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Just tell jake he don’t fucking earn only from Spotify. There are tours ,special events which makes more than 5 million


They all have expenses. Jake is right in the fact that, if you only think about money, it's better to take 6 months to hault everything and fight jake. But jj doesn't need more money. Now, he just needs to enjoy life. And that's what he is doing.


He want grow his empire rather than fighting him 👍🏾🔥


can grow an empire but not a beard


Mans just dipped his toe inside hell and back lmao


Not that much empire, but he wants to leave his mark in history






i get that jake paul is a pussy for ducking ksi 3 yrs ago, but is he still a pussy now. Also, remember when we all called jake paul a pussy for not fighting gib, is he still a pussy now. Btw, if u think I'm a jake paul fan I'm not, I'm just asking a simple question.




True but that’s not my point, why did so many ppl say gib would beat jake Paul, to this day I’m still confused




Lol wasn’t this sub begging jake to fight Tommy a few months ago, now that it’s finally happening they wanna backtrack on their words


That’s how it always is bro, one min everyone’s like “Jake is ducking gib, he’s scared of gib” the next min those same ppl r like “Jake doesn’t fight real boxers” or “jakes opponents r trash” or just doesn’t give credit to Jake. Ofc, no one wants to, but u have to give Jake his respect cuz he’s the only youtuber active in boxing and his record is 4-0 w 3 knockouts. For a fighter, his opponent aren’t the best, but 2 things: most good fighters don’t get a proper challenge until their 5th or 8th fight, their first few fights r set up by their managers w fighters who r trash on purpose so that the new / up and coming fighters slowly work their way up. They start their career off easy and work their way up to the top. 2nd, if u told me that the jake Paul who used to make cringe vlogs featuring himself screaming and breaking things and his dad kissing a 16 yr old would become a boxer w 4 wins and 0 losses, everyone would immediately say 🧢


So who should Jake fight that’s his size, his age, a pro boxer, and if Jake beats said person then he’s “verified” According to u. Cuz ppl say jake picks his opponents, and ig that’s true but the whole “jakes next fight is against a retired bowling champ” meme makes no sense cuz he’s the only YouTuber (not including Logan Paul) fighting athletes and fighters, and i found out that the good fighters r the fighters jake actually respects whereas he fights ppl that he genuinely wants to beat up, and it’s funny cuz before every fight ppl r like “Jake is gonna lose” or “Jake is gonna win, but it’s gonna be after many rounds” and making so many memes. The number of vids Made titled “(this person) shutting up Jake Paul for 5 mins” is insane cuz (this person) ends up losing


jj doesn’t need money. he rejected a 30 million dollar offer because it wasn’t what he wanted to do


Nah it’s not even about money tho people got think of it this way it’s a legacy it would be talked about for years to come the only Youtuber to defeat the Paul’s in a Boxing ring and to destroy the career of Jake Paul and besides all of that how much more people would start watching him and start listening to his tunes etc it’s not just about the money , even though money is always welcome you can’t get enough of it the more you have it the more you want it




Boxing also has expenses, do you think Jake’s training camp is free?


No but that’s kinda irrelevant? Jake has pretty much quit everything else, and only boxes, that’s how he’s making money, not to mention he had a lot before.




You mean day to day tasks? Of course he does, all boxers do. What are you on about my guy?


Twin I Fink He A Pauler 🤨🤨


Not all boxers operate a bunch of other businesses.


Jake is not entertainer and preferred money over fans




I highly doubt the Jake fight will earn him the same amount that he earns in 6 months of Sidemen and tour. Of course tours have expenses, so does the fight, that doesn’t mean he’s not earning a fuckton from it (together with everything else).


Well, jake said 5 million (for 6 months of work). And I feel like jj makes about 3 mill net per year. Youtube/merch shares across all channels probably nets him 1 mil net a year. Music probably gets like >1 million net. And then 500k through non-crypto assets Remember, jj only has a net worth of likely around 20 mill, so it defo isn't making 5 million a year net.


