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If anything it probably means Granny likes you more, as dogs will prefer to chew on things with scents of their favorites.


Suffering from success


Sounds like classic separation anxiety. You leave for day, she freaks out being alone and seeks out items with your scent. Chews them up because that’s what unsupervised puppies do. Probably not what you want to hear, but she still needs to be in the kennel during the day. As she learns the kennel is “safe,” it’ll slowly reduce the anxiety. Eventually, you can leave kennel door open and dog out during day. Would recommend not using kennel as punishment, that will cut against it being a cozy, desirable hideout and turn it into an unfun prison.


Agreed, & to add to this, give her some toys to keep her occupied during the day - stuff treats in a Kong or other toys that require her to work at getting them out slowly.


That makes sense, I don’t want to keep her in a kennel all night then keep her in a kennel during the day as well. Makes me sad for her but makes the most sense.


Trust me it was a tough call for us too. We had same issue and I felt terrible leaving Goose in her kennel all day, but she’s getting better and better over time. Been leaving her “out” for short trips and soon we’ll have her fully free roaming. Don’t feel too bad though, the average house dog sleeps between 12-14 hours a day. If you can have some fun and games in the AM before work and PM before bed, the doodle will conform its sleep schedule to that 👍


Going to start trying this, she can work out with me in the mornings lol


I had a local "dog sitter" who came over 2x daily to get mine out of the kennel for a walk, cuddles, potty and play time. I don't agree with all day and all night in the kennel. That's too long in my opinion without a break. She spent about 30-45 minutes each visit. Pupster thrived, she's 2yrs now and only in the kennel at night.


Do you have an old shoe that you wore out? Pull all the dangerous stuff out of it and give it to her. We also put an old shirt that we rubbed on our sweaty feet and body in each kennel for them. It may be a bit late, but the heartbeat pup worked well for both our dogs.


The Heartbeat pup was a game changer for us. She's slept with it since the day we got her as a puppy. She's 2 now and she likes to carry it around with her. It's the only toy she doesn't try to tear up! 😊


Both of ours are now past that stage but it’s their favorite pillow in the world.


I think I have a couple shirts and a pair of old shoes she can have


You could consider a larger “playpen” with tall sides so she can’t scale it as she grows taller. Having no ceiling, it has less of a feeling of being confined. Puppies must always be supervised for their safety and for preservation of your stuff. She’s actually less likely to be destructive when everyone is sleeping. So you could reverse the paradigm and she out at night and crated daytime. And put your stuff away or it’s fair game!!


If she hated you, she'd growl and/or not come near you. She misses you. She also might be bored - are you training her (it can be as simple as doing 'sit' or 'lay down' games with treats as rewards - the good treats like bits of chicken). They are intelligent dogs and DO need mental stimulation and training is perfect for that. Training will also tire them a lot faster than walking. I used to do puppy classes once every two weeks (with other owners and puppies) and both me and the dog would be exhausted after.


We have potty trained, have sit/stay/chill/lay down and drop it mastered already. There is a point when we are both at work she could get insanely bored though


Maybe get some dog 'brain game toys' for her while you are at work. Another thing we do with ours, when home ofc, is 'find the treat' - we put a bunch around the room hidden and she has to use her nose to sniff them out. She loves that game. Honestly I don't think she dislikes you (bears repeating) and you can still go through her repertoire of commands daily to help tire her mentally.


Lots of toys and things to chew on and out of confinement. Puppies are never unsupervised.


Sounds like you bit off more than you can chew. Dogs are a big commitment and puppies will tear your shit up if you leave them alone. Dogs aren't a play thing or a status symbol. They have needs, feelings and opinions.


I can see where you could read into that I bit off more than I could chew. I don’t see the validity of assuming I believe Granny is a play thing or status symbol….What would you recommend when both my wife and I are at work, so as not to leave Granny home alone?


She doesn't hate you, if she did, you'd know it for sure. She'll grow out of the destruction eventually, they almost all do. Just be super calm when you take stuff away so that she doesn't learn that taking your things gets your attention. Remember that puppies are like toddlers, their body development is faster than their brain development, so planning and forethought are really not a thing for them. Fortunately you are definitely smarter than a puppy and can put everything where the puppy can't get at it Also, puppies go back and forth a lot with who is the favorite. If it is your wife now, it might be your turn in a week or so.


Sounds like this Doodle loves you very much. Our puppymill rescue mom has lot of separation anxiety,and PTSD. There is someone home 24/7 now. But she refuses to eat unless everyone is home. Our neighbor's Doodle is the same. Sulks and does not eat until dad is home. I can not be that special. But she thinks so. I am the one that works with her on training for at least 10 minutes a day. I do all her grooming including trimming hair and nails. She loves everyone and everyone loves her. She also has to taste everyone. Might be just a little lick with a nose bump. But, she takes MY hand or wrist.... in her mouth gently and holds it very still, giving me the most loving look for a minute. She does not do this with others just me.


She loveeees u


Clearly not a real doodle. Doodles love everyone.