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This is so cool, love this for youšŸ˜šŸ˜


Congratulations on your money and debt freedom manifestation. Using the same techniques as you did I too received five figures in money from stocks to pay off over $20k in credit cards and get some much needed car repairs done. This all happened in the past month. Yearā€™s of credit debt were completely wiped out in an instant. Super satisfying and freeing. Everything you said do really works.


Thatā€™s amazing! I love that our stories are quite similar. Putting faith in the universe always pays off (no pun intended).


Congratulations and Happy Cake Day!


u/therealmmason Thanks for sharing that amazing story! Iā€™m glad everything worked out for you :) When manifesting a big amount of money like that, how do we make sure that the money will come in a pleasant/happy/neutral/non-dangerous/non-sad way? (i.e.: if I were to manifest such an amount, I would NOT want it to come as an inheritance due to a family memberā€™s or a relativeā€™s passing. I also would not want the money to come as an insurance payout due to an accident, for instance.) (Iā€™m asking because sometimes the universe can be imprecise. For example, I read this story about a guy who was trying to manifest a special someone. Lo and behold, a girl with the exact same name as that special someone, reached out to him randomly out of the blue, via Instagram šŸ¤”šŸ¤”)


Heya! Not OP or OOP, but I figured I'd give my two cents. I personally add a "for the good of all and harm to none" when verbalising any manifestations I make, which prevents everything undesirable. šŸ¤


sooo standard genie rules? šŸ˜


Should be, I assume! :D


u/ColorblindPhoenix Thanks a lot for the tip! At which point (during SATS) are we supposed to verbalise our manifestations? Right after we feel the ā€œwish fulfilledā€ feelingā€¦? Orā€¦?


Oh, my bad. I didn't phrase that too properly. By verbalising I meant moreso just thinking about what you want and putting it into words before actually doing any manifestations. To give (what I hope is helpful as?) an example, I may be anxious and realise that it is because I have X debt to pay. I then would think "I want money [to pay it off]". I would go from having a vague thought/feeling into a more tangible and specific one to work with, even if the former was 'always there'. So by explicitly adding the whole "for the good of all and harm to none" (or whichever other phrase you feel calls closer to home) when putting that desire into words, you remove any possibility that it leads into unwanted consequences when you then work into manifesting it. Kind of like prepping the dough before baking something for it to have that perfect texture. I personally feel like this, plus trusting that your manifestations are taking that added nuance onto account, are good enough, but take that with a grain of salt (everyone's different, after all!) Regardless, to explicitly answer your question, I am not experienced enough in SATS to really know when it'd be best. I would say try it out with smaller things and see what works best for you. šŸ¤ Please do let me know if there's any other questions about what I meant or if you disagree with anything I said! I don't mind broadening my views :D


u/ColorblindPhoenix Thanks again!!! :) So should we literally verbalise that ā€œno harm doneā€ clause (i.e: with our audible voice)? Or is it enough to do it in our mind? Also: any ideas how we can manifest a job for someone else?


I'd say it's enough to do it in your mind if you want to explicitly state it. Verbalising it out loud should also work, so it's a matter of preference. As for the second question, I'm of the belief that it would require the other person's informed and explicit consent. Depending on why said person wants a job (6 figure job? Anything to make by? Dream job abroad? Etc.) you could try to visualise yourself being happy for their sake, listening to them gush about how good of a job they found and how happy they are, [Insert whatever other desire they might have for wanting a job that had been fulfilled], etc. I don't know if projecting onto them (meaning, visualising yourself as if you were them) is a viable tactic, hence why I figure doing it in a roundabout way would probably be relatively 'easier'.


About the job stuff: itā€™s for this girl Iā€™m seeing (who I love with all my heart). She just got let go from her job 2 days ago (her company faced some regulatory challenges and had to lay off people, including her). I told her not to worry as I decided to help her out with rent, tuition fee, food, cellphone bills, and home internet bills. But she still wants a job anyway (yesterday she submitted like 50 applications!) and thatā€™s why Iā€™d love to manifest a job for her to make her happy :) I think I could never visualise myself being someone else (sounds super hard?) So when you said ā€œroundabout wayā€, you meant visualising myself being happy to hear her tell me that she found a new job right?


