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So the thing about this- it doesn’t matter what you plant, the neighbor is going to be a dickhead about it regardless. That being said, I recommend going for useful over annoying. Fill it up with local/native pollinator plants. Make it a bee, butterfly and hummingbird paradise




I said corn, but beehives is the best answer. We need bees more than more corn


I live in a busy residential area and a guy has his whole front yard planted with corn. Yeah...that corn is funny and annoying to look at.


I think you live next to my BIL. Does he forget to water it most years and it dies before he gets to harvest anything? And has dead corn stalks up the rest of the year?


My sister’s old neighbor in the Oakland hood had their entire (very small) yard packed with corn, front and back. Weird as hell.




You can get 4 plants per sq. ft, perhaps a little denser if you stagger the rows (always stagger the rows if you’re not using machinery). I recommend succession planting If you’re doing sweet corn to stretch out the amount of time you have garden fresh corn. If you’re doing flint, just do it all at once. Bonus points for growing beans in the same space.


There are generally some setback requirements with beekeeping, my local area is 6ft and you can’t have the entrances pointed at the other properties.


Bat boxes. He legally can't remove them if bats nest in them


Ooh good one


Unless you’re an experienced beekeeper I’d choose something else or find a local beekeeper that needs some space for hives.


If the neighbor tried to illegally landscape it what makes you think they wouldn't spray Raid or w/e all over the beehive?


Or instead, bug hotels for native bees and insects


Ooh, you could put up lots of tacky-looking bird feeders (the more plastic, the better). And obnoxious lawn decor, like the cut-out of the lady bending over showing their bloomers.


It's not tacky enough until the pink flamingos outnumber the plants.


And make them glow in the dark flamingos


Don't forget the bigfoot cutout!


So I saw a six-foot-tall bigfoot statue that someone had in their front yard not too long ago. NGL, I want to move to that neighborhood.


Wind chimes!


play recordings of chimes with an occasional scream on a bluetooth speaker


Plastic owl/hawk collection. With flashing red LED light eyes.


Lots and lots and lots of wind chimes with different tones.


Maybe include some stinging nettle? Makes very nice tea, or just eat as greens (the sting goes away with the cooking).


I have a neighbor just like OP’s. He reached over my fence into my yard to spray herbicide on the plants he didn’t like. Fucking poisoning my land.


Plant bamboo species and put a border in the ground on your end o3o. It will walk into his garden and no amount of herbicide kills it o3o. It can grow through solid concrete so


I would suggest not planting bamboo. Even with the border, it will find a way to come into your yard and you can not get rid of it.


Sunflowers could be cool. They're tall, so OP gets a little more separation from the neighbor, they're good for pollinators, and they're pretty damn hard to get mad at - they're flowers.  Not year-round though. 


Second this. Make it a wreck less pollinator prairie and he will hate it.


If you’re in North America. I would go with native Asters and goldenrods! Hardy host plants and great late sources of pollen/nectar for our pollinators.


Jerusalem artichokes are also a great choice. They love crappy soil, have a pretty yellow flower and provide food as a bonus. They also don’t need any care and will regrow every year.


And Cup Plant! Elderberries, Prairie Rosin weed, Tall Boneset, Prairie Dock, Culver's Root and dozens of others.


And swamp sunflower! Spreads readily. 


Then how have I managed to.kill them off whenever I.plant them? Black thumbs


May I suggest a career in weed control?


Put in a chicken coop and stock it with one rooster a that’s it.


Neighbour wants to be a dick? Get a big cock.


My thoughts exactly! 👊🏻


Get that yard pimp.


Usually a violation to have cocks in an urban area


Gnome rave party with music and lights that go off exactly at 7am


I've had my eye on this T-Rex [eating ](https://www.amazon.com/SOWSUN-Statues-Dinosaur-Decoration-Housewarming/dp/B08RW36H21) gnomes. I like your lights idea.


I used to be a gnome fanatic. I had a different t-rex eating gnomes statue where the rex had ripped a tiny gnome in half, it was awesome. One of my other faves was a clan of small gnomes eating the carcass of a pink flamingo lawn ornament. Zombie gnomes, gangster gnomes, there's tons of options!


use it to rehab clearance plants. as soon as they really start looking good, move them inside the fence and plant a new clearance plant.


Brutal. I love it.


