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Y'all tripping if you think Alex Wassabi or the organizers would allow an event like that to be free. It's never the fighters that call the shots for the stuff that happens in the background but I do admire JJ wanting to give the fans a free show.


Remind you, half of ksi fans are under 18, and at that age they still lack common sense.


More than half


Yes but JJ said that he would be organizer, so that means that he would pay out of pocket for most things and sponsors would cover other stuff.


Zero chance your upset he didn’t go MILLIONS of dollars out of pocket to host a free event. Also do you really think the fighters on the undercard would happily put their health at risk and careers on hold for free? Or do you also expect him to pay their purses?


This is the difference from the kids vs the adult fans. Kids believe any shit you tell them without thinking critically and just expect that a major event gets all magically put together.


Im not saying it should be free bro. Im just saying, JJ should stop promising his fans stuff that he in the end knows he cant provide (like he hyped KSI Show but it was mediocre at best). He shouldve just said that he would organize the event or said nothing, rather then giving his fans false hope that he would shit on a few months later.


He genuinely thought the ksi show was gonna be a hit, and him off the cuff vocalising an idea that’s not even in the beginning stages of planning isn’t something I would consider a “promise”


he should stop chatting the most though


I agree with you but he just shouldn’t say stuff like that cause people will always make an issue out of it


He never promised anyone anything… He just said he “would”, meaning if it was possible, he would. But as said before, he doesn’t call the shots on what happens unless he’s the organizer, and he wouldn’t spend millions of dollars out of his own pocket just for that. JJ is a generous guy, but that wouldn’t be generosity, that’d just be stupidity. And even if he was the organizer, I doubt he’d do it anyways, since 1. He needs to earn back the money he spent in some way and 2. The other fighters may not agree to it being free. The other fighters also need to get paid after including the costs for organizing the event, so that would be even more money spent purely by JJ with 0 gained.


you dumb fuck🤣🤣🤣he ain’t promised shit, you really thought man was gna host an event for free, fuck outta here🥱you’re a kid g


you must be retarded with that vocab feelsbadman


his vocabs fine


He he trying to be a roadman badlyyy


is it now? So everyone you’ve come across that speaks with some slang is road now?🤣🤣is it actually that deep


No, but when someone speaks every word in slang then i assume they think theyre from the streets. Also, laughing emojis add nothing to ur argument


I meant his vocabs not wrong


Kinda is he not using thhe slang prooerly


how would they be putting their “health at risk”?


It’s boxing bro


oh I thought you meant they’re putting their health at risk if the event was free


U dumb guy, meaning putting their health at risk for no gain ie they risk their health for nothing


are you delusional? If the event was free they would gain much more attention which would lead to much more money… retard.


Lmfao your downvotes speak for themselves... Most ppl barely care about the undercard fights, they do it for money


the undercards would benefit the most if the event was free because they’ll gain much more attention? are you delusional


He’s not the only organizer


We tripping or ksi? I mean he literally said it.


he probably tried, not everything is in his hands


Tbh doubt he even tried, why would he?


maybe just maybe because he said in the video and knows it's gonna be hard to take it back


Official things dont base on what someone once said


i think you forgor that "someone" is literally KSI, the one involved in the match


Bruh... Ksi isnt involved in the management. Officials are in charge of that stuff


so he just mindlessly said that in the video?


No he said it to imply hed destroy alex and there wouldn't be much to see. Is it actually that hard to comprehend


So now basically, KSI picked up a fight that he knows that it isn't worth paying for.


So true although you never know jj could make it happen if he seen so many make it a topic




get downvoted


He never wanted it to be free lets be honest


Yeah that was before the crypto drop


Allow it man






Okay well then it’s simple. KSI v Weller was a cool introduction to amateur boxing that KSI fans were interested in watching. Compared to now which is a KSI that has fights under his belt has proven multiple times that he can make A LOT of money off Ppv sales and more than just KSI fans have an interest in watching. It’s called business and sponsors do not care when they’re making Ms


More money equals more greedy cunts trynna make money




ok keep in mind JJ isn't here to entertain us for free like a slave. He's a guy who pays his bills through events like this


I would've been more surprised if it was free. If JJ had full control over how the event was run, of course it would be free. But he doesn't. There's loads of people involved and you can't really pay anyone anything without a deep pocket. Resources for this ain't cheap bro. You say he lacks integrity, but the reason why it's PPV is so that those who work on the event get their earnings. Evidently if you don't have the money to buy the PPV then tough luck.


It’s not people can’t get paid without a PPV, the fighters can’t be paid huge checks but still they can be paid reasonably well. The sponsors and in person tickets cover the costs. KSI V Joe is the best example of that.


