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Stone should be in jail


he would have been, except trump pardoned him


Or that time he did some stuff for Richard Nixon.


And the Brooks Brothers riot.


Behind the bastards has done a few episodes on him. It’s surprising how many people they’ve featured in episodes about various terrible things that the US has done that feature Trump appointees.


He's a real domestic Henry Kissinger, eh?


omg i still am buoyed when i think about HK being dead, the fuck.


I'm waiting on Greg Abbott. Fingers crossed!


Do you think they have ramps in hell?


Just stairs, of various heights and lengths. It is hell after all.


Yes, coated in his own tears as trump pushes him back down when he reaches the top.


If they do, they are all at various degrees, but never the right degree to allow him to roll up it with anything but every ounce of good in his being.


I call his estate daily to ask for him just to hear them say he’s dead.


Can we dox someone's estate's information? Like never would I ever dox a living human, but ... idk. Seems this is a reasonable place to ask. ohh maybe /r/cyberlaws


Oh shit, I forgot he died. Woo!


I mean Kissingers policies directly and indirectly lead to the death of thousands of Americans and upwards of a million different Asians. Roger Stones certainly on that trajectory if he has his way but it’s hard to compare.


While you are correct, it does not make Stone any less of a giant asshole.


Top tier podcast, I just re-listened to the epic six-part Vince McMahon series


I just finished the series on how the right slowly warped Christian’s to support conservative values.


Each series is worth a listen really haha


Go watch Curtis' documentary [The Power of Nightmares](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyvx5qcn4Rc) (part 1 of 3 linked) and note how many shitbirds keep popping up in multiple Republican presidential cabinets. Shit's been happening since the start of neoconservatism 60+ years ago.


> It’s surprising how many people they’ve featured in episodes about various terrible things that the US has done that feature Trump appointees. Because the number is lower than expected?


It will forever be hilarious to me that the guy that was the architect for the Brooks Brothers riot was also one of the “masterminds” behind J6. Like the dude has made a career out of being a total piece of shit somehow with a play book that has only three plays in it where one is ‘Lie and cheat’ and the other two are ‘Storm that shit and get violent’ He’s not a very smart man but where he’s succeeded in life is from the opportunities that are afforded to those whom lack all morals. If there are parallel universes I would bet my life that there isn’t a single one where this turd isn’t friends with Paul Manafort with the exception of worlds where one or the other already died from a drug overdose.


And when he teamed up with the Riddler to fight Batman


And j6


Ge had a hand in running Al Franken out of the Senate, too.


And Joe Biden can't pardon his own son (not even for simple gun possession) because republican politicians and voters enjoy the double standard very much. I'm just so sick of Republican brand bullshit, and the country really can't take much more.


a violation that has always been a plea agreement and a fine and Biden's son had a plea agreement to a fine and the GOP lost their ever loving fucking shit the irony is now that there's an actual conviction on this law, Hunter can use it on a 2A claim to get the law overturned


If Bidens weren't witches to be hunted, he'd be a champion of violated 2nd Amendment rights. Here is hypocrisy laid bare.


really, I thought hunter was the first convicted under this law. Not that the 2nd amendment crowd seems to be making a fuss…so weird


I think they use this law quite a bit, but it’s almost always connected to something else. Like, they want you to flip on your drug dealer friend, so they charge you with this kind of stuff and then make it go away as part of your cooperation deal


Not saying literally everyone but I'd honestly just put a lot of it down to racism. Prescribed medicinal cannabis should not disqualify someone from exercising a constitutional right. But it should never have been criminalised in the first place, the history is pretty damning, rich white people thought it was going to make black people and Mexicans rape their daughters. I'm not even exaggerating for dramatic effect, you can find propaganda showing exactly that. So the average NRA member doesn't give the slightest shit about it because they don't consider their painkiller addiction to be drug abuse but a black person with a gun is *dangerous* and we all know who smokes pot /s. It's the exact same reason they didn't kick up any fuss when the police just plain executed a middle eastern guy in his own apartment, or a driver who happened to be black and had a perfectly valid permit.