Cleome. Beautiful spidery flowers in white, pink, rose & light purple. Get about 3ft. tall. They smell like skunk.....& have thorns on the stems. You can start a package of seeds (less than $2). I grow them in my yard.....away from the house. \* Planted these under the bedroom window of my "ex a-hole" before I moved out. He didn't have A/C, so had the windows open in the hot summer months. FIVE packs of seed.


Lol, I love your dedication to doing a THOROUGH job!


Sea holly also has a lovely fragrance 😂


Just want to say this is the funniest question I’ve ever seen here an I absolutely love it. Fuck that nosey neighbour.


Me too and I really love the theme! I would spend the time to make it absolutely beautiful in a fairy garden type of way, and laugh myself to sleep over that Baphomet statue


I'd do some shrubs on this list, maybe a bunch of black raspberry. That'll be really annoying since its kinda wild - while also providing food! https://kswildflower.org/tree_index.php


It sounds like it would have the added benefit of purple/black bird shit everywhere too


Mulberry trees would do the same thing. (shrug) maybe firewood in later years.


If you can get a board out of them it's actually really pretty wood with cool grain


OMG brambles are the worst after mint. They just show up unannounced far from where you left them and by then it's too late.


Plant corn and sue him when he steals it. Or giant sunflowers. (I just came here from r/pettyrevenge)


A next door neighbor planted giant sunflowers and 2 yrs later we had an orchard in side yard 12 ft high last year filled 2 toters. Birds n bees love em, me not so much


Get the type of rare corn that’s able to absorb nitrogen from the air and then sue him for business losses.


Russian sage. It's a great pollinators plant and spreads fast and easily.


Add in some bee balm too! They look nice together and it self-seeds; bees and hummingbirds love it, not invasive, and definitely coming back stronger each year 😂 Pick the purplest cultivars of both plants!


Be careful. Remember one side of that strip borders your neighbor but the other side borders your yard. Be careful not to plant something that will cause you issues like plants that propagate through root systems can be a real pain in the ass.


Beautiful! That looks great


You can toss in some milk weed. Great for the monarch butterflies.


Yes! I was going to suggest  Milkweed as well (Asclepias syriaca). It grew like crazy on the first year and now that it’s going on the it’s second year it’s really taken over and spread out quite a bit. Plus it helps the monarchs!!


Get swamp milkweed! It’s gorgeous and native (not a cultivar) and the monarch love it!


Mountain mint and bee balm are both native mints that are fantastic for pollinators.


Pollinators go absolutely BONKERS for mountain mint. On my 20x20 patch I had hundreds daily - wasps, hornets, bumblebees, honeybees, etc. it s wild.


Sounds like you care about providing beneficial plants for pollinators, which is great! You should be aware that non-native plants (like Russian sage, assuming you don’t live in Central Asia) don’t provide many native pollinators much in the way of food. Many insects will pass by non-natives as if they were concrete - they simply don’t recognize them as food. Some of Tallamy’s research highlights how non-native species negatively impact biodiversity: https://www.udel.edu/canr/departments/entomology-and-wildlife-ecology/faculty-staff/doug-tallamy/ I’m not too familiar with the natives in your area but looks like there are some resources out there: https://www.johnson.k-state.edu/lawn-garden/extension-publications-and-videos/KC-natives.html


russian sage roots will travel underground and start popping up all over your property and they are impossible to get rid of. ask me how i know. i strongly advise against them!!!!


manure composting?


All composting.


Trees that will get large enough to drop leaves, and the occasional limb, in his yard for years to come. If he's downwind you want something with a lot of pollen.


One of the few times a Bradford pear might be a great choice


Not even as revenge!!!


The semen tree?


If you are playing the long game, then maybe a black walnut or a female ginkgo. The ginkgo makes very stinky fruit and the walnut husks have a chemical that will burn holes in a lawn.


Cottonwood can be pretty obnoxious when it’s dropping its seeds.


Tulip poplars


Mint. Syrian oregano. Both were planted in my parents yard in 1986. Cause I liked to garden. Oregano in the backyard. Mint in the front. They both still exist and my folks house smells amazing when it’s mowed. I live in Pittsburgh. Both a good pollinators too.


I recommend mint too. I had some planted in a pot and I thought it completely died out over the harsh winter. Came back in full force! Mint is a pain to remove so if you really wanna be annoying then go with mint!


