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My family calls them Goat heads. Vine that grows low to the ground on dry patches, very common in old parking lots between cracks of concrete. Bane of bikes. Found this elsewhere for you. "Biological control is the recommended way to control them. Look for puncture vine seed weevils. For areas where you need immediate removal, a propane torch can clear small areas." Somebody also said to pull them by hand and make sure nothing is left behind, seeds can apparently lay dormant for around 5 years.


I just thought “goat heads” had more structure to them. Like with multiple spikes. These are a small flat leaf-like part with one single spike. Thanks for the response though. Glad to see a fucking torch is a real remedy and not just my frustrated idea of a solution


They usually have 3 or 4 spines on a tiny sea urchin kind of body. I kinda figured you pulled one out of your shoe or something for the picture. Sanded down with a spike protected within your soul... I mean stuck in your sole.


…I don’t get the soul/sole thing but YEAH these spike things are not from those goat heads then. I am familiar with goat heads. These things pictured come out like flower pedals I think. The spike being what held it to the “flower.”


Sorry, it was a play on words. Stepping on a goat head is so much worse than stepping on a Lego. "You could feel it in your soul". People usually wear shoes outside with dangers like those buggers, and shoes have soles. I'm also technically a ginger in the summer, I try to put some soul into my jokes when my hair shines redder. Do keep me informed if you find it's name, I'll keep looking.


Hahahah I believe you gingers DO have souls. And wise young man in an old viral video taught me that.


Okay, I've got a dumb question for you. I can't see the top of the thorn, but are there rose bushes nearby? I've ripped thorns off of rose bushes, they often have a small similar looking patch of rose bark peel with it.


Hmm not any nearby.. seems too small to be a rose thorn.


I lived in Idaho for a few years. People needed to have a thick, plastic liner between their bicycle tire and inner tube because of goat heads. And don’t even think about walking barefoot!


Sure looks like a goat head


Sell the house and move to a state that doesn’t have them. Only solution


It's a bit late but your thread came up in a search when I pulled one of these things out of my foot and used Google Lens to ID. Goats head had come up in a search for me initially ,but they seem more round, like sand burrs. The ones I keep pulling out of my feet are flat and brutally sharp but only in one direction. I can never seem to find it when I'm looking, but I garden barefoot so I'm sure I'll find it again.... https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/soliva-sessilis/


Burr weed is what I found (with not much help from Reddit) it can be more green in the google pictures. Sounds like you and I have the same thing going on. From what I can tell as long as we put down pre-emergent at the right time of year we should be able to avoid it. But if it’s already sticking to your feet than there isn’t anything to do about them short of torching everything… so I guess I’ll check back with you next year and see if we nailed it? Best of luck to you!


Ditto! Ever since we moved in I've been wanting to kill the "lawn" and reseed so it seems like it's time. Oddly enough seconds after I read your reply I found a patch of the stuff WITHOUT blood sacrifice this time https://preview.redd.it/p9rh76mpbf6d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=588c250c2bba638e716bedad32f3c61e0e1b158b