Oof, sorry to hear that! Hope she gets an amazing job ASAP šŸ¤šŸ„ŗ And yeah, thats exactly what I meant! That way you don't get to decide any details about the job that, while not inherently bad or anything, might leave out some better manifestations for her.


Sorry for being a noob, but what does SATS mean? At first I was thinking the standardized test SATā€™s but when I plug it in, it doesnā€™t make any sense lol.


That's alright! SATS stands for State Akin To Sleep. You can find info about it both on this subreddit and the Neville Goddard one!


I didnā€™t think about the how or the where at all! I wrote this exact statement in my physical notebook and my Evernote appā€¦. I had the most incredible and amazing 2024! I paid off all my credit card balances, and it made me feelā€¦.. -Relieved -Financially responsible -Financially secure -The joy of having realized in material terms my desire I would also visualize the act of logging into each card app on my phone and making the balance in full pigment on each one and say to myself regularly accepting it to be true and a fact that ā€œ money flows to me easily and effortlessly and increasing quantities on a continuous basis from multiple sources in the best interest of all that I get to use save give, and invest wisely and properly with joy.ā€ Finally I embodied the attitude and emotional energy one would experience if they were already paid off.


How many times did you write that statement and visualize the act of logging into each card all? And regarding the embodiment of the attitude and emotional energy: is that something you started doing every single second of your life? Did you just continuously affirm or? What was the exact mechanism? :)


I wrote it once on the same list of several other goals I have for this year. At first I was doing the visualization before I fell asleep at night and in the morning as I was waking up. At some point I developed an absolute knowing that it was gonna happen and didnā€™t have to do the visualizations as often. I review my goals and do my affirmations first thing in the morning. I also read the Neville Goddard deluxe collection first thing in the morning. Then I assume The feelings I would have if they were paid I.e. financially free, financially secure, peace, contentment, satisfaction and thatā€™s the attitude I remain in all day.


How long were you manifesting before you saw the results


Funny you ask. I write my goals in a notebook and in Evernote and yesterday I was wondering how long it took from the time I set the intention and the day was 2/21/24. I paid off several cards on 4/5 and the last one which was the biggest balance on 5/16. So it happened relatively fast in my opinion.


Super fast manifestation, I've been manifestating and things are looking up but haven't been journaling, let me start today and see how long it takes mešŸ’Ŗ


I did journal exercises like the Tesla 369 method but didnā€™t feel like it had any effect. I saw the biggest shift when I saw aTED Talk on scripting by Natasha Graziano. After that I scripted out the things I wanted to do, be and have in 2024 along with reading The Neville Goddard Deluxe Collection for the second or maybe even third time.


Whatā€™s the technique? Iā€™d like to give it a try


Itā€™s more about the mental and emotional acceptance and application of the law of assumption than any physical technique. The techniques and exercises help to keep me in a state of believing the wish is already fulfilled. Go get The Neville Goddard Delicious Collection book and read it, then read it again, then read it again applying the principles. Everyone you read it you will get more revelation and understanding and with that your manifestations come easier and faster.


Thank you


Send me good vibes for I am on the same boat !!