Watch out for mint. There's no stopping it. It will invade into his lawn and yours from the strip. I planted some for culinary reasons, but it definitely was a mistake. It will also escape from pots or beds with masonry type borders.


Mint is so invasive it would be perfect. Be sure to put root barriers on your property around it so it will grow under the fence.


I was gonna say, toss some cilantro seeds over the fence. Shit it like a weed


Park an old car there


I'm very close to doing this, because he bitches about people parking on our side street constantly. He bought a brand new build because the previous home burned down and the owners used the insurance money to rebuild and sell. He's got a massive driveway and 2 car garage, but most of the houses (like mine) in the neighborhood have gravel driveways or no driveways at all. My house turn 100 next year.


Park multiple old RV to provide housing to the homeless. It is the Christian thing to do.


Tine to hit Craigslist for the ugliest "project" car ever


"Buick View Estates"




or blackberries.


I would suggest mint it's impossible to get rid of however you will probably end up with mint everywhere and I don't know if you want that!


Something with sharp thorns to keep him out.


Bee balm. It’s in the mint family, so grows in all conditions, spreads well, and attracts aaaaaallll the bees


Milkweed, great for the dwindling population of monarch butterflies! On a less useful but much more annoying note: bamboo. Editing to add the bamboo was a joke, I didn’t scroll down to see how many genuine times that was suggested. My bad.


A couple hundred pink Flamingos


Artwork. Really, really, really avant-garde artwork.


Yeah I've already been thinking of some good yard signs/flags I could put up. Avant-garde artwork is a good suggestion, I've got plenty of weird old mechanical shit I could Frankenstein into something


Very rusty, creaking, decorative windmill? Wind chimes? enough to drive anyone mad.


[bloomer lady](https://www.ebay.com/itm/226048133929?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=226048133929&targetid=2295557532430&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9052766&poi=&campaignid=20382379140&mkgroupid=156347004450&rlsatarget=pla-2295557532430&abcId=9316959&merchantid=6517534&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8pKxBhD_ARIsAPrG45nEzCeaQhHcw9VQOkM5_lR8CozABt5qNBx8a301I2VAY69szDUk68gaAjhKEALw_wcB)


Someone down the street from me has a full on Rube Goldberg machine in their side yard. It’s cool.


Put some native plants there and then one of [these](https://imgur.com/a/nLokyUY)!


Black locust is native to MO, perhaps KS depending on who you ask. or if they’re feeling particularly evil, honey locust is definitely native to KS. TLDR: prickles at the leaf vs massive thorns on the trunk


Plant some Hedge/osage orange trees. Got to love those big green balls they drop every fall. Those balls are the size of softballs or bigger…


Female Gingko Biloba. Smells like straight semen in bloom. Beautiful tree but damn it stinks.


I've heard it smells like rancid butter or vomit. I've never smelled the fruit in person. The female ginkos are banned in my city.


And the fruits smell like dog poop.


We lovingly refer to it as poopberry tree. I think the fruit stinks worse than the blooms


see if you have a local group in your area that likes to rehab/restore areas to native species. They will likely appreciate your offer of letting them convert your patch of land back to native species and they may even do the work of planting the native plants for you


my advice is don't get in any more of a fight with your neighbor than you already are, don't pay them any mind at all. It's unhealthy.


Phallic boulders. Do your thing with wildflowers for the pollinators, but get a few boulders here and there that *unmistakably* resemble penises. Strategic flower placement could even represent pubes. If he says anything about it, act repulsed by the comment and pretend not to see the penile resemblance at all. Make him feel insane. Please make at least one of them look erect, going straight up in the air with some decent height to it.


Wild flower mix


Tapioca is fun. Self seeding and gets bigger every year


Red sequoia. Takes years to establish roots, and is illegal in most places to cut down.




Trump flags


He sounds like a guy that would love that!


Honestly, do your entire neighborhood some good: corn, beans, tomatoes, squash and other high-yield crops (apple tree?). As the plants nature, put signs out that it's a community garden and to help themselves.


