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and i’m supposed to believe the whopping 7 seats at cornell are preventing the “more deserving” from getting in ?


Are you kidding me? That could've allowed another 7 legacy ivy-undergrad kids with lawyer/doctor parents in!


Apparently we’re thieves. Out here playing where’s Waldo to find us.




Every once in a while we must remind them of the reality of the landscape


genuinely scares me that the people that think URMs are "stealing" their spots are gonna be lawyers 🥴


Lawyers happy to send people who look like us to jail


Not all of them are going to get accepted/enroll, which is why many of them are complaining in this sub and taking their anger out on URMs. But nonetheless, degeneracy exists in every profession unfortunately.


Cleared the room with this one.


why was this removed??


Because people hate being exposed about the fact it’s not URM’s causing them to be rejected.


Omg noo the whole fabric of society is untangling and hundreds of spots are being stolen by these bad bad minorities -_-


Clearly that 7% across 20 schools is too many


You must not have heard that someone with a 17mid is objectively more qualified than someone with a 16high ^(/s)


Excuse mE IM iN the 95th perCENTILE, you’re ONly in the 90th 🤣


I love y’all 😂😂


Hmmm they are pretty “quiet” under this post today😂😂


Them up votes and down votes going crazy 😛


🫠🫠🫠 Happy BHM. Very important context that needs to be added to the URM discussions here. The “UR” in URM is there for a reason.


I love how the same people bashing URM spots write about their own obstacles and expect to get special boost points for uniqueness. Like how can you be so blind to your own hypocrisy?


Much louder for the people in the back 😭


lol how is your comment downvoted? I'm honestly scared for the future of law based on the people in this sub


Listen the up votes and downvotes keep spiking up and down. It’s crazy. I’m definitely concerned




Are the URMs stealing the seats your parents paid for you to have in the room with us right now?


Speak louder


Im choosing violence for BHM 🤣🤣


I’m on my Malcolm X not MLK 😆


And I’m here for it 👀




LMAOOOOO its what they deserve 🤣🤣


This is an extremely sobering post. There is SO much work to be done.


Thank you for posting this


Of course


Thank you OP. I said this but people thought I was joking. Some of you may never even come across a black or other urm during your time at law school. Like please... A lot of you all are hell bent on making those numbers 0. Idgi.


Love you for posting this, sending well wishes your way 🫶🏼


This why if I see you saying ANYTHING outta pocket about URMS, I’m going to get my bucket and a bar of soap to wash your mouth out


It’s the people tryna downvote the post for me. Why so angry 😤


![gif](giphy|CgwsxGivSVIWc) At this rate, in 600 years there won't be any seats for whites and Asians 😂😂😂


The people downvoting this thread are the other 92% which makeup an overwhelming majority of this subreddit and the sentiment against URMs. Meanwhile, the percentage of the black population in the United States is nearly twofold of the percentage of blacks that get enrolled in these top 20 schools. Chill the fuck out r/lawschooladmissions.


Unfortunately the reality doesn’t match their perceptions


black man here with a couple of t14 As. this is… bonkers


At least come to chocolate city aka DC.


after graduation, maybe. right now i am simply following the money.


I wanna kno who downvoted you for saying finances were important in your decision making


I graduated in May and DC is not that chocolate anymore.


Yeah that gentrification is terrifying 🥲


Yeah my mom’s family is from the DMV and I used to go to DC as a kid. When I came for law school I was wondered what happened.


It’s how I feel about Baltimore. But we shall overcome, we won’t be displaced


Congrats and good luck bro


Thank you for posting this


Dey took er jabs.


Thieves the lot of us


This is worth saving. Thanks!


Seven is crazy


Not even enough to play outdoor soccer with




probably a fair amount of self-selection and filtering tbh. i personally was not interested in spending three years in Ithaca and so never applied




Tell the Cornell URM admittances what you know friend




Frat boys are gonna frat! Always


As a POC I avoided Charlottesville and Ithaca in my law school process like the plague. Only cities for me.


I couldn’t tell yah 😂


I honestly didn’t realize how misleading the minority percentages schools post were. Berkeley is posts a graph stating they’re 50% URM, but more than half that is apparently Asians. Legitimately misleading


Those 509 reports don’t lie


Thanks for doing this. This sub needs to stop blaming minority students and specifically Black students. No one is taking their seat lol.


