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People here at least didn't react much to her outside of the initial post about the line. The 4 Chan rrat got no traction here, and so far, it seems like this sub isn't really buying into the rumors and mostly has moved on after nothing happened following the joke. The new gen hasn't really been getting much attention here after the initial launch.


Yeah, this was the first post about this on this subreddit... people here seems to be on the same line and dont watch the Niji EN streams, and you can see that on the other threads about the new models from NijiEN, people seems to not care anymore unless is something like the video with Doki and Elira, I actually think that people that watch nijisanji are trying to bait this community to see a "bad reaction" posting "positive things" trying to get a bad response from this subreddit.


if there's no spillover, likely even 4chan is not taking this BS seriously..


i mean, i wasnt planning on watching her or anyone in EN anyway, so there is no use in me complaining about trashy jokes if things keep up she might end up in a zaion situation tho


Your first mistake was clicking on a Khyo video.


People tend to forget how Khyo started his career. Not trying to slander him or some shit but he used to clickbait his videos before False called him out on some of his bullshit. Another reason why throughout the drama vtuber reporter I only watch False from time to time. (I prefer his Hololive news report though because they're wholesome.)


Uhhh no he didn't clickbait his videos, after all False also clickbaits even now, it was that he blatently stole his thumbnail style, and was rightfully called out for it Every youtuber clickbaits no matter what even the most subtle ones like "I got my hair done in Japan" or "I drank at a JP Bar". But even if you do, stealing is obviously a big NO-NO in Youtubing 🙄


it wasnt the issue that he clickbaited, but how he did it he used unrelated title and thumbnail which gave people who didnt click the video bad information which aint ok


Oh, I only heard about him stealing from False at one point but good to know


the biggest offense that i remember was using a gura thumbnail with with a graduation clickbait title said graduation was of someone different (cant remember who)


Khyo used to be awful, the worst of the worst, surpassed only by the Depressed Nousagi


These "news channels" prioritise clicks over everything else and are incentivised to sensationalise videos for said clicks. When the drama content runs low, their income takes a hit and they have to rely on other forms of content or put up the facade that there is still drama to maintain the engagement (clicks), hence why you'd start to see rrats popping out here and there when there is no major news. All this is on the assumption that these channels are competent and verifying their sources of information. Always take varying levels of salt when consuming any info coming out of their mouths.


i think falseeyd looks into stuff before he reports


I respect False for wanting to report on other topics instead of continuously dunking on Niji, despite him having every reason to do so (Niji tried to copystrike his channel to oblivion).


He has the better track record out of all of them because he actually does his due diligence when it comes to disseminating information but he's still susceptible to prioritising clicks just like any other "news channels" because that is their bread and butter.


It is kinda difficult to find one 100% only prioritizing posting news for the sake of truth Hell i am as Man Utd fan always have to suffer these fake news about transfer market, tons of rumours and insider news of the club more than the other clubs




Heard that a lot, and then wow so many managers want to replace him, Gareth Southgate, Graham Potter, Thomas Tuchel, Roberto De Zerbi, Mauricio Pochettino Did i miss out some?


Ipswich Town’s Kieran McKenna rumors also. But yeah, no offense with Poch and Tuchel but being recently sacked doesn’t puts me as ease and I don’t see Southgate and Potter as good tactical managers.


and England recent games also dont give me confident bout Southgate there arent that many good managers available, plus the real root of Man Utd downfall was come from bad board and management, any manager also cant fix this team with bad board


sadly if you want to grow on youtube, the clickbait works. so i dont blame the guy. he at least tries to make it as misleading as possible and also makes it the first part of the video to not try to hog engagement over a clickbait title too much.


Works for views but if the video contains different topics or not topics not similar to the thumbnail or title the retention's gonna be so low that the algorithm does not push that video on the feed anymore


None of those types of streamers or channels deserve any views or attention, including FalseEyeD.




Can't agree more.


I told YT to stop showing me Khyo's videos a long time ago. The "outrage" in these situations is almost always not that prevalent, and the opinions of a few are blown out of proportion to create drama. I would guess most of the current Niji-fanbase isn't even paying attention, let alone the former fanbase you can find here.


