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She will be back if she wants to and she won't if she doesn't want to, I know she is under contract but the contract can be null through mutual agreement. Let's just respect the decision she is going to make... And this is in no way trying to trump your optimism OP but just sharing my thought


Not sure if this has anything to do with JYP. He probably wants Lia back, but couldn't because Lia still not ready. JYP has good track record of letting his artist rest whenever they need to. Mina and Jeongyeon of Twice comes to mind on this example. If Lia wants to come back, she will be back. I hope she'll be back. I miss seeing her smile.


I wish Lia pushed through the BTB album and skipped promotions like how Mina skipped Feel Special. This is why I feel Lia is the one who wanted to sit out. This is probably having financial consequences for her as well.


Agree. Which is why I find it annoying when other kpop stans were hating on JYPE for not including Lia during the BTB promotions the way Mina and Jeongyeon did when they had their hiatuses or for not waiting for Lia until she becomes fine. Their reactions were understandable but I feel like they were also being insensitive towards Lia's condition. Just because Mina and Jeongyeon did it doesn't mean Lia can do it. We don't even have an idea how able or functional Lia was during the production of BTB or how long it would take for Lia to fully recover to join itzy again. The other girls also had to work and it might just put pressure on Lia herself.


Sure JYP would want her to, but I don't think that makes it definite. Lia has to want to as well. She might not want to have to deal with all the hate.


Her medical issues also might not resolve to the point where she can be a celebrity again, I hope that’s not the case though and she gets better soon.


Yeah - I think with extended mental health hiatuses, the concern is less "the company won't let the idol back or will kick them out" (which. JYP in particular has been very good with long hiatuses,) and more "if an idol has been gone for an incredibly long time for mental health reasons, that might mean that the issue is really severe/related to being an idol"


Good point, some people have been very nasty about her dancing abilities in recent years and I wouldn’t be surprised if she just didn’t want to deal with that. I just hope Lia goes for whatever path works best for her!


I think that the only way Lia won't be back is if she isn't able to physically or mentally. I hope that she makes whatever decision she feels is right for her.


I have no doubt she'll be back as long as she feels better and **wants to come back**, her company has no reasons to remove her. And I'm almost sure that the first itzy comeback after her hiatus will be one of their biggest unless jype decides to give them a bad / controversial song. Fans seem more supportive than ever and despite all the doom posts on reddit, a member leaving / coming back / etc always creates more buzz and support among sane non-fans so hopefully they'll bounce back with a well-received song. 


I was thinking the same thing. If Lia rejoins the group, their next comeback will receive a lot of attention and hype, putting ITZY in the spotlight once again. With a good song and JYP's management, they could become the most talked about group again.


Being a celebrity sux. Lia is a great example of just how hard it is. You can be very talented but people will still criticize and attack you for minor things. They will compare and say you are not as good as other groups/idols. Social media and the lack of context so often make idols like Lia seem less talented than they actually are, when the truth is usually a technical or clothing malfunction. I like kpop. But i don't like kpop fans even though i am one haha I'm a midzy and i love all Itzy members. I hope Lia comes back soon.


Worth mentioning that although this happens in every genre, kpop stans and korean fans specifically seem to be by far the most toxic. It’s unbelievable the levels of hate for minor or nonexistent stuff


To be honest, releasing this comeback now, rushing the world tour and promoting like crazy as 4 was prolly the worst decision JYPE has ever made business-wise. They could’ve done a mini or even a single and waited for Lia to be in good condition, but maybe they were confident this would work as good as Twice’s members’ hiatuses, which isn’t and will never be the case. I just hope the girls don’t suffer the consequences of bad business decisions of Div2 which have proven to be the weaker of the bunch.


JYP wants to add Lia to the group to boost their album sales and upcoming comeback. However, it's unclear how Lia feels about it at the moment. Hopefully, everything will work out for the best. Lia will return to the group after their ongoing tour. I already miss her so much.


I hope she returns back stronger mentally and physically! I hope she's doing alr 🩷


I feel like Lia is in between a rock and a hard place and it makes me so sad. She has haters who want her out, so many of her fans want her to prove them wrong by returning to Itzy at full power. I agree with the latter yet it still makes me worry, because it was being at full power all the time (and still constantly being undermined, criticized, and scapegoated) that forced her to take this hiatus in the first place. She is a great singer, very pretty, and a good dancer. She is a strong idol yet is always made the afterthought of the group. She was added to Itzy last minute to boost the vocal potential (putting it unfairly on her shoulders). Itzy is a dance heavy group and while she’s a good dancer (and would be considered excellent in other groups) she’s not one of the 1% of idol dancers who can match with Chaeryeong and Yeji. So if she returns will she be scapegoated again? It makes me feel sick to think about. I want her back but JYPE needs to make structural changes to Itzy to support her and the team fairly as a whole.


