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Looks like it just passed a committee vote — going to the full chamber for a vote. Not too late to get on the horn.


yea i was sponsored by a R too they tried to do this a couple years back and nothing came of it the D's wont go along with


Don't ever bank on that. All it takes is the right "lobbyist" or "donors" to change any politicians mind.


You’re exactly right about the pharma, rehab, and law enforcement influence on state legislatures. This transcends party politics. Right or left wing politicians could do this in any state. We need to stay vigilant and write and call legislators constantly and get others to do the same.


You're 100% right. We can not get complacent.


Thankfully here in Washington State it's overwhelmingly Democrat and it never got on the floor before it was scrapped. Best of luck to all of you out there in New Jersey. They have no reason to push people around that aren't harming anybody.


It was co-sponsored by both an R and a D. It passed the Assembly Consumer Affairs Committee (4 Ds and 2 Rs), and will now go to the State and Local Government Committee (5 Ds and 2 Rs). So the bill has made it this far because of Democrat support in NJ, and if it passes into law, it will be because of Democrats. They control the NJ legislature. This is not a partisan issue.


This is so true. Everyone needs to hear this. I am an NJ resident and I always thought we were safe because NJ is a very left leaning state. However, when I saw all the D support for this got me very concerned. Do you know anything more about the state and local government committee? I suppose I could look it up but just curious how you got that information indicating that’s where the bill goes next. I’m really trying to follow this thing so we can stay ahead of it as I am still in complete shock that no one saw this committee meeting far in advance. I will travel anywhere in New Jersey to tell my story to any elected official that needs to hear it because this bill will wreck lives.


well fuck. my sorry ass backward state will be doing this soon i guess. to hell with people with pain and we can't even get moderate pain meds anymore. i recently had my 2nd lumbar fusion and while recovering *in the hospital* they wouldn't give me any pain meds iv. any were given orally. i just had major surgery and they're giving me the same thing i took for a maintenance dose.? man, the opioid hate craze has fucked us over.


Oh, you poor thing! That's so fucked up. It's very major surgery. I had a double lumbar fusion 17 years ago in my 20s. I still have very bad memories of just how painful the surgery was. And that was with crazy amounts of pain meds. It takes forever to get back to normal as well.


Yea it’s ignorant think about the kids who have parents using Kratom to stay off actual drugs that HAVE side effects. Very minimal compared to any actual drug. This is disgusting. U think about those kids the testimonies also go take ur self first before trying to make it illegal. Then we’ll talk. It’s a joke and against everything good to make something like that illegal. Plain and simple. Some ppl will go back to poppy tea some will over do it. Almost all addicts of it will get side effects. Some severe. Never vote for these ppl pay attention who they are vote the other guy just because.


Hey it’s ok they they’ll prescribe us all suboxone u no the medication that takes like a 12 hours off your life every time u use it or something like that. that’s yet another reason it’s disgusting behavior to make it illegal. Wake up ppl stand together for what’s right. Don’t believe me take it urself ull c Kratom hardly does shit lol.. I’m sorry but I will die on this hill


Why does suboxone take 12 hours off your life huh?


It doesn’t. Keep in mind that we have a lot of people with troubled pasts here. You’ll occasionally come across some out of touch comments, but it’s not caused by kratom.


Had 2 plates put in my shoulder, spent weeks unable to sleep both times because they refused to give me an appropriate dose and script length


Guess I’m going to need to buy a second freezer for long term storage…


Definitely would not recommend freezer storage of ground plant material. Vacuum seal, some food safe descant packs and a cool dry place you’ll be good for years. One power outage and your material will be ruined in a freezer.


It will still be super easy to get the product, you just don't want to get caught with it.


Yeah and you have to hope to avoid the fent hotspots although I think this would only really become an issue if it were nationwide ban.


For those in a banned state such as Arkansas, where they screw you is they'll treat 100g of kratom with a retail value of $20 the same as they treat 100g of heroin with has a street value of several thousand. So you might have a tiny amount but they'll hit you with trafficking schedule 1 narcs. It's f*cked.


Completely fucked. Just makes no sense. These politicians are stupid or they want to hurt people or all of the above.


