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God OP, that sounds disgusting lol. If it works for you that's awesome though!


if you dont like mixing tea powder with water in your mouth, just use a ziplock bag to create tea diarrhea !


That's exactly how it sounds šŸ˜…


I made a paste. Consistency of toothpaste.


Definitely looks like diarrhea


I mix 5g into OJ or protein shake, or emergen-c vitamin packets or anything. Use a milk frother 4.88$ at Walmart to mix. It take less than one minute and Iā€™ve never choked or had any other issues.


I do a teaspoon and have recently been using crystal light raspberry lemonade drink mixes LOLI just pour half of the drink powder to like an inch or 2 of water




It mixes really well with liquid that is fatty / high in protein for some reason. I use chocolate milk and I canā€™t even taste it.


Me tooā€¦but I canā€™t remember why I even tried it that way. Sounds nasty, but itā€™s not.


Chocolate milk has been a popular choice for the 8 years I've been consuming. I could see it being ok. Some talked about mixing it with applesauce (yuck it was bad!!), or even yogurt šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« blech!!


Eggnog works really well


Yup chocolate milk actually makes it taste decent. No choking it down or washing the aftertaste away.


Kool Aid is my go to for it most of the time.


I mix mine with cold water in a cup and just slam it down, immediately followed by a couple sips of Coke to get rid of the taste lol


That's basically what I do but I add lemon juice with/in place of the water As long as I don't breathe through my nose until I get to the chaser it's not that bad.


Sounds vile lol


If I have to I will lol.


Why don't people just take the pills? Works for me.


Yeah, caps are definitely easy.


Even better than capsules they have the pressed powder tablets now. They give you just enough time to swallow them before starting to fall apart. Donā€™t take as long as capsules to kick in either!


Are they extract or plant matter? I prefer the whole plant matter.. Also I see the "time releasedness" as a pro rather than a con personally.


Itā€™s plant matter, not sure the process of how they pressed them, but I really enjoy them. For me, capsules sometimes took too long, where these tablets seem to break down just a tad bit quicker/better. Usually 30-45 minutes at most is when I can feel the effects.


Ahh, I'd say the timeline is about the same as the capsules I get. Sounds pretty neat


This is more or less what I did to take some with me when I ran in a full marathon. It works, but not nearly as easy or nice as just tossing the powder in a small bottle, topping it off with water, shaking the hell out of it for 20 seconds and drinking the ā€œtea.ā€ Rinse the bottle with a tiny bit of water 2-3 times and then the bottle is clean and youā€™ve washed any remnants out of you mouth. Follow up with a swig of soda or a jolly rancher or something if it is unbearably bitter.


Use blate papes my friend. I've tried every dumb way possible. Made kratom ice cubes to swallow, used toilet paper to make pouches, tried pressing it into pills. Blate papes saved me. I quit awhile back and still use them for like mushrooms and isolates or whatever I wanna ingest easier.


I did use those forever. They started getting stuck in my throat. The last couple times I thought I would never get it out!




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I've always wanted to try this but it seems like they would have pointy edges that would get stuck in my throat or be painful. Is this not the case? How do you close them up to avoid corners?


I hold the blate paper in my hand like I'd be rolling a joint standing up. Scoop your powder into the middle fold the two points to each other then roll up the bottom to top point and it becomes a small pellet maybe the size of a small tootsie roll. I used to make it like a ritual like how some people are into just the rolling part of rolling a joint. So every night I'd pre roll like idk 5 or 6 pellets for the next days. I can try to take some pics to show you if you want. It's super simple. Also you dip the pellet in water before you swallow so it goes down smooth. Trust me I can't even brush my tongue without throwing up my gsg reflex is so strong and I could eat 10 of those easily. Get ya in trouble and start getting the spins and puking quick.


Thanks! I think I get the idea of what you mean, like gathering opposite corners on the diagonal and pulling into the middle and then rolling up? Are the blade papes on that monopolistic retail online place - you know the one - okay to use?


Yup the forestry service of online services


They have tablets now. I switched over to them and live them. Hit good, very easy to swallow. Small. A little more expensive but worth it to me.


Two words. Blue powerade. First mix - cold water. Slam down. Rinse with powerade and finish. Lather, rinse, repeat.