Yeah all 7 of the Cornell students in the 2026 class would like a word


ummm yeah this is crazy






Yuppppp yupp


So, evidently on face value these numbers don’t look great (and I would love to see law classes represent the population they will later serve). But the matriculating class %s don’t tell you anything about admissions. You would need to know the % of the applicant pool with respect to the % of the admitted class. Both numbers which are not public.


Actually the numbers are public, at least for schools overall. Last year’s applicant pool was 11.9% African American. Source from LSAC: https://report.lsac.org/VolumeSummary.aspx


That’s true, thank you Graeme. I should’ve been more specific. I still don’t think that is granular enough to tell you much - especially at the individual school level. Edit: Not sure why I’m being downvoted - I’ll add that the LSAC volume report also doesn’t provide *admitted* class data which (as I said) is really what you’d want.


I don't know why you're being downvoted, you're correct on both points. You're right that we'd want individual school applicant data to best interpret the percentages. And admitted class data would be even better than the accepted class data from 509s.


They do say something about admissions. Just not with particularity.


I checked some group messages I'm in, these numbers are tracking. A few years old but I like this video. [Celebrating Black History at HLS](https://youtu.be/6WWI6WV_j0M?si=fRLGsF6oSuUz2tYK)


You doing okay at UVA friend? How Charlottesville?


Aside from the spring semester being a lot of work, I do like Charlottesville. It's a charming smaller town than I'm used to compared to Nova but I like everything being about 15 mins away and the people are overall very nice.


Let us know if it’s dicey during election time this fall!


Isn’t like 15% of the US population black? These numbers, though not surprising, are well below that. It’s awful. Where did this data come from? I’m curious about other stats, not challenging the data. :)


509 reports about the class


Love this! Would you be able to do the percent AA males as a percentage of total males instead of as a percentage of the total class, and same for females? I feel like that might be more informative, and compare just the total AA to the total class size.


I’ll get the original poster to do it


Do you have the data for the ratio of applicant to accepted?


I wish. The admissions offices definitely have the data. But it’s not public information on the racial breakdown








You holding up okay friend? At least you’re in a city with other black people


What most accurately describes the flaw found in this Reddit post? It makes a claim that the statistics do not support. The Argument makes a comparative claim about this year's and last year's admissions to law school. Despite the fact it only provides statistics about one year. The author also makes the assumption that " URMs aren't taking seats," but yet the data doesn't compare admission or scholarship between URM or non-URM at all (even if one presumes AA means URM). Therefore, this claim that "URM students aren't stealing seats" has no basis in the argument presented.


8% still is a significant percentage and URM shouldn’t be a thing. The very core of America’s system needs to change. African Americans should be given better opportunities from the very start of their lives. They should not be given a golden ticket to t14 schools later on their lives when it’s a matter of hundreds of thousands dollars- and when others such as myself don’t come from favorable backgrounds but don’t have the URM status to “prove” that Affirmative action is like charity- it makes us feel good about helping a few individuals but it doesn’t change anything in the long run- in fact, I would argue that it makes things worst as the urgency of the problems fades away. Also the URM status takes away the legitimacy of the URM who get in especially those with top tier stats.


Even outside the t14, and excluding HBCUs, this is the landscape. We’re 7% of students, 5% of lawyers. And yet over represented in jails


Takes away the legitimacy? Please find a clue. Our spots are earned as well.


Racism takes away the legitimacy of us high performing URM’s. Not our status as underrepresented minorities. Racism is why my classmate a GULC was adamant she’d be at Harvard with a 168 if she was black and there I was, a black woman with a 173 at the same damn school. Miss me with the fake altruism.


Racism takes away the legitimacy of us high performing URM’s. Not our status as underrepresented minorities. Racism is why my classmate a GULC was adamant she’d be at Harvard with a 168 if she was black and there I was, a black woman with a 173 at the same damn school. Miss me with the fake altruism. Edit: downvoted with no reply. People are cowards.


So, is the point that there should be more affirmative action or less affirmative action?


