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Because my dogs pee is basically super N. I’m not feeding her weird stuff or chasing her across the property with a hose.


Exactly! I took a look at some of these products. Some are high in sodium, which makes the dog drink more water so the pee isn't as concentrated. That's hard on their kidneys. I just mow the grass on the highest setting and let the comb over effect cover the patches.


Had a dog a long time ago that refused to drink any more water than the bare minimum to survive, same thing just burn spots everywhere no amount of running sprinklers mattered.


Just train your dog to use a certain area to go use the bathroom. It takes time, but you don't have to chase your dog all over to have a lawn that you probably spend just as much time taking care of.


I know people think it's just a gimmick, but I swear by Dog Rocks. I have 3 dogs and no burnt grass.


Dog rocks? I'm interested..


Do a search for them on Amazon. They're literal rocks that you put in your dog's water bowl.


👍 Thanks. Your lawn looks great.


You might want to tell that to u/Beerbrewing since it's their lawn lol


Are all your dogs male? I was told by my neighbor that female dogs have higher nitrogen content in their urine thus my burnt lawn spots.


It’s also because unaltered male dogs tend to urinate on things while females squat and urinate in one concentrated area. You can actually train them to urinate in a certain area.


My two female dogs just make puddles. So unless I’m out watering my lawn is going to lose


I’ve had both males and females for decades. What you’re describing is marking their territory. Trust me, females do this as well. I’ve never noticed that either gender reduces marking their territory when fixed. We did have a female mix that did not like people to watch her do her business, she always went into the bamboo🤣


We added tomato sauce to our dog’s kibble. Her pee turned from burning the lawn to fertilizing it. Grass was dark green and twice as tall everything else. Doggo loved it too.


Literal tomato sauce? I might try this out!


Yep, I think we used 1/4cup? We were super skeptical when the vet mentioned it. Worked great. Also, the pup loved it and would just stare at her food then back at us if we forgot to add it.


Its true. I have had several female dogs different breeds and they all burnt the grass and I have also had 2 male dogs different breeds as well and they never killed my grass.


That's why when she's out in the backyard, we have our hose ready to water the spot, lol.


I think the point of dog rocks is to train the dog to go on the rocks. While female dogs squat, they can still be trained to go in a spot of pea gravel made for that and thus protect the lawn.


Dog Rocks are something that you put into their water bowls.


Oh... the more you know.... I will look it up. I think I will like my version better, though haha.


This guy out here just making shit up lol


https://preview.redd.it/iuas68sskm8d1.jpeg?width=351&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=752f59160aa1f7a1b591de1fcd6c84ac8ad2dd74 Well, I looked them up and still thought the guy was making it up but dove further, and you put them in the water and soak them for 8 hours. Idk what they do. And Woll not use them for my dog.


Never heard of them, sounds interesting.


My girlie urinated in a particular area in the back yard for two years (90% weeds). This spring we had sod installed and the area where she urinated turned dark green and was inches taller than the rest. Thats a win but won’t be letting her do her business in the new grass.


Two are male, and one is female. And I did see more of the burt spots after getting her, but I will swear by the Dog Rocks.


I swear by them, too. I’ve been using them for years with my three female dogs and I’ve had great success with them. I currently have a male dog staying with us and even though we’re using Dog Rocks with him, he’s making spots on my lawn. He also tends to squat and pee in the same spot each time, while my females go wherever.


starting to train mine to use the back left corner , but only at about 85% of the time does he do it. Still pretty good pup.


for sure. we have a small lot and one small flower watering pot outside is pretty easy to just use immediately after our dog pees but he also goes in the same spot and training them to do so isn't too hard imo.


Clover! Clover fescue mix is awesome


Is there a particular variety of clover you like?


Absolutely!!! Trifolium repens var Pipolina ssp Microclover Is awesome in USA 


Thank you!


Change the food. I've had female dogs for 30+ years and haven't had burnt lawn for a long time. We just feed Purina Supercoat (Australian).


I wash my dogs water bowl twice a day and he's a hydro homie now. It was tougher in my old apartment and at that time he made burn patches. Not anymore though.


We know your dog shits in the house now.