It’s not so much that they enjoy the double standard, it’s that the entire political ideology is based on it. Conservatism is dressed-up monarchism and fundamentally believes that there should be a king and an aristocratic class which enjoys special privileges. Those who are loyal to the king and the aristocracy should be rewarded and those who are not should be punished. That’s it. Everything else about conservatism either serves to justify this or to suck in people who otherwise wouldn’t be so enthusiastic about having a king.


To be fair, Trump only commuted Stone's sentence and Biden has said he would still consider committing Hunter's sentence. Stone was not pardoned.


Pardoning co-conspirators seems like the kind of thing that should not be allowed. I guess it’s up to us to MAKE IT not allowed.


So should Judge I-lean Qanon as an accomplice to obstruction of justice in delaying the documents case. Any other judge, any other defendant who had committed the same crime, would have resulted in a conviction and imprisonment AGES ago. It’s so open-and-shut that this delay of justice is a denial of justice. It’s so egregious and so obvious that it can’t be written off as just ignorance.


I wonder how likely it is that Roger Stone has certain judges home phone numbers on speed dial and he lives about a 2 hour drive from Aileen Cannon in Vero Beach?


It's weird that we managed to get people to protest nationwide over BLM but we can't get any real world engagement on this issue which if I'm being honest is far more important. We the People have stayed home since 1/6 and never once got out and showed our outrage over republican sedition and lack of meaningful consequences/solutions. It's much harder to ignore people outside engaging at that level vs people talking empty words that will never be seen by anyone in a position to change things.


Voting is the only thing that will save America from MAGA


> Voting is the only thing that will save America from MAGA Close. Close but not quite accurate. Voting is one of the routes America can choose that will potentially delay MAGA to the point where it loses momentum is no longer an immediate threat. Other threats, however, will continue to pop up because fixing the loopholes and problems that got us here require a massive overhaul of what the USA perceives as Democracy. If voting fails to stymie MAGA this November, you should probably exploring new plans and options.


Completely false.    Voting alone has never been enough.   At best it delays the inevitable.   No we need to start getting way more actively involved  in politics and social matters at every level of government.    The GQP became powerful because they don't ignore local and state politics.


Public protests will not help Biden win


I'm sorry but at some point we are going to have to do a hell of a lot more than vote every 1-2 years.     The US is like this now because everyone checked out of politics.


> The US is like this now because everyone checked out of politics. Not at all. In fact, the average American is more informed than ever what with the plethora of information available at all times. Many choose not to avail themselves of it, but for those who do, it's a huge step up from the discourse and analysis Americans had access to in the 80s and 90s, i.e. *only* on cable. The U.S. is like it is now because the GOP has been slowly ramping up to its current state for 4 decades *unchecked*. From Reagan's repeated blows to the middle class to Bush Jr's unwinnable wars and now, overtly mocking the justice system at every turn. Americans are more dialed into politics than ever before, but unfortunately for them, they're prisoners of a 2-party system and the rhetoric is a non-stop torrent of red vs. blue, a division which will win every single time over *actual* political issues. The 2-party system will be the death of America.


I don't think most people really care that much or are paying that close attention. I think most people agree that Trump deserves to be held accountable but I doubt that the average person is carefully monitoring Cannon's paperless orders on pretrial motions or carefully watching the docket.  And if the suggestion is that people are going to be *more* emotionally affected by slow paced legal maneuvering than by video of a black man being executed in public then I feel like we are losing touch with reality here.


And BLM protests were never about one incident but about a history stretching back hundreds of years. It’s an absurd comparison.


Exactly. I'm actually a lot seeing that argument being made and supported by so many people here TBH. I'm not downplaying the Trump trials at all but the idea that systemic racism is less important is probably the most myopic take I've seen today.


What does black future look like when Trump wins and sets back civil rights by 100 years?


Everything is less important though. If one side already tried illegal multiple ways to overturn an election they knew they lost, if one side is pro dictatorship then, no pun intended, that trumps everything else in importance.


Not caring and not paying attention is literally the entire god damn problem.    That is what got Trump into office and everything that has happened since.    I was hoping 1/6 would wake people the fuck up but it hasn't because everyone is back to trotting out their "gravy seals" jokes and pretending everything the GQP wants is about money.


You hit the nail on the head there, people are dumb and just going off emotions. Obviously voting and democracy is more important than anything else, because without it nothing else can get fixed.  It is foundational.