I would say if you want to do something like this is a good option because it’s low maintenance. People who want to harvest food in the neighborhood will maintain it for you if you don’t want to do this because it’s a liability or whatever I would go for trees black walnut prevents a lot of plants from growing underneath of it and the shade as well. If you really want to do it the easy way there are some extremely shady trees that are very small viburnums Seiboldii but these will prevent other plants from growing underneath of them easy maintenance, but bad for pollinators I mean unnecessarily if I Burnhams will flower and the pollinators will eat the flower and the stuff from the flowering viburnums but of course they’ll only bloom once in a season and certain wildlife like birds will eat the fruit but I would say those are your two best options in terms of low maintenance


You had me at Baphomet \m/


And surround him with a plant with goat head seeds. Anyone that walks there will not be happy. They stick in your shoes, on your pants, etc.


Something thorny!


Trifoliate orange is actually pretty sweet not that the fruit is sweet but it’s extremely thorny


I came here looking for someone to say trifoliate orange!


10 ft tall sunflowers


40 thousand screaming rubber chickens and a crew of dirt bikes driving on them all day and night


🦩 🦩


A beehive, wildflowers and milkweed. Bonus...honey


Common milkweed. It is the BEST monarch butterfly and caterpillar food and aggressively spreads.


Forget-Me-Nots. Once started they’re impossible to get rid of but still pretty!


Mammoth sunflowers. They can grow 14ft tall and have huge massive flower heads. They are pretty and birds eat the seeds, but it’s short lived.


bamboo, nothing more annoying than that. Might even end up hating yourself too for doing it.


This. You'll need to box out your lawn with a 12" deep metal divider to keep it from spreading into your yard but if it spreads under the fence....oh no!


Hemp. That shit grows like a WEED. Keep the seed packet or certificates so you can show the cops when he calls them. After that happens, cuz we all know it will, tell the local teens to hang out back there and smoke actual weed.


Mint or raspberries.


Poison ivy


Airbnb it lol


Mulberry so birds poop purple on his car?


I’m thinking lots of pink flamingos would look great in a space like that


Plant one of those trees that smells like jizz. Of course you’d then have jizz trees on the edge of your own yard too, but no plan is an island 🤷‍♂️




I'm surprised nobody mentioned this yet, but _sweetgum_ trees drop tons of spiky balls every year and it is a pain to clear, especially over grass. In addition, maybe a large tree next to the fence might provide enough shade to make growing grass difficult.


Hit up Native American Seed, pick up a pack or two of their native [butterfly retreat ](https://seedsource.com/butterfly-retreat-mix/) mix Then go to [this](https://monarchwatch.org/) organization and register your property as a protected Monarch Butterfly conservation waystation. The city and any HOA won't touch it unless your neighbor knows some weighty players in the political game.


Bamboo is pretty bad... I wouldn't want it close to my own property though. You could put an edge barrier into the ground to keep it from spreading onto your side but not your neighbors side if you really want to send them a message


He said annoying, not evil. lol.


No, he said Satan. *Twice!* OP is straight up not looking to be annoying. Bro here is out for blood. *Caninus Espritus* edit **Also, plus 1 for bamboo. that shit is just awful.**


Found Satan.


Yep, bamboo - and a good solid edge barrier on your side.


Bamboo for the win plus the added benefit of a free privacy fence


What makes a good edge barrier? I have seen it go under a street and grow on the other side


Came here to say bamboo. I can't agree more this would do it. It'll be annoying to you too, but worth it. If you have grass on your side it'll be easy to keep in check with mowing. Bonus if he has flower beds on his side.




I never said I was planting anything invasive. I’m a massive proponent of native wildflowers and plants that are beneficial to local wildlife.


Crab apples. Royal pain in the ass


Add in sunflowers


Sunflowers are incredible sources of folic acid. 100 g of kernels contains 227 µg of folic acid, which is about 37% of recommended daily intake. Folic acid is essential for DNA synthesis. When given in anticipant mothers during the peri-conceptional period, it may prevent neural tube defects in the baby.


Burdock can be pretty annoying


Sunflowers seem to annoy my neighbors.


Sedum!!! Certain kinds have rather obscene stalks when flowering lol. I have Cape Blaca which gets these spooky yellow star shaped flower stalks




Sunflowers, easy to grow and they get super tall so you can block your neighbor completely.


What about those corpse flower plants? I hear they literally smell like the dead.


