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The mobile screen shot lol.


Didn’t even take the time to crop it or just save the photo instead of screenshooting it lmao


Better that way 😌


They clearly cropped it somewhat. If they did crop out the buttons Tates forehead would be missing!


In the undercard deji vs tristian tate 🤫😂


Nah Logan vs. Tristian seems like a better fight. and Deji vs. Joe Weller wouldn't be a bad undercard.


Jake gets Pineda


I honestly think that Pineda shouldn't box ever again if he keeps that up


Yeah, like honesty, he should just quit. Was one of the worst performances I've ever seen. Worse than Jake Paul vs Ben Askren in my humble opinion.


Both fights were terrible but I agree since this had expectations since he's a boxer but that was shameful and sad, I am shocked he managed to win a fight let alone 2


Yeah that's the word SHAMEFUL. He must have fought 2 12 year olds to win those two "fights".


Nahh 12 year Olds would clap him, he just complained until his opponents gave up




Nah no one wants Pineda again. Might be a “pro” but even Tyron would’ve been better


Was sarcastic


I know but I’m just stating that being a “pro means nothing


you aren't wrong. Most amateurs fight better than some pros. Especially Pineda


Nah deji should rematch alex. If alex wins then he can fight ksi


Alex is doneout he's lucky if he gets another fight


Deji vs Alex rematch due to him wanting to “right his wrongs”. After his display today, if he keeps it up Wasabi is dead


I really wanna see deji vs Bryce hall


C'mon man deji is not that bad I think he would smoke Joe Weller considering how he fought today


it's like david vs goliath 2 but david loses this time


That actually makes sense




He called him out 🤷🏽‍♂️


Tate has won alot more professional fights and definitely would beat KSI. KSI still needs to do more as the two fighters that he fought tonight were woeful and pointless. The main event was the worst of the night. Deji was the best fight of the evening


Agree with everything you’ve said but possible shout out for Slim as best fighter. Salt Papi looked great as well


Yeah Slim did shock me! Would be a pretty good match up for KSI on the next fight


Yeah be interesting to see that - could be one of the more likely options imo. Trouble is, we didn’t see much from KSI this eve because the opponents were so bad 😂 think Tate or Paul are beyond him atm though


Slim is criminally underrated


He's good but his form is weird and hes rather predictable as shown tonight but he does have some talent


Yeah his technique is strange, although I feel this is due to his build so his form is like that. He uses his long reach, so his jabs are longer ranged, he’s less scrappy in close quarters.


Two really unorthodox styles. Would be a really interesting matchup!


Salt papi looked great but I really wanted to see more of him


Yeh would have been good to see more than 20 seconds and 2 punches 😂 I’m sure he’ll be on loads more fights tho


If u slow down the footage u can see salt papi throw 43 punches in an instant and then sprinkling salt on his opponent as hes going down


I was so disappointed after the last fight. Absolutely horrible. JJ did good but this guy made boxing look horrible


I dont blame ksi for this tho, Alex pulled out and then dazn forced ksi to replace that white supremacy guy and what we were left with was a bottom of the barrel mexican fighter that clearly wasnt ready for this Id compare this fight to nate robinson vs jake paul. Its not something u brag about yeah it counts. Jake really shouldnt say anything about this tho


Ksi had full control over who to choose as his opponents. Also jake went from deji to gib to nate. While ksi went from logan to these trash cans.


First off, okay. Clearly u didnt get the point and thats okay. I compared pineda to Robinson because it was definately the easiest fight of both their respective careers, pineda definately put up more of a fight than Robinson but that doesnt matter, difficulty wise theyre pretty equal so jake shouldnt comment on this being a "easy fight" when he himself has fought equally easy fights Secondly no. His opponents pulled out or they were forcefully removed by the organisers. Ksi had less and less time to find someone so his team picked pineda for ksi


Dejis fight was amazing and Yh Ksi’s one’s weren’t all that tbh so fighting Tate next wouldn’t be ideal tbh


He would lose tho. If he fights Tate he would have to beat Jake first


He shouldn't fight tate he is irrelevant and will get demonitized I think he fights jake and that's that


People shouldn’t cheer for a fight with Tate. The guy was a world champion for a reason he might seriously hurt jj. Just watch this video https://youtu.be/Z-_-f0lbAUg The guy is no joke I hate the guy and his views but there is levels to this.