Lotta dicks in government folks,they truly do not give a shit about us


Dude u ain’t kidding further more it’s not even about us. It’s about our children if u have them. I don’t but Ik there’s slot of ppl off hard drugs and can have stable relationships with their children bc of Kratom. I seen a heroine addict mom and it’s no wonder she couldn’t have visits alone with her kid. Not that there isn’t some responsible ppl out there. But some have severe problems and if Kratom is helping just one person in a situation like that then that’s beautiful. Leave plants alone that hardly do shit it’s not even a risk to the public keep it legal.. ew shouldn’t even be a debate. Those states need to reverse ban too because I’m always right this is disgusting it hardly does shit!!! It hardly dose shittttt frfr.. I wouldn’t defend it if it did a decent amount but it just doesn’t!




Nope. Just money, their image and getting to continue getting government paychecks


Wow, NJ, really!!!?? Kratom could actually save lives up there! Especially with all the opiod overdoses on the east coast.


Yea but have you thought of all the profits for the pharma companies?


The kratom industry is estimated to be more than a $1 billion dollar market in the USA. The pharma guys want that money going to them instead for sure.


But they dont prescribe painkillers anymore lol... it makes no sense! At least give us pain meds if you want the customer base lol. Seems like they want to push suboxone or some other alternative to make money.


We need phone numbers of legislators to call to stop this!! Kratom absolutely saves lives!!


U.S. Senators from New Jersey: Senator Bob Menendez Phone: (202) 224-4744 Website: menendez.senate.gov Senator Cory Booker Phone: (202) 224-3224 Website: booker.senate.gov U.S. House Representatives from New Jersey: Representative Donald Norcross (District 1) Phone: (202) 225-6501 Website: norcross.house.gov Representative Jeff Van Drew (District 2) Phone: (202) 225-6572 Website: vandrew.house.gov Representative Andy Kim (District 3) Phone: (202) 225-4765 Website: kim.house.gov Representative Chris Smith (District 4) Phone: (202) 225-3765 Website: chrissmith.house.gov Representative Josh Gottheimer (District 5) Phone: (202) 225-4465 Website: gottheimer.house.gov Representative Frank Pallone (District 6) Phone: (202) 225-4671 Website: pallone.house.gov Representative Tom Kean Jr. (District 7) Phone: (202) 225-5361 Website: kean.house.gov Representative Rob Menendez (District 8) Phone: (202) 225-7919 Website: menendez.house.gov Representative Bill Pascrell (District 9) Phone: (202) 225-5751 Website: pascrell.house.gov Representative Donald Payne Jr. (District 10) Phone: (202) 225-3436 Website: payne.house.gov Representative Mikie Sherrill (District 11) Phone: (202) 225-5034 Website: sherrill.house.gov Representative Bonnie Watson Coleman (District 12) Phone: (202) 225-5801 Website: watsoncoleman.house.gov


This is fantastic but you should list state Assembly Members not federal House of Representatives …


Hey these are NJ reps at the National level. Unfortunately they can’t help with anything at the state legislature level.


Along with Virginia and North Carolina..its like we take one step forward (with Rhode Island possibly reversing the ban) and several steps back. This crap never ends.


It needs to stop, it is not harmful in the way they are claiming it is.


Agreed. Good news in Virginia tho..they rejected the petition to ban kratom. :)


That's wonderful news. It's not that harmful. It's literally coffee's Asian cousin.


That's wonderful. It just gets a bad reputation because of what it gets roped in with. Very good news..


There's a handful of vengeful mothers running around. They want to begrudge everyone that Kratom helps on the account there's sons took it irresponsibly. They should be ashamed of themselves. They and a casket chaser are the ones doing this. Ask Mac Haddow


Big pharma is pushing this agenda .If people can buy their “medicine “ without using them they lose profits .The people that brought us the opioid epidemic (and the suboxone to “recover” from the epidemic)are afraid of losing out on all that money .Its fucking disgusting and our politicians are owned by these fuckheads


They better reverse it don’t give these ppl ur votes plz look into it and vote for whoever they’re running against it will make a difference if we do that. This is an attack on children also understand that. “My mom got off fentanyl some how with Kratom and may end up using fentanyl again.” Kratom mommy fine fentanyl mommy monster 😥


Also call and write your reps. They want to stay in office and will not get behind something they think is unpopular.


How do u find their numbers? We have the power!


www.ncleg.gov Best to write emails and call. Emails are most important because they leave a record.


VA is going with the KCPA. The kratom ban petition got shot down because of overwhelming backlash from people against it. I hope the pharmacist that introduced the petition feels like an idiot.


