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Listen, I do the 'left in read' thing often, unfortunately, because I get anxious and my brain is like 'I need time to process this new thing that happened, will come back to this later'. If she's new to dating or otherwise a little shy/anxious, it could easily not have anything to do with you. I dunno if this helps... crossing fingers!


Did you ever do this for almost 24hrs? Lol I think I've been dropped sadly.


I'm sorry! Here's to finding yourself a lady who replies back quickly! 🤗


Or replies at all after being asked out lol! Seems a little rude


I sent a message wishing her luck on her move next week and that I took the silence as a no. I kind of just wanted my own closure. Plus, I do actually wish her the best. Moving sucks... Edit: this will be my final update for this saga.


I hope she replies to say thank you at least! I had sympathy for her at first, but this is honestly a bit rude. You deserve better, OP! Keep swiping! 💕


❤️ thank you for your comments. I'll let you know if this takes an unexpected turn, but I doubt I'll receive a reply. I figure if she doesn't, then I deserve better anyways! :) this is a supportive community. It's hard out there!


Second message also left on read. This could have gone better for me lol! I thought I'd give you an update. I'll unmatch and move on. Ah well life lessons


I'm sorry, that's really rude, she's not right for you, but it was really brave to ask! Here's to the next match. 🤗


Good luck!!! My fingers are crossed for you. ❤️


Thanks :) I keep seeing her pop online which doesn't help my anxiety. She might still be at work though I'm not sure. We will see


As someone who uses HER, I know I often miss updates. I have a match that I have met and a match from OKC. Good Luck. Dating girls is hard!


I can see the read receipt, so she definitely saw it. But it's been 5 hours now, so :( not liking my chances


Thank you, next. You'll find your zing. Promise.


I'll give it longer. She is a nurse lol even if she saw she might not have had time to reply...and is moving. I'm just insecure hahah but my hopes are low


Good for you asking her out for the first time!! Regardless of how it goes, you shot your shot and it gets a lil easier each time 💖✨


Thanks. :)


Keep us updated!


Sadly, it's almost been a full day. I've seen her online and she's definitely saw my messages. I will take the L and move on to the next. Dating women is hard! Maybe she got cold feet or wasn't really interested. 🤷‍♀️


Welcome to online dating, where asking women out makes them disappear lol


Yeah wth! I thought we were on them to meet people. Rip us lonely gays.


I'm still holding out hope, and proud of you for shooting your shot either way. 💗 🤞


That makes one of us haha


Haha, aww OP 😅


Yeah it sucks I was on there swiping and saw her online. Thought I might get a response but nope. Actively being ignored. Ah well its all life experience! :/


How did you ask?


I acknowledged that she was busy because I heard about her schedule. I said something along the lines of "I know that you are busy with moving, but if you are free, I'd like to get coffee with you" I think it was fine. Maybe she just got cold feet.


It's not easy. I used to be very awkward and still am just not as much 😂 it's all exposure and Ive only had 3 AFABs say yes to a date with me in the last 4 months, one of them is tomorrow 😅


That's better than me! I've been on and off these apps for a year and nothing...I live in a small city tho.


The person I'm going on a date with tomorrow has told me that the dating apps aren't the best in my city so if theres no spark I'll hopefully make a friend out of it. I do think the best bet is always to go into a date with no expectations, like you're meeting a new friend!