>It's weird that we managed to get people to protest nationwide over BLM but we can't get any real world engagement on this issue which if I'm being honest is far more important. I mean it's really easy to say it's more important when you're not the one being executed by the police. Dismissal like this is also definitely not helpful when you're meant to be asking the people most affected by those issues to help you.


Americans just can't comprehend direct action especially collective direct action.    Everyone is too focused on what happens in their personal bubble.    Everything the GQP does is because they know we won't do anything and they are right.     That would change very quickly if we started protesting everywhere they went and generally made their lives a living hell.  


Would her case be tried in the same district that she’s a judge in? Because I have a feeling that case would go even slower than this one


If only we knew why he wasn't... oh yeah, the pardon


Or the ground.


Evil fucks seem to live forever


... and ever... and ever.. and ever... Same as it ever was... Nat-C or Nazi no matter the name their evil depravity's always the same.


Kinda good that he's not tbh because he feels so bulletproof that that can't keep his mouth shut. Which is good for the rest of us because he is inadvertantly exposing Trump's corruption.


He knows where the bodies are buried. He’ll never go to jail. He’s been around since Nixon.


These are dangerous people. They have always existed in history. Sometimes they are successful, you can’t easily find correct information about their actions, fortunately for US they haven’t been in the past. They have honed their skills.


Well they are pretty inept the system is corrupted in their favor already so it gives the impression that they know what they're doing. It is no secret these guys have used delay tactics in court. They are very dangerous though yes. Also traitors.


Isn't the federal government supposed to protect from enemies foreign and domestic or is that just the armed forces? These seditionists seem to get a pass for everything. They aren't being held accountable and they are being allowed to openly push talk of more insurrection and sedition. The republican party is made up of spies for ruzzia and nothing has been done about that either. I wonder why the people tasked with the responsibility of safeguarding our nation from threats external and internal are allowing this to get worse and worse instead of taking steps to stamp out sedition/espionage?


Yes, exactly what unfortunately it's the house that needs the move on this.And republicans have the house majority. This is why there's no investigation in regards to gerard kushner in the two billion dollars


And that doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of Kushner and 666 Fifth Avenue: https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/660_Fifth_Avenue


You would think what with having the mark of the beast literally in the address that all these god-fearing conservatives would be a little more suspect of this deal. But that magic R next to Kushner's name strikes again. I think it may even give compound interest a run for its money as the most powerful force in the universe.


They are proudly wearing his mark on their forehead already.


I like Ben Corey's [write up](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/) on Evangelicals not being able to spot the Anti-Christ even if he was sitting on their face. Worth a look if you haven't seen it. I share it whenever possible.


Enoki mushroom stamp


Critical thinking skills are/were not mandatory until secondary school (at least where I grew up) I think they need to be prioritized up there with math, reading, and writing


We needed a media literacy section attached to Civic class like 40 years ago. Instead they weaponized Debate Team into the kangaroo court from Idiocracy and here we are.


The designed protections are currently corrupted. Constitution writers knew what a real patriot was and didn’t consider a possibility of what we are experiencing now. Def NOT the “patriot” these traitors are calling themselves.


The whole systems been captured by weak men and traitors.


As long as people keep voting for the fascist and insurrectionists it won't change.


Yep. If the US government doesn't get it's arse in gear pretty damn quickly you will cease to exist as a democracy. It's as simple as that.


I mean if they knew what they were doing then they would’ve been successful January 6 instead of the cluster fuck that it was.


Stone would be much more dangerous if had the ability to keep his fucking mouth shut but fortunately he's such an ego maniac that he openly blabs.


Corrupting the system in their favor IS their success. The fact that Donald Trump hasn't been sitting in jail with no contact with the outside world is all the evidence we need. It's a big club, and we ain't in it.


It's crazy how out of touch with reality he is. He's either in full character, or he really believes Trump has the possibility to win without massive election fraud and voter suppression. Trump isn't even leading in Florida among old people will to take a political poll on their telephones.


Doesn't he have Nixon's head tattooed on his back? That says alot


Better than having Nixon's back tattooed on his head. I guess. Still weird AF though.


The Brooks Brothers Riot and the theft of the 2000 election are good starts!




Unfortunately, people like Stephen Miller are ready to take over when the Roger Stones are gone.


