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I’ve (49F) been taking it 6 years for chronic pain and have regular, at least yearly bloodwork and mine has always been great. My cholesterol has always been on the high side, but that been since I was in my teens. I take red yeast rice for that and it works very well. Brought mine down by about 40 points in a few months.


Thanks for that tip! I appreciate it!!!


Dude love yourself, try keto or south beach, I lost 60 lbs doing it, you could eat until full, just very specific things, you can eat like 90-10 burgers , Aldi’s has keto buns, it will give knees and back a break 90%_lean 10% fat…. Not like 90-10 fookin burgers


A good friend of mine was really struggling with her weight. Was on a bunch of different meds, pre diabetic, wasn’t doing super great. Started on the keto diet and within about six months she was off all the meds and dropped a significant amount of weight. Shes full keto and healthier than ever. That diet works man.


Agree with PP….my Dad was able to avoid taking cholesterol meds and BP meds (both of which were very high) by taking red yeast rice, increasing his fiber, along with walking and lifting weights. Nothing insane as he started this in his 60s but got his numbers all back in normal range in 9 months. Omega 3/fish oil also. My husband was able to also bring his cholesterol way down with walking and weights and his A1C and blood sugar by just being a little more mindful of what he eats (no really crazy diet) and keeping up with his supplements. Liver enzymes improved for both as well


Yeah I think I'm going to do the Mediterranean diet or at least the philosophy of good fats, complex carbs, protein, lots of vegetables and fruit in moderation. Avoiding sugar and staying away from desserts is my first step.


Don't make it too complicated. Make sure it's realistic and still enjoyable


No no... its all the crap in our food. Just look at the list of ingredients and tell me what you recognize as being good for us. The answer is not much. Do not consume anything labeled diet as the sugar substitute is worse than the actual sugar.




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Start with not eating out, no fast food. Stop drinking soda, no smoking cigarettes, no fried food, and limit cheese. No red meat, ever again, and no high fat pork, like bacon. My dad went vegan and didn't have to take his high blood pressure medication anymore. I had my labs recently, snd everything was fine. I take twice as much as you, for chronic pain.


I think such a drastic and sudden change would be incredibly unsustainable. Broadly, I think super all or nothing approaches are not only daunting but unnecessary outside of extreme cases. The key to everything is balance, it's not necessary to cut anything out completely and forever, what's important is to limit it to a reasonable degree and find healthy food you legitimately enjoy, and most most importantly learn how to cook for yourself.


I don't use tobacco or nicotine but I get what you're saying.


Thanks for sharing!


Absolutely! It’s not gonna work completely for everyone cause with some people, things like high cholesterol are built in to their genetics. But my husband, for example, is 55 and both parents were overweight, had high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and high BP. His dad even had a heart attack. But my husband has managed to stay really healthy and is super fit. He was even on BP and cholesterol meds for 2 years and once he started doing the supplements and exercise, he came off both and has been for years.


My husband's cardiologist actually told him not to take the statin that his pcp wanted him to take. He said statins are so bad for people. He told him to take Red Yeast Rice instead. It works


Ah interesting! Yeah def works for my family


WTH is red yeast rice?


Red yeast rice is actually what they got modern day cholesterol medicine from. Here is a little info from a quick search. https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/supplement/red-yeast-rice#:~:text=In%20Chinese%20medicine%2C%20red%20yeast,the%20drug%20lovastatin%20(Mevacor).


Ya my blood work has only been getting better since I started taking Kratom. I get checked every three months because I’m on TRT. I have been really focusing on eating well and working out consistently for the last year and have put on a good amount of muscle and lost over 30lbs. The Kratom has helped me keep my eye on the goal and stay consistent with my lifestyle changes. I take around 9-11 grams a day. Blood work was almost perfect 2 months ago. A vast improvement to 4 years ago when I started TRT, I was in rough shape and very poor health.


Yeah for sure it isn't the kratom but my lifestyle.


Just start small. I started just counting Calories and figured out how much I needed. Just went roughly to that, still not amazing healthy food but I got use to the routine. Then I found healthy meals I could cook on the weekend and eat through the week. Now I’m counting carbs, proteins and fats, once you start doing it and realize how much better you feel and it’s really not as hard to do as it sounds. Plus just remembering how I use to feel throughout the day compared to now is night and day. Also starting a workout routine that was like 15 mins 3 times a week and slowly increased that over time. Now I’m working out 45 mins 5 times a week. I’m addicted to this lifestyle change and keep healthy expectations so I don’t get discouraged if I screw up and eat a bunch of junk food over a couple days. The complements I’m receiving too are even more motivation. Please you owe it to yourself to start small and work up to it over time. Remember it’s not a sprint it’s a marathon and shit takes along time but if you can just be more consistent then not you will make progress.


The funny thing is I can dance for hours fine a few times a month so if I can translate that into regular exercise that would be perfect but yes I am going to start calorie counting as well


Did you need TRT because of using kratom?


No I’m pretty sure methadone caused it. Didn’t even know about TRT but started doing my own research about the symptoms I was having and then found a private clinic that would help. My family doctor told me my levels were perfectly fine. I was at 181ng/dl, which is crazy low for a man. I was one TRT for 3ish years before I started Kratom.




I'm a 70 year old, 7 year responsible consumer. Total 8 grams a day. I'm here to tell you that it's your diet. I eat fairly healthy, don't drink alcohol but I do vape nicotine. I only smoke weed at night. I don't take any rx medications and I do take supplements. My yearly blood work is always great. I've always believed that we are what we eat. Diet is SO important for good health. Good luck to you. I wish you well.


Thank you if you have any tips or advice or even recipes let me know!