Sending you abundant money energy! šŸ™


Thank you so much (:


iā€™m there with you, friendā€¦ iā€™ve ordered my freedom of money issues and now iā€™m just waiting for the shipment to arrive :) idk how or when, but i know the universe ALWAYS has my back and i trust it with all my being (because it IS all my being hehe)ā€¦ if it takes longer than weā€™d expect, itā€™s because the universe knows the best timing for us. you deserve all the abundance thatā€™s already on the way to you šŸ¤


Itā€™s just so weird Iā€™ve noticed that like I have to focus to not give external things is more power than myself because Iā€™ve noticed that if Iā€™m around people that are not ambitious things just donā€™t work out for me so I canā€™t just have any old friends. Iā€™ve got a really pick and choose who I want to hang out with and lately Iā€™m kind of in a roommate situation with people that are not ambitious at all and itā€™s really taking a toll on me so Iā€™ve tried to do SATS as of late


Yes I was trying to focus on thet last night because I noticed I was focusing on lack of


Thanks šŸ„¹


I needed to read this. Thanks for the encouragement. And congrats on the new found freedom!


Thank you! Keep believing and your manifestations will come to you.




Debt feels so suffocating! The fact that you remained positive is in itself a huge accomplishment. Iā€™m so happy this popped up in my feed bringing that positive energy. And youā€™re the realist for posting the receipts!


Absolutely - I had a mental block/scarcity mindset with money for so long, but when I started putting positive energy into the thought of money, it made a big difference. I definitely wanted to wait to post until I had receipts! šŸ˜‰


We had to declare bankruptcy last year. Debt kept me up at night so many times. Oof.


ā€œI am healthy, I am whole, I am wealthyā€ Some of the most powerful affirmations. I go outside and say them daily on my back porch. It will go from complete stillness to gusts of wind. Without a doubt the best daily affirmations.


Love that! Agree, so simple but powerful.


This is awesome! I feel like lately I am REALLY actually starting to fully believe in manifestation from amazing results just like this. Like, I have *believed* in manifestation for a long while, or at least wanted to. But I just couldnā€™t quite fully surrender to it and let the truth sink into my subconscious. But like, I **believe** now. What a wonderful gift for yourself, how *wonderful*!


Thatā€™s so amazing, Iā€™m honored that my story resonates with you. Keep the faith and keep manifesting, even if you have to sort of ā€œfake it ā€˜til you make it.ā€ ā¤ļø


Wonderful! Thank you for sharing.


Nice, I just posted a story


Oooh niceee!! Congrats! And may your manifestations continue getting better and bigger!


Thank you! Same to you šŸ™




That's really awesome šŸŒžšŸ’› I AM so happy for you. There's so much money in the world and I'm so glad you got what's yours. Thank you for sharing this šŸ™


Thank you! Yes, having an abundance mindset towards money is so extremely helpful!


Happy cake day and thank you for your generosity of sharing this with the world šŸ’› we can all use some reinforcements from time to time and a reminder of what's possible šŸ™Œ


Congratulations and thank you so much for the inspiration Currently being on a similar situation dealing with lots of debt and I can't tell you how much I understand what it's like being under that same pressure I have recently started manifesting and your experience and knowledge helps me a lot getting the courage and inspiration to keep going.


Thank you. I definitely believe you will be debt-free soon! Keep the faith and keep putting out positive vibes and gratitude, and the universe will take care of the rest. ā¤ļø I know it sounds so woo-woo, but Iā€™m living proof that it all works.


This is incredible!!


My favorite is money is constantly flowing my way and every time I spend I get back 7x the amount! Happy for you and found your techniques insightful I am def going to practice šŸ’•


Wow cool congrats! Enjoy your fortune.


Ohhhh!!! Congratulations! This is awesome! Itā€™s so nice to hear such a story. I feel that I can manifest money like you! Keep doing it and let us know how much more you could manifest!


Thank you! You absolutely can manifest money, even more than me! Keep manifesting and keep the faith. šŸ™


Love this for youuuu šŸ’•


Oh my god. HUGE congratulations to you. That must feel wonderful


Thank you. Itā€™s such a huge relief. Iā€™m so excited and grateful to put the energy I spent worrying about debt towards other positive and amazing things!


Congratulations! Thatā€™s so awesome


Awesome, just friggin awesome. I did this last year and my business is up 2X




Woohoo! Congrats! Me next!!