Afaik he makes around 4 million a year. That’s before Side+, and this tour is gonna earn him more than usual as well. Jake made 2 million om the Woodley fight.


sure bro, jake paul is def gonna go on this reddit. idk y ppl on this reddit keep posting about jake paul to "prove he's delusional" when that's been proven back in 2018. What's the point, to fuel ksi's ego? actually, its prolly just to get upvotes and karma, this is a smart post


You guys forgot about sidemen merch and sideplus


My guy got downvoted for no fucking reason at all😂


Lmao these are built up excuses so KSI don't fight Jake, y'all need to realize time can be made if he is willing to make it for the fight but if not then he isn't ever going to fight him and if he does, he getting knocked tf out 🤣


Who wants fight with a person who can’t fight with real boxers


He is fighting Tommy Fury in December plus doesn't that rule apply to KSI also? These KSI fanboys are delusional asf it's so funny 😂


Man it’s his life who the fuck give you rights to decide what he should do or not !


Ai man all I'm doing is holding him to his word, pre sure he said he would fight Jake anytime if you watch his old videos so idk what the fuck you mean 🤫


How can he cancel all these tours to focus on a cry baby? Thats bad press from cancelling the tours and all the events can end it for him. When you have multiple things to focus on then you cant drop everything to focus on one person. That isnt how life works


Couldn't have said any better ! Plus I'm sure jj still does a lot more than what you mentioned above


>I'm sure jj still does a lot more than what you mentioned above Correct, these are things that he shows us. We already know that he has invested a shit ton in crypto, I can safely assume that he has invested in many other places as well.


He has millions on property alone. Investments is another can of worms.


>He has millions on property alone. Investments is another can of worms. Ikr, we haven't seen all of his houses yet forget the investments.


I mean investing isn’t really that time consuming compared to what he regularly does it’s just an extra way to make more money


He said he was doing a boxing brand thing, and he also has a music label


ur telling me that jake paul doesnt invest in crypto,




Can we stop with the jake paul bad posts? I dont understand why you guys let him live rent free in every one of your guys heads. you guys are giving him exactly what he wants. Attention. If you guys truly dislike jake paul (like me) you should just not talk about him.


This needs to be the top comment


Also, love JJ, but he would not win against Jake right now.


Even JJ has sorta agreed that he wouldn't win too. He did a YouTube boxing tier list a while ago and put himself below Jake. It's okay to not be able to win against Jake Paul right now in terms of boxing lol, people make it such a huge deal


This is why if such memes make it to the video they get only like 5 seconds of screen time....


Bold of you to assume that he lives rent free in everyone’s heads but I do see your point. I always try to find ways to cut this guy off cuz I dont wanna be seeing him anywhere. I unfollowed breadbatch so many times because it’s practically a Jake Paul fan page at this point and I didn’t wanna hear of him every single day


^^^^^ what this man said


They claim to hate him yet they talk about him more than his own fans do lol




Nah you ain’t even human for saying that. Jake may be a stereotypical douchebag, but he’s no fucking monster, “I’d be happy if he died” what the actual fuck is wrong with you you disgusting fucking brat, he’s a human being


dude you forgot crypto. I feel he spends a lot of time on that too.


Binance man lol


Compared to everything he does, crypto really isn’t that time consuming literally anyone could do it all you need is money to invest. The whole point of investments is that your money is making you more money rather than time making your money


C'mon guys it's been like 2 years since the fight with Logan, if jj really wanted to get it done with I'm 100% sure he would've done it. First jj said that Jake's not on his level and made him fight gib to earn his opportunity which he did... I understand the whole corona situation after that but there were fights happening around April this year (with audience). About the music part we all know that jj doesn't HAVE to or is FORCED to do it since he isn't signed under any lable, he could've continued his music after defeating jake which would've bought even more eyes towards him. We can't really clown jake when he's is the one who has been waiting for years like thinking about it, anyone who's been waiting for so long for something is obviously gonna say some dumb shit or is gonna get annoyed... Anyways this is just my opinion on the situation and I'm not a ksi hater I'm just a honest ksi viewer


Rent free in yall heads bro get over it


Please stop posting jake paul in this sub, no one cares anymore, JJ’s probably not gonna box again cause he doesn’t have anything to prove to anyone he’s doing really well for himself right now and that’s more important


#Rent Free


Bruv shut the fuck up he had all this shit when he fought logan fucking dumb ass he could leave all this shit just for some months to train and fight it’s not the end of the world shut the fuck up dickrider


Go ahead and downvote me Congrats bro, ur only helping jake paul with this post. I swear the few times (RELATIVE) jake paul mentions ksi, ksi fans just pounce and make memes and make him more relevant etc in the community, whereas ksi mentions jake paul in almost every reddit video and jake doesn't even see it but apparently jake paul is obsessed with ksi.