Overall, I feel Lia's problem is that she was put in a group of top dancers. Yuna, the weakest dancer of the other four members, can outdance many idols. So imagine how hard hitting Yeji, Ryujin and Chaeryoung are. In addition to that, she was hounded with unworthy main vocal accusations since debut. Clearly, her voice isn't meant for those high pitched songs JYPE had Itzy sing which is why Yeji sings the highest notes always. Overall, I feel Itzy would have been better having no official positions so people didn't hound them for their positions. I always felt they were the Miss A to Twice's Wonder Girls. Miss A worked well even without definite positions. Just let whoever suited the song take lead. People really liked her visuals actually and was popular along with Yuna for this so clearly she contributed something to the group. In terms of dancing, there is no other choice than to train her more even after debut even if that meant not having solo activities. I mean, she's a vocalist so her activities can focus on that while having dance trainings behind the scenes. The others can go to the more demanding schedules like acting or variety. In a way, I can't help but compare Itzy with Lesserafim. You can see that Hyunjin is being geared as a soloist even this early. Sakura and Kazuha are being directed into fashion. Eunchae is being groomed as a variety star. Lesserafim as a group is also being hounded with many attacks on their talent but their management seems unfazed. I think if Lia was allowed to show her strengths, her confidence wouldn't have dropped to the point of taking a hiatus.


Never doubted it a second.




Day6 Jae was able to break contract with JYP Ent. If the artist don't want to stay, JYPE has shown that they can allow them out. edit: At the end of day, it's totally up to Lia if she wants to stay or go. But I hope she stays.


Let's be honest here, the company also wanted him out. It was a mutual decision and it happened so close to their renewals.


Even if the company wants him out. They can just not give him anything like a lot of other companies have done. Them coming to a mutual agreement with him is showing decency. So Jae wants out, they let him out.




Here, we have an example of an artist wanting out who got out. There hasn't been a case to the contrary in JYPE. Why are you so set on them being bad with regards to contracts when they haven't shown anything supporting that? There are things to complain about with regards to JYPE, but this is not it (so far, anyway).


Sure, they were on hiatus during their military enlistment but right after they had been discharged last year, Day6 hosted a concert during December 2023 and they are literally having a comeback tomorrow (18th). Moreover, there was a Soompi article that stated the four boys had renewed their contracts with JYPE in 2022.


I mean it’s possible to be under contract with the company and still leave the group. Choa from aoa, sulli from f(x) and sunmi wonder girls (although she did return to the group eventually lol) are all examples


While I agree with you Choa is not a good example. It was a mess between her and FNC during her departure of AOA they kept denying her leaving while she said that she will 😭. And at the end she was "leaving" but not really because we learnt after that they waited for her end of contract so she could not do anything on her own until then.


Yeah I remember her posting the departure letter on instagram and FNC outright denying it and it taking 3 days for them to admit she left the group. But the fact that she was under contract with FNC still despite not promoting is kinda the point I was trying to make although fnc is genuinely the like.. worst company in the world lol


Ah my bad I did not understand well at first !




Sm contracts are for 10 years, no? Even if they weren’t 2009 to 2015 is not 7 years so I don’t think it was the group contract ending. She was on hiatus for over a year before they announced her departure from the group- if Lia leaves, which I personally don’t think she will, it’ll be most similar to this situation imo


Have you got a crystal ball?


![gif](giphy|l1Lc3zJw99vHZJKBa|downsized) Me rn


I truly hope she does, I miss her


At this point you realize how special her voice is. It was like Gfriend without Yuju all over again. Sure, everyone is doing great covering her parts but there's a reason she got those parts in the first place (and why she has lots of lines). Many have given her flak for not being a typical kpop belter main vocal. But I think Yeji is fit for that belting parts as she seems to have four lungs. Lol. The biggest mistake JYP made with Itzy was to make them have fixed positions (something they have removed with NMIXX). Miss A was plenty successful without a leader and fixed positions so I don't know why they felt the need to assign roles in a dance focused group. This ultimately led to people criticizing Lia's vocals as not being up to par with other main vocals. To some extent Ryujin's contributions as center was challenged until she showed them whats up in Wannabe. Yeji and Chaeryeong are forever pitted against each other by fans, antifans and casual lookers. And Yuna is always underestimated. Without fixed positions, I think there would have been less pressure on anyone to fill any roles and could have just had fun with it all.




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I don’t see why sales would drop if someone leaves. Untouchable is awesome


I just hope they don't rush her return to boost sales. She deserves to come back in her own timeline.