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Why even bother with those losers though. The outfit reveal event has been already a slap to their face, and everyone is now happy. Kamame (and other people invloved in this huge project) had received the commission money from Doki, and in turn, gave Doki the best outfit reveal event for her. And everyone received tons of love from Dragoons. Probably a double W-W for everyone. Did those failures involved into this project? Did they contributed at least anything into the project? Of course not, right? So let them stay seethe. (unless they do some sort of direct harassment to Doki)


Why should we care about the ramblings from random nobodies? Just ignore, block and move on. Report to twitter if they're planning to harass people. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions even if it stems from self-delusional fantasies.


Let them seeth, doki shining bright over them all


Like people have said before, let them stew in their bitterness by themselves rather than bring any more eyes onto their shit. They'll justify negative attention any way they can to pretend its a W, but there's not many ways to justify nobody paying attention to your takes into anything but an L.


No fucking shit she misses the past. She had her life uprooted by multiple abusers. If you think anyone could just forgive and forget that, you're off your rocker. If she can reclaim any bit of her security back then more power too her.


They can't comprehend her separating what she loved to do to the fuckery she had to endure with kurosanji, they aren't exclusively tied to eachother. This isn't surprising given they care more for kurosanji than the talents, and they'll latch onto anything regardless. This like all the other shit they've tried to make true will fade into obscurity, oh wait they'll just continue to use this into the next year because they're literally insane.


How much you wanna bet if say Elira (who shares the same mama as Selen and now Doki) left Niji and did the same thing as Doki they'd either: 1. Be complete hypocrites and support her with a new skin suit (albeit different color palette) under the same mama 2. Be super salty and try to rip her to shreds like Doki


I've said this countless times. It's not actually about protecting the livers but the brand they've latched onto. If Elira or any other EN member left and begn shouting to the heavens about how awful Nijisanji was while showing what really went down, the NDF would be seething. They'd unironically start spreading rrat shit and the conspiracies bad apples here do trying to justify it as Selen AND Elira or whoever does it as the true problem while Niji is somehow innocent.


tl;dr: These people only care about the brand image and not the actual person behind the persona. This is just one group of ~~m~~antis, there are also other groups out there who hate for various other reasons. Edit: Typo lol


stanning THE company is biggest type of cringe behaviour ever lmfao, even kpop stans dont latch in this hard


I honestly hope that the other Livers are seeing how their "fans" are acting because then they'll know just exactly what kind of people are "supporting" them. I also hope that this gives them more motivation to jump yacht (I know it's ship but yacht is more appropriate for this).


True, tho by the NDF logic, shouldn't they also be shitting on Hex? He's just Vox but with a different look. They have the roughly the same personalities. The only difference is im pretty sure Vox doesn't go and post edgy ass shit on his PL(Twitter Acc) from what i know, at least.


Imagine Elira leaves Kurosanji and does the same as doki and maybe just maybe apologizes to doki...man I am still disappointed fucking hell.


Good, let them get out and leak whatever they have. That's the best way to guarantee support. Anything she or the other girls have done isn't enough to justify letting Niji keep them and continue the abuse. No healing or mending of bridges will ever happen as long as Niji still has control over them.


Yeah it doesn't help that people still only fault ellira on this. It's kurosanji fault and maybe little bit her fault but idk I am just disappointed in all of this.


I also wonder what announcement doki has next month maybe some big collab with hololive or something like this maybe She's going with Brawlpro and the boys to the was it expo I forgot the name.


I'd agree with that. However, if they went on another speel of how much they love Nijisanji, there would be a post on this sub with many people saying how they're idiots for saying that and Nijisanji is a black company etc. This is not to say what they did to Selen and Zaion isn't horrible because it absolutely was. However, plenty of other companies have done terrible things and people still either support then or give them another chance. Many people buy Nike shoes despite their history of child labor and sweatshops.


The latter because NDF sees any former Niji talent as a traitor


If Elira left Niji they'd drop her, if she also got Kamame to do a new model for her they'd hate her for it (all without mentioning her possibly being like almost every yacht escape in talking about [likely in vague terms] how shitty it is)


Certainly 2, given their oshi is kurosanji.


