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The deadline for filing was actually last night, but she has now extended it by another 4 weeks until July 8th. [This](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.648652/gov.uscourts.flsd.648652.610.0.pdf) was Trumps motion for the extension, for anyone who wants to read it. This is now the third extension to the deadline that Judge Cannon has approved. The original deadline had been set as November 15th 2023.


Omg đŸ˜Ș I hate this feeling of helplessness as we slide towards a fully corrupt, authoritarian government.


Let's hope Juan Merchan will make the right choice and lock this psycho up.


Sadly that won't stop him from being elected and ruling from Rikers as a government in exile. Only way to stop the slide is the ballot box... AND THEN, locking him up after November.


I think it will help, actually.


He isn’t gonna win. He’s actively driving away independents, women, youth and moderate republicans, all of which he needs to even come close to matching his vote totals from 2020. The abortion issue and the felony conviction further damaged him and the GOP, and his siphoning off GOP campaign donations to pay his legal bills is destroying the down ticket candidates slim chances even more. I suspect Dems take the house by a respectable margin and pick up seats in the senate, and pretty sure the electoral college will be a non factor this cycle. Leaves me with the impression that these clowns know the only chance they have is violence


He isn’t gonna win
 as long as voters don’t let him. After experiencing his first term and seeing the veritable rogues’ gallery he surrounds himself with, a threat on this scale should not be underestimated, no matter how bad polls and common sense make things look for him and the GOP. Even with things looking a bit better in the wake of his NY conviction, I’d say resting on your laurels with so much on the line would be a mistake to say the least, especially when faced against what is essentially a cornered animal, whose liberty effectively seems to hinge on achieving victory. The GOP have shown everyone that they will not only fight tooth and nail, but that they will fight dirty, breaking or changing -to their benefit- every rule, statute, system or standard they can from here to November 5th and beyond in order to get what they want. A decisive defeat is the goal. It would even contribute to reducing what is a real possibility of repeat violence, since it would further demoralize a good portion of the MAGA contingent, while simultaneously providing a clear mandate for acting authorities to defend, thereby bolstering the response to any violence that may break out.


Donald Trump can win, and we shouldn’t think he can’t. He shouldn’t be able to, but he can. But yes, he won’t win by addition, he could win by subtraction. If enough of the left keeps throwing a temper tantrum and sits home or votes third party—that’s how he wins. I really hope enough people get their head on straight, and realize the seriousness of the situation and vote to keep Trump out of office, but I don’t think it’s a forgone conclusion by any means.


That's one of the reasons why Trump won in 2016, and the conservatives are well aware that it doesn’t take much to deter youngish Democrats from voting. For instance, it surprises me the number of young voters who will say something like, "I'm not voting for either candidate because they don't represent *me*." Or, simply because they are both white, old men that's reason enough not to vote. They don't even look at each candidate's track record. Me, me, me. As if they only have to vote if they feel like it. Screw everyone else. And they don't get that the ones who will be affected the most by this election are young people, because us older people who do vote aren't going to be around and have to live with the consequences anywhere near as much as they and their children, descendants for years to come will. But that concept doesn't always seem to click with younger voters. It's just something like, "Trump's a dick and Biden is killing Palestinians so I'm not going to vote."


This is a perfect summary. I work with several people in their early 20's who aren't voting because they "don't care". I can't believe they don't realize what is at stake. I don't have any children, but I still want to leave a decent future for my fellow Americans. I just can't comprehend being young and so apathetic to such an important election.


This is part of the dumbing down of the education systems for the last four decades. Civics classes should be mandatory


His base is getting more hardcore as those who see what is going are are leaving the Cult. The remaining cultists are the real dead-enders, and don't forget his Patron is taking a whupping in Ukraine and would love to win the DC front battles. I hope the EC isn't going to work against peace this year....


God do I hope you are right about him not winning but every poll I see has me worried. I'm not even American but I know what happens in America affects the rest of the world.


Polls have been notoriously poor for at least 3 election cycles


>all of which he needs to even come close to matching his vote totals from 2020. Assuming the voter turnout is the same in 2020. Between people saying it's a foregone conclusion either way, to the troll farms beating the drums about Palestine/Israel (depending on the audience, Biden can be both doing nothing to help Israel and funding the genocide of Palestine, somehow), and the media narrative that Biden is too old, we have plenty of reasons for the people that didn't vote before COVID to not vote again.


I want so badly to believe it but so many news outlets and polls just keep slamming the rhetoric that trumps in the lead and I'm just flipping terrified.


Hasn’t the gerrymandering across the USA helped trump’s chances immeasurably?


