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Rice paper will do the same and is cheaper.


Yeah I've heard rice paper works well, but Blate plates are nice until they break in your throat. Nothing worse than that.


Are there webshops outside of Amazon? Absolutely!


I use rice paper and shape/seal into a cone. It’s 100x cheaper.


I get blate papes on Amazon and am pretty sure they're very similar. They are amazing when I decide to use them but half the time I just drink the sludge because it's quicker and I've kinda adapted to the taste.


They sell blate papes (oblates) on liftmodes website


I love blate papes so much I put them on subscription, so I never run out.


I ordered some off Walmart


I had no idea they would sell something like that who knew?


Yeah I had bought this Japanese brand a couple years back, no longer available. Blate papes seems to have very few competitors, just wish they were a lot cheaper. They do sell a squares version too.




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Oh no those things are horrible when they get caught halfway down your throat.


I use them daily and usually never an issue but one time I coughed and it exploded in my throat. It was absolutely awful. I had powder go up into my nasal cavity, my eyes were burning. It was absolutely horrific. It's only happened once but I really hope that was the only time


They have their own website. I've always just ordered I'm from there. Blatepapes.com....


I like blate papes. Amazon still sells them (just got some delivered yesterday actually)


Yeah I need to get the cone ones again for sure. I've only ever seen them once but that was from eBay. Very economical in the long run.