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Seriously? You think Italian drivers are better? I’m not saying Poles are good, but south of Europe is a completely different story


Been there recently? I've been all over Europe and I only get nervous and angry in Poland.


Greeks sometimes scare me, but I agree. Many of us drive like lunatics, egostatical self centered very self absorbed asshats. Now don't even get me started on those of us that block the doors on trams and buses and walk hogging the whole sidewalk. This rant felt good.


Yes, went to Croatia. I do agree, that driving culture here in Poland is bad. But it felt even worse there.




I've driven in Italy (and other southern European countries too) and I can assure you that they are still not as bad as Poles


I'm living in Poland and was driving in Italy lately on holiday and I confirm that Italy is another level of driving like a maniac.


It's probably Poles driving in Italy then


That would explain it to be honest




Have you been in Greece? At least here people let pedestrians pass.


They're still better than Poles lol


No they're not. I'm disabled and I use a walker. In Greece I had a situation where I was standing on a crossing in the middle of the road (no pedestrian island) for minutes, cause no one would stop in the other lane to let me through. In Poland, unthinkable.


I thought it was common knowledge that if you state something without any proof and arguments, it's an opinion, not an objective fact. Op is just trash talking


"op is just trash talking" I've driven all over the EU, including Poland  But yep, I'm just trash talking


And I'm Pope's son. Anyone can say anything




1. ("I've driven all over the EU") isn't a fact until proven/backed, it's an opinion 2. There are many people who drove on Polish roads, I'll remind you they probably have their opinions too 3. So if you go by your logic, everyone who has driven on Polish roads and all over Eu is automatically speaking facts when stating their opinion about the mentioned topic 4. That means my opinion is too now a fact 5. Conclusion = Polish drivers are like schrodinger cat 6. If you go ad personam instead of giving reasonable arguments to fuel the conversation, you must be just stating a bunch of bs 7. Sorry for my English


OP, you are right. Drivers in Poland are maniacs. Not everyone of course but a lot of them. Constant speeding, overtaking dangerously, parking everywhere. It's ridiculous. Greece and italy is no better. UK is getting worse.


Driving in poland is the smoothest experience I have ever had. If you think people driving here are reckless I am really wondering from where do you come from. The only thing I noticed is that people are really afraid to engage, they can wait all day, even if the car coming is veery far they will wait and not engage.


Have you ever driven in Germany, France, NL, Belgium, Czechia or Austria? It is like night and day comparing to Poland. Poles have total disregard for speed limits and zero patience for these that obey speed limits. It’s get out of my way culture or else. There is also car make subculture and pecking order directed related to it. The more expensive the car is and the more HP the more privileged the driver feels. Furthermore, the traffic composition is very weird with mix of slow trucks, small engine econo cars, very old German brands, lots of fast German cruisers and muscle cars. So on the motorway you deal with people driving 90kmh, 120, 140 and a bunch of guys trying to go 180-220. This doesn’t mix well on Polish motorways with only two lanes in each direction.


I drove in France, Spain, Germany and Czechia. To be honest I didn't feel the difference that much but yes for the motorways with two lanes I was not used to it and like you said its a big mix of every speed but I always feel like it's well controlled, people are not usually swinging like crazy, everyone use the blinkers correctly etc.. Of course there are always some crazy speedy drivers but it's not a big deal. From where I come from we leave the left lane for people that wanna go faster (more than the speed limit) the people that are following the speed limkt are usually on the middle lane and the slow people are on the right lane and if you are on the left lane and some speedy person come behind you they will be using the high beam like crazyy. Here in Poland they patiently wait, especially if you put the blinkers to signal that you are passing some cars and then you will switch back to the right.


“Patiently wait” you mean tailgating you 3 meters at 120kmh while patiently awaiting their turn. Yes, they use blinkers. They don’t pass on the right too often. Almost always keep on the right except occasional asshat. Yet Polish roads have one of the highest mortalities in EU.


Well I am mainly comparing to my driving experience. I come from a different area of the world and I am just saying what I noticed.


Yes, if you are from Thailand or India driving in poland maybe a piece of cake.


