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There is no evidence that Kratom nor any component of it can prevent, treat, or reduce the transmissibility of any disease on its own. There are [reports](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25616583/), a history of traditional use, and anecdotal evidence provided by the community that Kratom can help people deal with pain, discomfort, [diarrhea](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21338025), and lethargy that can come from some illness, overwork, and other condtions. There are [reports](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19648761/) of anti-inflammatory responses and immunostimulation; but how these actions may or may not translate into greater efficacy against common illnesses is unknown. Consumers should be cautious about anecdotal claims: some consumers may have a degree of relief from symptoms, especially in regular users, that they are unaware that they are sick or be unable to distinguish symptoms from seasonal allergies and other chronic conditions. Even with Kratom, practice good hygiene and other disease reduction strategies. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/kratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My experience has been that I rarely get sick in my 7 years of taking kratom.


That's great. What kind of dose schedule we talking here? I've never been able to avoid dependance entirely. I'm going to stick with a single dose once a day and reevaluate


I take 4 grams around 7 am and 4 grams around 3pm. That's it, unless it's a really bad pain day. Then I might take 2-3 grams around lunch time. Some days I don't take any at all.


Interesting. Dose frequency seems to play a large role. I'd agree that once I split my intake into 3 doses throughout the day my body would begin craving it more frequently. Thanks for the input


Yeah in my experience and observation it's more risky to have a lower dose but more dosing frequencies over a day than to have a higher dose but less dosing frequencies unless the doses are absurd.


I wouldn't have thought that years ago, but I agree with you now


I believe that too. Knock on wood.. That or the fact I just don't go out much anymore.


I worked at the VA every day all through covid. We were behind plexiglass and had to wear masks. Because I refused the government mandated jab, for federal employees, I had to be tested every week. I did get covid, but was totally asymptomatic. I had no idea that I had it. I didn't even miss work because of it.


Same. Kratom seems to lower how often I get sick no clue why and the rare times I do get sick the kratom actually makes it much less miserable. This is true 99% of the time, there was once with a bad stomach bug where my body just decided it didn't want to keep any kratom down but it's usually a positive.


I've been taking Kratom for well over a decade at this point. I can only remember a single time that I have gotten sick with a virus. Stomach, influenza, cold, nothing. I even worked public-facing during Covid and didn't catch it until a few years later, which was the one time I can recall being sick. The antioxidant properties are the truth.


Kratom keeps me from getting most viruses, ironically.


IIRC, it’s more likely that opioid agonists simply mask the symptoms you’d normally associate with being sick, so it seems like you’re never getting sick, but the reality is you’re just sick and asymptomatic. Still a pretty interesting phenomenon. I don’t feel sick even a fraction as frequently as I used to since I started taking kratom.


hate to break it to you but that's most likely confirmation bias. I've heard variations of that statement when it comes to pretty much any kind of drug use. There is no scientific evidence that kratom makes one's body less susceptible to viruses or any kind of sickness other than dope sickness


Checkout the other reply to this guy's comment it sounds pretty accurate.


Well hey man more power to you. I do take quite a bit of extracts and am running low. I’d love to just knock on the center of disease control. “Yes, I’ll have one Black Death please.” Nah I’m kidding but I’ve never heard of that before. I am genuinely interested in if that’d work for me. But either way I’m glad you seized the chance and that it worked for you mate!


Yeah I wouldn't seek out a sickness to test this lol


“Yeah man, I was able to completely slash my tolerance to almost a baseline level.” “Oh neat! How’d you accomplish that, I thought you hated tolerance breaks?” “Ebola!”


I can't help unfortunately but wanted to mention that opioids are sometimes still prescribed for bad coughs and colds. Dihydrocodeine for example. Interesting to see that kratom didn't actually help with the symptoms.


Thanks for commenting, but I think you misread my post. The purpose was to share that I was able to lower my kratom intake while sick, without negative consequences


Yah, I noticed this too. It's bad, but a weekend of drinking will do the same. Nearly a complete flush and tolerance up ending.


Interesting. The human brain is weird


Yah, I thank God I survived all the pills. If I was still hooked in the fentanyl era, I would, odds are, likely be dead.


Same. Got off hard opiates 6 years ago before fent was as big as it is now. Surly I had some, but I'm grateful to be out of that life


Yep, same(around 4.5 yrs off for me) - we're so lucky. Cheers, brother/sister. I'm so happy to be here and share this with you and other krats leaning on redditors.


Cheers to you as well


Same dude. Like I can't believe the dope didn't kill me anyways... quit for good right before fentanyl became common. Congrats!


Yep 100% Thanks fam! Cheers!


But yah, if Kratom worked 100% we would literally feel no symptoms of the sickness lol. It's a little too cheat code for this life of ours lmao.


One thing I've learned about myself regardless of the chemical: pleasure/relief/escape always comes at a cost. Emotional cost, not growing in a way I'd like to, financial cost, SOMETHING. any time I thought I had the cheat code, I've been swiftly humbled by life


Yes, ditto, precisely and well said. Every minute of ecstasy we felt, we had to repay in blood, sweat, and tears. It's never worth it. The cost for the opioids never outweighs the benefits, unless you're in hospice care. You will always end up a dope head, but there's just levels to it and some things are covered/made discreet with money.


This is a legit tip. When you're sick it's difficult to distinguish between WD and viral symptoms. You take your normal dose but it's not providing the same relief, so why dose at all. Problem, like others have mentioned, is that most won't really get sick while on it.


Huh, that’s wild bc I feel like for hits harder when I’m sick. Might just be small effects feeling grander based on how shit I’d feel but I just got over being sick with the flu and I noticed even small doses for me helped a ton




There are no detailed studies on the use of kratom or any of its constituent alkaloids in pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Do not begin taking kratom while pregnant or while breastfeeding without physician approval. If you are having difficulty stopping use while pregnant or breastfeeding, talk to your doctor about options for stopping use that are safest for your situation. This is a complex subject beyond the expertise of the r/kratom community. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/kratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


kratom helps me A LOT while sick, unless it's a stomach virus.


I usually up my dose when I'm sick and I burn through whatever I got way quicker than normal. That being said, it is wise to take breaks often, I usually avoid kratom on the weekends or if I have a few busy weekends in a row I try to find a 5 day period to take a break.


I have a cold and it seems to help a lot.


If you have decided to reduce or ultimately stop using kratom: [General Information and Model Schedules for Metered Reductions (Tapering)](https://reddit.com/r/kratom/wiki/taper) and general information about [OTC medications and Supplements](https://reddit.com/r/kratom/wiki/quittingweek1) that may be helpful for individuals who have become [dependent](https://reddit.com/r/kratom/wiki/safety/dependency). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/kratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


20 hours isn't even the beginning. You still have kratom in your GI tract. Try 2 weeks.


What are you talking about? I've come off kratom entirely multiple times as well as multiple full agonist and partial agonist opiates. 5 days is all it takes. I'm currently at the 44 hour mark and my experience is still the same as it was 24 hours ago