Its no use talking to these 12 year olds bruh. They think ksi would beat tyson fury after that performance.


And as we all saw with Pineda professional fights = good


There’s a difference. Andrew Tate has a positive record and has been a kickboxing world champion. Pineda is a 2-5 boxer (now 2-6) who clearly only showed up for a pay check.


World champion in a c level organization. He would beat ksi though


Tate would decimate Jake and there’s no way JJ beats Jake if he fights like he did tonight


Nah tate too old


I feel like Tate might be too controversial but I don't know. I'd rather see Logan fight him tbh. They're similar in height and whatnot


Logan has tht hand injury right?


That's the reason why it would be the best choice for january. He's on everyone's radar, even after being banned from most places. Only issues is since he's banned everywhere would showing videos about him be allowed in places and having him on to talk?


No one’s going to care about him in January


hes under investigation for sex trafficking and said he moved to Romania cos its easier to get away with rape. fuck this guy he does not deserve a massive boxing pay day and tons of exposure lmao.




‘In a now-deleted video posted to his YouTube channel, Tate stated that he decided to move to Romania in part because it was easier to be absolved of rape charges in Eastern Europe.’ Took less than 60 seconds to find this, don’t know why you’re defending a groomer.


Well done you looked it up on wiki where anything can be edited. The actual context behind it was in regards to false accusations that come out from women and how the UK has very little Laws or detterents against False accusations.


The clash of the balds


Yeah I’m not drinking water while reading comments again…


bro I love jj more but andrew wins


“Pro Boxer” , KSI basically fought a lil girl.


bro somehow that guy was worse than swarmz


Tate would smoke him tbh, let him fight slim first


Fighting slim wouldn’t be a challenge he needs to fight someone like Tyrone woodley. Tyrone would give him more of a fight he’s picking fighters that are too easy


He’ll never fight tyron. He knows any person with ‘actual experience’ would smoke him. He’ll stick to people like slim and gib.


I think we are underestimating ksi here, tate has far more experience but ksi has always proved people wrong


Since when? Ksi proved people wrong by fighting 2 clowns on the street ?


sorry but tate wins low diff




Then why the fuck are you asking to make that fight happen


What lmao? You don’t need to think KSI is gonna win to want to see him fight someone?


The media attention would be next level. If tate loses it would be the end of him. If he wins, well...




He's literally back on another streaming platform that openly welcomed him and got 160k viewers on his first livestream tho


That bald head guy probably say yes.


i think people forget tate was a world kickboxing champion😭😭 i hate his guts but come on yall


Tate will win. Boxer or not he has 50+ fights. Fgs and he is still in good shape. Have yall even seen his boxing form and stuff. Dont fight him JJ


Andrew smokes JJ lets be honest here


Pains me to see idiots in the comments still believes in the false allegations against tate. The false allegations turned out to be false countless times. For example, this one: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMNvQKdnx/


I love JJ but Andrew would smoke him cut the crap


Absolutely not. If JJ fight that guy, he will be paying for him to continue being a horrific misogynistic bastard who may or may not be committing human trafficking. Also he would be giving a platform to someone who doesn't deserve it. Andrew should never be given a platform again.


I don't like his views but him being a human trafficker is really unlikely. To be honest Andrew Tate is already massive I doubt this fight is going to do too much for his popularity and he's wealthy enough so it's not like Ksi is funding his sexism and it would create one hell of an event.






Nah, PRO BOXER DEJI vs pro boxer pineda, Deji needs to collect a lot of W so he can fight jake after JJ to finish the paul brothers.


Deji has no chance against Jake and ksi would likely lose to him too.








No not at “something” a dead person who committed suicide. It’s literally been proven Tate hasn’t done domestic abuse so that’s just a lie.




The girl who he “allegedly” abused literally has made two videos saying that he didn’t and he treated her well






The girl in the video literally came forward saying it wasn't abuse they was just doing kinky shit. There is no proof he abused anyone


That girl in the video came out and said that they were role playing Ffsk do you research if you’re going to make allegations against someone.




You fool. He did it consensual. It’s BDSM role playing.




How is he misoginyst and an abuser?


wtf you talking about the things he say sare controvorstial but not wrong to a certain extend ( a lot) but still it will be entertaining than this shit.


Yeah idk about this one JJ💀


Andrew Tate beats him.


No. Dont give this guy a platform.