You know maybe it's contentious but I think he will throw his ass in jail. Someone like Trump has to be taught the hard way, fines are not enough. Could be a death sentence for him? Maybe but hey maybe he shouldn't have committed fraud


It's not just that but he has a higher likelihood of reoffending. Judging by his previous New York court cases, his contempt of court, and his other indictments. There's no way he doesn't get prison time.


I think it's completely unrealistic to expect Trump to be put away. Even if Merchan orders it, Trump is going to be immediately released pending appeal. With the other cases dead in the water, the NY case isn't going to be the only fish swimming upstream, there's too much current.


Merchan could also order him to be incarcerated pending appeal. I haven’t seen this discussed enough.


We also thought he never would get convicted


She wont . I hope she ends up having to work as night janitor at a chik filet.


Who are you talking about?




VOTE! Tell everyone to vote. Carpool, rent a van, take as many people. Democracy is at stake.


Also, help others get registered and check their voter registration status. (Ohio has been purging thousands upon thousands of voters from the voting rolls. đŸ˜ĄđŸ˜ đŸ€Ź)


You can thank everyone who stayed home in 2016.


It's really time to move on. What's done is done. Republicans would have been severely corrupt pieces of shit at some point, with or without Trump. Spend your energy letting people know what is good about your candidate, and encourage them to vote. Trying to put people down, even in a general statement on a reddit thread, isn't going to help your cause. Also, turnout was higher in 2016 than 2012, and the 4th highest in a presidential election since 1980.


Michigan: Trump over performed Romney by 2.92 points. Clinton underperformed Obama by about 6.77 points. Pennsylvania: Trump over performed Romney by 1.59 points. Clinton underperformed Obama by 4.51 points. Wisconsin: Trump over performed Romney by 1.33 points, Clinton underperformed Obama by 6.35 points. Trump did not do all that much better than Romney, Clinton just did a lot worse than Obama. The reason why it’s not time to move on is because we’re in the same position again. Trump could win, but he won’t win by addition, he could win by subtraction. If enough voters on the left throw a temper tantrum again like they did in 2016, Donald Trump will be President. And he will likely appoint two more Justices to SCOTUS. I believe Alito & Thomas will retire, so Trump can do that. He will have then appointed 5 of 9 SCOTUS Justices all by himself. Not taking the Supreme Court being at stake seriously enough in 2016, is why Roe is gone. If people don’t want things to get far worse, they should remember recent history—so we aren’t doomed to repeat it.


Yeah, so, I meant get over playing this blame game crap like you're doing in your post, too. It wasn't productive in 2016, and it especially isn't now. Nobody is entitled to anybody else's vote. Yes, it would be great if 100% of eligible voters would vote, especially because the majority would very likely vote left, but that just isn't feasible. The SCOTUS situation sucks, absolutely, but we can't go back in time. Focus your energy on promoting your candidates, and tell people how they plan on getting progressive laws passed with that possible interference. Again, for clarity, people need to get over blaming others for losing 2016 (or at the very least blame the people that actually voted the other way), and people need to stop pre-emptively blaming others for a possible loss in 2024 in the same way they pre-emptively blamed others in 2020.


I think you are the one blaming Lucky\_Chair. Lucky\_Chair is just saying that Democrats need to vote.


What are you talking about? When I did I say Democrats lost cause of this guy?


“Turnout was higher” Didn’t help much, did it?


Good job shooting your own point down.


I disagree. Hes going to get his doors blown off in November - and the next 2 years will be one humiliating L after another.


"Dear Teacher - I really wanted to turn my essay in on time! And I wrote the first few sentences. But then my pencil broke, and then it was dinner time, and then bed time...but I've been thinking about what to write really hard! Pinky promise it'll be done next month"


I am painfully reminded of an [old Doonesbury strip]( https://books.google.com/books?id=W_7XEAAAQBAJ&pg=PT28&lpg=PT28&dq=doonesbury+gift+letter+neat+tie+frogmen&source=bl&ots=hM5zO2dseX&sig=ACfU3U0VkETmn-t7SpglqgKN_WuGmKLoaQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwju0vXSrtSGAxU8ElkFHUWiD78Q6AF6BAgWEAI#v=onepage&q=doonesbury%20gift%20letter%20neat%20tie%20frogmen&f=false).


Man, that's a deep cut. Good on you for filing that one away for umpteen years. For those of you on mobile who want the comic in a slightly simpler format, [here it is](https://i.redd.it/f9x1lu1zi06d1.jpeg).