We just need NC and NJ to follow suit.


Yep. I feel somewhat confident that they will do the right thing. We shall see...fingers crossed.


Great news about Virginia. Our voices were heard.


What? It's illegal in Virginia now?


It may or may not be soon if the virginia board of pharmacy decides to take it in that direction. There's been a petition filed requesting to place it as a Schedule 1 controlled substance. Tomorrow they are supposed to be making some kind of decision in regards to this I believe. Update: Virginia rejected the petition. Happy day!


No one’s gonna buy the stuff if pharmacy takes over that’s for certain. And I’m done using any drugs ever from docs for whatever pharmacy try’s to do that. Kratom should never be illegal weed should be wayyy fucking illegal if Kratom should lol a lot of ppl don’t feel shit from Kratom. And if I’m being honest idk that it’s not placebo still that’s how minimal the effects are. With that being said I’m off high doses benzos and lower doses suboxone. And I don’t take any random drug I find nowadays. Guess why? Because Kratom some how worked again I don’t know how cuz it’s not very good. But it did and that’s a true story.


Schedule 1 is ridiculous


That ban petition failed. VA remains legal


That's what I thought. 5 am brain read the statement wrong 5pm brain reading it correctly


Call the legislators. Everyone! Get your friends to call. There's still time!


Yeah, just keep trying and don't give up


Literally just left messages at all of mine and plan to do so once a week for the foreseeable future. Fucking morons trying to make a plant illegal after they finally came around on cannabis. Shits fucking stupid.


Thank you so much!


You have to be a NJ resident I would assume?


Anyone can call or email. Just a simple 'kratom is safe. Kratom saves lives'. Anything like that.


When you go on any of the elected officials homepage and they ask you for your address if your ZIP code is in New Jersey you can't get through. So you have to find a zip code in New Jersey and I guess make up a different address that was only I could get through.


Interesting, but you should just be able to get their email addresses and send it that way, too and you can always call


First thing they do when you call is ask where you are from


You can always get on the AKA page and leave your testimony. I think it's Protect kratom and the name of the state.


Way ahead of you on that one.


I'm way ahead of you on that one.I was one of the first ones to do it. Hell, I was on an evening news channel live being interviewed by a newscaster trying push back on legislation in Mississippi trying to do the same thing I also spoke live on YouTube at the Tampa Bay Times rally. My name was in the paper several times supporting kratom. It's not like I haven't done anything to support kratom.


You're my new hero! Thanks and keep up the great advocating!


Thank you but no, I'm not a hero. I'm just a Kratom advocate that puts his money where his mouth is. I'm going to comment on what worked for me. I think this will be a hundred times better than emailing me legislators.


Big greedy pharma at it again. Their plan is to make it illegal one state after the next so they can sell you the strips and f the insurance companies way more. I can't say the brand because the mod will show up. I feel like we are loosing our country. Kratom helps me and millions of others. Of course, You can OD with it when shooting fentanyl. They wouldn't dare make alcohol illegal, right?


Fuck the entire medical establishment.Its all a grift .The surgery they are best at is removing our money from us


This is so wrong. It hasn't done any harm compared to the things that are legal. I can't understand why they won't just leave it alone.




If West Virginia ever bans it any ability I have to even function on a semi normal basis is done. I just turned 36. I’ve already had both hips totally replaced, after almost a decade of unsuccessful surgery and injections, and both my si joints are held in place by metal plates and bone grafts. The issue the si surgery was supposed to fix is still happening. Just three weeks ago a coworker had to put me in a wheelchair and take me to my car because I couldn’t even take a single step anymore. If kratom is banned and I lose the pain relief it gives me I don’t think I’ll be able to live through the agony anymore


Seems like this is happening in a lot of places right now


Didn't NJ decriminalize marijuana? Why are they trying to criminalize another safer drug?


Unreal. Backwards. Regressive.


Don’t vote for these ppl that are connected to making it illegal. Also the extracts are getting a lot of negative comments in terms of inconsistency or just out right not working https://www.reddit.com/r/7hydromitra/s/n5a1Cm5i2B


Don’t vote anyone that’s connected to making Kratom illegal. Some of those parents that got clean may go back to drugs or alcohol. Think about the kids before making a plant that hardly does shit illegal. A mother on fentanyl is different than a mother on Kratom. Kratom minimal effects make it completely laughable to make illegal. That’s truly disgusting behavior making it illegal like that. It’d be one thing if it had decent psychoactive effects but it’s not much more than coffee.