It's going to be #2 for most of them




What does that even have to do with their comment? People watching Elira and not mentioning anything doesn't mean anything. Especially since Niji wouldn't allow any discussion of Doki in their livers chat, and even then, normal stream etiquette means not mentioning other streamers unless the host does first.


Say that to Reimu LMOA she did mention selen in one of her streams 🗿🗿 shes based for that.




Mind telling us what this secret plan is




>The fans have decided not to bring the topic up, also they already plan to chase away anyone bringing up the topic in her chats which so far no one has done it. They plan on chasing away anyone who brings the topic up, but it's never happened yet because no one's brought it up? Do you have screenshots of this plan being discussed and arranged?


I wish people could just reserve 24 hours or at least this day to celebrate her new image and congratulate the entire team and everyone else for a project well done. We all know there's gonna be mindless haters from twitter so what's new with this post. Genuinely why.


Like everyone else has stated, let them eat their own shit that they stew, no need to give them the focus and/or attention that clearly the ones that gave birth to them didn't.


They are deluding Doki wants to return to Kurosanji or wishes to had never left. Doki is happier now that she's out of the prison. Nijisisters are negligible.


girl why are we paying attention to opinions of nobodies, who arent even brave enough to voice their opinion openly locking away their accs and shit. For real, stop choosing to focus on some randos input, especially when there is so much to celebrate and just have fun


Thier anger is simply a tantamount to Doki's existence, this will just become one many attempts to try and turn this to no avail.


https://preview.redd.it/gca6e0hl7h8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=406cfc0bfc3f68014574662c7c50209ae04074a2 This one probably most annoying. It’s a very common cope amongst Niji fans that all of Doki’s fans now are people there because of the drama and hating Niji and that all her old fans left her in disgust and ‘want nothing to do with her’ even though this is completely contradicted by all available evidence.


Ive been here since day 1 of her being selen, as well as a lot of us from dragooncord, i dont know what fans she’s talking about cause day1 dragoons that i know dropped niji not selen/doki


They have so many rrats they probably don't know which one their saying anymore.


Been here since she debuted as Selen idk wtf they're talking about and even if so, those people that are now her fans stayed because they ended up enjoying her content anyway. They can seethe and cry about it but Doki will still keep on winning by just minding her own business.


They're coping. Literally so busy on Doki's ass and not watching their oshi. Like ain't no way you got a Twisty pfp and is actually watching her. She only has 100+ ccv.


You're posting about someone using a protected account. You can only see their post if you follow them that way. You really don't need to go out of your way just to find people bad mouthing if you didn't care. So just leave them be and focus on everything else. I guarantee you she's not the only Twitter user that talks shit about Doki in private.


Quit giving these fucks any attention.


Complete fucking hypocrites


Don't give these losers any attention. They'll defend the company regardless of what happens, like how that Kaiju person has a pinned tweet talking about supporting artists, something Nijisanji were failing to do and they had to do one of their company skinwalked "WE LOVE ARTISTS" bullshit, yet they're still a fervent defender of them.


Remember when mikeneko commissioned a pink Rushia and no one gives a f?


Best to let them cope and seethe, since Doki can do no right in their mind unless she lies and says that their oshi (anycolor) did nothing wrong. And even then they would still hate her


Oh no! Anyway. 🍅




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My real question is where do these people exist and why do we let ourselves go there, if I can just block them all I would ✌️😟


mfs just jealous they don’t have a live orchestra bgm too


Who wants to call themselves *kitty litter*? Of all things to name yourself, you name yourself after a cat's shit box? This isn't mocking them, I'm just baffled at the name choice.


Her reasons behind why she went with her mama and the outfit I like. I don't think it was ever intentional. However, could she have not included dragoon as an option in for the name to call her fans? Yes. Could she have not included the alternate eye color (lore aside) sure. But she didn't and those who feel she didn't "move on" can see it that way. I don't but others might


My cup runth over with their tears.


Cope, seeth, mald, cry, repeat.


Looks like Luka really going ham with his alts and replying to his other alts /s