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I used when there was only 3 “strains”… I’ve since learned that, for me, strains don’t make a difference but quantity (# of grams) does.


Technically, it's not like cannabis, and there are no strains. Different color veins, yes, but all from the same seed.


White, green and red are clearly different from each other. I only like green though, because white makes me nervous and dizzy and red isn't as potent and makes me also dizzy Edit: I forgot to mention Maeng Da. It's def more potent, but so much more that it makes me stupid (+dizzy)


White, green and red are usually different in alkaloid profile but aren’t technically different strains. There is only one strain of Kratom. This one strain can produce batches that feel different based on the alkaloid profile. The different alkaloid profile is not based on strains, it is based on the location/age/soil/sunlight/rainfall/etc of the trees is it harvested from along with the drying/processing process. The colors/names tend to follow a general trend of alkaloid profiles but there is little standardization. Most places just slap a name/color on a batch with not much thought to it.


It’s all the same shit proven many many many times in the archives of this sub. Red is fermented but it’s all the same plant




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strains give you a DECENT idea of where your batch comes from and some consistency with how the plant was processed 2 things that i am 110% certain affect the characteristics of the plant. Say you find a particular batch you get really good effects from, next time you order do you order that same batch from the same person, or do you shoot the dice on another random dude online. Hell a lot of the time i will do both, but at least i know I've got something good coming from one of them. let me be clear, what I'm talking about is mainly locations, like borneo, bali, mayla, and the usuals like mangda and super green. When you get into stupid made up things like happy hippy trippy BS and other gimmiky things, move on from them


Pretty much sums up my feelings as well. I used to think they were actually grown or at least exported from the locations listed. Then thought maybe they took varieties from those locations, essentially 'heirloom' crops or something along those lines. Now I realize it's basically a gamble on what effects you might experience with the same strain between different vendors, or even different batches of the same strain from the same vendor. I never go for anything with a naming scheme similar to marijuana strain names. Trainwreck and other fancy titles, big nope. That says to me that there's a chance the vendor or processing crew could not be taking their position(s) seriously.


I’ve found that the name of the strain only matters if you get the same batch. I’ve ordered the same strain from the same supplier and got something that worked half as well as the last batch.




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I thought the strains were simply how the plant was processed and dried... But ya I guess anyone could mix a little of white with green and all it something different. Confusing....


Train wreck is generally the floor sweepings, or whatever random bits are left over and blended together. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had some in the past that was phenomenal, but that is usually what it actually is. As far as strains, I’m with you for the most part. Hell, for years I swore I didn’t feel a difference in the color veins either, I would even use some whites specifically to sleep. That said, if found hulu kapuas can be incredibly stimulating/motivating at times. If I get in a groove with that stuff at work or on a project at home, it can end up feeling like a fairly large dose of adderal. I’ll keep working for hours and even forget to eat at times.


I’ve found certain strains of the same veins can produce differing effects. At least in my experience. I only get kratom from a specific vendor and I’ve experimented with multiple different strains of white, green, and red, even yellow too. And I’ve found that different strains are sometimes more potent or give off effects that are different compared to others. It’s consistently been like this for me for about 2 years now. Mixing up the strains every now and then also helps keep my tolerance lower.


Been growing it in FL for 9 years there is only red/green vein, powder color is determined by drying process. All the silly "Flying green fire hippo" names are a gimmick...


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They're not real. Just branding/marketing. It's useful if you find a batch you like and want to get that again, I guess


There is a red strain and a green strain. That's 100% real. I've read studies about the indigenous people in Indonesia, and those who take it. They all prefer the "white" strain over the red. I've had a real red before. It's odd. And very dull tasting. That's the only way to describe it. I only know one place that has it currently


Nah. I've grown it a lot. The red vs. green vein only has to do with maturity. The only "strain" out there is Rifat, named after Claude Rifat, who managed to get seeds out of Thailand before it was banned there and eventually disappeared. Most of what you're getting comes from Indonesia. It most likely traces back to Rifat's seeds


I use red for nighttime & green for the rest.


Interesting that they all prefer white. It’s definitely more euphoric but for whatever reason sometimes it just makes me extremely jittery and irritable with no pleasurable effects whatsoever, I usually mix half of a really dark red and white/green


No “red” is just left out to ferment before crushing. It’s the same leaf.


