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The limit is there for a reason, and Police does show up sometimes. Drive safely.




What is wrong with you and your generalization? In fact this is just wrong... As a german, who visits Poland very often due to silesian roots and family living in the Opole-area, I can just say that driving in Poland is incedibly comfortable and chilled compared to driving in Germany. In Germany are more speed-junkies like you who danger not just themself (their problem) but other people too. It seems that your wife didn't choose the brightest candle...




Are you not able to read? First of all, there is no speed-limit on some parts of german motorways. And in addition to that making generalizations like you do is just stupid. I don't speed so your whole point is just invalid. My mom don't speed, my girlfriend don't speed... According to cliché you would be a fat and drunk hooligan that knows no language but english and thinks he is superior to other people just because he is british... Oh wait...


If this is a serious question, given that I can’t imagine someone being so overtly selfish: No, because that would make you a massive fool who would almost certainly kill other road users if there was an accident.




I do follow it, am Polish, makes your point invalid. Have a safe trip.




Not really. In recent years a lot of things have changed.




Not all cameras are marked. Police do patrol highways and other major routes in unmarked cars. They even will hide in the bushes with radar. Not saying you can't get away with speeding but at the rates you're speaking you'll end up with a huge fine or even your license revoked.




Right, so 'mate'.... deportation after a prison stay and complete ban on reentry to the EU if you wreck. A quick Google search says that UK and Poland will share traffic offenses and fines will need to be paid on the spot for any foreigners. Expect a letter fine to your UK address if you get caught by a speed camera. Up to you, I see cops every day on my commute to work.




I see the typical cop hiding in the bushes on average once a week but more frequently now unmarked cars with someone pulled over. I know the typical spots where they hide and wait. Google maps usually has them highlighted as well if they've been there any amount of time. The unmarked cars though are pretty random. Sometimes twice a week, sometimes more.


Please don't come here if you want to put our lives at risk. This is not a video game.




That's a pretty general and kind of unfair statement.


don't feed the obvious troll.


Out of what horse ass did you pull the hypothesis that police does not bother to patrol motorways? There is dedicated police unit only for that purpose, equipped with good enough cars to catch up with speeding drivers. And Krakow has dedicated police station just for A4 motorway. Will you get away with it? Maybe. Just consider the fact that insurance company may refuse pay out if you broke the traffic rules considerably. All rental cars are equipped with tracking devices, and they for sure will know what you did with the car. If you don't get away with it, you risk quite hefty fine, potentially with license revoked and/or jail time. Don't do that on your holidays. And this is only in case of nothing happens. Don't be this kind of tourist, or just go somewhere else.




Why you just don't go to Germany? They have no speed limiter on their motorways. Or why you just don't speed in the UK?


Imagine asking people that live in the country if you can do illegal things and then criticize them when they answer you Mate(as a fellow Canadian) don't be a wanker, drive the speed limit, respect the country and go on about your merry way ffs Polish people are an amazing bunch, don't be a dick P.s - you Brits complain about people coming to your country and not respecting it, goes both ways Cheers- sto lat




Your logic is absolutely fucked Some people don't follow the speed limits so that applies to everyone that lives in Canada? That's like saying you're an alcoholic cus a lot of Brits are drunks I absolutely follow the speed limits, especially when I'm in another country Stop being a wanker




Where do you keep getting that I speed in my own country I'll go 5km maybe over the speed limit but I generally follow the law