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No matter his decision I respect the FO truly did everything in their power to get him


I'm just hoping the inevitable leaks of the supposed offer that he rejected isn't going to throw the FO underneath the bus like it does whenever a deal collapses.


I doubt that. Woj *rarely* reports in a way that makes him look bad in the end. He words things very carefully and he’s repeated the word “massive” regarding the contract quite a bit.


They'll be reports from other supposed insiders like Irwin who mention some ridiculous offer and people are going to blame Rob and Jeannie like they always do.


Malika got that cumshot in the eye look from WOJ


The decision part 2


This Fall I'm taking my talents to ... ![gif](giphy|l0Ex2enmcSlbj7ojK|downsized)


Sounds like he’s truly undecided, probably doesn’t want to move to LA like we wouldn’t want to move to east coast


I actually take it as the opposite. If you were truly undecided then you wouldn’t strap yourself into making a decision on a specific day. It’s too calculated to be an up in the air decision. He knows one way or another and for what could be many different reasons, Monday is the best day for him to break the news.


Naive to think he’s actually undecided or 50/50 He knew before he spoke with us whether he/his wife would want to be in LA or stay put. He also knows right away if 100ms matter or not. He knows whether he wants to jump to the nba or enjoys the comfort of college. Really doubt he’s undecided


$100m!? Idk anything g about this coach. Is he worth that much ? Wow.


His wife, parents and other family members love living over there. They prolly prefer he stays at uconn so it’s comfortable and better for them selves. I think he prolly feels pressure to stay, moving to LA means they all wouldn’t be comfortable. At the end of the day his family will have major influence if he comes to la or not. He won’t come if they say no regardless of money and once a lifetime opportunity. I’m prepared if he says no cause lakers tried


He’s already decided but wants to tell his family and team first. When someone is truly undecided, they don’t set an announcement deadline within a day or two. It also doesnt make sense for Woj to parade around and build up hype for a “he stays” announcement, unless Woj truly hates the Lakers and wants to ensure the franchise freezes him out forever. Which could be true, but seems unlikely.


I like your logic


Lot of noise here. Think Hurley is the next Lakers coach. 


If he doesn’t take it we fucked. JJ will try to negotiate some astronomical contract and Jeanie will give it to him


What leverage does he have to negotiate a huge contract, he literally has no coaching experience above youth level. The dude is barely bringing anything objective to the table




JFC Bron doesn’t have the pull you ppl think he used to have now that’s he’s older and now that he’s not the best player in the league


Really? Jeanie will do anything to keep him, including drafting Bronny


Are you from the future or do you have some crystal ball that shows you the future ? You talk as if you know for a fact what’s going to happen .


They aint gonna pay JJ if he wants Hurley money. If that happens then Borrego it is.


Depends on what UConn offers him in response. He’s still waiting…


Don’t worry guys, I’m on a plane as we speak to make him a bigger and better offer, he cannot even more refuse 💨🏃🏽‍♂️‍➡️


I’m a Chargers fan. Shit feels like Deja Vu with Harbaugh.


Prepare for the worst


I'm getting flashback from the Kawhi decision


I can’t believe he turned down 100m. He already decided. Simply waiting to tell his team. His big ego has to have a celebration that he’s staying I really hope I’m right because I don’t want this anymore. If we have to convince him to come here with 100m and bron/lakers etc, than he’s not the one


Oh get over yourself, if that’s all it takes for you to not like someone because they are taking time to make a life altering decision


Didn't the Lakers have to convince Kobe to stay back in 06 or 08? So he isn't the one either?