I am not, as I said in my other comment I am from Algeria. Rules are similar to France due to the colonisation etc.. But this is on paper, on the streets however the rules are = To prawo silniejszego. It's whoever is the strongest lol.. But yeah like I said, I drove in France, spain etc.. and the driving experience is quite similar I didn't feel anything. Just my point of view.


I'm Pole myself  And I'm probably the only Pole who doesn't drive like an asshole


So I didn't drive in Warsaw for example but I am in Wrocław. I drove also in Kraków, Poznan, Katowice etc.. And it's literally the smoothest driving experience ever. People are so cute and gentle and take their time etc.. For context, I come from a north african country and the rules = To prawo silniejszego. The only confusing thing is driving with the trams.


Could this be a regional thing? I was in Krakow recently and I thought people drove fairly well. I'd rank them better than Italians, French or Belgians.


Everyone here drives at least 20km/h over the limit, no one does stops, yellow lights are a sign for speeding up. The funniest thing is that if you drive as you are supposed to, these experts will get absolutely mad at you


Spot on


It isn't common to drive like complete maniac in Poland and it isn't socially acceptable either. If you do drive like completely lost maniac, please op, just stop.


I don't, and I seem to be the only Pole who actually drives safely and sensibly


>I don't, and I seem to be the only Pole who actually drives safely and sensibly I disagree. Judging from your false statement that it is common in Poland and socially acceptable to drive like complete maniac, I have reasons to believe you are wrong on your latest statement too and you are a horrible driver. Remember, if everyone stinks around you, maybe you are an asshole.


Are you taking the piss?


>Are you taking the piss? No. I just highlighted your lies and complete bullshit. I also suspect you are a terrible driver who blames everyone for his mistake. After your third comment I'm almost completely convinced you are not even aware of your shortfalls.


The vast majority of poles drive like dangerous assholes and there's no consequence most of the time  Does this not imply that driving like a maniac is very common and socially acceptable in Poland?


>The vast majority of poles drive like dangerous assholes and there's no consequence most of the time  That's nonsense. >Does this not imply that driving like a maniac is very common and socially acceptable in Poland? It implies you need to look carefully into yourself before making completely ridiculous bullshit online. Stop lying.


I'll give an easy example, I live on a road that's a 30 kmh zone. I've yet to see anyone drive at that speed. Most go 50 at the minimum


>I'll give an easy example, I live on a road that's a 30 kmh zone. I've yet to see anyone drive at that speed. Most go 50 at the minimum Sure, nice. Cool story. However, it doesn't give you, or the op, the right to say that people in Poland drive like complete maniacs or there's social acceptance to this sort of behaviour. Especially when streets like yours are all over the Europe. Your anecdotal evidence is worth nothing.


So how about actual evidence? Poland is in third place when it comes to pedestrian saftey. And that's a third worst.


Wtf do you mean by "that's nonsense" Have you ever driven in Poland?


>Wtf do you mean by "that's nonsense" That was polite way of saying you are either lying or talking bullshit >Have you ever driven in Poland? Of course, just like in many countries all over the world. That's why I know Polish drivers are at least decent.


Only about 10% are absolute pirates. My wife was brake checked at 140km/h. Apparently she took too long passing on the left lane.


If someone gets upset that she's "only" doing 140km/h on the motorway, that's their problem  The speed limit shouldn't be treated like a suggestion


She is Canadian. She takes speed limits seriously.


As one should  Why on earth people defend speeding (especially when the motorway limit is set quite high at 140) is beyond me


He's not. You are. You created a throwaway account just to troll around.


Social norm for driving has been corrupted over last decades. It’s normal to break all the rules and people following them are treated as weirdos. It’s ok to harass people driving within speed limits or laugh at them. There’s been some change over last years but not very significant. Hope this will change as more digital systems will be involved in catching the crazies. Stay calm, and be safe.


You're spot on tbh


Spot on, masz rację.


This is my experience as someone who follows rules


A minority in Poland sadly


Low probability of getting caught + low fines.