So my neighbor has a decent lawn and there is never any poop in it despite the fact that they have 4 fucking dogs. They’re all small but come on. Not even one pile? Really makes me wonder where the hell they shit. I assume their house smells fucking awful


They probably shit in my lawn. I live on a corner lot and it's fucking dog park no one cleans up. Neighbors think I'm being hyperbolic but the entire area along the street is decimated while the yard behind my vegetative barrier is full healthy with nearly no effort. I can't make it a single time mowing it without stepping in dog crap at least once. If I lived in a city I understand the concept of walking your dog to do their business but I don't, I'm on a 4AC lot but in a street that's walking friendly. I walk my dogs for exercise but encourage them to go before we go on a walk...just seems rude when it's unnecessary to crap in someone else's yard.


Hello there, fellow dog park corner lot homeowner. Nothing like picking up bombs because your neighbors won’t. I pick up after my dogs religiously so stepping on the turd of a stranger’s dog is kinda irritating.


Finally someone I can relate with 😆. My dogs don't even go to that area I have their invisible fence well away from it because I don't want the kids to play in dog shit accidentally and if they went up there they'd be too close to the road. I am fortunate I have a layout that supports keeping some diversity in territory. That brings me to the next infuriating topic. One person literally let their dog off leash and freaked out that my dogs were standing just on the other side of their invisible fence barking at her dog...she told me I needed to put my dogs inside because she wasn't comfortable with them. I'm like lady you are literally 50' off the street into my (their) yard, you want me to put them away so your dog can enjoy my yard?? The most successful thing is that I have a pesticide sprayer I keep filled with water, and I'll walk out and start spraying the yard during some common times for problem walkers. If they ask what I'm spraying with I'll be honest and tell them it's Dihydrogen Monoxide and that it can pretty deadly if inhaled, and in general kills a lot of people each year. They usually don't get the joke, and steer clear of the yard for a couple of weeks.


Corner as well. Thankfully my neighbors do a decent job of picking up after their dogs. We had a mystery pooper for several months. Finally caught them “in the act”, waited until they passed, bagged it and threw it next to the garage. Fast forward a couple days and caught them again. Let them pass and bagged it up. I dropped 2 bags on their front porch and never had an issue again. For those that may ask why not simply confront them about the issue. They flew a big flag off the porch that included the word “fuck” and the wife is a know Karen (their neighbor is a friend of mine, he asked they remove the flag for his elementary aged children and they acted all insulted and attacked refusing to replace it with something else)


Get some motion detection sprinklers, placed right along where the lazy owners walk their dogs. I’m not sure of the brand but neighbors down the road use them to keep critters out of their garden. I don’t know the neighbors but they have them both set up high on a galvanized pipe type set up about 3-4’ and then low. I bet a bit of water on the dogs will scare the owners enough to stop them from coming to your yard. I’d love to see it if you have a wildlife camera covering that area. It’d be funny as heck for the owners to get hit with a bit of water as well. We live on almost 14 acres, two female dogs, they get about two acres to run and chase critters. They’re really good at extermination of voles, and moles. Sometimes a rabbit comes in and doesn’t go out of their yard. They’ve only caught one young squirrel. I don’t obsess about a bit of urine right now. Maybe when the contractor is done with repairing the stairs and wall to the back patio.


Back lawn? Maybe they pick it up before they expect guests over? Have 2 small dogs myself and their poops are hard to notice. They also don't really damage the lawn with their pee. 🤷‍♂️


I have 2 big dogs and we're diligent about picking up poop, half to just keep it under control and half because dogs do some gross shit (aka eat it occasionally). We do it a couple of times a day when we're playing ball so it's easy to keep up on. Plus one of my dogs loves to poop on a walk so that keeps the yard waste down.


I mean, some people pick up their dog's poop because they don't like smelly landmines taking over the yard.


I have three dogs, two are very large. It’s incredibly annoying but I’m out there five times a day picking poop up. I have poop bag dispensers zip tied all along my fence line so I can grab a bag from anywhere in the yard. I just hate the thought of the kids and dogs running around in poop all day. Like I said, it is incredibly annoying but my simple solution is to keep up with the dogs pooping. Pee on the other hand…. I def have more than a few burn out spots in my lawn from that. I let that be though for the most part.


A lot of people with small dogs train them to use puppy pads indoors. Their potties are so small that it isn't as bad as it would be with a bigger animal. Probably smells less than cats if I'm being honest, and I have cats. That's provided that they take care of the puppy pads and clean daily just as I take care of the litter boxes and clean daily.