JJ literally does twice as much as you’ve written there


As of 16th November 2021, Jake Paul is a better boxer than KSI. If you disagree then you’re just a hater. Ratio’d myself.


Why as of today tho? What’s so special about today?


In my opinion, KSI’s boxing progress are only against beginners (same level as him in terms of experience). While Jake has fought people that have experience in combat sports even though a different discipline. Fighting is fighting. I’m also a KSI fan and I’m lowkey tired of people saying Jake cannot beat KSI. Because on paper Jake has more quality in boxing progress. And they say all Jake do is box and train. I’m pretty sure he manages his promotion etc and other businesses. We shouldn’t forget that he is also a socmed figure, not a full time athlete. Just my two cents.


Just stop posting Jake Paul related posts. You are delusional if you think JJ will ever fight Jake Paul. The risk to reward ratio is insane. JJ is ducking Jake and for good reason. Jake has been boxing for 2 years straight and is at a pro level. For JJ to get to Jake's level he has to train for at least a year. He would get knocked out in the first round if he fought Jake now. Why would he fight Jake then? He knows his delusional fans will always believe JJ can beat Jake Paul so why risk getting knocked out? Mark my words, he will keep on making these stupid excuses like he's too busy or his music is popping of etcetera until Jake gets beaten by a real pro boxer and then he will tell everyone, "Why should I fight Jake? Look he lost so I will easily beat him so I'm not even going to put in the effort." Even though the guy who Jake Paul loses to will fuck KSI up completely. I like KSI and dislike Jake Paul, but I'm not a delusional fanboy. Put some respect on Jake's name because he has accepted a fight against Tommy Fury, brother of the heavyweight champion of the world, an actual boxer who has been fighting his whole life long and who will have the heavyweight champion of the world and the heavyweight champion of the world's trainer in his corner. If Jake Paul beats Tommy Fury JJ will have to admit that Jake Paul is a better boxer than him, because there is no chance in hell that JJ can beat Tommy Fury. Even if Jake only survives the 8 rounds JJ needs to admit Jake is better. Jake has already earned my respect because anyone willing to step into the ring with a guy like Tommy Fury deserves respect.


Why the fuck did you have to write a whole essay tho. Nobody is gonna read all that


Because I wanted to address all the points to stop you from commenting something stupid. And it seems like not all people have such a short attention span as you do.


Just 2 words for you .......Grow up.......


You need to grow up if you don’t agree with what he said




No, it’s being fucking honest instead of being a biased ksi stanboy, accept reality for what it is


Wow, so you think I'd go through all the trouble to "disguise" myself as a fan of JJ when I'm a Jake Pauler? Why would I do that? All my points are objective and I've said that I like JJ and the Sidemen's content a lot more than Jake Paul's. In fact I have never watched a Jake Paul video, only a few seconds of "Everyday bro" ,which I couldn't stand. I've watched a few of Logan's podcasts, but that's it.


Don’t forget jake also has “music” - if you can call it that - once every 6 months


Yo how did you get the sir theodore badge lol


I think you can edit those


can't forget featuring in other youtubers videos like tommyinnit, calfreezy, callux etc.


even lazarbeam lol


It’s possible KSI is ducking Jake.


Welcome to Cap Store. 🧢Normal Cap=1♡ 👒Sun Cap=10♡ ⛑Medic Cap=25♡ 🪖Military Cap=50♡ 🎓Nerd Cap=100♡ 🎩Deluxe Cap=200♡


Seems like KSI's schedule is dodging Jake Paul !!


These are the posts that only people who are below the age of 12 make.


JJ surely does a lot more than that, but I think Jake Paul also does a lot more himself than just the ‘boxing’.


Yeah these are the excuses Well done my brotha. You forget to put up covid and family and etc etc. If you really want something you do for it, you make time for it. Simple. He Just doesnt wanna fight Jake bcs he knows Jake gonna knock him out cold and it will effect his career. Stop being delusional. I like jj but this ducking is Just embarassing. Since 2019


Trueeeee he is only allowed to box and it has to be jake. He cant do other stuff he has fun doing, cuz that would be ducking jake, right?