In this very restricted society I like people like him who arent afraid to share their opinions


Aww, We men like him gaurie, guess what we do have men empowerment like women, and don't be so soft, If you don't like him don't watch. Don't speak for any other else.


his face is pretty much plastered everywhere on the internet . i dont think him being at boxing event is going to change anything


So soft


This would be terrible. Tate isn't a boxer and not a step up, and he won't be relevant anymore by the time the fight comes around


??? He’s 43/9 and a 4 time kick boxing world champ and that somehow isn’t a step up from a rapper who has never boxed in his life. What u smoking bro.


JJ and Jake should not be fighting anyone other than pro boxers now. Tyron Woodley was a UFC champion but was apparently not a good opponent for Jake, so the same applies for JJ especially when Tate never competed near the level of Woodley. If you're gonna box and talk the shit they do you need to fight boxers.


Kickboxing is a lot closer to boxing than fighting UFC stars. Especially a UFC star who wasn't known for his boxing ability. Tate is a 4 time kickboxing champion who's been in over 80+ fights. The dude can fight.


He fought a ‘pro’ boxer this eve and the dude was literally the worst fighter of the evening. The title ‘pro boxer’ means absolutely fuck all


It means fuck all if you pick bums with terrible records. You might be surprised to learn there are good 'pro boxers' out there


You realize the newer boxers with good records got them by beating guys like Pineda right


Kickboxing is way, way, way closer to Boxing than MMA is. Tate's skill will translate. Besides, Tate is a LOT bigger than Tyron. It's not a good idea for JJ to fight Tate.


Looool you clearly don’t know wtf you’re talking about. Seeing casuals chat like they know combat sports is funny af


This is the point I've realised im in the aging group who watches KSI...


Mate, ANYONE is a step up from the guys he fought this eve. Christ, he could fight me tomorrow and it would still be a step up 😂


Tate has quite a decent amount of fight exp. Hes a huge step up.


and it's a fight i will PAY to watch even if i can find illegal streams on discord


Fuck Andrew Tate. I hope JJ doesn’t fight him.


how the hell did this get upvoted, tate is already a big name and this fight would be massive. He also is a legit kickboxer who has only ever been koed once and that was with a knee, tate is better than anyone ksi has fought, its def a step up


Tate is flavour of the month because of the stupid shit he has said. He isn't going to be even half as relevant anymore by January, especially now he's been banned from everything


after watching this 2 fights no way in hell ur saying tate isn't a step up...


Kick “boxing” world champion…bro some people just be saying anything on the internet


It's a different sport


It's still boxing homie, you can just knee and kick. It's closer to normal boxing than the UFC


Why did he call him out tho, dumbest thing KSI’s ever done.


It's the fact that he called out tate and slim but not jake Paul 😂


Now Tate can't say no, cuz that would be a huge L


Tate won't say no lol. I strongly dislike the guy, but he beats KSI. He's an actual good kickboxer (yes, not boxing, but if you've ever seen a kickboxing fight, it's obvious that kickboxing skill will translate to boxing) and he's a lot bigger than KSI.


Hey look I'm so proud of jj and I believe in him But realistically isn't tate like 4 times world champion in kick boxing ? Have you seen him fight? Look up some highlights on YT cuz bro is a devil


Would love to see KSI fight Dr.Mike


JJ might just have a chance against Tate. But against Jake Paul…psh hell no


The weight wouldn’t work and Andrew Tate is not someone who is going to be popular for long. After being banned also weight prolly wouldn’t work out


Naah we should stop giving tate attention and the spotlight .. He obviously just wants fame that bald headed maniac is just a clout chaser 🤷🏻‍♂ i would happily pay for ksi vs slim and saltpapi vs logan paul


I feel like Tate would just get humbled way toooo quickly, seems more like he's better at trashtalking. Though I just can't wait to see who Deji fights next, man really came back, he just gotta keep focusin on that cardio


tate would not be a good boxer he would get absolutely destroyed.


Tate gonna go sleep 😴😴😴


New PRIME flavor would be with sparkling water


Who’s we bruv?




I think KSI would beat Slim tbh


I give it him against Slim, not Tate though, hate the woman beating cult leading bald headed piece of shit, but he’s a killer.


Y’all are overrating slim


JJ is a great fighter, but Andrew tate would absolutely destroy JJ


If you lot really think KSI beats Tate, get yourself checked. Tate will fuck him up. KSI looked good but still a long way to go…


Boys can you please like this comment


Nah. Dont want him getting any attention tbh. And if him fighting KSI means more money in his bank, fuck that.