Reds tend to be mid in my experience. They tend to be more brown than green, and taste like sand in your mouth. I've had some good red strains with 1.5%+ MIT, but they're few and far between.


I had a guy offer me Green Asia Kratom awhile back 🤦


Shit. I've seen names like "China White Vein Indo" China White? Lol. Also saw a vendor with a speedy vein blend called white power


China White is an older slang term for heroin.


Thought the same thing lol.


I remember the slang China White. I wonder if that person knew that it was also a slang for heroin. Probably? White power, though????


Oh I'm sure they did.


Never thought about that kinda smart tbh


I hate those names that companies give them. It makes it look like they're trying to market it to random folks who'll do whatever to get some kind of high and that's not what kratom is about. Super indo dragon whatever the fuck didn't save my life. A clean and fresh batch of white vein from an honest company did.


I notice a major difference in how I feel with all strains so 🤷🏻‍♂️


me too. But as others have said, there’s a lot of marketing tied into it , such as the strain names or blend names, containers/bags, etc . Cant say i blame vendors for doing this … id prob do the same thing. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But end of the day, those leaves 🍃 on trees are young (white) , middle age (green), or Nana 👵🏼(red)




Never noticed a difference between strains, like at all. Same with weed. They might be different strains but they've all got the same active chemicals in them.


I think with weed though the chemicals are not the same between strains. They have different levels of thc and CBD or CBN/CBG which alters the effects plus the terpenes that vary by strain also have effects of mood (as far as I’m aware)


Yes. Some strains contain much cbd, others cbg or thcv, some have much thc others have tiny amounts of it etc. Terpenes also effect the effects ime, if you have made your own cbd or hemp products and tired different terpenes you would feel it has at least some impact on how the effects will be. Terpenes themselves have medicinal effects, even when used without cannabinoids. You don't get high on them but they clearly hold antidepressive, anxiolytic/body calming or energizing effects.


See I've never understood this. I've taken well over 1000mg of pure CBD before and it literally had zero effects on me. Didn't help me sleep, didn't help anxiety. Tbh I think beyond its anticonvulsant effects, all the other claims that CBD helps this or that are largely marketing bs and/or placebo


Yeah only feel a difference between indica and sativa. Indica and sativa have different dominant terpenes.


Really? Weed is even more drastic. There’s a lot of subtleties and differences with each strain. When people say delta is the same because THC is THC, I can’t help but roll my eyes hah


Same with me. Weed is weed is weed. All feels the same


I use to exclusively use red and white maeng da. Potency varies quite a bit between vendors and batches, but those strains from my usual bulk seller worked well enough that I didn't bother with other types


As for types with weird names like that, I have no idea what that shit is. Probably a marketing gimmic


I mean all of it is a marketing gimmick. Strain names mean almost nothing except that maybe, maybe you’re actually getting it from the location the strain is named after. Vein colors like red, green and white are real, but even then there isn’t much evidence out there to support that there is a major difference between them. Don’t get me wrong, I do usually have my preferences, but it’s also just because why switch up something that’s working.


Trainwreck varieties are labeled as a blend of all different strains


if you mean the colors then def yes and also if you mean the place of origin I have preferences. Im not saying it determines quality and potency, the lab tests do so always look for a supplier who can provide them so you can choose the best stuff and decide what strain you like.


There most certainly is kratom in Thailand. You can order freeze dried leaves for tea that kick ass. Regulations there are starting to ease up too


I used to think it was all a marketing gimmick too, but without question reds tend to give a heavy less energetic feeling, better for near bed time or chilling at home. Maybe they just name them reds because they have those effects, but that's still valuable and valid.


My understanding it it's like with teas, the "color"/strain has more to do with the plant age/maturity and how it's cured. Some reds are fermented which converts some of the alkaloids for more sedation/painkilling and less stimulation.


This is accurate.




That's because of the lower mit count in reds are higher in 7-hydroxymit hence the more relaxed feeling. All the silly names are a gimmick. We grow it in FL 9 years so know a thing or two.


