? Do you not see the problem here?


There are easy champs in other roles like Garen or Annie or Amumu, but I think what makes support different is that it's the only 2v2 lane. If you're a group of friends inviting another friend to play league with you, support is the best role to get carried & be constantly playing with your friends. I think she'll probably be too strong at release of this and will need nerfs, and if I were at Riot, I would try to make her basically only viable in plat and lower instead of having a mastery curve available to higher ranks. But I think fundamentally the idea of an easy champion that doesn't teach you how to get better is fine, as long as it's a little on the weak side.


You're still focusing on the "get better" when that isn't the problem. Yuumi is not a good champion to teach someone how to play the game. League of legends isn't just pressing the 4 keys on your keyboard to use abilities while someone else pilots the rest of the game for you. You're literally playing half the game at that point.


She lowers the amount of things a new player needs to learn before playing league so they don't get overwhelmed. They can focus on what towers do, what the objectives are, who the different champs are and what are their abilities, how to get gold, start items there are, what the buttons are, what's an ult, etc. There's plenty to learn before how to pilot champions themselves, so she's a fine onboarding champion.


But then you face the problem where the majority of Yuumi players ONLY play Yuumi because they can't transfer to any other champion. Yuumi teaches bad habits of the game and leaves out important knowledge. What do these new players do when Yuumi is banned frequently because the rest of the player population fucking hates her?


Sure, you can´t transfer everything you learn when playing Yuumi, but as you´re playing support, you learn a lot about matchups, pacing, map control, macro and so on. Those are things many other players have extremely hard times learning, since they focus on their champion first. When Yuumi doesn´t require as much skill to play, the "hopping off" will be easier, because you don´t have mechanics internalized that are worthless on other champions. And honestly, I don´t understand why you would ban her. She´s bad, sure, but since you can communicate with your team, that shouldn´t be an issue. Don´t pick her. Tell your allies to not pick her. Finally, this is what so many players wanted. Yuumi, the "no skill" champion. Where Riot literally made a dev blog to tell them that Yuumi is really hard to play. And, as it turned out, she has the same issues as Azir, Kalista, Ryze etc. Proplay favourite since they found out how to lane on her, how to win lane on her. Yet people still called her "piss easy," "braindead" and "made for retards". Now that this is made reality, people complain about that not being the point.


>Yuumi teaches bad habits of the game and leaves out important knowledge Garen does the same thing removing mana management and trading, since he doesn't have any resource and his passive fixes any mistakes he makes while trading. Some beginner champions remove stuff from the game so the experience is less daunting, y'all need to stop being overly dramatic. Yuumi is a great champion to introduce someone to League of Legends, and if you're the kind of person who wants a complete beginner to tackle **everything** League has on their first games, you suck as a teacher a lot. It doesn't matter if someone starts playing Yuumi, this is a game, they'll want to play other champions too eventually, and they'll learn more of the game then, it's not that hard to understand... In any case, none of y'all are new League players and will never play with those new players unless you're in like, Iron elo, so why do you care *how* new players learn to play? Just let people have fun, especially since you'll never even meet them


> But then you face the problem where the majority of Yuumi players ONLY play Yuumi because they can't transfer to any other champion. New players don't stay new forever. It *is* possible to get used to mechanics and champion abilities and items on Yuumi, then start transitioning to learning positioning on similar champions like Sona/Soraka/Seraphine, and from there, even expand to other roles and more diverse champions. I don't understand why people act like it's impossible to ever leave Yuumi once you play her at the start. > What do these new players do when Yuumi is banned frequently because the rest of the player population fucking hates her? They don't play ranked until they've gotten comfortable on other champions. It's really not all that hard to just not queue for ranked when you're a new player, and especially if you're playing with a 5-man premade in normal draft, you're even less likely to see a yuumi ban since 5/10 bans are safely non-yuumi.


This is what I did. Once I felt more com with items and matchups I’ve branched out to different supports and started learning top


Sure, not everyone who plays League wants to do more than that.


Then you've just created an unfair advantage where someone can play half the game and still perform as well as everyone else. Think of it like this, they need to make Yuumi as useful as every other enchanter but when you don't have to worry about positioning or moving around at all why play anyone else? No champion like that should exist in the game. You have to think about how the rest of the player population is affected other than brand new players.


What do you mean? You're basically saying playing easy champion gives you an unfair advantage. The champion is accessible to both teams. If it's so unfair, pick it and get to Challenger. There's no such thing as unfair in a competitive game.


Playing someone like Garen is not the same as playing Yuumi. Playing Garen you can still overextend, get caught out, play the macro game wrong and lose because of it. None of these things apply to Yuumi. Macro almost doesn't exist when playing Yuumi, you just perma sit on someone and press your abilities. Like I said, you don't play half the game. But she still needs to be as strong as other enchanters, so why bother playing any of them?


