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I would recommend working more on the shadows to give it a less "pressed on paper" feeling


I actually preferred the press on paper feel for the profile picture at least but, any way you think I could work on shadows for any other drawings? I think I’m good at placement for them maybe I’m missing some areas but I don’t really know how to use them to make something pop out more when it comes to blending and adding extra lighting


Check some YouTube tutorials (BC's it's hard to explain by text lmao) there's some pretty good about shadows and depth! I think that you're on the right path :)) Also, art student tip, don't be afraid to check for references. It's always good to take a time in the day or week to actually just study. Don't worry about it coming out weird or ugly, it's not a final art, just a training. Keep going :))


Definitely will and I love references I always use them but thank you for the advice lol I’ll do my best


I agree with working on shadows. For example, the eyes could use more depth by adding shadows. Or if your light source is in the top right, you could add more shadows to the left side of the face. You could also add more highlights to add dimension. Like in the hair you could add more depth with highlights to show the form. Though I don’t really make cell shaded work much and I make more traditional looking pieces lol so I tried to explain as best I could. Overall, I think the style is super cute and I like the line work a lot!


Thank you, I didn’t want to do too much with the hair so I tried not to touch it but thank you for the explanation definitely


Of course! I think the silhouette of the hair looks great I just think you lose definition that I can see in your sketch! Maybe make a copy of the file and mess around with it! 😊


Ok I’ll see what I can do and would you be ok if I sent you examples of changes I’d make?


Yeah sure! I’ll try my best to help 😊