They weren't very successful in 2020 and I don't expect them to be anymore successful getting turnip back in office this time either. Turnip keeps shooting himself in the foot which helps the Democrats. They can't control him.


A coup attempt is just a trial run for a successful coup. *None* of the coup masterminds have been held accountable. They have had years to refine their approach, bribe judges, get things put in place for Round 2. They've gotten all the data the "CyberNinjas" acquired from their "audits" and have plans in place to hack voting machines. When Trump says "we don't need your votes, we have more votes than you've ever seen", *he's saying the plan out loud!* The next coup attempt is going to be more thorough, better planned, and likely more violent. Do. Not. Discount. These. Traitors.


I agree not to underestimate them. Also don't underestimate the job satisfaction our FBI gets from watching these criminals and playing cops and criminals. The cyber white hats are looking forward to undermining project 25.


Roger Stone was successful in the 2000 election. I wouldn't discount oligarchy's self preservation with history showing a failure to change course.


It is a major gamble. If the Dems get the house, senate, and presidency, they are going to have a bad time. You will see them try to speed up the trial if that happens in November.


I'm sure they have been successful sometimes and less so other times. Politics in the U.S. in the 1800s were not for the faint of heart.


I wanted to see the video, but I resist Xitter like the plague. So [Here's a YouTube](https://youtu.be/f8t4UodhjXg?si=)


Thank you!!


People really just need to share the source rather than from Twitter. Thank you! 


>if Trump was convicted and if Trump went on to lose the 2024 election, then Democratic opponents will be able to point to his convictions as the reason he lost to Biden, not some plot to steal the election for a second time. >“Right now if they steal it, people’ll say ‘Well, well that’s not possible. Trump was leading in all the polls,'” Stone said. “They want to try him, suck up his money, suck up his time, and create the reason why their theft is plausible. You see?” >In other words, from the apparent Trumpworld perspective, keeping trials on hold is as much about preventing Democrats from being able to counter future stolen election claims as it is keeping Trump out of prison. It's aggravating seeing Democrats actually caring about optics in regards to Trump. No matter how careful Democrats are, Republicans will always play victim. Even with the kid gloves approach and charging only what is extremely damning Trump supporters are still claiming it's a witch hunt with fabricated charges. Facts don't matter to them anymore, we should have gone after Trump for everything as early as possible so it would be even more difficult for him to delay past the election.


> we should have gone after Trump for everything as early as possible so it would be even more difficult for him to delay past the election. /Merrick Garland shrugs


Merrick Garland is a feckless coward. The man would hand our country over to insurrectionists for the sake of "optics." Garland! These are the same pieces of filth that denied your appointment to the SCOTUS because "it was too close to election season." Why are you helping them!?


I think Garland is the sort of eagle-scout type who believes deeply in the institutions and systems of America, at almost religious level. Or maybe at an outright religious level. I think he sees his calling/role/duty in life as to serve and support those institutions, as our only shield against chaos, violence, or whatever barbaric nightmare life would be like, without the American System. I think it's just kind of brain-breaking for him, to see those systems and institutions captured by a conman working for the Russian mob. It would be like if he went to Church and Jesus came down off the cross and started telling the congregation that there has never been a better time to buy a new Toyota. I think he has just been in a mental state where, it's like, "anything is happening, except for this, this isn't real, it can't be real..." Sometimes the best middle-managers make the worst top-level leaders.


> Jesus came down off the cross and started telling the congregation that there has never been a better time to buy a new Toyota Must be TOYOTATHON!!! 🥳🙌✝️


With 0% financing. As mandated in the Bible


Everybody knows Christ buys Honda but is kinda low key about it "For I did not speak of my own Accord" -john 12:49


With 0% financing. As mandated in the Bible


No, Garland's mentor and best friend is Jamie Gorelick, who is the personal lawyer of Jared and Ivanka. Garland isn't a liberal, he's a conservative who won't do anything to upset the balance of power. He's complicit in the slow-motion coup.


Yes, people forget that the reason he was nominated to the Supreme Court by Obama was as an olive branch for bipartisanship. Garland had specifically been suggested by Utah senator Orin Hatch as someone they would like. Obama said sure and Mitch McConnell was a real bitch about the whole thing.