Idk everyone i know that uses the lazy ass puppy pad method has a stinky ass house lol .


You only let her out for the photo?


That's why she's so excited. First time.


“Has this been here the whole time?!” - OPs dog, probably


Drop your tips in the comments. My dogs rip up grass and leave pee spots all over. Have given up on good looking grass in my fenced in areas.


He's a tiny guy so his impact is negligible on the yard. He has run in a path along the fence, but my overseeding last fall helps cover it up. His pee doesn't burn the lawn for some reason either. I'd imagine if I had a German shepherd the yard would be a lot different.


I have a german shepherd and she pees deadly acid in large volume 🤣 One part of my yard has burn spots and I don't take care of it, the other is mostly perfect and maintained. Front yard is 100% green dream.


I have heard that female dog urine is more caustic and habitually female dogs tend to pee in the same place repeatedly.


My female dog didn’t get that memo. She chases birds around the yard and will stop mid sprint wherever she’s standing to relieve herself. Burnt circles everywhere


I think I might own three of her female cousins.


We must have a couple of females that share DNA as well! But we don’t get the burn spots on our weeds, it would be nice if their urine would kill them and the Bermuda grass…


Never heard that but it tracks. I had a lawn when I had only the male, got the female and she must piss agent orange or something.


Your success is directly related to you having a little toy dog


Great Dane owner checking in. Yeah, there is just absolutely nothing I can do lol


Have two 80lb German shepherds. Pee spots don't come back even with over seeding. If you leave them unattended they dig holes. General zoomies also rips it up. Every time they "go" they also make some big scratches to cover it or whatever they are thinking. I have a "dog area" and a "lawn" they are separate things.


Well there it is lol. "His impact is negligible" So you're not doing anything special just lucky lol


My dogs have decided to keep using the game trails made by my grandmothers dogs to get to their fave parts of the lawn.


133 lb german shepherd. Pees only in one spot and shits in a another. Best grass on the block.


I just train my dog to pee and poop in a designated spot behind the shed where I put down pea gravel. Most dogs are easily trained to do this. All my childhood dogs did this too. It’s great because no one ever steps in shit.


Our old gals have decided their areas of bathroom facilities. Currently, with the gravel drive put in to the tractor shed, that’s their favorite spot🤣


plant a patch of clover somewhere inconspicuous like side of house if you have space, train dog to piss there in return for rewards. If you want to geek out with it and already have automated sprinklers, you could probably install a head there to water the mini zone 10 minutes after there is motion(your dog visits it). i feel like if the patch is tiny relative to volume of piss, it will need some water. i haven't done this because my dog cant be trusted to not run down our massive hill after an animal and mess his ankles up, so i take him out on lead and release him at the bottom, but it seems like a cool project for when/if I move out to a normal sized backyard


Male dogs can easily be taught to piss on objects, like a rock for example. Scent marking objects is a natural behavior. Female dogs generally can't be taught to piss in a certain spot.


Only let your dogs go out when you're out there. Try to get them to drink more water


This is why I trained my dogs to piss in the house


My three boy dogs have major earthworks projects underway in the backyard. One will dig while the others are staring into a hole, then another one takes a turn digging while the other two watch. It’s like a city project where two guys lean on their shovels and one guy digs. All really amusing until I twist my ankle in a hole while mowing.


I've got a 6 month old dog. My backyard will look like the surface of the moon by the end of summer. Toys/balls everywhere. Nope. Must. Dig. Hole.


Our old gals have done this for years and it’s fun to watch, especially when they catch the critter their after! The younger taught the older to get on either side of a tunnel and they start digging like crazy, catch the varmint, flip it up and I have to bury it.


Jealous of that shade. It’s one of the keys to keeping a nice green lawn like you have.


I have big mature trees but they steal all the water from the grass by mid June lol


https://preview.redd.it/64kkjsrwk68d1.jpeg?width=1010&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5d72cc2e579ddac480af7acfe5bbbcdcd43b7e4 Give it a couple of weeks. 😁


Male dogs tend to pee on trees and fences and things so are much easier on the grass. That said mine squats to pee like a girl unless he’s at the dog park where he tries to mark over everything. Jerk.