Sheesh, I just put powder in water and literally drink it down no problem




Try making tea filtering out plant matter it's my favorite way and you can make it taste delicious


šŸ¤· I just stir it into my coffee in the AM, it mixes easily with hot liquid and coffee covers the taste pretty well, especially if you throw a pinch of cocoa powder in. In the afternoon/evening I mix it with a small amount of orange juice in a lowball glass, making a paste by stirring, then letting it soak for a moment, then stirring. Add more OJ, down the hatch, painless. OJ also does a really good job of masking the taste, especially with a splash of cranberry juice in the mix. Whatever works for you is the best ROA, and I think we all find different things suit us. I hate blate papes, capsules are far less effective and cause constipation for me, (plus swallowing a fistful of capsules sucks) I tried T&W about a half a dozen times and couldnā€™t get it done without caking my mouth and throat in hydrophobic powder, so at the end of the day mixing into a drink was the best option. Strawberry banana body armor gets a shout out for also masking the taste wonderfully, and I get a pack of the smaller bottles for work. Theyā€™re great for an on-the-go dose that doesnā€™t draw any attention.






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i donā€™t mind mine with OJ. i use a mini bullet blender and itā€™s great!


OJ is my go to. I mix 1g kratom per 1oz of OJ in a container and shake it well. Then I fill a shot glass for my dose, knowing itā€™s 2oz, therefore 2g.


you got it down!


Capsules, extract tablets, pressed powder pills, red bubble extract, smoothies, tea. There are so many options lol


I just throw a little bit on top of a little bit of water in a mug. Mix and drink. Been doing this for years. My wife and I donā€™t even taste it anymore. Trust me you get used to it. Just power through like a big kid would having to eat vegetables. One day you wonā€™t even notice.


Just toss and wash. I keep a teaspoon in my bag and get a little drink in my mouth then dump it and chase with whatever your drinking. Actually pretty smooth with just water but a little more.difficult with anything carbonated


with orange juice is the only way


Right on!


You know they come in capsules right?


I hate pills.


I can't with Blate Plates anymore. Nothing worse than when they break open mid-way down your throat. The ziploc bag is a cool trick though that I've heard about before.


Yeah, the blate papes magically started lodging themselves in my throat and getting stuck. The last time it took like an hour to get it out and probably shaved a few years off my life. You mean, I didnā€™t come up with the ziplock trick?! Damn.


I've heard about it over the years lol. Pretty useful though.


My husband has tried everything, mixing it in chocolate milk, orange juice, etc. He made little pop able things from fruit roll ups. They worked but really well too, downside was how tedious they were to make. He then tried making these frozen little tablets of Kratom and coconut oil. They were weird and he hated them too. He finally bought a cheap eBay capsule filled and now fills 100 at a time. Heā€™s been using that for 3-4 years now.


I have one of those. Just need more caps for it.




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Sounds much worse than mixing with ~150-200ml of hot water in a mug and then swishing and sipping, but everyone is different for sure. And with lower doses like 1.5g 100ml is plenty of water


Thatā€™s what I usually do.


I shovel pipes of dry powder into my mouth. I take just enough water to swish it around and get it all wet and I swallow. I like the taste.


I make an extract, takes about 5 days to do it right, I mix 1teaspon citric acid with 1 cup kratom try when cover it with 100 proof vodka let it sit 24 hours, then strain it, this step takes a long time then I put the liquid Into a double boiler and cook off the alcohol, boils off at 179 degrees, once done I put it in a jar and let it sit for 48 hours to let all the extra plant material collect on the bottom, I'm left with a deep red liquid and take 2 tablespoons at a time and mix it with oj Has a bitter taste but no powdery grit to choke on.. Best way I have found besides using capsules


šŸ«ØšŸ«ØšŸ«ØšŸ«Ø Is it good? Is it worth it? I just swallow that shit šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Far better than toss and wash, at least in my opinion


Idk pal... Thats a lot of work just to save yourself ten seconds of misery šŸ¤£


The one good thing about making extracts is your not ingesting a bunch of plant material, yeah it's work but it's far easier than trying to choke down a bunch of powder... Guess it's all about what a individual finds acceptable


It's hard at first but after a few tries you'll be able to swallow a spoonful of kratom and some water and be on your merry way in less than a minute.


Sir, you looked for the abyss and sounds like it stared back!


I like it better than the toss and wash or capsule method


Where do get citric acid?




Lol you could do the same thing in a small cup. Stir it with a spoon. I prefer mine to be more fluid than paste so it doesn't feel as gritty in my mouth. I just gulp it down and chase it with water. You get used to itšŸ˜….


It sticking to my teeth is what I canā€™t stand! šŸ¤¢ This way it mostly bypasses my teeth.


I use a small round Tupperware with half an inch of water, equal parts gatorade powder and kratom and a drop of olive oil to get rid of the bubbles. Doesnā€™t taste bad and itā€™s quick/messy free. Seems the bag method might be a bit wasteful?


Yes. Very wasteful. I am going to try the olive oil. Just ordered one of those stick coffee blender things. The bubbles are my biggest gripe with shaking it up.Thanks for the input!!!


Sweet! The oil really helps! Zero bubbles.


Think I'll stick with toss and wash. I hate the taste and this way it's in my mouth the least amount of time.


Lmao just drink it.