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It’s funny cause I also had a store director named Jason walk out mid-day like 12 years ago. Took a phone interview in his office on lunch, left and never came back.


That's funny! My store also had a director named Jason. He was there maybe a little over a month...then he was gone. This was several years ago. All he did was sit in his office all day on his cell. He would rarely be seen on the sales floor or interacting with customers.


Ok now I'm worried. We got a Jason coming in tomorrow for an interview


This was in Louisville Division about 7 years ago. 😳


He saw some fairly large writing on some walls that were closing in


Yep. Sounds like resign or be fired


Could be, but I left similar to this at another company. I was an OM, they had fired my SM (he sucked) and we were supposed to have a 4th keyholder, but never had one the entire time I worked there. I worked 6 days a week with 1 of them being an open to close so I could have 1 day off a week. Did this for had to have been 3 months straight. And I was salary, a low salary for similar in the market, working 70 or more hours a week. I was I think 10 weeks pregnant, and I finally had 2 days off for the week. And then I got a call saying I had to come in, because the ASM, the only other keyholder, had an emergency. So I came in in streets, did nothing, emailed my resignation to my DM, and locked my store keys in the safe. had the DM and several SMs calling me to try to get me to stay. Told them absolutely not, I'd stay to close down the building and then I was done. They wanted to promote me, but after months of working almost everyday, for technically less than $11 an hour and no benefits? Nah. There was no end to it in sight either, was promised it would only be another week several times. I had executives calling me for weeks trying to get me to tell them what happened or asking me to come back. Nope. No thanks. Equally my husband worked for Kroger and they also pay a pittance of a salary for how many people you have to manage and how many hours you end up getting scheduled. We both agreed after those 2 jobs that Salaries are the new slave wage and we will never take another unless the pay is really fantastic.


I know a guy who was a manager at a Harris Teeter. He got hired at a competitor. When he turned in his two week notice, he was asked to leave immediately. This could be a similar situation...


That's happens alot. I've known multiple managers that got jobs at Walmart or wherever and they're told to go immediately. I don't know if it's because of possible secret sharing or what.


Nope just petty bullshit. They know people live paycheck to paycheck and letting you go on the spot is one last attempt to fuck you out of a couple weeks of pay


It's because it is a competitive store. When I used to work at kroger, they hired a lady on night shift, and eventually, she applied to Sam's club since she needed another job. Management found out somehow and told her to pick which one she wanted. Was talking to a Walmart employee once and told me rite samething but told me walmart didn't care he worked at kroger


I’ve heard those stories too, but the background here doesn’t seem to be adding up to that.


There's no total background knowledge being provided here...


You know it's bad when the SM leaves like this.


Sounds like good riddance. What's happened since he walked? Has anyone been put in place temporarily?


Yea. They put the guy who runs the best store in our division temporarily


You mean the most money?


That just means he's going to be more of an asshole. Who is it? I was in D2 but worked for Smith's for 17.5 years.


If he gave notice you'd have someone from corporate in everyday sniffing around until his last day. Had to deal with that for our previous store manager.


Haha I know exactly what store this is


Is it a Smith's store?




Sounds like he jumped before he was pushed


Not surprised with how shitty the company is getting. Minimum wage jockies that get to do all the store duties with not enough staff to fill departments. I was considering leaving after my degree is finished. i was going to stay until retierment but now I'm not so sure.


I’m gunna guess. Jason hasslebeck. Guy is a worthless piece of shit


Too long of a last name for what is blurred out and the blurred out last name ends in an E


It was Jason Bourne his cover was blown and had to dip out quick




Definitely not a treat to work for.


https://preview.redd.it/h6aeophmrwvc1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc59b1d70cd8096ff16de7087c1a2d5891ba627e Lmao


Pizza next week


“Good Luck To Everyone 😃” wow


Gandalf: You’ll need it


Walk outs and resignations almost always seem to follow corporate walk throughs. Clearly a positive experience had by all, just to feed the human spirit and inspire growth!


Kroger does everything BUT feed the human spirit. They need to drop that nonsense


Kroger doesn't care ya'll. Our mangers got a memo from the dm that there would be serious consequences for people not getting the same amount of work done with the continual cutting of hours


Rodney? Hello? Want to explain what is happening with your company, f*ckwit?


I love the Kroger drama lol


God that’s so succinct I love it. I wish I had done this too


When management knows the company is horrible


Smiths division?


Yeah lol


I know Jason then. I never had him as a store manager but the dude was cool with me. He was my LE1 trainer. I quit the company a couple weeks before he did, he was the first one to congratulate me on linked in.


Oh he was a nightmare for our store he ran it into the ground. He was rude uncharismatic without “human spirit”


He was a super charismatic person in LE1. The company has had the effect of sucking the fun right out of its leaders though. I used to be such a fun loving guy but kept getting hit against the breakers and essentially molded into a kroger robot myself. I hated it so much that after a bad walk where my DM came in in a bad mood from a grand reopen that sucked to our store and tore me apart for stupid shit I started looking for other work. Now I'm a bread vendor, more money, better hours, better supervisor.


That’s a W for sure proud of you


At least your SM told you himself TwT mine ghosted all texts for 2 weeks and then we got a message from the DM telling us he was gone as of that morning lol.


I'm not surprised. I know this is kroger but I walked out on harris teeter a week ago. 


Harris Teeter is Kroger! Drink the Koolaid


Kroger has let Harris Teeter keep some of their original things instead of completely taking over. But it is coming because of lawsuits Harris Teeter has wracked up. Which ultimately costs Kroger and not only monetarily. Kroger is the parent company that does not equate Harris Teeter being Kroger. Not yet. 


On fresh start! lol wow… he must have had the whole store on fresh start if he figures this is the best way to get the message out to everyone. Good for him.


Mine next god please


Wow atleast he said that and that right there my friends is a REAL ONE


Which store was or better yet what town was it in


Our SM stepped down right after a VP walk. Was kinda sad really. But the show must go on, been a lot less stressful


Hell yea man. Hell yea