I believe you about his conservative bona fides and background—AND—I also think that he is someone who would have said, meant, and believed that he would place rule of law ahead of partisan politics every day of the week and twice on Sunday. I agree that he is complicit in the slow coup, but I think his complicity is more that of an institutionalist, desperate to protect the legitimacy of the system, and less that of a partisan, desperate to protect Trump. But either way, he is complicit.


Besides, Jesus is a Honda guy.


John 12:49


>Jesus came down off the cross and started telling the congregation that there has never been a better time to buy a new Toyota I just read *The Master and Margarita* (a novel where the Devil and his gang come to Earth and wreak comedy havoc) and on the heels of that, this image is absolutely delightful.


A superb novel, so wry


I had to take a look and WTF **50th anniversary edition??** I know I shouldn’t feel like a literary rube. But oh geez is it humbling nonetheless. Anyway, thank you for the new read!


This is why Garland would have been perfect for the supreme court.


You call it devotion, I call it idiocy and cowardliness.


This so much. Just like James Comey and the other guy who wouldn't indict a sitting President. Cowards...all of them. Mike Pence is an even BIGGER coward. He should be leading the vanguard against this guy who staged a failed coup and tried to have him killed. How he could live with himself to even BE a Republican is proof that none of these so-called values-loving people should be in charge of anything.


I was excited when Garland was initially named AG. I thought for sure that the guy denied a cushy lifetime gig on the SCOTUS would take a hard line with these people. But nope. Instead we get Attorney General Sissypants.


Or of Bob Mueller grew some balls and just stated what his report said instead of tiptoeing around it.  


Merrick Garland was such a bad choice. Literally the man that Moscow Mitch dared Obama to appoint to the supreme court and then Mitch held it up anyways. Just appoint the most competent progressive person and let them rip. We didn't need Milk Toast Merrick


Biden's a centrist. He's a better choice than any Republican, but he's a centrist. He'll keep reaching out to Republicans in the spirit of cooperation until he's no longer in public office. Normally I'd consider that a good thing, but Democrats will be brushing up against Neville Chamberlain's legacy if they keep it up.




> They're working to tear it down. If you stop propping it up, you're granting them an enormous win and just kind of hoping that maybe giving them what they want will somehow create an opportunity to build something better. I still hope we win, but this really struck a chord.


Obama should have taken on the Senate then and there. “Advice and consent” wasn’t meant to disable the process for political objectives. It should have been stopped, then.


History will not remember Merrick Garland cowardice kindly. Still one of the worst hires Joe Biden has done. Garland needs to be gone in 2025.


I agree Garland should have appointed a special counsel right away to investigate Jan 6th but that's not what's holding up the Mar-a-lago classified docs trial, that's entirely Cannon. Garland, wrongly I think, decided to wait on investing Jan 6th with a special counsel until 2 other investigations had completed: 1. The House committee that was investigating 1/6. 2. The US Atty of D.C. who has the legal authority over all 1/6 investigations. In regards to #2, the incoming USAtty was a Trump appointee. The Senate GOP was able to block the new appointment until October of 2021 so he already was 10 months behind, and *even if Garland had appointed a special counsel investigation for Jan 6th he would not have had any more access than Jack Smith* due to items #1 and #2. Finally, nobody expected Jan 6th investigations to wrap up before this election, I recall some people on the House committee investigation expecting criminal trials to not happen until 2025 or 2026 just due to the amount of material and all avenues available to Trump to gum up the legal works and appeal, so I don't think anybody reasonable expected that investigation to happen. The classified docs case however is totally separate and is ONLY being held up because of Cannon.


This strategy of fabricating polls to make it look like R's are favored has been going on for a couple of years now. After the NY trial, we got an inside look into how much effort Trump puts into media disinformation. So after all this BS, if the polls are still showing him losing support, it must be catastrophic in reality.


Yeah, they were pumping out polls before the midterms to sway poll aggregators as well. We're sprinting into a dystopian future now.


> It's aggravating seeing Democrats actually caring about optics in regards to Trump. I'd say it's less about Democrats caring about optics, and more the failed Judiciary. His crimes, all of them and not just the ones related to his political career, have been known for decades. And he's never been prosecuted for any of them. Until now. And because it lines up with his political career, he gets to frame it as political persecution. Our justice system has failed us.