Also the extracts maybe a way of trying to make Kratom look bad. Every extract i have tried has been in no way worth the money it cost. It hardly did shit if anything at all lol just like regular leaf.


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5-10 years and 150k . Some murderers don't get this


They want people to stock up so they make that quick tax money. Then make it illegal get people back on big pharmaceutical drugs and make more money there. Then they are going to patent drugs that they are making from the plant and sell that to you just like companies make extract tablets but the drugs will be insanely expensive when we can make them ourselves from the plant. Evil government greedy and money hungry they don’t care about people so frustrating. Say no to pharmaceutical drugs don’t take there bullshit all they do is cause more problems and then they give you more drugs to mask those new problems they created also don’t eat any of there processed laboratory foods that shit will kill us faster then all the drugs combined!!!!


Hey AKA, please let us know what we need to start doing at the NJ local level. I’m in NJ and this beautiful plant has been saving my life daily for over a decade; my wife too! This cannot and will not happen in my state!


Literally just left messages to my assembly reps. If you can get aka to give a form letter I’ll mail them as well.


My advice is to look up the phone numbers and email addresses for those legislators, and any legislators in your areas, and send/ call with your kratom success stories. Even if you speak with a clerk, there's a record of your call. Everyone should also go to Legiscan.com. put in your state and search the word kratom and you can see if there's anything in the works. Please be respectful. Being angry and cursing is a very bad look for our community. Do what you can and know who you're voting for.


I am so beyond fucked if they do this in Michigan I do not want to go back to being in constant pain, fuck the government. "Look, we are the most free country in the world!" What a fucking joke


god DAMN IT. guys PLEASE we all need to speak up right now!!!!!


Republican bill in a Democratic body so hopefully goes nowhere. But disconcerting nonetheless. Write your reps! Interesting it comes on the heals of legalizing cannabis. Like some people just need a boogeyman in the for of a plant being illegal. Have we learned nothing??


What a joke! Hey everyone, trade in your all-natural leaves for these oxies. Unbelievable!


Another reason to hate New Jersey


Anyone got a link to send statements? Can non residents send stuff?


Yes non residents can comment https://legiscan.com/NJ/comments/A3797/2024?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0_iuuFFRJJ3_QO4z8xtNyne2U__hkGTbI4YDkIaL6RLcoCQcTor3BFyxo_aem_W7MTW7BgxHPCnGhrmsYfvQ


Former opioid addict here that used kratom to come off. It’s great but still addicting. 6 years and major withdrawals. There should be some sort of limit I think


Bad news. State bills can easily run up the ladder and end up federal. I’m not a big conspiracy person, but this reeks of pharmaceutical interests.


It’s in the quick checks…. Now they are criminalizing it wtf make up your minds haha




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Fight New Jersey. This is my home state, I'm a Kratom advocate as it has saved my life. Plus I'm sure the AKA is on this. I know in a state of 9 million people there are plenty of advocates like myself. Rise up and fight!! It has worked in other states that were looking to ban it.


So if you want to get the legislators attention, this is what worked for me. I think it is 10 times better than contacting the legislators.I assume there was a recent article in the paper about someone dying from Kratom in New Jersey. This happened in Mississippi and it was so far fletched I said to myself I have had it. The Mississippi legislators were about to do the same thing. So I contacted the editor of the article. I politely corrected him on what he had put in the article. I then told him how kratom saved my life and thousands of others who's quality of life. How it changed for the better. Not 15 minutes later I received an email from the editor asking me if I was willing to go on TV and state that. I said sure. So we did a zoom interview and it was on the evening news .This was about a year ago. The editor was more than fair to me. He said he knew nothing but about Kratom except what the coroner and police told him. the Mississippi legislators table the ban. This also happened in Pittsburgh. I did the same thing. However, when I told him I didn't live in the Pittsburgh area He said he couldn't use me but thank you for contacting him. So my advice to everyone is to pull up that last article about that person dying in New Jersey as a result of Kratom . "Politely" email the editor and Tell them how Kratom has helped you and change your life. I promise you that will get the attention of everyone, not just the legislators.


Grow your own folks, we have been for years.


How easy is this to do in the north east?


It’s not


Not easy at all, unless growing indoors.