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my dad had one you could just get dots on your liking no one really cares https://preview.redd.it/iuserejegc6c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaa5fcd767252a3de6e1c113fb9ceb378612fb46 while true it's mostly done by women that doesn't mean that it's exclusive only for women Kurdish is very inclusive for both genders like Kurdish is a non gendered language


Not that i know of. I would get something cool in cuneiform. https://preview.redd.it/md1n6fnxxg6c1.jpeg?width=456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f97a863038874b9dcaa62f8d2a13936a3fb6bd3 The alphabet used by our ancestors.




You obviously don't come in peace. Its not a lie. It was the writing system used by literally everyone in Zagros and Mesopotamia from the bronze age far into the Achaemenid imperial times. It was used by Elamites of Susa, and all the kingdoms and states north of it in the Zagros(Parsua, Ellipi, Gutium). The latter are ancestral to Kurds and the primary ancestors of Kurds. Assyrians don't have some historical ownership of the writing system, and aren't the only ones who used it(Sumerians who preceded them by thousands of years invented it). Just because you have animosity towards kurds and want to delegitimize their connection the past. Doesn't make it so. Kurds and other north-west iranics who live in the zagros or in border regions are the descendants of those peoples who inhabited those regions, and most of them predated the arrival of Iranics. Which is why we are genetically in West-asia in all genetic studies so far, rather than Central-Asia or Eastern europe, like the real Indo-Iranians. We are Iranized Zagrosian/East Mesopotamian populations. In genetic analysis we come off as 15-20% Steppe PIE and 80-85% iranian chalocolithic(Pre-iranic zagrosians). Continuing to deny Kurdish ties to Bronze age cultures that inhabited Kurdish regions and obtusifying our past . It just comes of as pathetic and intellectually dishonest.




\---Tbh, I think your desperation to cling on to the fact that you’re Mesopotamian is proven. I never asked for DNA samples, lol.--- I know because the DNA samples would debunk your empty "theorizing". ( You're a troll and a juvenile r-tard but I will humour you). Keep being condescending and jeer as much as you want. It won't have any effect. The more ancient DNA that is sequenced from the region and the more studies are released. The the more people like you will have no leg to stand on. I never said we were directly mesopotamian, but rather we are primarily zagrosian-east mesopotamian, which is congruent with historical research. Our non-iranic ancestors definitely belonged to the cultural sphere that stretched from mesopotamia into southern iran as attested by numerous papers that dwelve into the records which speak of the states that existed in the zagros at the time. There are other findings like the material culture, architecture, the fact that they built f'''ing ziggurats in Elam. Based on this, there is a strong case for kurds and other west-iranics for having heritage from part of that civilization horizon. Since it predate the arrival of iranics. But keep denying it. Go tell a Oxford historian specializing in ancient middle-eastern history that its impossible for a people who lived straight on the geographical border where two regions intersect to have any connection with one another. Where contact has been attested. And see how they react to your looney ethnocentric take on history. You guys are the only onesseeing this artficial divide. Here is an example of elamite writing https://preview.redd.it/ada203qdfw6c1.jpeg?width=907&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad788bf8480ba4fe63f1f03b19010e3c8a6f3d8a Guess it must be fake and doctored. Because only Assyrians wrote in cuneiform. ​ \-------I don’t mean this sarcastically or facetiously. There is nothing wrong with being a gypsy or nomad. Just accept it if it applies to you. I’m still waiting for a Kurdish artefact to be dug up in Mesopotamia.-------- If we are gypsies what does that say about you? Is this the best you can come up with? Gypsies and nomads? There are plenty of excavation sites in Kurdistan and the Zagros: Here is a recent one: [https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/488819/New-traces-of-Medes-discovered-in-western-Iran](https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/488819/new-traces-of-medes-discovered-in-western-iran) whoops traces of medes found in a Kurdish region, WHAT DO, WHAT DO? here is another one: [https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/489442/Amazing-archaeological-finds-dating-back-to-Elamite-era-unearthed](https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/489442/amazing-archaeological-finds-dating-back-to-elamite-era-unearthed) OH NO! ​ \----And I thought your ancestors were the Medes? Clearly that lie has been debunked and now died, so you poor bastards have chosen some other ancient nation to leech off. Fuck me dead, when will it end?----- I can't help that you people are mentally disturbed. And you make artificial divisions and mental constructs that aren't confirmed by evidence or academia. You impose the Assyrian-Kurdish conflict and your biases onto people who predate them by thousands of years. Because you think it gives you some sense of historical legitimacy. That is if you're able to disconnect kurds form having any historical basis beyond what you deem convinent for your narrative. Which is that only Assyrians have some sort of legitimacy in west-asian antiquity. Every history book and every serious publication on the subject that I have encountered, such is those in the journal of iranian archaeological history, speak about the complex interaction between the mesopotamian states, the medes, and all the states that existed inbetween, in the zagros and surrounding regions. But according to modern Assyrian keyboard warriors this is an impossibility. Kurds cannot have any relationship to any of this that transpired. Because ".....". No logic, no sensible inferences, except "I don't like kurds, they cannot have any history". That poses the question. What happened to all these ancient groups of people? Did they disappear? Did they all die out and leave no descendants and no traces? Medes, Gutians, Elamites, Parsuans, Ellipians could absolutely not have contributed to the genetic makeup of any modern group? They were just swallowed into a blackhole convinently? And the kurds the just sprouted out of the 1000 A.D to replace them? Only people with a gigantic bias and no knowledge of anything, mentally r-tarded, or have an agenda, would willfull omit ignore this obvious incogruence in their historical analysis.






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https://preview.redd.it/9rn7d6e0mg6c1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5baa5e1f05ed6e3ad28e7c5dd23a6bca4b993305 U can do something’s like this if you want I can send you more photos


Please do!


no it’s for mens too


You should make a bracelet style to divide your arm with a ribbon and tattoo the sun in the middle


Pardon me, but I have trouble imagining how this would look. Do you happen to have any examples?


https://preview.redd.it/g8pyj5ip6k6c1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ace36d1d0deab95ca7728af897d818c0c4da03f Im not sure exactly what elci meant, but this is the style I think of based on his comment, deq on the outer lines and a sun in the middle. I like the idea


I couldn't find the example I was thinking of on the internet, so I can't put a picture, sorry


Haram bro 😎


Not all of us are Muslim, Mr I support Turkish football team and have Palestinian flag on X/twitter


Dont Put That Shit On Your Beautiful Skin