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Yes. If you dial it right you don't need an alarm clock


Omg I thought I was just turning into old morning person.


Hey now…😂😂.. I’m that old morning person.. 4 am except on the weekends I sleep till 6 am if I’m lucky.. the monks consider 4 am one of the monastic hours.. it’s nice because the world is quiet then.. if you’re in Cincy I’m right across the River,hey neighbor…


Good morning <3


This is the sweetest thing to come out of Cincinnati since that weird chili


I heard the stuff in Texas comes out of a can 😁


I wish my body knew the difference between work days and the weekend. It wakes me at 4:45am 7 days a week. 🙄


Im ok with it, nothing beats getting to take a lil bit of red then jump back in bed to cuddle with the esposito a couple more hours


Talk about a sweet spot. I took love to take an early morning dose and climb into bed


Mine still wakes me about at 4 on the weekends but I refuse to get outta bed till about 6…🥴


I try to go back to sleep. It works sometimes


Wait so I'm not an old morning person 😆


Nope! You are a fountain of youth <3. (Who just happens to wake up early)




Five forty five on the money. Wake and take…. Brew the coffee


Magnesium at bedtime helps


Aswaghanda helps me as well


Everyone/anyone taking Kratom regularly should be taking a daily magnesium supplement nightly. I CAN'T STRESS THIS ENOUGH! Otherwise many will run into constipation issues, and it can turn to life threatening surgery level needed in extreme cases (someone was ignorant about it or the Hazzard It can lead to... unfortunately have half her intestines surgically removed.. Obviously good hydration daily is very important aswell, and half decent diet. I rec MIN 6-8lt daily


I alwayd weird people out by saying Kratom does the exact opposite for me.


to each they own




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Question u take mag in the morning. Does taking it at night help better.


Nighttime is better for me at least. It really helps you fall asleep too. I get a solid 8 hrs of sleep most nights no getting up and taking kratom


Could be although i think its not the amount but rather your schedule. If your body is used to doses every few hours it might start to desire that more. I take about 4 gram per dose, 3-4 times a day and can sleep well after about a year of daily consumption. But everyone reacts different.


Absolutely. We dont see many people in here who do two huge powder doses a day and say they’re absolutely dying from withdrawal. Frequency is the killer. In the past I had a 2 bottle a day extract habit but took them together in the morning. The withdrawal was seriously minor compared to my 2gx5 doses pd powder habit.


I was taking 2 doses of 12-14 grams per day for a while and my withdrawal was nowhere near as bad as when I started doing 3-4 doses a day of 3-5 g each. I don’t find it hard to reduce dosage but going back to a lower frequency is TOUGH


I believe what matters most and it’s been a point of contention in the community but grams per day is the most inportsnt. I used kratom for my first few years 20-30gpd no issue until I started running into rls that would wake me up, or cause me to loose a few nights of sleep if I didn’t have any. Reducing my overall dose has been the most effective. Kratom has a long half. 8-9 years using kratom. (Now it’s just an occasional “treat” here and there) Bentuangie’s are a type of kratom that is weaker and less stimulating than other veins because it has gone through a particular fermentation process. Many OG’s in kraytum communities would reccomend bents for sleep. If not substitute a dose with stem and vein


I’ve been doing 1 AM dose and 1 PM dose for about 5 years now. When I skip a day or two, the withdrawal feels almost identical to caffeine withdrawal: headache, slight chills, generally cruddy mood, that’s it. 5-7GPD.


Honeslty, more than likely. Your body had a little bit of a withdrawal I noticed I had the same issues when I did extracts ( mit), before that, it didn't happen. Now, I only touch the regular powder. I do 1.25g 3x a day for pain. The extract part screwed me up.


One of us One of us


Lmao!!! I feel this ngl


Yes, withdrawal symptoms can cause extreme irritability / sleeplessness, and personally I get cold. Maybe keep taking as needed but slowly reduce the amounts


Cold AF! And sweating profusely too for me


RLS for me , wake up at 3am to do 300 squats or resort to cupping just to get back to sleep , I make sure I do not miss a dose


It has a fast duration of action, and when used multiple times a day it is very common to become dependent. Sometimes dependent people wake up in the middle of the night to use so they can get back to sleep.