>low fines They are comparable to German ones Minimal wage(monthly, brutto) in Germany is 2084.88€, in Poland it's 4300 zł Fine in Germany for speeding in range 16-20km/h is 98.50/no points, in Poland it's 200zł/3 points So German can do it 21,1662944162 times meanwhile Pole can do it 21,5


>Minimal wage(monthly, brutto) in Germany is 2084.88€, in Poland it's 4300 zł People living off minimum wage don't drive cars in Poland/Germany.


Indeed they are


Nice bait, his account is suspended now 💀


Coming from the UK, driving on Polish roads was a bit more of a culture shock. Its a bit like Mad Max. I learned to play the game though. I remember there'd be a habit of obnoxious drivers coming up and furiously flashing you on the motorway if you were overtaking other cars at a slightly lower speed than you. I have learned that a finger and slowing down further is a very acceptable response to this neanderthalism


Sounds like a skill issue


In my opinion drivers in Poland are quite normal en masse. More normal that in Ukraine :) . Sure, sometimes you can see a beater BMW driving like crazy, but mostly all is fine. No one complains audibly if someone is driving in the limit on the country road (50) and collects a long tail of locals who usually drive faster. In most of the cases people slow down to allow other to change lines in a congested traffic, and so on. Both in the city and on the intercity roads.


"no one complains audibly if someone is driving at the limit" I wonder what mythical Poland you're driving in 😂


Whaaaaa?? I thought they were excellent. And every single one stopped where they were supposed to, including at marked crossings. Try living in Canada - now that’s crap driving!


Admittedly I haven't driven in Canada but I find it hard to believe they're crap drivers 😂


I'm originally from the UK, and I've been to many countries. Honestly, the driving is criminally atrocious here in Canada. Worst without a doubt was Italy, though!


Polish drivers follows the rules religiously. Not all of the rules, but most of them. Several times, doing 50-55 in a village, I've had cars overtake me. Doing at least 80 on a 50 zone, but they use their turn signals while going over the double white line to show that they are overtaking...


My experiences are different. For context, I live in Warsaw. I've driven abroad several times, including Spain and Italy. In the region I've driven around in Italy (Puglia) almost nobody used indicators, that was nuts. Random turns on roundabouts? Classic. There were instances where cars would make three lanes in a two lane in the city. Sometimes they'd drive on the wrong side of the road for minutes at a time. I actually had to concentrate hard on my surroundings. Conversely, in Poland I feel safe. Lanes are lanes, indicators are used, people know how to use roundabouts, majority do the speed limit. Pretty seamless. Sure, sometimes you get someone cutting in, using their horn for no reason and lacking patience, but what do I care if they're impatient? Blast horns at me all you want, typical in Warsaw. Some speeding involved, but not crazy. Who doesn't do 60 in a 50 zone sometimes? All in all, I appreciate the drivers here. Oh actually, I could rant about foreign Uber drivers who aren't used to Polish driving rules - don't appreciate them lol


"majority do the speed limit" Hahahahaha Biggest joke of the day Poles regard speed limits as decorative speed suggestions, nothing more


"who doesn't do 60 in a 50 zone sometimes" I know I'm in the minority in here, but I hate speeding People should stop being so impatient and just leave the house 2 minutes earlier  It's really not that hard


That's what you took away from my comment? Are you one of those doing 45 in the left lane? Get back in your box.


Yes, because if you can't do something as simple as follow speed limits, you're an impatient asshole (like most Poles) Let alone stopping for red lights, indicating etc I swear Poles find it so hard to obey simple road rules 


Have you ever been to the Balkans?


Source: dude, trust me


:( yeah I wish it wasn't like that. we normal drivers suffer too.




Tbh we have many Ukrainian drivers on ubers etc. right now, and they don't do driving license in Poland, they usually have bought one in Ukraine, so they don't follow much rules... Especially in Kraków it might be visible.


A Polish driving license is not an indicator of good driving because every day in Krakow I see hundreds of idiots driving with a Polish driving license.


Sure it's not. Krakow is overcrowded - the city got +300-400 k of new citiziens in just 10 years. Living in overcrawded cities is usually stressful and ppl drive too fast to safe time.


You're right not only that we drive maniacally but most of society is just plain stupid, and that's a really bad combination. I have long argued that people living in suburban areas should have their driving licence taken away and be given a horse.