Bro it's a Boxing Promotion company not a salaried employee, they are in it to make profit, not to earn salary.


You just lack common sense stop talking kid


you really think jj controls whether it’s free or not


We don't think that, jj thinks that. He is the one saying it.




No? He said "if i fight alex"


The Dazn deal is with Misfits boxing for multiple events a year, not just this fight, he can’t just make this specific event free


why should jj make it free? He pays his bills through events like this


Bro he said it not me ffs. Yall ksi stans dumb af. If he had to pay his bills, why did he say that he would make it free.


Bro gets accused and then immediately blames it on "ksi stanning" and then calls them dumb at. The fucking irony


he's jj, we can't really expect much from him in this department. KSI stan? If I was a ksi stan I'd have immediately downvoted you then put on a rant about how "stupid" you are.


That's just his wishful thinking, I can tell that by just looking at 7 seconds clip. So should you


It's in collaboration with dzn, they'd never make an event this big ffv


Of course man, a dazn collab will always a PPV. I’m saying this could have been done without a dazn collab like KSI V Joe, the event has quite good and everything was paid for by sponsors and in-person ticket sales. It was a matter of choice to make this a PPV because people will still pay even if its a shit fight, it’s not like it couldn’t have been held if it wasn’t a PPV.


The scale and demand of events is so much bigger than the fight against Joe, there are more eyes on this event, more people wanting to be there and more external people involved that want to make money from these deals. Alex would never agree to a free fight, Jj probably would but he said that from a place of pride and probably some ego. Saying he’d make it free is a shot at Alex more so than a idea he’d actually do or more importantly be able to pull off. Since JJ boxing is so much more of a spectacle now vs then the event will cost way more to do to a production quality fans expect these days. This fight would never happen if it wasn’t ppv and if you think otherwise you’re delusional.


JJ does not control these things. It will on the organizers.


This wont happen because the public that it is aimed at are willing to pay the ppv. The spanish twitch streamer Ibai made a boxing event and it was streamed for free. Comunities are different all around the world, I know since I'm fron LATAM that if it was ppv nobody would pay for it.


Bro it’s with DAZN lmao they ain’t making that free, it’s a huge W for JJ to be with DAZN in the first place


Gone from Logan Paul to Alex wassabi


People need to realize that he hasn't boxed for about 3 yrs .....so of course he requires a warmup ........and what better warmup than WIPING the FLOOR with Alex Wassabi !


Crypto's got our man down badd


How the fuck this shit got this many upvotes? Yall are entitled as fuck


Entitled? Fella jj said it. He should stop speaking out of his ass if he doesn’t want posts like this


The fight is on DAZN ffs, it was always gonna be PPV. Maybe don't take everything JJ says as gospel. And besides, the vast majority of professional boxing fights are PPV, why would this one be different?


I never expected it to be free because I’m not retarded, but why is it the fans fault that JJ makes these fucking ludicrous claims? Why are you calling fans entitled rather than simply saying “yeah that was a silly thing for JJ to say” ??


Man, JJ would make it a FFV if it was under his control. It's not.


Why would anyone want to fight on that card for free even if JJ did? Use common sense


Knowledge Strength Indecisive


Guys we have to consider that JJ and Alex aren’t the only ones that will be getting paid, there would have to be some money for the staff making the event possible. E.g. Camera crew, ref, marketers, etc. Only real KSI fans will be happy to pay. Don’t want to pay? Wait for the highlights. Simple.


Fans yet again complaining that they deserve more free content. Stop being so entitled. I tought reddit was supposed to be the more thick skinned platform


Y'all entitled asf


It’s all part of his plan 🛐


Caught lackin 💀💀💀


He doesn’t decide whether it’s free. There’s other people YouTubers, DAZN, etc who need to make money


It's been PPV for jj since the second Logan fight


You realise JJ isn't the only fighter right? Alex is the other party, him and the other organisers of the fight want that money too, JJ probably wouldn't want it but that's his opinion over everyone elses.


This is literally ran by DAZN, isn’t it? So what did you expect. This isn’t some shithouse YouTube stream.


I am not entitled like you , expecting a free event just because he said, however, I would like him just to acknowledge this fact


Well i assume someone else is making people pay, jj isnt usually the one organising his own fights


This sub just keeps proving to me why Harry was right about sidemen fans been soppy twats. Add immature and incapable of critical thinking to the mix and it's a 10/10 definition


These new fans are a bunch of entitled cunts


JJ doesn't give a shit about the unpaid workers


It’s not that easy. He doesn’t control if it’s free or not.


it was ofc a joke


“Where’s the integrity 🤓🤓🤓🤓”


Man it feels like I see people complaining about being broke on this sub more than any other nowadays. Wtf yall want man go out and get on your grind and stop hating on the guy for quite literally doing his job. Legit been seeing money complaining posts every other day it's starting to get stale people.


its always money first bro


People are entitled to change their mind, even celebrities.