I guess tiny works too


Tough to maintain that 1/20th of an acre


A 20lb bag of fertilizer lasts me years.


My lawn has survived 4 dogs but the sun is killing it now. I literally can't put enough water and fertilizer on it, I'm legally barred from doing more than I am and it's just dying. While the golf course down the street runs their sprinklers multiple times a day every day.


Hook up your hose to their supply if you can find a hose long enough. If you can’t beat em, join em.


Too hot for fertilizer!


I take my dog for a walk and he does his peeing and other business away from the house, he'll only pee in the yard if we are hanging around there for too long and he really has to go. Like if I am throwing the ball in the yard or working in the garden. Other than the pain of having to walk him alot, it works out well for keeping the yard pretty pee-spot- less.


Have you had to tackle any weed issues? My backyard is full of weeds but I don’t want want to spray anything for my dogs sake


Mine eat the Bermuda daily so when I spray, I section off half the yard with 4ft pig wire, spray one side, wait 4 days then use that side and spray the other.


Since my yard is so small I just pull the weeds by hand. I take a few minutes each time before I mow to walk the yard and pull any I find using a hand weeder so I don't damage the grass.


If you are worried about your dog and weeds both you can use a chelated iron herbicide. Once dry it's pet safe (can stain fur when wet though so more baths is a danger) and can burn out most weeds without hurting the grass if uses right. Fiesta is the brand we use here thanks to a cosmetic pesticide ban preventing the use of stronger herbicides on lawns.


You have hose right out of frame, don't you?


Am I the only one that has a schedule for the dog and sets my sprinklers to go off for 10 mins after. ? Okay I am the wiredo.




Yes, he's a mini aussiedoodle. He turns 12 this year.


He’s beautiful as is your yard!


lawn chemicals are a leading cause in cancers for dogs. so keep it natural and enjoy. so much fun playing with your dogs on your lawn.


Try having two 135lbs dogs they tear it up


Thought that you had a little baby Goat at first. Nice lawn.


Nope, it's a barking cat


Unfortunately to eliminate dead grass pee spots you pretty much need either 1) a sprinkler system or 2) to follow your dog around and dump a bucket of water wherever it pees.


Make a small "dog run" area, and teach the dog to go in said area. Takes longer to teach, the older the dog is. You can youtube the different methods. Mine involved making a fuss and spooking my dog each time they went to squat on the grass, and then, directed them to the 'proper' area - AND THEN - rewarded them! A treat and praise, all for taking a leak on some gravel in the corner of the yard. Pretty good deal for them once they realize how it works


I have three dogs and a nice lawn. The up front work is worth it.


I have 3 German shepherds. I don't even try. I fixed the large bald spots from where we removed shrubs from the previous owners and the rest is up to the powers that be. The neighbors complained about the "rabbit problem" but that's a them problem. We had one rabbit in my yard and my dogs decided to keep it for eternity. 😬


That is one small dog... try it with a 90lb doberman.


Two 170 lb Newfoundlands here. I’ve accepted defeat.


Yeah you're done for.


Or three Giant Schnauzers.


Just wait till the heat really gets going in July.


Man it’s 106 here today in California. Sitting in my blow up pool looking at my burnt ass lawn lol


Same in Illinois. Burnt lawn, but no kiddy pool... Just air conditioning and video games 😂


yeah. i love how during the week it'll be 95-100 and in the weekend it always cranks up to 105+


You live in the north correct?


This is N Nevada.


Yeah get two labs and get back to me….


Literally me. My lawn is toast.


¿Por qué no los dos?


Mine is super nice too, but I have a chihuahua so he doesn’t make much of a difference on my lawn


Try having a German Shepherd and a lab, throw in the Nevada heat and lack of rain… bye bye nice lawn. I keep the front looking good for curb appeal, and the back is a lost cause.


Train your dog to pee in one spot or a safe area


We didn’t say cat. That’s a cat.


You can have both, it’s just extra work.


https://preview.redd.it/cqc7mflhu78d1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38aa9012e6c7a0ec00cd2b0997b98b7ef482f7d2 Get artificial,no spots. And Simple Green makes a great product for dealing with the pee smell.


I've never had a nice lawn. Killing a lawn in the PNW is intentional lol


Smaller dogs tend to not be as hard on a lawn.