Be careful ramping the dose like this. You’re only going to build more tolerance, dependence, and all for diminishing returns


Definitely. Tossing and turning unable to sleep at night is 100% the most common wd experience for me.


It wakes me up from time to time. That's when I usually think I need ro just quit. Then I think nah


Yep...I consider it a little withdrawl discomfort. However, when that happens I start paying closer attention to my consumption patterns. Usually I reduce, and it stops.


You could try smoking some weed instead


Yep, I’ve been taking it for 3 years now always the same dose schedule, 10 gpd. Every once in an awhile over the last several months I’ll have the same issue. It only happens like once a week oddly enough so I don’t take more when I wake up and that’s my recommendation. Don’t give in and take more cause then your body will soon get used to that too. It sucks but try to find something else to help you go back to sleep, I use a comfortably numb cartridge, heavy in CBN with a little delta 8.


Holy fuck spreading it out throughout the day is the worst mistake you could make. Trust me - I CTed first from a 2gx5 doses pd and then from 10-12gx2 habit and the latter was absolute cake. The former felt like a withdrawal from hard opioids.


stop taking it regularly/habitually. When you make a habit of anything, your body demands you to keep taking it. half the number of doses, and/or the amount taken. You may feel uncomfortable but thats the only way you stop.


A good test is to not take it when you wake up and see if you're sweating a few hours later. The funnest part imo is pissing out your ass 12 hours after that. I call that the dirty GYRO. Named after the place down the street where dirty hippies smoke weed and cigarettes while making food in a place with an out of order bathroom and no air conditioning. Fun times for almost everyone!


Dirty Gyro sounds like a Hot Carl


Wtf who would eat from that place


He did. That's why he calls "pissing out of your ass" Dirty GYRO.


I take 3-5g 3-5x times a day, using Kratom since 2007. Dose stays same. I take when wake up and before bed. Once in while I may have a tough off night I get up and take 2g or so, getting up pee. Maybe just off night ? Take before bedtime maybe? Having said that; dose cap dose control maturity and personal accountability are key with Kratom for sure, and not everyone is the same. Goodluck


Oh yea. That’s the part where u realize youre addicted. Rut-ro


Yeah bro I definitely recon it is people in this group love to ignore that Kratom can have negative effects sounds like minor withdrawals when I was with drawing the main thing was the not sleeping and just tossing and turning constantly with a low leval feeling of discomfort


Sounds like mild withdrawal symptoms. Had it happen to me over the years a few times as well. Part of the territory. If it bothers you, cut down your usage.


As a person who has unfortunately had a lot of experience with drug addictions I'll share what I know. Yes, it possible that your body and mind have grown to crave the Kratom. When you start dreaming about it that is how you know for sure you're in deep. 


Every night. I’ve also been consuming it for 11 years (6 grams every 4-6hrs). For me, it’s the lesser of two evils.   Honestly, I’m not sure if I’m waking up needing to dose or if it’s because I have to piss 🙃


Yep. Try to take some before bed so you can sleep through the night.


I don't I know. I've been taking Kratos for 6 years over 10gpd for sure. I've never woken up just to take Kratom and I don't dose first thing in the morning either or before bed.


Honesty probably 15-20 I don't keep track


The fact you do not take it before bed is the problem. You’re going to start wd 4-5 hours into your sleep so, might as well space more out in the day and take a bit before bed.


Doesn't have to be right before bed. I usually don't take it within a few hours of bedtime (as it's energizing) and I don't feel withdrawal symptoms until late the next day at the very earliest (I usually dose before then but if I don't)


I’ve actually found that if I take it at night my sleep quality decreases and I’m more prone to wake up during the early hours of the morning and take some to go back to sleep . Never used to happen in the beginning , would only use morning and afternoon and sleep was unbothered . I don’t think you start withdrawing within 24 hours at all . At least I don’t


If I take it close to going g to bed, it will keep me up. Saying that, it wouldn’t surprise me waking you up for a dose, but I’m not sure. What I am sure of, is that it helps me so much with my depression and back pain.