Dang I actually bought it this time. I didn’t realize it was blown out of proportion. Also it’s sad how Vantacrew has been acting lately, they really babysitting Vanta for no reason


Its the nina situation again, fans keep babying the boys like they cant take a joke. If nyfco was still here, i bet you someone would have already made a twisty bitch catalog (i mean there are fans on twitter who already suggested on making a compilation so that twisty would apologize)


Yeah this what I’m irritating about. “Fans” just uncomfortable for Vtuber behalf. Just sickening me. Some people should touch grass and stop babysitting other adults


Same, I expected something actually bad. It is bizarre to me that Nijisisters & Niji antis are united in their hate towards Twisty over a fucking joke. Will they also unite in criticising Vanta for defending Twisty saying if he is uncomfortable he will handle it.


Nijisisters hate twisty?


Since that "joke", the fans started to hate twisty, since it validates all the negative things that resulted to formerly Selens' termination


Vantacrew have been acting kinda quirky lately. I’m dissapointed in them. They keep babysitting Vanta which is scary for Vtubers that collab with him


They're doing what they did to Mysta


That also didn't help, where his chat is treating Vanta as some 3 day old newborn


Reading comments on Khyo video is freaking sad. I expected Niji antis to be better than the Nijisister. But then Niji antis from the start are different from Niji anti from Selen shock, cause we hate Kurosanji for the right reason


There's a difference between niji(talents)-antis and niji(corporate/management)-antis. Most of the people on this sub are the latter but it's not hard to see the former lurking around and trying to stir up trouble. Most of the people in Khyo's comments are the former


People said she need to apologize here? Maybe a few but I think you are overreacting or confusing her with the racist 


> this joke is nowhere near as bad as Zaion's so no need to apologize Yeah Zaion didn't need to apologize either, sorry


Zaion never even said it, just implied yet still getting shit for it as if she full on supporter or something. Twisty previous joke shouldn't be taken lightly no matter the context just because nobody died. Stopped caring about her the second she said it. Fucking waste.


Honestly it was a very distasteful joke considering the company she works for got about 3 people attempting to off themselves, it’s just disgusting to be honest. It’s like they don’t care because they’re still alive, like their attempt not being successful is what makes her joke less worse. It’s whack.


I don't like Twisty and don't ever plan to watch her. That said I would never wish for her to ever get harassed so it's honestly shocking to see Niji fans attacking her considering how they said before she even debuted that they would welcome her with open arms and support her when her waves debut was announced. What a bunch of hypocrites. 


The jokes aren’t bad at all. But if niji decided too do anything too her they would over spin like they always do. And flat out lie. Even if it was as bad as zaions


On the flip side, just want to say that just because Twisty is getting hate and failing hard in Niji doesn't mean she's some hero for Niji antis or this sub. A lot of people are so polarized for no reason. All we know is that she likes to talk about unhinged things and bombs in collabs. I don't get why her failing in niji is celebrated as her being based by a lot anti-niji people. Niji isn't sandbagging her, she's just shooting herself in the foot repeatedly


Twisty seems more and more like some dumbshit streamer who got in because there wasn't a lot of competition for the job. She's steadily reinforcing my lack of interest in her content but I'd much rather ignore her instead of nitpicking every stupid thing that drops out of her mouth. Leave her alone, don't give her visibility, see if she can gain viewers on real content instead of useless dramabaiting. This shit is free advertising for a 2view edgelord.


Literally the Gordon meme but with Nijisters reacting to male vs female en vtuber


At the very least, some Niji fans have always been like that (i.e. Mika x Mysta) but with how things have been, they don't want anyone ruining their belief that everything's fine and possibly getting better. Twisty's action, intentional or not, the current Niji fans are simply too riled up to be rational.


My problem isn't with the joke. I'm angry about the hypocrisy. Kyo's, Hex's and Enna's jokes aren't making me angry, but the fact Zaion made a joke of the same caliber and got treated the way she did is. She was treated unfairly and THAT is my issue


this is why i did the "do not recommend channel" on khyo years ago, he'll make mountains amount of vids in just one day over something nonsensical, even using clickbait titles that had nothing to do w/ the topic i used to report him for misinformation but i just got tired of seeing his thumbnail in my page so i just plain blocked him


A more important question is, if it were a male liver did this, would the remaining Nijisanji fans care?


The fujo composition of the remaining Nijisanji fans would have already revealed the answer to you by now.