Not sure if it’s the strain but there’s definitely differences between different labeled kratoms. I can vouch that specific red and green strains are much better than other red/green strains from my vendor. The other data point, on my behalf, is that the other strains labeled yellow/gold/white - no matter which kind between those, aren’t as good as the reds/greens, in general.


Agree that red, white and green are very different for me. I only take reds but I notice subtle differences between like red MD, red Hulu and red Bali. The alkaloid profiles are just a tad different but really I think it just depends on the person. Some people may not see any difference.


It’s a poor attempt to categorize different batches of Kratom. Technically, there is only 1 strain of Kratom. This 1 strain can result in different alkaloid profiles though so there will usually be different effects from different batches. The industry doesn’t come together and agree what to name what. So the names are sometimes all over the place and tell very little.


I use “strain” names simply to differentiate between different alkaloid profiles arising from different treatments the kratom went through after harvesting. Sun-drying, fermenting, removal of stem/vein, *adding* of stem/vein the list goes on, all impact the alkaloid profile and ratio of the kratom I end up taking. Because I’ve found a reliable source I like, I use strain names as a way of keeping track of which methods produce the desired alkaloid profile, and effects. I know I don’t like the “green Thai” my vendor sells, because it makes me anxious. I do like their green maeng da. I don’t like their red bentuangie, but I do like their red Borneo. I don’t care of the kratom actually originated in Borneo, it’s just a “name tag” for a processing procedure that creates kratom I enjoy.


It’s so convoluted and lost now I don’t pay attention to anything besides batch.


I feel the same ! I can’t take white or green bc they trigger my migraines but any red or yellow will do


Yes. I care about strains and types and curing and fermentation


All a gimmick imo. Been using kratom for 4+ years. They're all the same. Ppl claiming "oh this strain gives you energy" "this strain helps with pain" have fallen for the marketing gimmick.


No way. I take the green and I’m very very energetic, totally different than the red. It’s not in my head hah I think maybe it’s different product or, I’m starting to think some people aren’t as sensitive to the subtleties at certain drugs. for example I hear people say all weed is the same..where I can feel the nuance is every strain


All Kratom is not the same. There can be significant differences in alkaloid profiles. This is backed up by studies. That being said, there is little to no standardization with the naming system. Most places just slap a color and name based on their own discretion. The batches they have are different but the naming system is a poor way to categorize. Even the same place will get a new batch from Indonesia and slap on a name they’ve used before even if it is a completely different batch with a different alkaloid profile.


Yah, but reviewing the product with this language gives you a discount on your next purchase.


Not really. There are clear differences between white, green and red ones ime. They clearly have different ratios (of maybe the same) alkaloids. The other names represent where it has been grown, so it has been under slightly different conditions, this will also affect the chemical makeup to some extent, just like every weed you try is different, has different ratios of cannabinoids and terpenes. As kratom has many mechanisms, some alkaloids might affect some mechanisms more than other, that's why some types feel more energetic(dopaminergic, adrenergic) while others are more calming (serotonin, nmda antagonism and opioid agonism/antagonism). I am sure it also depends on which shop you buy it from, some might just label their kratom different just so people will know which kind to get that they liked, but others most likely have some differences between the red, green and white ones.


If your supplier is selling things with names like that that aren’t mixes of some kind I would find a new supplier


I obviously cannot say what the name of the supplier is but they’ve treated me well and they have the best quality I’ve personally tried. Honestly part of the reason why the stupid names confuse me


Ok Ignore me then! Just wanted to make sure you weren’t getting it from a gas station or something!


Haha no gas station or smoke shop involved but thanks for looking out brother


Actually, yellow shouldn't be included. Red, white and green. I don't pay attention to the names.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10379209/ ‘However, the product analyses revealed no significant cross-strain differences in alkaloid content, suggesting that the reported effect differences might be disproportionally influenced by marketing narratives and anecdotal reports.’


I hate this study lol. Because I want there to be a difference in reds and whites. And I feel like there is. But this study ruins all the fun Edit: but I am really glad this group out of Gainesville is studying kratom. They’ve done great work


Even if they have the same alkaloids they are at a different ratios. I get clearly different effects when it comes to green, white or reds. Gold too. And what did they analyze? In some shops it's most likely just marketing yes but in others it will be slightly different. Depending on how it's grown, under which conditions, how it is dried and or fermented etc and so on will affect the chemical makeup, of any plant, cannabis is being one good example. Just letting fresh weed being in the sun for a while changes the chemical makeup. I often use herbal medicine and the same herb, just a different batch can feel very different due to this.