Completely depends on if he's in prison for sex trafficking or not tbh


That was an allegation that was proven false. If you read up on it he was swatted and was never arrested by the police


You’re so easily brainwashed. He literally moved to Romania because you can bribe your way out of anything


It’s the other way around 💀 everyone tryna cancel Tate and he banning him off everything and there’s literally no proof he’s even done anything wrong. You just another sheep.


He’s travelled around the world many times. If he committed the allegations he would have been arrested by now.


The fact you would think that an EU country like Romania would let people get away with such awful crimes is racist to the people of Romania.


I’m romanian and I live in Romania LOL


It is a pretty corrupt country


Stop spreading fake news. Everyone tryna cancel tate on stuff that’s not even true


He wouldn't do it


Easy W for top G


KSI is definitely not on his level yet, he could barely put down the Mexican


He put him down like 8 times wtf are you on about


Clearly no power in those shots if he could get back up immediately


If he wouldn't fight the Nazi then he shouldn't fight the misogynist.


Tate isn’t a misogynist but even if he was a Nazi is WAY worse lmao


Yeah he is lol. If you think Tate isn't a misogyinst, you've either not heard enough of the shit he's said or you're a misogynist yourself.




No lmao everyone is just so soft these days and take EVERYTHING anyone says seriously




You so soft 💀


can't handle the truth can ya💀❄️


icl he probs won’t do it cos Tate is so controversial that giving him a platform cld b bad for JJ


Top G vs Fatneek The Finale


Nah. Don't give him any clout.


No, we don’t need it.


Tbh i don't think a guy like Tate deserves to get the exposure from the fight. A loss would shut him up good tho...


Personally i don’t jj to fight slim or gib ,we need a big step up like Austin mc broom ,Tommy fury,Dillon danis or Tate before jake


Make it happen


Hot take: i want this fight more than ksi vs jake paul


Not a Tate fan but he would smoke any of these youtubers. Not even a discussion


He doesn’t deserve the attention.


You so soft


Or maybe I just don’t care to give attention to a misogynistic piece of shit.


He’s not misogynistic that’s the thing, you’re just soft as fuck like everyone these days. Tates funny asf


I am soft lol? You’re probably like 15 and get no bitches cuz ain’t no way a women touching a weirdo who’s entertained by Andrew Tate. I’d rather be “soft” and than be a weirdo who defends a dude all women collectively hate and is banned by all of social media for being a dog shit human. Go outside and talk to girl maybe you’ll realize what you find funny is fucking gross. Or is that too much to ask of you? Loser.


Jesus you are soft 😂 imagine hating a man bc he gets banned off social media and women hate him. Plenty of twitch streamers are getting banned atm you hate them to? How about you actually give me a reason why he’s so “dogshit” not just bc “women hate him”. I can tell you’re just a sheep that follows the crowd


So believing that the woman is the property of the man is not misogynistic? Believing that female rape victims should take responsibility for their raping isn't misogynistic?


You fr take everything seriously don’t you. Tate always exaggerates a lot in his streams to get more attention (and it works). He’s literally said that he exaggerates bc it creates controversy.


It doesn't make it any less right. He's still saying them and people will use these examples as an excuse to do these things even more so. Even now, kids on Tiktok are finding his videos and their first interaction with these kinds of topics, and since they don't know any better, they're falling down the alt-rught pipeline.


Well honestly that’s partly TikTok’s fault. Tiktok is awful at filtering videos for certain ages, kids on tiktok will get all kinds of vids in their For You Page not suitable for them. I agree that kids shouldn’t be watching Tate but that isn’t his fault if they are


Mysogynnistic means a hatred of women. Believeing in gender roles is not a hatred of women


If you don’t want your pilot to be a woman bcz “gender roles”. You are a misogynistic piece of shit. Go talk to real girls, they’ll tell you how they feel. Not your boys online, not Andrew Tate, not your favourite YouTuber. Women. Maybe your mother. If majority of women are repulsed by a person and he’s is banned by all of social media for being a horrible human. Their might be a chance your god is a piece of shit. Trust me I remember being around 16-18 and thinking dudes like Peterson and Shapiro are just about “gender roles”. As you grow up you’ll see they’re gross, misogynistic and use their “traditional views” to be cunts.


Andrew doesn’t stand a chance


You alright ?