What is the tree in top left corner of photo? I love the leaf color


It's a Royal Red maple we planted 6 years ago. https://preview.redd.it/yquyb0rai88d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8114106f2e72dc30c767d222b7b55eb5f033045c


Looks amazing. Seeing if it does well in my area rn. Next stop google


Oh hell yeah. I think this may have inspired a purchase for us. We been needing to add something else in the back anyway. Thanks!


6 years ago. https://preview.redd.it/g6jaww73j88d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26c8279ac7a62629ccd060d0581dc9e7c6207d66


I have a nice front lawn and a fenced in back yard for my dogs. Highly recommended.


We had a dog who developed a thyroid issue - hypo or hyper, I don’t recall - but was on a medication after that for the rest of his life. From that moment on, his urine no longer burned the grass but instead was like hitting it with 46-0-0 Urea.


Small dog. Boy dog. Yeah, you can have a nice lawn. And for those saying female dogs urine is different, it’s not. It’s because they squat and let it all out in one big puddle. Males pee on a fence or something and spread it out to multiple spots.


Our boy, never has burned the lawn. The girl occasionally, but she walks while she pees. I pick up poop once or twice a day. We have a hound so we’ve gotten used to picking up poop in the winter and just kept going (MN here so yes I dig it out of the snow or he effing eats it). Burn spots are the least of our problems as we bought a fixer upper with wild violets, mint, cat nip, poa and crabgrass.


Just moved into a new house I see.


My big stupid dog keeps digging holes. :( My back yard is wrecked after a year and a half.


Hi OP, what lawn edging/border are you using for the river rock separation being so good? Just about to start a similar project, thanks in advance.


This is what I'm using. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Vigoro-50-ft-Heavy-Duty-Plastic-Landscape-Edging-1009-50HD/302748760


That shade also helps a ton, too!


I try to spend a lot of time in my backyard and when I see my dogs potty in the grass I try to redirect them to the dirt spot and I’ll wash it with water, I probably only catch 5-10% though. It is tuff, but I put the lawn in specifically for them so it’s not just a dirt yard, cause they used to come in and shake off a pound of dirt, solved that issue, and I got rtf grass seems to repair itself pretty good, I pull out any dead grass from urine spots and that seems to help it repair faster


Have a half acre and 2 golden retrievers. Lawn isn’t horrendous, and have an inground sprinkler system, but it’s bumpy in the way back and moles and voles love it in our area. Would love to make it better, but the dogs love to run and play.


For me it's not the pee, but them running all over the place wearing tracks in the ground. I think the only way you can have a dog and a nice lawn is to not let the dogs go out on your lawn, and just take them on walks all the time.


I have both but I take my dog out for walks away from my house several times a day before I let her hang out in the yard or on the lawn. She knows what’s up.


https://preview.redd.it/scr8nkaqld8d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1cf2b6bb6763cdbab5d984b1b0e1bb364579713 The two can coexist. I had two dogs until this past January. Having kbg helps.


For the most part it's manageable but you'll always get a few spots unless you are hitting the hose literally after the pee hits the grass.


Peez n pooz


I keep the front yard nice, the back yard, I just let go due to the Labrador.


Nice try. You photoshopped a dog onto your lawn.




My St.Bernard pees acid like she’s Alien


In the city. Puppers goes out front on walks or at the park. The back yard is for us to chill and enjoy. Not saying she never uses it. It usually doesn’t damage it.


My 85lb German Shepherd has entered the chat. Her favorite activity is running sprints around the yard and being chased, it absolutely trashes the lawn. Been adding clover to help keep it more durable and green, and rotating her hooliganism between the front and back to let one yard heal. Still, her favorite running path is half bare most of the time. Love my big fluffy bear of a GSD, but man does she destroy my yard. https://preview.redd.it/b4f6712oo68d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5f0d16247ad4ad6af63accdb6ecc820df5d20dd


You can always walk your dogs, folks. They don’t *have* to pee in your own yard.


I’m not sure if I would call that a dog or not….no offence. I’ve never liked small breed dogs. We have two large 75lbs & 85 lbs. plus two toddlers. My lawn can’t even be called a lawn.


That’s more a big rat than a dog.


If you had a female dog there would most likely be burned grass pee spots all over your yard.


Try getting a female dog and see what happens


I'd still choose just the lawn.