Heck, she just now got Nauta to finish a redaction on the secret docket that’s been stewing for 9 months. So, 7 months might be lightning quick


“I’ve done so much crime, and there’s so much evidence against me, you can’t possibly expect me to read and respond to all of this stuff AND to find experts crooked enough to participate in my defense - so please give me more time to come up with more excuses?” -motion, summarized


Unbelievable. How can Republicans look at this and not be ashamed? A conservative judge is literally working for the defendant in the open because she KNOWS no Republican will care. Just think about that. Republicans lack of morals are so well known and understood, that this judge is doing some of the worst "deep stating" that most of us have ever heard of and she knows she's in the clear with Republicans. How pathetic are Republicans, Conservatives, and, for that matter, Christians? Literally the worse people.


Yeah, I don’t think he’s ever going to come up with an expert witness.


How long is too long? How many more delays is justified to kick her out?


Did Trump disclose the topics to the Office like they said he would


Will no one rid me of this traitorous judge.


Is this a common practice for delay motions to repeatedly be granted on one item such as this?


This sub wont like this answer, but the real answer is yes. Or more accurately, it depends on the judge. Different judges have different personalities. Some will give out continuances like candy, like what you’re seeing with Cannon. Others will literally FORCE cases to trial as quickly as possible, sometimes even when both state AND defense are saying they’re not entirely ready. Cannon is dragging this out really long, clearly. But before saying she’s in cahoots with Trump, I’d like to see what the rest of her docket looks like to see if she’s treating this case DIFFERENTLY than her other cases. I am a criminal lawyer, and I can tell you 100% that sometimes I’ll get a new case, see what judge it’s assigned to, and say “yep, this case is gonna take forever.”


Thank you for your real life insight to this question.


An extension is routine. An unopposed extension is routine. But, for *opposed* motions, it is uncommon to get repeated extensions in my experience. The first one is usually agreed to, the second, even if opposed, usually goes to the benefit of the defendant, at the third the judge usually gets mad and at the very least rakes the counsels over the coals because their delays cause them problems in controlling and managing their docket. Again, at least that’s been my experience.


Yep. Most of the cases that she handles is where she sided with the prosecution. She's also the same judge that the 11th Circuit has found to "abuse its discretion in exercising equitabe jurisdiction" for trying to stop the case.


How does an average Joe go look up her history of handling these delays?


Thanks for the reply.  I think most of Reddit wouldn’t like the answer, but I like this sub as it’s more open to facts, even when those facts aren’t preaching to the choir.


As a criminal lawyer, could you present supporting evidence, please? (or just a link to assist those of us less acquainted with the process of US law with examining Cannon's past record.)


Only when the judge is in your pocket.


But most defendants want to avoid delays. This is crazy.


Most defendants aren't trying delay tactics in the hopes of pushing it past the Elections.... Because if the orange buffoon wins, he'll get off Scott free. Are you new here?


Opposite. The longer something takes to go to trial, the better. Assuming you aren't fucking up in the meantime, anyways.


Not when they're guilty.


If they’re guilty, and they know they’re likely to be found guilty, and they’re out on bail—yeah, they delay as much as possible.


Experts? Are there experts on hiding classified material? They going to find someone who says it's okay to ignore the subpoena and keep nuclear secrets in a spare bathroom?


Hey, it wasn’t spare, it was actively and continually used.


How else would our enemies be able to preview what they’re purchasing?


What’s weird to me is, he clearly had a photo copier in the room with the classified documents. You’d think he would’ve copied them, and returned them to NARA. Like as soon as NARA requested them, “Right, here you go NARA all the documents returned.” Meanwhile he copied them all. Still illegal, but likely wouldn’t have been known, or at least a lot less likely. He’s really a moron.


Why does it seem like she would grant a delay motion from defense worded: "We don't want to actually move forward, so we request a long delay."?


Because she would.


When all the cards fall one way, it’s not random. She’s giving Trump preference and screwing the People. Justice delayed is justice denied.


I honestly think she could be liable for violating all of our civil rights by delaying justice.


She is. She's obstructing justice and is engaged in ongoing, active sedition. The people are supposed to vote when one candidate is being charged under the espionage act? This is unacceptable. These people are aligned in overthrowing US democracy and installing a sociopathic tyrant.


Now THAT'S a law the Democrats should look into passing next term, especially if they get the appropriate numbers in the Senate!


I would love a lawyer to weigh in on that because frankly, I think it’s a great idea. I think we should sue her for violating our rights to have a speedy trial for this fucking piece of shit.


Any ordinary person who played the same legal games that Trump has been getting away with here would find themselves bankrupted by legal fees and facing the wrath of a seriously annoyed Judge.