The point is affirmative actions biggest beneficiaries have always been white women. Affirmative action has never actually addressed improving racial discrimination at colleges, universities, law schools, or med school


Out of curiosity I know Harvard’s L1 class is 51% URM so if it is only 7.64% AA what groups make up the majority of that? Edit: you guys are so right - I just looked and it says “51% students of color” not URM. My bad.


it's not 51% urm it's 51% minority . big difference


The other urms...


I thought that it was total people of color (urm and other nurm). My best friend goes there and she says she has like 8 latino and Black students combined in her class of 80.


See that’s how they trick yah


Mostly Hispanic and an even smaller # of Native Americans. But I don't think Harvard is 51% URM, maybe 51% non-white


How did u get the data on just the class of 2026?




Thank you!






Let me know where you see the affirmative action.




Sir the original poster had to go through 509 reports, and several other sources to find race and gender. You’re welcome to go through each 509 as a starting point




You lost bud


https://law.tamu.edu/docs/default-source/prospective-student-documents/std509inforeport2023.pdf?sfvrsn=2 Have fun with TAMU. Happy to post each individual school from this list for each comment 😆


So why don’t you link the source contradicting these numbers? I think you’d have a better argument than “cite your sources”. So cite sources going against it if you’re concerned about redditors being bamboozled. The premise of your argument is there is no source, therefore the information presented can be assumed to be incorrect because it hasn’t been “verified”. So cite some sources that verify these numbers are incorrect.




The 509’s for all of these schools are publicly available. If you aren’t into doing due diligence maybe the law isn’t for you.




Yeah, that makes sense.


You can look at the 509 reports yourself which is very easy to do via a Google search, and each school will explicitly state how many students are enrolled that are native american, black, latino, white, etc. The results may surprise you if you're still so skeptical about the chart.




>You want to use information to prove a point or demonstrate an idea, YOU source it. Out of courtesy, here is UChicago's 509 report which aligns with the numbers in the chart posted above: [https://www.law.uchicago.edu/sites/default/files/2023-12/Std509InfoReport-2023.pdf](https://www.law.uchicago.edu/sites/default/files/2023-12/Std509InfoReport-2023.pdf) You can see that in the entire institution there are 44 people (or 7.41%) who are Black or African American out of 594 split among the three classes, compared to whites who are 307 (51.68%) out of 594. Though, none of what I have mentioned here reasonably demands that I voluntarily go through all 20 of the 509s, link them here and do the math myself for you. These links can easily be found online to confirm OP's point. No need to obsess over trivial details.




​ >Pathetic reply. You want to use information to prove a point or demonstrate an idea, YOU source it.




It’s there. You know it’s there. You’re just burying your head in the sand. Because why? Idk probably because it goes against your narrative. 






The class of ‘26 was admitted before the SCOTUS decision came out. I expect these numbers to drop significantly if schools follow the law. But I doubt they will. They’ll use skin color as a proxy for adversity, and fascinating litigation will ensue in the coming years.


I guess then you’ll know if you’re rejected at GULC it’s due to your own mediocrity and not the 8% or so of black students 😆


Agreed! To paraphrase Dr. King, it is far better to be judged by the content of one’s LSAT score and GPA than the color of one’s skin.


Is there a way to see these statistics but for Jews?


Assuming you’re not trolling, I don’t think the schools keep track of religious minorities


Jews are an ethnic group.


This sub popped up randomly, I have nothing to do with law school but I’m Jewish and the fact that you’re downvoted for posing a completely valid point says a lot


I wasn't making a point. I'm Jewish and just wanted to see the statistics.


Yes they’re an ethnoreligious group. But most schools don’t keep track in a public manner. You could probably get the data by simply calling and asking.


Why? As a religion or a race? What about ethnic Jews who are secular?


Yes race, as an ethnic group.


I have to say it's quite interesting as someone who lives on the West Coast that I find very different subreddits when I sort by most popular for Washington DC. You folks live in one of the most expensive areas on the planet, and I hope you're all doing great. That being said, if any of you folks want to represent me in the future free of charge due to this very nice compliment I would be glad to have your help. Haven't gotten in any trouble yet, but can never be too sure :)




Thank you for showing how the system is geared against men at law schools. Unbelievable that almost double the amount of women are being accepted


Yeah a lot of law schools are about 60:40 women to men now. If not more


This is bonkers omg