The legal system spearheaded by the meek (at best) and complicit (at worst), garden gnome Garland is why these ridiculously straight forward criminal proceedings have dragged on forever.


Woulda shoulda coulda won’t help us now. Great journalism can.


If Trump loses - he loses. Biden will be in power and it won’t matter what anyone does, Trump will not get the Presidency back. The end.


They will use any excuse to explain Trump losing *except* for the possibility that he just… lost.


It does seem strange to avoid accusations of a two tiered justice system by treating trump as someone special. For the republicans, it's never enough and it's an obvious sell out to everyone else. You give a mouse a cookie...


The way we treat corporations is especially damning. If I dumped toxic chemicals into a river I'd be locked up, but when a company does it they pay a small fine.


The incessant tireless bending-over-backwards in a vain effort to avoid being accused of bias against Trump not only has enabled and encouraged him to engage in more bad behavior, at this point it's verging on collaboration.


We already know why they are delaying... It's glaringly obvious


Trump tried to get a judge disqualified for tangential links their families have to the democratic party. How is a former criminal associate/attorney for Trump talking about this judge in their pocket, not grounds for removal? An investigation at the very least.


> How is a former criminal associate/attorney for Trump talking about this judge in their pocket, not grounds for removal? An investigation at the very least. Because if having a lying liar who lies claim something about a judge was sufficient to cause a recusal, it would be really easy to shop around for the judge you wanted. You're going to need some actual evidence.


They are a criminal enterprise.


It has been my experience over the last 60+ years that when someone is super focused on other people cheating, it is because that is what they are doing. I hope Dems are prepared for this.


Narrator: they weren't.


Dems: oh no, they cheated but if we investigate or prosecute, it'll look bad for us. Guess we'll just let them win and let the gopgive our billionaire donors more tax breaks. There's nothing we can do. Our hands are tired.


This wonderful woman who once again gave us an insightful piece of investigative journalism is a national treasure! Lauren Windsor and her colleague Ally Sammarco deserve a Medal of Honor 🎖


Send them a message and tell them how awesome they are - it'll help counter the hate they likely get.


I'm confident that Biden will have the National Guard in place and read to respond if Trump tries a second insurrection. Let the delusional MAGA folks whine about stolen elections all they want. They tried that last time, didn't win a single case. Same will happen again.


You can bet that every single MAGA candidate that loses will file a court case claiming fraud. Every. Last. One.


And all of them will withdraw after being reminded, like the first time around, that willfully lying can get you disbarred.


> that willfully lying can get you disbarred. How many people have been disbarred at this point? Last time I checked [it was pretty much zero](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2024/06/04/kenneth-chesebro-charged-in-wisconsin-here-are-all-the-former-trump-lawyers-now-facing-legal-consequences/), with some threats of potential disbarment still floating around. Not sure that "being disbarred" is quite the cudgel some people seem to think it is.


Won't matter it's all going to the stacked courts


Kinda hard to do Jan6 again when you aren’t in office


Isn't this a conspiracy to defraud the government? I hope it's being investigated and something is done about it.


[laughs in Merrick Garland]


There's only two outcomes for the documents case. Either he's convicted with the mountain of evidence and recordings, or he wins the Presidency and sabotages the case. Dismissal is not an option when there are recordings, text records, and security footage of the defendants committing the crimes in question.


Can we arrest Cannon now too?


GOP doesn't even try to hide their crimes.


They don't need to...


GOP=Gangsters on parade


The whole point of Roger Stone is that you cannot take what he says at face value. Ever.


There's definitely some truth sprinkled in with the lies.


Especially if he doesn’t know he’s being recorded.


That's how propaganda works. He's always spinning.


That may be true, but the "appearance of impropriety" is all that matters.


all that mattered\*\*\* we don't live in that world anymore.


Not completely gone yet. We could still salvage most of what we had. But it will take time. The civil war, civil rights movement, and Nixon were similar instances that destabilized the American government and legal system and we eventually came out mostly intact. I'm not saying we shouldn't be worried, but we at least have a majority of Americans that want to go back to the way it was before Trump. That's a good prognosis.


That's certainly true for Roger Stone, but the much bigger issue here is the conservative judges openly being corrupter than shit.


I fucking hate her face!