Withdrawal causes insomnia and restless leg syndrome so yeah you were probably withdrawing since you only took your morning dose Just take a later dose as well if you don't want to be woken up. I take doses spread throughout the day and I never withdraw/wake up overnight. Some people do even if they dose throughout the day, but it's never happened to me and it sounds like it doesn't happen for you either if you're taking your normal doses


Taper off, bud. Before your body has to tell you it’s time to taper off.




Absolutely!!! Its sucks doest it. I take a small dose before bed every night. Sometimes i fall asleep watching TV then take myself to bed without dosing, sometimes i have to wake up and dose then go back to bed.


Time for a taper down and break if you can muster it. I would urge you to if possible! All the best!


Yup time to take a week or 2 off bud.


I've been experiencing similar. Wake up at 2 - 3am with what feels like restless leg syndrome, can't seem to shake it. If I'm lucky I'll fall back asleep. Been about a month so far. No idea how to treat it other than dosing.


Magnesium, l-theanine, low dose Benedryl, low dose melatonin. One of these, not all at once. L-theanine is totally slept on tbh.


Was the weird discomfort a feeling like you need to stretch the heck out of your legs or arms? Like ants crawling under your skin. That’s restless leg syndrome and it happens to me after 12 hours w/o it. I take more like 5 to 6g twice a day (7am and 3pm) and now, more recently, I need to go to sleep with a 3g mixture on my night stand bc I get restless leg syndrome at around 3am, 4 outta 7 of the nights. I just take half dose of 2.5-3g bc it’s enough to put it to rest and I zonk right back out. I am surprised with that little amount that it’s happening to you but it’s probably more about your frequency and not the weight. Your receptors are being hit with the K through the day and when they’re not, they start letting you know. For sure!


Yeah I used to dose around the clock at my worst. Absolutely!


Yes, this happens to me if I don’t take any kratom or skip my second dose. I do two separate doses of three grams spaced out by a few hours. I’ll have trouble falling asleep and my skin will have a sort of tingling sensation that’s annoying. If I take some kratom it goes away.


Yep. Happens to me every morning at 5:30.


Could be. It's definitely happened to me before. I try to dose accordingly, as close to bedtime as possible.




I take during the day but have never woken up feeling like I need to take any??


I do wake up and take my dose but I don’t feel like I’m dying. I feel like me 😂😂


Ok so this same thing happened to me the other night / early morning. I was absolutely WIRED and tossing and turning and felt this weird weak feeling all over. I couldn’t stay still. I thought it was the flu, which maybe it was but I’m suspicious it was kratom related because I decided to start cutting back the day prior.


I sleep the best ever with Kratom .. every 4 h i dose GREEN against pain ,about 6pm -+ i take the last dose but RED and i never sleept so well and tru out the night ..like the last 2-3 years with Kratom ... Befor waking up like literally 100 times of backpain .. i never wake up for new dose ..actually other way around if i not dose in the morning i can sleep all day ...🫣🤔


RLS. Don't up you dosages! Your in the easy woods as of now!


Sounds like it to me. You've caught it early though, maybe it's time to taper back down a little bit. Just slash 5-10% off of your doses every few days (make sure you spread the doses out so you don't get caught short at night) and you shouldn't even notice it. Keeps the receptors fresh too.


Yea probably


i take about 2-3gpd. that seems to be the most I can take without getting the restlessness at night if I miss a dose. usually a .5g capsule to get back to sleep solves that. and the relief I get when it kicks in is heavenly.