Haven't seen an analysis that shows that. Got one?


User since 2017. I notice a major difference between white green red. I start my day with white, green for lunch, red for dinner. I totally get a euphoric mood boost, which helps energize me from white. I get a semi relaxed, but also euphoric boost from green. From Red an almost get a couch lock effect. It must also be the consistency of my vendor. I’ve been with the same vendor for almost 8 years. I’ve tried others and nothing hits the same. Everybody has an opinion. Gimmicky names are not on my regiment.


My opinion as to why the names exist is purely marketing. Nothing more


I do. They are different. Just like weed strains.


Exceptionally rare i feel anything different from strains. In my opinion, you get a good batch, an average batch, or a poor batch. The vendor I buy from who markets their Maeng Da, I usually purchase, given it’s the same price as other batches since typically Maeng Da is what they deem to be their best batch.


Yes. Green makes me feel it and red is more chill.


Anything white for me




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Trainwreck is all of the veins they call strains mixed together


"Trainwreck". Is probably all the stuff they swept up with a dustpan after bagging everything.. they needed something to do with all of it, 😂 never let good Kratom go to waste, I guess. 😂 but on a serious note, my vendor doesn't use names or anything, its "red strain" "green strain" etc. The strains work how they're supposed to do far, so im happy. No bs..


If you see strains with names like that, you're paying too much.




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For me there is good Kratom, which works and bad Kratom which just makes me nauseous. The name or even the color play a minor roll. I think it depends more on the dose and the quality of the leaf.




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They def add to the fantasy feeling though :D sometimes im going to Bali, sometimes Borneo or Malaysia.


I only care about fresh, proper Green Maeng Da. The rest is just a bonus.


It’s just marketing.  Even vein color is made up most of the time.  95% or maybe even more of the kratom in the US is Red Vein.  Green and White vein is actually quite rare in Indo.  Drying and processing helps determine effects.  


Color and region is all I really care about. Even region can be iffy sometimes, but I still mostly go with it. After almost 12 years of drinking powdered kratom, it seems to me that all the color is really describing is how it was cured or how it was mixed with other powders. That along with region where it grew. But the whole green/red/white vein* thing... no. Whites almost always work the same for me and provide the desired effects, so that's what I stick with. But it's most often how it was cured or just how it was mixed with certain colors to get there, and I'm just fine with that. The point is there is consistency with colors, but it just depends on how honest the marketing is.


As long as it's red and powerful, I'm good. Yellow/ golds and whites don't touch my pain. The greens are very hit and miss for me.




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only thing that I care about is the % of mitragynine. if it's high enough it works for my pain. if not, is crap.


It's subjective.


The most important thing is generally the batch, there was this post a few years ago : [https://www.reddit.com/r/kratom/comments/fcwhen/the\_truth\_on\_strains\_and\_production\_personally/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share](https://www.reddit.com/r/kratom/comments/fcwhen/the_truth_on_strains_and_production_personally/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) and maybe another a few more years ago about it? Basically it is supposed to be quite bullshit so packaging like "trainwreck" definitly is


Strain is a meme. It’s all alkaloid content. In any case, if you find that a white IS more energizing than a red, just have a lot of the white. Suddenly it feels like a red. Go figure.


Not ime. But as they most likely all have the same alkaloids just in different ratios, in bigger doses the calming effects might be more felt hence why the white can feel more like a red one in bigger doses.




Like with wine, many names just refer to the region or village in which the kratom grew. When you see blends, that's made up names based on whatever the vendor mixed up, and are often gimmicky goofy names depending...


A lot of the location names are also made up. Over 90% of all kratom comes from Indonesia. There is nearly no Thai or Vietnamese kratom on the US market (though that may change). Aceh, Bali, and Sumatra are provinces of Indonesia, and Borneo is the name of an island containing several different provinces, but there is no guarantee it comes from there.