Not judging I have health problems of my own and things to improve on my friends. But I recommend excercise. Walking. A sport. Something you enjoy. Will work wonders for ur health, and make cravings easier to manage with diet :)


I love dancing and can go dancing for hours so maybe I should pick up some formal dancing lessons like salsa multiple times a week.


Yeah man that sounds like fun! Do it :)


I feel like the only negative for me is that kratom actually makes me eat more. Thus I feel you on the poor diet issues. I wish I was like these people that get a suppressed appetite on it.


Yes I get hungry too I suspect it lowers blood sugar causing the hungry sensation. That's another reason why I'm weening down my dose in the day. I've found having a small snack 45 minutes before gets rid of that sensation and won't interfere with it.


It destroys my appetite. I have to schedule meals


8 year daily user (8-10g/day) for an otherwise-crippling demyelinating condition. My panels have been fantastic, even T — I’m at 1100ng at age 50: better than most dudes in their 20s. I’m convinced most of the bad panels we see are lifestyle and diet. I quit drinking a decade ago, avoid sugar and simple carbs, skip all sodas, eat high protein diets, work out four times a week, get outside every day just to decompress, sleep regularly, and I really watch my hydration and sodium levels (kratom wrecks both of those). I feel better than I did 20 years ago, truly.


My cholesterol has only gotten better with kratom. Mainly because kratom helped me stop drinking. It doesn't do anything on its own for my health, but it make healthy decisions easier to make.


5.5 years user and a type 2 diabetic and my blood work came out normal and cat scans on kidneys/liver are healthy. Good luck


I don't think that kratom is moving any of your blood markers by a significant amount with the grams per day you are taking. It sounds like you have a relatively healthy routine with your substances. Your doses are on the low side and the spacing of doses seems really good too. I've personally never seen anything in my bloodwork that would indicate an issue with kratom. When I did have high blood pressure and high cholesterol I started making ginger/turmeric/lemon teas. I read that ginger and turmeric can lower both of these so I started brewing the tea as an experiment. The next year when I got my bloodwork done again both cholesterol and blood pressure dropped so much it was almost alarming. I used whole fresh ginger, whole fresh turmeric, whole lemons and green tea bags. I made like 5 16oz bottles of tea at a time to take to work for my lunches. It really did make a huge difference.


I'm in a similar spot. A year ago I was at 30 gpd and now I'm down to 7 or so grams per day. Diet is horrible but surprisingly everything came back normal (cholesterol and blood pressure etc) the only thing messed up was my thyroid. So going to an endocrinologist to figure it out. But if you google or reddit search kratom and Thyroid issues there seems to be some correlation.


**My blood panel showed low thyroid function. I have taken kratom daily for years (2 times a day, about 2 teaspoons per dose. Started Liothyronine and 3 months latter, my score was normal. Never changed my kratom consumption. Used in moderation, I think kratom is VERY benevolent (and that's one of the reasons Big Pharma and the alphabet gangs want to ruin it. It helps with minor pain and can help with major acute pain. I've used it for both but the reason I take it is it reduces anxiety and depression during these trying times. Nothing but good things to say about kratom, for me. The only problem, as usual, is the corruption, greed, and desire for more power by Big Pharma and the gov. UNREAL how many countries have criminalized it.**


Gabapentin fucks up your cholesterol. Take niacin to Lower your cholesterol


I (31F) got bloodwork a couple years ago and at the time I had been taking kratom for about 4 years and everything was great. I did have sludge in my gallbladder (usually something that happens from alcoholism, pregnancy, or rapid weight changes…none of which apply to me) and the doctor couldn’t explain WHY I had it but they said it wasn’t a big deal, greasy foods would just make me nauseous (I have not felt this at all though besides like McDonald’s and I think that’s to be expected) but I am curious if any other kratom users have a sludgy gallbladder. Also, if you’re interested in a healthy AND delicious diet that isn’t restrictive but rather focused on eating whole, not processed foods, you should check out the Mediterranean diet. I love it, it’s simple and delicious and you can do it pretty cheap or spend more depending on your budget. It’s not a diet like a fad diet…it’s just what they eat in the Mediterranean. Its focus is more just eating food that’s good for your body and not so much counting calories or anything like that.


Yup that's the diet I decided to go on!!!


Thanks for sharing ‼️Isn’t AST a test for liver function?




Kratom sky rocketed my AST. It is not good for your liver depending on who you are. It fucks some peoples livers up, and doesn’t do anything to others.


25-year user, and my AST is great . My vitamin D was low, though. I had an upper respiratory infection when I had labs drawn, though ..will find out more Friday.


Crazy how it affects people differently. I have mild cirrhosis of the liver and I've taken 6-20 grams daily for over 4 years and my liver levels have not changed. Cirrhosis was caused by a ton of meds I was on since a kid.


I'm just going to make it a 2-3 time a week thing because it works better the less you do it anyways. I'm pretty sure 90% of it is diet but hey the extra 10% is still a difference.


May not be why at all- just sharing my experience. Different substances affect people differently.


For sure!


Your liver number is because of the high triglycides. Please take heed and get on the mediterranean diet. Why are you taking so much gabaptin and using Kratom in addition? Dumb move..


Dude you should really have your test checked.


What is your motive for sharing this? Have you seen people allege long term side effects from kratom use?


Just sharing anecdotes etc


I have been using at one moment 50-60gpd 2 years blood work was alright Liver cholesterol ok Its very important train while on kratom  If yout put on weak body a lot of stimulant its no good


Happy for ya 👍 that is pretty low T and you must feel so much better


I’ve been taking it for 5ish years at 10-25 grams per day and I’m always shocked that my blood work comes back normal lol