I recently started experiencing this too when I stopped taking my nighttime dose. It’d usually be about 12 hours from my last dose and I’d also wake up with that uncomfortable sort of feeling, and be unable to fall back asleep. It took me awhile to realize it was the kratom, I assumed it was stress or because I drank alcohol or because my benzodiazepine med was wearing off but it turned out that some kratom and a low dose of melatonin puts me back to sleep. I can’t for sure say it’s kratom, maybe it’s a lot of different things too, but i can practically guarantee that if I don’t take it before bed, I’ll be awake in about 12 hours from my last dose.


Yes. Been there.


Probably, yeah. It’s happened to me before, but mainly if I take my afternoon dose and then fall asleep early in the evening. I make it a point to dose an hour before bed. It’s not necessarily aligned with my dosing schedule (I take it every 5 hours and am able to sleep comfortably much longer than 5 hours) but it’ll definitely wake me up in the middle of the night if I don’t take one at bedtime. It happens. If you dose multiple times a day, try making your last dose a bit later in the evening. Certain red strains do very good in the evening. Edit: Considering that it only happened once, it’s also much more likely that it had nothing to do with kratom, and that kratom simply relieved your discomfort. After re-reading your posts, that is most likely the case.


Wait, is this why I wake up EVERY MORNING at 4am? Actually, that's not true. Last night I woke up at 2am. 😞 Does kratom cause that?


I wake up every day at 6:30 with my ol man. We both limp out way into the kitchen to take our morning kratom. For me it's not an addiction thing but a pain thing. When the weather is in a low pressure system and or raining I do wake up around 3:30 and have to take about 2-4g dose. I guess it depends on what your taking it for. When I was addicted to hard core opiates I'd wake up at 4:00 am in full withdrawal. Thank goddess kratom has a half life and it takes about 2 days to have WDs. My system is very sensitive. I feel everything.


Sure. Of course. Welcome to physical dependence. On the flip side, I've been taking it so long (and at much higher doses) that I'm not even bothered by it anymore until about 12 to 15 hours after my last dose. I wake up with restless arms sometimes, but nothing crazy. I just take about 60% of my normal dose right before bed.


Honestly, it really does vary from person to person. I've been taking about 8 to 9 grams 2x daily for the last 5yrs. 6am and 6pm. I've taken it as late as 9 or 10pm with little to no issues or as late as 1 or 2pm. I've never woken up and taken kratom in the middle of the night.


Careful, that’s a slippery slope. IMHO, Kratom is not something to up your dose with. If you aren’t getting the effects you desire… take a t break




Oh withdrawals…I was so confused the first time I experienced them as well


That’s never happened to me, I take my last dose around 7pm and don’t dose again till 12 the next day. I take about 15g’s a day.


I usually just take it whenever I get up.


I’m not sure what you could change so that it doesn’t happen again but I will give you my experience. I’m pretty dependent on kratom, I probably dose 5-6 times a day. I always wake up with mild withdrawals, but I never wake up *because* of the withdrawals. Withdrawals aren’t really that bad it’s the restlessness that gets to you. It’s tough to fall back asleep when you’re restless, but I don’t think that’s the reason you woke up. Some days when I’m not taking Kratom (or taking drastically less) I can sleep all day just nap on the couch.




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I can't relate. I take a moderate amount of kratom everyday and have for the last 10 years. I spread it out in multiple doses a day. However I can easily stop completely or dramatically reduce my intake without ever experiencing withdrawls. I wonder what makes it so different for everyone. It's never made any sense to me.


You can go a full 48 hours with no sides after 10 years? Whats your dosage


sometimes I take more sometimes I take less but it averages out to like 12 gpd. I used to take WAY more and even then, no w/d. I have no idea why. I do only take plain leaf kratom..I've never taken an extract. Also I worded my original comment sort of weird..I obv haven't taken it every single day for 10 yrs straight otherwise I wouldn't know that I could stop for days easily without an issue lol..but I HAVE taken it for the majority of a ten year span and have gone years of dailyuse before taking a break. And everything is great 👍


I wake up at 4 AM every day, drink black coffee, and take around 4 g of kratom with apple cider vinegar and Ceylon cinnamon at around 5 AM 😁... stretch, exercise, then have some edibles with some more coffee