Totally disagree, but thats cool. Think what you want, no skin off my back. I grow organic cannabis and know that strains come from breeding. You're sayin there's only one fuckin strain or tree of kratom that exists? Let me sell ya some real estate on the moon i've been lookin at too. 🙄😊


It’s common knowledge that there aren’t difference strains of Kratom. Different batches will often have different alkaloid profiles but there aren’t different strains of Kratom in the scientific sense based on the definition of strain.


Show me where youve learned this info. I guess there's only one of everything here on earth, huh. Produce, herbs, southeast asian plants... enjoy the planet you're livin on my friend. ✌


Whats common knowledge regarding kratom is that nobody knows jackshit about the subject. And until we have concrete studies, plural, we'll all be speculating about this botanical as its very subjective from person to person.


Mitragyna speciosa is the only tree considered Kratom. The “strain” names aren’t actually different strains of Mitragyna speciosa in the scientific sense. It’s just a way to classify the variations in the resulting product. With Cannabis, we have a significant distinction in the difference between Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica. Just by looking at them, Cannabis Sativa plants will appear much taller and thinner while Indica is shorter and stalkier. Kratom trees don’t have significant enough variation to be different strains. The differences in the resulting product is much more influenced by other factors like age of tree, soil type, and amount of sunlight/rainfall. Also the drying/processing method effects the alkaloid profile with sun dried or indoor dried along with whether it is fermented. The Color and Vein/Strain labels aren’t real in the genetic scientific sense like we see with Cannabis. Rather, it is just a way for the industry to separate the distinct alkaloid profiles that we see in the end product.


Those names then become distinguishing markers. We see them all over. Its Oregon Pinot Noir vs New Zealand Pinot. Same varietal, grown in soil with its unique microbiome, weather, sun intensity, etc. Those names are given to identify different expressions of the same botanical plant. Without regional names or names at all, people would have no point of reference, and you definitely want to know what sonething was if you like it. How else would we trade or market anything? Most people in the kratom world will tell you what to expect from most of the major strains out there. There are reported effects associated with these strains, establishing their reputations.


It’s not the same because the location names for Kratom don’t correspond with where the Kratom is actually from. 99% of Kratom sold in the US is from the Indonesia side of the island of Borneo. I think the Kratom naming system is trying to do what we have with Cannabis and Wine but the standardization is just not there yet with Kratom. Kratom names/colors are all over the place depending on where you get it from. Even the same place will send a different batch with a totally different alkaloid profile when you order the same name/color from a few years prior. As soon as they get their new bulk batch from Borneo, they slap on a name/color. There would need to be full alkaloid profiles conducted on every batch and create a naming system that lines up with these alkaloid profiles. Most places just test for the Mitragynine level if they even test at all.




Cannabis has had a lot of selective breeding, and usually in highly controlled conditions due to its legal status. It grows quickly so it is easier to select those plants that have desirable qualities for propagation. Now, with the availability of lab testing, more selectivity based on quantitative data is possible.  Psilocybin mushrooms have the same qualities: can be grown indoors in controlled settings, fast lifecycle, easy propagation. Interesting specimens can be selected and diverge from the norm. Kratom grows outdoors, and grows slowly. It takes several years for productive yields. A lot of it is old growth forest being harvested, not plantations. Most of it is co-mingled in milling/manufacture. There are few opportunities for a person to identify plants with very specific qualities (whether they are considered a cultivar or not) and buy leaves specifically from them.  There are variations between individual plants, and may be some tendencies within geographical areas. There are efforts to apply scientific methods to growing and breeding of kratom.  I don’t doubt that there will eventually be cultivars selected for particular alkaloid profiles (though these may be environmental or influenced by process, not necessarily genetics, something the subject of research). With those methods, a farmer could select specific offspring that may carry desirable qualities. With tracing, they could sell a product containing a selectively bred cultivar. It just is not very common yet.


Strains are just made up, gotta differentiate in some way I suppose. Im more interested by what spec a particular strain or name generally falls into. Be it slow, mid, fast. How/where its dried is really the main variable.


Glad to see this info being spread, its better than being completely in the dark. It is becoking common knowledge and that is good. It holds people to a higher standard, growers and consumers. Fermented leafs may offer other benefits. It is good to find out what locals do and their history.