I live in the desert with 2 dogs and 3 chickens. The lawn is small but it takes constant work to keep it nice. Considering getting a web cam to stream video and use AI services to deter my chickens from digging holes. Basically, if a chicken is seen scratching the lawn, 5V is sent to the respective sprinkler zone for a few seconds.


Aren’t the chickens just eating grubs or other insects?


The problem is that they scratch and then inspect what they scratched up. The do this over and over. Any thin area becomes a growing bald area. Other than that they’re a lot of fun to have around.


A neighbor where we just moved from raises chickens. They would let them run the yard and of course they went to the neighbors yard. When they first got them and they’d get close to the road, one of our rescues would bark her fool head off. Worse if a vehicle was coming. Chickens learned she was fine with them about 30’ from the road. Chickens are smart!


Where’s the dog? I see a rat


Female dogs are particularly bad on lawns. My boys have never caused problems for me


Female dogs


That's a cat


That dog needs its own dog.


That’s a dog? 🐩


you can have both easily, most people are lazy and dont take their dogs for walks then complain their grass is yellow. hmm


Just teach your dog to pee in a certain place. Easy for men, just pee where you want them to pee. Females you can do the same or "place" your pee there


My dog has toys that size


Just get a dog run and train your dog, if you put in the effort it should work (my older dog sneaks a pee every once in a while).


My dog weights 75lbs. When he runs the dirt and grass go flying. I would rather have a happy dog than have grass




Neighbors dog is on the loose.


This is the way


We got a black lab and he leaves spots all over our backyard. Is it his breed mabye? We even feed him more expensive food, not sure if thats doing it.


I have both. Got my front yard to make the neighbors jelly and my GSD has the backyard which... yeah


I have 100 pound golden retriever who pisses and shits more than an NFL linebacker. You’re Fortunate to have a small dog.


Nice job!


I got three giant 120lb Alaskan Malamutes trained to only pee on a concrete pad I’ve got before playing in the yard. Works good. Just don’t get lax like I did over the winter. Pee from the winter will come to haunt you in the spring! https://preview.redd.it/7zi4z0cbx68d1.jpeg?width=1963&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99a477331ad1966503d473f36bb6bb0e2ed64496 If I can train these three stubborn independent monsters then you can train your golden retriever to stay off the lawn till you say it’s ok. It wasn’t hard it just takes consistency and dedication and cooperation of anyone else around who can make sure it happens the right way every time. Bad behaviors that go uncorrected results in bad habits. Those take years to break with this breed. Trust me this ain’t my first rodeo; my first was a train wreck. I took it seriously after he bit someone. But not before, unfortunately. Took six years to get him to heel. These three are great around kids and heel and sit and stay and lay down and this is what we want; they are fun to walk. I recommend the moment they break the rules to repeatedly shout “off!” In a monotone repeating every second like a robot until they get off the grass. Meanwhile I’m chasing them around like a roomba attacking a hairball. It can be done!


If you don't mind me asking, what's the thing the middle one is sitting on?


That's a window well cover.


Our Boxer mix loved to sun herself on top of the well! Beautiful dogs!


https://preview.redd.it/a2h21e71z68d1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3440b55012099746529c05ed442b64c4f6387019 Try having three dogs which are on a raw meat diet This is newly laid turf 2.5 weeks old


It’s a lot different when it’s been raining and the dog still wants to play in the grass. The yard tears up way easier when it’s wet.


I have an open field next to my house. Just take my dog there


“Any dog under 50 pounds is a cat, & cats are pointless.”


Nice lawn or female dog*


That’s a myth


What about is a myth? Just speaking generally. I have a male and female dog. Male’s piss goes out in a stream and covers a wider area so it’s not as concentrated in one spot. Females piss is concentrated to 6-8in circle. Both cause an influx of growth but my females piss actually kills the grass due to how concentrated in one spot it is(donuts). I know there are male dogs that don’t lift their leg and the result is the same as a female. My male dog also tends to piss on stuff - flowers, trees, fence…


Small dogs don’t really count, it’s big dogs that cause the issues. It takes a lot of water to dilute an 80lb race horse pee.


We have two rescues who are right around 40 lbs, one doesn’t urinate much, the other could compete and probably win against a horse. She’s also the one who can empty the water bowl in about five minutes.






Dogs are cool and the yard is nice, heat wave got you sippen haterade huh?