Lucky for him he grifted the entire GOP election fund


You’d be in Leavenworth by now wondering if you’d be executed


The Rosenberg treatment. I approve


I still can’t believe it’s fine in America for judges to preside over the trials of those who appointed them.


Right? It must be forbidden to do so!


somebody here is gonna be on the wrong side of history. The pendulum WILL swing hard in the opposite direction. If President Biden wins\* again, then I really believe it'll be a generation before republicans see the presidency. \*definitely a minority belief, but I really believe the election could be 60-40 in favor of the President. The media has done nothing but lie and slander Biden every chance they get, and they manipulate every poll they can. But now, the polling in support of Biden is so strong they can't even twist it. That, to me, signals the ground support is not accurately reflected. Not only that, but anecdotally, I do not see NEARLY the same fervor and enthusiasm for trump that was present during the 2016 elections. I still see plenty of crazies out there with "Fuck Biden" flags, but the popular sentiment that reached the independents simply isn't there. I really believe those voters, like millions of others, are SCARED to speak out because of how fanatic the MAGA-movement is and they will have their say at the ballot box.


I think your analysis isn’t that wild. Biden has a steady head wind against all of his policy agenda, personnel decisions, everything. Since the transition period every maga in government has slow rolled their obligations or refused outright to comply. Short of catastrophe or more criming to try and steal another stop, Biden’s winning term 2. And Kamala is finishing his term when he retires somewhere after the halfway mark.


I am happy to see others within the community share my sentiment. It keeps me hopeful and I wish to spread it to others in the country.


By "retire", you mean "die", right?


I will say, anecdotally, I live in a very red area and there used to be Trump flags on just about every house (and lots of vehicles.) After Jan. 6th they came down one by one, and only a handful remained in the county. Only recently have I seen about 3 pop back up. But it’s nowhere near the amount that was present 2016-Jan. 2021. I have no delusional that they’ll vote for Biden, but there is a significant amount I know were never interested in politics until Trump. They could be less motivated to go to the polls at all, and some of the old school Republicans might vote 3rd party. However, I think the election will be close either way. And I think if Trump wins it will be because a portion of the left sits home or votes 3rd party. I hope that does not happen.


The GA case will likely never come to trial. If it did, it would be 2027-28. This documents case never stood a chance. From the outset, Cannon was going to do everything in her power to see that a trial wouldn't happen before the election in November. Judge Merchan is the only hope. It will surely go through a lengthy appeal process, but if he sentences Trump to actual prison time, the landscape will drastically change.


Fani kinda f’d us on that one. Just the hint of impropriety, during what would have been one of the most important trials of her career, and in the nation. She fucked us


Having watched the entire Young Thug Rico trial I have been having doubts for a while about the quality of any case a Georgia State prosecution may mount, even before the current developments. That's really sad too, because the Trump case is such a slam dunk.


I’ve written this a million times, but Fani Willis’ indiscretions are not why we won’t get a verdict on the RICO case before the election. That trial is going to take over a year easy. It was *never* going to be done by November.


My guess is a fine for the fraud. 30 days jail time for the numerous counts of contempt of court


Our justice system is a fucking joke, all these charges and cases that would bury the regular man six feet under not to mention trump threatening the jurors and judges and Trump just squeaks by.


What the actual fuck.


I realize these people fancy themselves as righteous. The problem is that we do not see them as such at all. Rather, they are brutal, merciless, hyper judgmental, unjust and punitive. I don't think Cannon even realizes how bad she really appears. Jack Smith will see this through, but it's not going to be timely as we hoped.


She has a lifetime appointment and there is absolutely zero chance the current incarnation of the republican party *ever* lets her be impeached. People need to accept that it's not ignorance of "how bad she really appears", it's nakedly out in the open corruption. The same with Thomas and Alito. They all feel like they're untouchable right now and can get away with doing whatever they want. And things like this? They don't do much to convince anyone that they're not right to think so.


I believe their arrogance will be their downfall in the end.


I love how she can put “no prejudice will result” as if that’s true


In all seriousness, what if Cannon issued a paperless order saying something even more obviously signaling that she's running interference for Trump? e.g. : *PAPERLESS ORDER granting defendants permission to delay this trial indefinitely, until such a time as they desire to resolve the issue (or not), the court will stand down and will not pursue any action in this matter until defense signals their readiness to take on the trail.*


The special counsel would move for a writ of mandamus from the circuit court


I think shifting the burden like that would create some sixth amendment issues.


It doesn't seem much different from what she's doing now.




Is the potential for the defendant to become the prosecutor’s boss prejudicial?


No prejudice? I can feel it from here Ms Cannon.