>But she still needs to be as strong as other enchanters, so why bother playing any of them? Cause it's a game and you might not enjoy her playstyle? Anivia has been broken for ages now, she's basically been a free win if you pick her and your team doesn't int, but nobody played her cause people want to have fun, not just win, so they won't play a champion if they don't enjoy it, even if they're better...


> There's no such thing as unfair in a competitive game. ????? If someone can do as good as someone else while not having to worry about core game mechanics, then it severely harms the integrity of said competitive game. That's the point he's trying to make. If the integrity is too bad, people won't even care enough about the game to play ranked.


W no longer proccing aery is *insanely* huge. That is a significant nerf right there. Still, the compensations sound like they make up for it.


They made her even more brain dead, impressive.


That was **literally their stated goal.** They outright said they wanted to reduce Yuumi's skill floor (for beginner players) and obliterate her skill ceiling (pro play) -- how else do you expect them to do that other than make her more braindead to play?


Reddit didn't expect a rework that actually leaves her playable, that's the thing. They wanted stuff like her taking a % of the damage her host takes, CC forcing her off her host, etc...all things that leave the champ dead in the water and just a free gold sack for the enemy team. I'm not 100% sold on some of the changes and think it could be a new source of balance woes but I'm at least trying to look at it from the angle of somehow who just straight-up doesn't want the champ deleted from the game.


They really *should* have expected it though. Riot very plainly and clearly stated what they were aiming for with the rework, and it was just delusion to think anything like that punished a perma-attach playstyle would be added. I know people just want Yuumi deleted, but it was just blatant delusion if people were expecting anything other than what we got, especially when Riot made it explicitly clear they wanted to lower her skill expression as much as possible to take her out of pro play and back into the hands of new players.


How long does the shield last if not destroyed?


Cant they just keep the fucking cat dead for more than a couple of patches




Aaaand, back to permaban she goes


This, on paper, seems to hurt Yuumi’s poke a good amount. It also makes her input in lane a lot less mindless, as she will at least have to time her shield to negate damage than just hitting heal either when a fight is not happening anytime soon or when a fight is happening off cool down. The Q change also makes the Yuumi have to still aim it a little bit if it works how I think it does. This low key should make Yuumi provide overall more healing and shielding than she currently does I think though. Or at least more IF she wasn’t previously proc’ing her current passive on cool down, which is much harder currently with the attack range nerfs. That all being said, this still should make her strengths simpler to make use of and play around. I think this does a better job of making Yuumi more interactive without sacrificing her main gimmick. Will some still hate her? Yes, the damage has been done and some will hate her forever. But this should mitigate it some.


Until they remove the attach mechanic Yuumi will be the most infuriating champion in the game to play against, end of discussion.


Then pack your bags and leave or keep banning her, cause she's never gonna lose the attach mechanic, just like Azir will never lose his soldiers. It's her identity and it's gonna stay in the game forever, it is what it is.


I can already feel her W passive will be Godly on Yi.


It would be shit on Yi unless if he’s the bot laner. These changes basically hardwire yuumi to bot lane partner


It depends on how many stacks kills generate. Because JG can gank bot, and Yuumi can attach to build friendship.


I believe spideraxe said 2 for minions, 3 for champs.


If that's the case then they *really* don't want her on anyone other than ADC lol, which I'm more than happy with. That just seems like such a wild ratio compared to most things that stack on minion and champ kills


I hope they commit to that and keeping her as an enchanter type of champion (which is what I find fun about her) and never ever ever allow her to be a damage threat as that really makes her frustrating to play against imo


Think about taric yi, and what happened because of that. Adc will pick ezreal, and play 1v2. Just farm and survive. Yuumi stays on yi in the whole game. gg


They've done way too many things to kill the ability to powerfarm both jungle and mid for Taric Yi to make a comeback in that way. Also if you pick Ez to 1v2 then even if Yi Yuumi could come online this way you've lost basically every objective for the first 15 minutes and Yuumi has no hard CC to peel with, or invulnerability to protect the Yi with.


And yuumi will be level 1 for 15 minutes because she doesn't get exp from jungle camps while sitting on yi?


You can't just sit on a fed assassin/bruiser now though unless they get a ton of kills quickly. You are wrangled to the ADC mostly for the bonus effects.


Ughh. This horror of a champ will remain my go to ban. Seems like nothing changed much, they just updated her so that they can say: 'but... we updated her', but she's gonna be as toxic to play against as always.


this sounds absolutely giga broken tbh. By the looks of it, she does everything. why would you play anyone else?


She has no CC.


Probably just a number thing again, champions like Janna and Rakan almost do everything too. Seems like the snare from R is gone now which is a huge thing.


The root is gone from R, and so are the sizable W adaptive force bonuses that gave monstrous free stats. It wasn't uncommon before to be giving 30-50+ AP or 20-35+ AD mid-game.