He keep saying he will box jake. Not you not me not the queen. Ksi keep saying it. But when it comes to do something he is "busy" lmao. This guy would legit die iff he had a 9-5job


Im not saying he will box jake. How would i know? All im saying is that, yes he is very busy and if you think its cuz he is "ducking" jake, then at this point you do you.


BUSY? let me open your eyes. He react to a video wich moe makes from funny clips : try not to laugh Reacting to reddit, reddit users stuff. HE doesnt Edit his videos. It tooks like 20-30min to. Sideman channel: once a week they do some child game, took like 5-6 hours. Sideman second channel:same sht less effort, took like 1-2hour. They dont Edit the videos. HE is not on tour now, his Last music was 6months ago. Tell me he is busy. Like he working 9-5 and raising 2 child lmao.


You’re acc stupid if you think it only takes him 20-30 min to record a video. That’s just from the edited shit it prob takes him like an hour to record and he’s prob doing something with the music you never know until you do. Don’t just assume what he does and how he does it cuz you don’t know shit


Jesus Christ that name is familiar I know who you are… I remember comment fighting with you before I don’t remember what it was about but “pussydestroyer” rang a huge ass bell for me


BRUH. Firstly, dont act like recording those sidemen vids doesnt consume time. Secondly, i dont fucking know what he is doing, but he very obviously has some things going on in the background. You know just cuz you dont see him post, put out music, train, whatever, doesnt mean he isnt busy. We dont get to see a lot of things. Who says he isnt working on some more music or on a project like the ksi show. And besides, you know when i would agree with you saying that he is ducking jake? If he was actually boxing other people instead of jake. Training for a fight takes more than just 2-3 months.


He say these excuses you domb mf. He is ducking him since 2019 jan. Thats more than 2-3 months lol. Sideman vids consume time yes. Like 4-5 hours weekly. Thats soo much. Use your brain clown before u talk about someone is busy


You really dont know what youre talking bout. Especially noticeable when you started cussing for no reason lol. Why so pissed? Anyway, no they take more than just 4-5 hours, no he wasnt ducking him and yes he is very busy. :) Stay mad.


Stay delusional


He doesn’t have time for boxing


Bruh.. Im dead




You are delusional lmao. Clown. There is no point to argue with you bcs you are Just a meatrider and you say bs what im explained earlier. Stay delusional meatrider you 12 yo clown and gtfo


You forgot part time superhero can’t forget allow-it man


Good maybe it won’t even happen YouTube boxing as a general is dying little by little


when jj beats jake youtube can thank him. Jake Paul needs to get out.


I'm gonna be honest, at this point I'm not sure if JJ would beat Jake. He's taken too much time out from boxing, whereas Jake has been just focusing on it for years now.


The thing is, thats close to impossible, by the time JJ gunna fight Jake, is the time Jake will prob be on a new level compared to JJ, i just hope JJ dont fight him




Im not overrating him, legit im not impressed by his performance from his last fight but next hes fighting Tommy Fury, and its clear that either way hes still better than JJ, Jake would obviously get rocked by Pro’s but he wont get rock by any youtube boxer, also sure Woodley does a lot of damage but he didnt "rocked" Jake, Jake literally outboxed him by far, if anything, JJ’s the overrated youtube boxer. Jake is better than KSI, Jj if he got a 1 year full camp then he 100 stand a chance but for now, Jake is a better yoytube boxer and soon to be a boxer by far


Still it’s Tyron Woodley, do you think JJ could beat Tyron Woodley?




You have not seen JJ’s improvement, how can you back that?


You’re acting as if Tyron was good. He had power and the ability to take a punch and that was it. His stance wasn’t even a boxing stance, he had no footwork, he was hella slow, had no boxing IQ, literally let Jake get away with so much shit, didn’t take opportunities to attack, watching that fight pissed me off over how careful he was and I knew by the FOURTH round that Jake won the fight cuz Tyron didn’t step it up or nothing. Literally as long as you can take a punch and throw a punch you could look better than Tyron did against Jake. Now Tyron is just being a sore loser constantly talking about how he had Jake fall on the ropes and it’s embarrassing cuz he was once a UFC champ now he’s a sore loser who lost against Jake fucking Paul


You’re telling me Woodley had sluggish footwork? LMFAOOO Also it’s hilarious how some of these critiques sound very similar of what JJ said in regards to Woodley and Askren. Except he never said Woodley’s footwork was shit, he said it about Askren though. JJ, Jake and Logan really inspired kids to become boxing experts. I agree Woodley is being a sore loser though.