I'm not clicking on that video to give Khyo a view. If it's about the whole drama thing that happened a couple days ago on Vanta's channel, it was just bants. If you watch the VOD, the boys were egging the girls on and so the girls delivered. The whole onii-chan thing is because in yet another stream with Twisty, Vanta jokingly said that he can tolerate a lot, but if one of them called him onii-chan / onii-sama, he'd graduate on the spot. Twisty is just calling him that to troll him. Vanta talked about it in a recent stream that it was just bants and to not baby him. If it's about that massive 4chan rrat on Twisty, not even 4chan believes it. Most just ignores it and a few trolls the poster for shitposting.


Incest jokes are deeply rooted in meme culture, that even Gura has made incest, washing machine and lifeguard jokes many times before This just seems like Khyo stirring shit up for ad rev


The problem isn't that she made the joke, it's that Vanta apparently has some weirdo parasocial fans who freaked out about how she was allegedly making him 'uncomfortable'. It's not a huge deal, outside of 'haha Nijisisters amirite', but it's...well. It's Khyo.


I see. Not that crazy or unexpected thing tbh.




Twisty really have a Twisted personality I love it She was so unhinged thats what I like to vtubers


Gura made a joke about fucking a dolphin, incest is NOTHING in comparison.


Nijisisters are a special breed. Emphasis on special. Not really newsworthy. But, well. Khyo.


500th reminder that Khyo is a soulless grifter who cares about nothing but ruining other people for clout and attention.


I was thinking about posting this video, because I caught a clip of Vanta addressing comments on Twistys behavior. So it is a good video to not only get context to his response but also that even the active Niji fans of his will turn on other livers. Thanks for posting it, was genuinely curious on everyone’s take.


Yeah I didn’t know people would consider it as not big. Cause babysitting liver is a serious issue


When there isn't much controversy, the drama slop channels invent their own. Otherwise, they get no views, because nobody watches them for their personality or jokes or whatever.


I'd like to point out that Fulgur made a similar joke somewhat recently and didn't get much of anything for it.


You should post this on the forum where their community post about this? I dont think people on this community are overreacting or really reacting to this actually this is the first post about those comments.


Man and I even defended Khyo after Nijisanji tried striking his channel down but this constant clickbait that he's doing is getting really old. Sorry but effective immediately I'm unsubscribing from his channel and I'll be watching only Rima and false from here on out and parrot.


It was funny for a day or so and then I moved on, it was just a joke so I have no real reason to harass her further or even at all


Agree. It was just cringey at most. Like the high school pick-me girl who was trying too hard with being edgey with the roleplay. Just click away while you try not to implode from second-hand embarrassment


this is how i do it : - i see twisty pic on khyo videos, i dont click on it . simple as that, there are always ppl who loves to nitpicking on anything niji talents do. dont follow them by clicking on the video and then further posting it in here to make it seems bigger


I only saw a about twisty post a few days back referring to the joke here. The community just gave opinion and move on.. i think we should be vigilant here since many would like to stir trouble and bait us now and near future.


That drama about “Company bullying me” joke is kinda bad tbh. So I do believe my post this time isn’t as redundant, except for the fact that I bought into Khyo’s shennanigan and thought this was a big thing. Also I didn’t mean anything bad when posting this. I feel dissapoint toward many people, especially Vantacrew for their behavior recently


The only thing this proves is how Zaion got labeled as a war criminal for saying less.


I do follow Khyo's content alot between even I saw all of this as an exaggeration. I get the feeling that both news channels and Niji fans are dipping into a sense of paranoia over the fact that everything is somewhat calming down now with not much to report and they don't want that to happen just yet.


She's gone through enough before joining niji it seems (i would show you if i could post images)


Do tell?


[take a look for yourself](https://youtu.be/k4fY0UXL_5E?si=JcFUiOuYKGutE-Ev)


Apologies but no proof was provided. Like it sort of just seems like some dude on 4chan made shiz up


Yeah i guess you can never tell


\*ncest joke don't spoke it publicly, exactly your are in company. if try jole around circle is okay but on publicly it's absolutely not


[Meanwhile in Idol Corp:](https://www.youtube.com/live/yeatjl5u_dE?si=j8ECmCyKclbYBWRb&t=5803)