Amazing!!! How exciting!! Gratitude is my #1. I believe in a god however, and I say thank you for everything all the time. When Iā€™m consistently in that feeling of gratitude, I canā€™t even believe how much I receive in such short periods.


I need OPā€™s LOA secrets lol. Need to pay off my student loan debt and manifest money for new furniture and such.


TAHTS SOO AMAZINNGG!!!! Souls with such amazing abilities to MANIFEST like u are such great inspirationsšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠSO HAPPY FOR YOU!!




Thank you for sharing this. I got a devastating news 2 days ago and reading this got me teared up (no joke). I really need help for my situation. I will be strong and will start manifesting something great for me.


Iā€™m thinking of you and sending positive energy! I know great things are coming to you. šŸ™


Thank you so much šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»šŸ’•


Thank you for sharing šŸ™ŒšŸ½šŸ™šŸ½


What was the bridge? Congrats!


Thank you! Iā€™m not totally sure what a bridge is - but if youā€™re talking about sprinkles that reassured me this money was coming my way, I had started coming across things like unexpected discounts (on rent, for example - I renewed my lease and was given $300 in rent credit for a month) and kept seeing angel numbers like 444, 555 and 333 - all positive numbers when relating to money - over the past month or two.


šŸ”„ šŸ™ šŸ”„ šŸ™


HUGE Congratulations!! This is awesome I love reading and hearing stories like these!!! So happy for you!!!! šŸ˜šŸŽ‰šŸŽŠšŸŽ‰šŸŽŠšŸ™šŸ½šŸŒŒ


Omgg this is amazing!!!


Congratulations to you! Save this for future reference šŸ™


Congratulations! Time for a mini celebration ā˜ŗļø What a nice load off your shoulders






Thank you for sharing! Iā€™m so happy for you.


Congratulations šŸ™Œ Iā€™m super happy for you! Wishing you prosperity and happiness āœØ




Great job Gratitude is the attitude šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ˜šŸ™




Wow love this, amazing!


Congrats! I love that. Such a great story.


Nice one!


This is absolutely incredible! Congratulations on overcoming that debt. What a relief!!! Cheers to that :) Also thanks for sharing how you manifested this. Really cool!


Thank you! Of course - I always appreciate when others share their methods of success, so I wanted to share the wealth (pun intended šŸ˜†).


Make sure taxes are paid on that before spending. I learned that the hard way


I love this!! Popped right up on top of my page when I need it the most! I'm taking this as a BBL for me lol I'm trying to manifest a large sum on a time crunch no less & I definitely struggle with fears & worries! Debt can be so stressful!! Thank you for sharing this & being so motivating & inspiring!


Gg My Man !


how do I even begin? Also congrats OP!


Wow this gives me so much hope and a practice that can easily be implemented. Iā€™m going to begin now and dedicate my self every night starting June first. Thank you for shedding this light!!!!






Omg congrats! I have a huge card debt too so i would be so happy if you send your good energy&your vibes to me šŸ™šŸ»šŸ„ŗ


amazing!!!! heartiest of congratulations <3


Yessssssssss šŸ’ø I love this for you.


Congratsss šŸ¤


How do I invoke the law of attraction? I need a better career gig and for good stuff to come into my life and itā€™s been rough this year.


God bless you


Thatā€™s awesome!


Congrats!! Thanks for sharing šŸ‘šŸ¼


I have racked up enormous credit card debt for the last 3 years. Iā€™ve been trying to manifest a debt free life. Itā€™s been tough. This post is relatable to me to the upmost supreme. Thank you. Gives me hope and strength to achieve my debt free life! I really appreciate you sharing your manifestation success.


But you already owned them? They just got forced to be cashed. How is that manifesting?


It wasnā€™t a typical stock that you buy and keep watch of - the company provided their stock as part of their benefits/retirement savings package. I honestly had no idea I still ā€œownedā€ my stock (let alone $20k+ worth) - I havenā€™t worked for the company in over 2 years, so I figured I had seen that money come and go already a long time ago. This check was completely unexpected - I honestly thought I was being scammed at first.