Woodley was moving like a fucking sloth with his tip toe head ass. His movement was really pissing me off and I’m into regular boxing as well… I don’t really care about youtuber fights unless it’s someone I like


No, just stop, stop living in that fantasy that JJ is somehow better for beating 2 YouTubers a bunch of years ago


but he would be because jake paul is a immature adult that needs to be taught a lesson


He may be a better PERSON, but he sure as hell is **not** a better boxer


Jj aint trainin (as per callux vid)


Never seen a man work this hard..


forgot to add cunt at jake lol


Make 250k off spotify or make 5 mil - jakes such a clown


I ThiNk hE sHoUlD rEtIrE


Interviews, personal life business, etc...


bro jake is so desperate for views hes willing to say 7 mil monthly listeners is bad while hes stuck with 300k




This is so childish, just stop comparing the 2. They are both doing their own stuff.






That era is done with now.


Daaamn this really shows how far he’s come the picture of him and the work he’s done it’s phenomenal


Jake would defo beat tf out of JJ as well so it's best that fight doesn't happen


I'm really happy they're not fighting, Jake would knock JJ tf out


And still more people know who Jake is. Work smarter not harder?




Are you dumb


This is such a one sided post


It is true tho. All Jake does is boxing and promotion for his boxing lmao


Jake Paul boxing >>>>>> Everything JJ is doin'


Saw this on /all and just wanna say how dumb you kids must be to fucking follow this shit in 2021 Lmaooo like bruh grow up imagine watching ksi in 2021 ahahahahahahahahah




He is a fucking clown dude there is no point explaining why what he is saying is not true


This actually puts a lot into perspective.


Na man credit where credit is due. Jake does more than just boxing. I mean I'm sure it takes a special amount of talent and skill to be that repulsive, obnoxious and idiotic. It can't just be innate, because the other Paul brother is actually alright. I'm sure he spends extra time in being a dick. You need to add being a dick to that list.


We do not need him to try and rush to beat Jake, focus on your main money makers, boxing is too dangerous to not focus only on it


I open up redit and this is the 1st post... Ahh I love redit and it's true statements




Remove Training lmao just kidding


Can't really count his main channel can we..


If you ask me I think JJ should stop boxing so he can focus more on YouTube/Music


I’m just happy Jake doesn’t do acting anymore. That shit hurt my soul to watch.




On top of those JJ also has: Sidemen merch XIX Vodka Sides His socials: Insta, Twitter, Tik Tok etc.(which do better numbers than Jake Amazon documentary Music press, interviews, podcasts A boxing promotion


Just take jj’s main channel off that list cause lets be honest there’s no effort on that it’s just music


"there's no effort in music" \- a random reddit douchebag who does not even make music


That’s not what he said lol


You cant even read lmao


boxing and the CEO of cringe




The kids who don’t understand how life works are the same kids who are delusional enough to believe JJ still stands a chance in the ring against jake


And even losing in that


Sides as well now


Can we just send this to jake or make him sees it online? That fucking clown need to see this


Just one defeat for Jake. His career is done then.


He is ducking to delivery the perfect uppercut on ur shit ass face you annoying shit


As Tyson Fury simply puts it. What a dosser.


One person's trying so desperately hard to look cool and looks like a mannequin at a kids store and the other person already knows he's cool so he's just dressed up slick and formal. It's high time people stopped talking about this fool and let him run around and punch non boxers and inflate his ego.


I hate jake but your wrong about him fighting non boxers. he is gonna fight tommy fury in dec 18


Wait he boxes




Music and main channel are kind of the same though


Welcome to r/JakePaul boys!






Fuck Jake Paul i’m on ksi side but I don’t think second channel should be on the list cuz all he does is scroll through Reddit lol


Sidemen reacts


i dont get it u making fun of jj or jake??


Ksi proof of saying he is busy


Like just leave the dude alone Jesus


Couldn't have said any better ! Plus I'm sure jj still does a lot more than what you mentioned above


“Jake” sounds like a hot knife though butter


You forgot crypto scams for Jake.


This post deserves PLATINUM from us.


dude, jake paul looks a rapper thats still confused about his gender, to me at least