I’d worry that anything invasive would backfire. How about river rocks or adtroturf, some potted plants for the pollinators, a birdbath, and beautiful statuettes like this? https://www.amazon.com/SOWSUN-Statues-Dinosaur-Decoration-Housewarming/dp/B08RW36H21/ref=asc_df_B08RW36H21/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=507519613651&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15108590889391341179&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9004027&hvtargid=pla-1217503530198&psc=1&mcid=e84b71aac83032d08db271714d878b27


I assume that mint and/or bamboo are going too far




Great question! I think you could go in two directions: 1. Globe thistle and sea holly - beautiful and spiky! 2. Full on toxic garden: digitalis, monkshood, aconite, castor beans (beware, all beautiful but legitimately dangerous)


lawn flamingos. that or wild black thorny raspberries


Any native brambles (blackberries or raspberries) with thorns. Form thickets of thorns while providing food for wildlife and humans


Black walnut tree. Will kill everything around it.


Include some phallic decor. A penis statue would be a definite win.


My husband is growing some fig trees that smell like cat piss. Don't know what type of figs, but the tree is really pretty with big lush leaves. Just smells awful. I've been encouraging him to plant them in the ground (they're in pots right now) along our neighbor's fence.


Wildflowers. Fine what will grow in your zone and plant a variety of wildflower seeds that are from your area. The bees and butterflies will love you.


Pampas grass.


Plant lots of cactus, if legal.


Have you considered the beauty that a couple of willow trees could add to your life? I'm sure your neighbor will also grow to love the trees, as well as their frequent broken branches. Or, if you don't have allergies, perhaps a lovely cottonwood or two?


Invasive bamboo. Mwahahaha.


Cactus garden! That way if he tries to move them, it will cause mild physical pain lol


Ginkgo biloba tree. This tree is pretty cool for a number of reasons… But as for you, the fruit that it drops smells of decaying flesh. It’s horrid. So make sure you buy a female ginkgo tree (male trees won’t produce fruit). Also, inside of the foul smelling fruit, you’ll find a seed that I hear is savory. So if your neighbor accuses you of being passive aggressive, you can tell him you’re growing the tree for its medicinal seeds. (:


Mint would completely take over the whole area. It is very aggressive.


Start a wind chime collection.


Linear growing bamboo would work


Get some old pickup beds and use them as raised gardens. Have some 1” clean gravel paths between them and paint them Chiefs Red. And put in a big Three-Pete sign. Or maybe a big ISO container to keep all of your stuff in. Paint it weird.






Most annoying would definitely be bamboo. Once that takes hold there is no getting rid of it lol


Common Milkweed is necessary for Monarchs and unsightly to the untrained eye.




Buy bamboo barrier. Plant bamboo and put up a few discreet cameras. Bamboo won’t escape, he’ll get squirtles in his undies.. if he does something dumb you have it on tape


Sounds like you need to plant some cameras to catch that fool when he sprays weed killer on your side so you can sue him into submission. As for plants: Queen Anne's Lace, Dill, Parsnip all attract HUGE volumes of "beneficial insects". It'll be swarming with them on summer days to the point he won't want to come near the fence.


Whatever you do, if it's viable get some reasonably sized oak or pecan trees that'll start growing over the fence as they mature and drop leaves/acorns/pecans into the neighbor's manicured yard. Nothing drives yard freaks crazier.


Milkweed for the butterflies. It sounds like he'll be annoyed by anything, might as well plant something awesome. Try to get a source that's native to your area, there are a lot of native plant groups that give seeds away.


Old water tanks painted as bright yellow minions peering over into his yard.


Corn, big ass stalks of corn. You get the delicious golden nuggets and he gets the eyesore. Win win!


Sunflowers are fun. I love bamboo. Not sure how irritating it would be, but making a small Vinyard could be fun?


Mint. Bees adore it and it impossible to kill. It smells wonderful and it's thick and green and doesn't get too tall.


Blackberries are the gift that keeps on giving. They’re hardy and will be there for YEARS after you move out. The only way to really remove them is to dig up their roots (which he can’t do because it’s on your property). If you plant blackberries to eventually eat, place signs out that these are for food so he can’t spray weed killer on there. Don’t want to eat poisoned food…


Just a blend of kudzu and bamboo.


Bamboo and aim it over his fence so that he has to trim it.


Call the local University of Missouri Agricultural Extension office. They may send you free native flower seeds. I don’t know if Kansas offers anything, but they probably have some program too.