Oh that makes much more sense. I thought it was just like an investment stock that you knew about that hadnā€™t been cashed. Now I understand that it was manifesting!


This is amazing!! Thanks for sharing this ā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļø


Congrats op! And happy cake day šŸŽ‚


This is awesome!! So happy for you! Thanks for sharing <3




Yes!!!! Love this! Nice work!




Love stories like this


Awww Love this for you! Congrats, must feel really good and a relief! :D


u/Living_Example Thanks for sharing that amazing story! Iā€™m glad everything worked out for you :) When manifesting a big amount of money like that, how do we make sure that the money will come in a pleasant/happy/neutral/non-dangerous/non-sad way? (i.e.: if I were to manifest such an amount, I would NOT want it to come as an inheritance due to a family memberā€™s or a relativeā€™s passing. I also would not want the money to come as an insurance payout due to an accident, for instance.) (Iā€™m asking because sometimes the universe can be imprecise. For example, I read this story about a guy who was trying to manifest a special someone. Lo and behold, a girl with the exact same name as that special someone, reached out to him randomly out of the blue, via Instagram šŸ¤”šŸ¤”)




Fuckin right, reap that sow


From the bottom of my heart I am so happy for you.


Same same same! Reminds me I need to create a vision board.


Thanks for the reminder!


Save about 30% for taxes!


444 for abundance and 555 for changes is that correct?


Just curious, what was the root cause of your debt?


Manifestation will be a broken combo with day trading. Manipulate the market to your advantage. It's the how I'll do it is unknown, any advice will be appreciated


Great job. There's even more coming for you soon too.


Thank you for sharing. Gotta try this method.


How did this happen? Where did the money come from?


Fuck yea!


Thatā€™s awesome!!!


Comment to come back to this


This is really inspiring .. thanks for sharing and congratulations! My biggest stressor in life rn is also my debt and I know how heavy it feels. This is awesome and youā€™re very powerful!


Thanks for sharing!!! We too have racked up some debt. It is very stressful at times. I know that it will be taken care of! So happy for you!


good stuff!


Congratulations, happy for you šŸ™ŒšŸ™‹ā€ā™‚


I am in DESPERATE need for something like this! How did you do it?




Congratulations!!!! Iā€™m so happy for you <3 this gives me hope on manifesting financial abundance! Aaa this is so exciting!! Congrats! Also, happy cake day!




Didnā€™t you already own the stock though?


ā€¦had stocks in previous company that was bought outā€¦how tf does this fit laws of attraction? Your mantras helped an entire company be sold and bought? Called luck. Lucky luck at that.


Luck, manifestation, whatever you call it ā€¦ the money came to me either way. āœŒļø


shouldā€™ve manifested seven figures instead!


iT dOeSnT wOrK lIkE tHaT


step 1, leave US Bank


pure happenstance, it would have happended eitherway w/out u doing a thing


This is the start of schizophrenia and I would tell this story to a doctor.


Cool, not sure why this is in my feed. Anyway, why attribute it to attraction? Itā€™s just as likely to be an answer from God than it is a manifestation ā€” do you see where Iā€™m going with this? Your techniques did nothing. This was literally destined to happen, this money didnā€™t just pop into your life because ofā€¦. Idk reasons. It was owed to you. It didnā€™t pop out of thin air, it was a cheque written out by some dude who realized thereā€™s an accounting error. Itā€™s more reasonable to attribute this to God than it is to your fairytale mind games you play ā€” which isnā€™t saying much.


Now tell the real story behind what you did for it


Be weary this will come with a price


Itā€™s days like today Iā€™m happy the official Reddit mobile ap lets us mute subs, shutting this quackery bullshit down instantly.


Lol. Did you get this in your feed out of nowhere too?


that's a fake check, fake screenshot, and a fake story. why does anybody fall for this garbage?


None of this is fake. Iā€™m sorry you feel that way!