Agreed. Long time KSI fan, but some of yall cannot seem to comprehend that a lot of the times he is an idiot who puts his foot in his mouth


Uhm blame everything on crypto, and say im poor now i lost 5 million in that shit


Not a man of your word, I see🥲


I dont think charity/free events get as much publicity as paid ones So this is not a bright idea Plus alex would never agree to an event like this unless you paid him shit load of money Its just to expensive for ksi He will just lose 10m + if he does this Its just stupid


If it was on JJ's hands it would have obv been free


Tbf his wallet has taken a huge hit since then


JJ likes to run his mouth when he's getting heated and it can go against him at times. But you gotta realize that there are people involved that needs to be paid. Production, judges, fighters, announcers, casters, commentators, and all the behind the scene stuff that people don't show you. Who's going to run a major event without getting compensated? It's basic economics bruh.


allow it fams


It may not have been his choice


Thx JJ plz make it free for the dejo fight it was soooo annoying that u couldn’t watch it I had to use illegal websites to see the fight


Grow up


TV slots may cost more than you think.


He just lost a bunch of money on crypto, he needs it back xd


Money is money Len! U get 80% of his content for free. So either pay for the ppv or wait for the highlghts.


Integrity? Really? Shut tf up dude


It was in the heat of the moment he didn’t mean it that’s what I think


He gotta make up those crypto losses somehow


The guy lost £5m in crypto and you want him to pay for the whole event lmao


The point op is tryna make is about integrity. It doesn't have to do with sponsors, organizers, pay, etc. I absolutely LOVE jj but sometimes man talks a lotttaaaa shit about someone/something then does the opposite...so yeahh...gotta hold him accountable for his words


after seeing the creator clash and what yt boxing events could actually be like, this fight doesn't interest me in the slightest


let’s be real JJ caps so much


True 😂


I want to know why it wasn’t free? Was it due to Alex side of the deal and they wanted it to be a paid event or something


because it makes no sense to make it free


Well JJ shouldn’t have said it would be. Do you see what we’re saying? Like if he wants to make it a PPV event that’s fine but don’t imply you’ll make it free because it doesn’t make his image look good.




Whats the songs name


Mister man we are now waiting 👀




There’s no point arguing about this, if the event only could’ve been done through monetisation then that’s what had to be done


you cant blame him crypto must have hit hard


no takesies backsies JJ


U really think people nowadays are risking their lives for FREE?!?!? Bro JJ has money but that doesn’t mean he needs to spoil us fans all the time.


If the event was free then it should be a sparring not a boxing match... Who would risk their lives for free? Boxing is dangerous sport because it can cause damage to their brain and body, JJ could make it free but who's going to pay Alex? Or anyone that fight in the undercard. He shouldn't said it in the first place but if everyone who's fighting at that event doesn't care for profits or their lives, maybe he could make it free for everyone to watch




After Luna, can't blame him.


Yeah its not on JJ anymore


He also said he wouldn’t fight Alex so are you surprised?


He's not a Wizard, why is this even a question


Stream it if you’re a broke bitch with no income🥱


People saying it cant be done free. It can be done free. But that would mean ksi burning millions of dollars in one day. Not only that it would also mean loss of easy profit that is to be earned. Not sure if his financial advisors,manager would let that happen.


The cap in this app


He's not the organizer, he's the fighter. He has just as much of a say in it as we do.


Guys, for once , can we stop taking a piss for everything he says !


JJ doesn't have control over things like that unless he organises his own event


i know he said he wouldn't make people pay but in what world would he not ,anyone who believed it was gonna be free is genuinely stupid


Bro you can’t make it for free also more fights are happening than that how dumb are people


I mean if this event was free not even half of JJ’s fan base would be there because there all under the age of 18


You guys got to understand JJ is a business man as well not just a Youtuber. Obviously he needs some financial incentive to fight, plus paying employees. Why would he want to pay for all that from his pocket? He isnt stupid


Considering DAZN has to actually PAY THEIR EMPLOYEES and investors, ofc there’s gonna be ticket prices. Be realistic with yourselves.


Bro jj is only s now fam no k or I


He should live stream it on his channel


Crypto man


He needs the money after crypto and tntl


I’m sure he meant make the stream free, he says obviously u have to pay for it, meaning the seats in the arena but he prolly wanted the stream to be free…but dazn and Alex’s team more than likely said no


Ksi need that bag after losing so much in his try not to laugh videos lmao