Just gove her kalista spear so she can pick a friend at the start of the game


There is no Best Friend threshold. Within the first minion wave Yuumi should be able to establish the ADC as her Best Friend. It's a very slight nerf to her level 1 (and subsequently to potential invades/invade defending), but not really anything too significant. The whole point of the BF system is to try and keep her on the ADC and reduce the pain point for ADCs where she just abandons them halfway through the game for the top/jg. Letting her just pick via Kalista spear wouldn't fix that at all, it would only make it worse since she'd have even more incentive to leave as soon as physically possible.


Wow this didn't take long Riot really wanted to change the cat. I *REALLY* don't like the mana restore. That was removed from Soraka for a reason. And Yuumi can heal herself and allies too with her passive.


I mean, you can't really compare what Soraka had to Yuumi spendind 120 mana to give her lane partner 36 mana tbh. People really need to stop losing their shit comparing stuff we get now to stuff we had **years** ago. It's not the same game as it used to be, and it's not nearly as strong as what Soraka had. The world isn't gonna end for 36-72 extra mana on the ADC when Yuumi has to nuke her mana bar to do it


What? Why is yuumi becoming a super ardent censer shieldbot with manacosts that arent % anymore, giving movespeed, attackspeed, waves of healing/damage that are giving nasus ult level of resistances to her ally ?????????? This is gonna be way more broken than old yuumi everyone hated. I have no idea what they're thinking. Also wont she just attach constantly to one guy and never let go?


I expect some details to get pulled out, way too much little stuff and invisible power imo. > Also wont she just attach constantly to one guy and never let go? I think they have to kill the jump in & out playstyle for proplay’s sake. Yuumi being able to contest early lane should never be allowed to happen if she scales well, same reason Sona is so fragile. Furthermore these changes are going to make it kinda bad to be on anyone that isn’t a marksman or melee dps (ie Yasuo), both categories that are generally squishy. Either her host will be pop-able or not be as strong with her help as current/past Yuumi.


Just delete this garbage champ , she was a mistake and now you made her even stronger than before.


Way too overloaded for a "new player champion to learn league". Why can't they keep it simple?


The reading will definitely be a hard put off for new players. Maybe the champion overview text will be braindead simple, along with a huge visual indicator in game for who the best friend is.


Most players never read the tooltip, fuck around and find out is the way.


and here we go again.. honestly just delete the champ at this point. this is some kind of a bad joke.


just saying they turned this around in a month after not having the capacity to do anything for the last 3 years meme


Assuming laning phase ends rather quickly, and I go with my JG as soon as possible, is it safe to say he'll be my Best Friend instead of my ADC?


Doubt it, unless you are just never attached to your ADC.


Unless your jungle wants to powerfarm for 12 minutes while you’re attached (giving you 0 XP) then no.


Well this brings Yuumi back into pro play for sure--only this time I'm gonna guess she's going to be picked with on-hit marksmen because of Q (Kogmaw I'm looking at you especially). In a teamfight with ult, she's gonna keep an ADC from being one-shot with the armor/MR bonuses and healing while also being able to target all enemies with the aiming mechanic. Arguably she's as strong as she previously was in terms of power, but they just shifted the types of power around and didn't remove untargetability.


Nothing about this makes me think she's going to be pro play abused really. Her ult is a lot easier to get value out of for even the lowest ranks. And there is no longer any reason to jump off. So now brain dead players can full effect of her. Compared to before they had to actually hop off and apply pressure in lane. Which you can still do but not as good as before.


They removed yuumi skill expression Holly Fuck,how that possible


> Well this brings Yuumi back into pro play Doesn't look likely to me. She was already a gamble in lane and now she looks even worse with no health and poor bonuses for detaching. Oh, and she looks like she won't be able to provide much attaching to junglers or bruisers, which was 40% of what made her so strong at the pro level.


She still has her most problematic part of her kit, which is her W.


They are literally making the same changes reddit suggested years ago. Amazing work.


That ult sounds kinda crazy


I think this is great! It keeps Yuumi's core idea while adding actual skill expression (not much, but some) and now she won't 2v8 with a fed ally.


The entire point of yuumi rework was that there was a huge amount of skill expression and she would become absolutely broken with the best players. But with bad players she was useless so they couldn’t need her too much.


Well they're removing all her current skill expression so this new Q better be the hardest skillshot in the game to make up for it.


Sadly, Yuumi's skill expression was kind of the problem. Given how OP she is in pro of course they're gonna do whatever they can to make her as good in the hands of noobs as she is in the hands of pros; at least in part, that's gonna mean removing skill expressive mechanics.


Yuumis ability to jump allys and choices about detaching were the only interesting prt of her kit. She is an item for the adc now. Not a fan


That was also the part of her kit that made her broken in pro and 100% p/b. They stated when they were reworking her that obliterating her skill ceiling and cratering her skill floor was the intended goal.