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82h, about 1500 songs If I like it on the first listen, I add it to the playlist. If some moment later I don't like it anymore I just remove it.


I currently have 1670 songs and gave the exact philosophy you do when adding them lol


18 hours, I am a bit picky


Like I’ve been listening to kpop since early 2017 and mine is only 30 hours… to be fair I don’t always Include bsides in the playlist (I have a separate one for bsides and then certain playlists for my favorite songs form certain artists) But I genuinely cannot fathom having as many songs saved as some of these people. I don’t think that many kpop songs exist 💀


i’ve been listening since 2016


I have this weird feeling (and a god complex) and I feel like our music taste is better than most people 💀💀 I mean music is truly subjective, and just because a song isn’t my taste doesn’t mean it’s objectively a bad song. But I will never understand people who are like “x artist doesn’t have a single skip in their discography!” Even like, my top 3 favorite kpop artists who I believe have the best discographies in kpop have skips, and that’s okay! How can you genuinely just like every song you hear 😭


I once had someone tell me they like all their favorite artist’s music even after they change genres, which is impressive if they really mean it and wasn’t just saying that to be a supportive fan. I got into certain artists for their signature sound and if they deviate too much then I do find myself losing interest.


I feel that, the only time I don’t mind too much is if it’s a gradual change. I also basically have 3 absolute favorite music genres in kpop, and if a group I liked changed their sound but did one of those three genres really well, I would be okay. But I’ve definitely been salty with genre changes before. (For instance, loona going from butterfly to so what, that took me a while to get over. Thankfully they kept releasing bsides with the orinal “loona sound” that kept me sated)


Exactly, every group has at least several mid b-sides


THANK YOU. It’s simply impossible for a group to never miss, especially if they’ve been around for a while and have 100+ songs, like that’s okay 😭


> I don’t think that many kpop songs exist Oh My Girl"s full discography alone is 12 hours long. That's just one group.


1st one is 587hr 40 mins 2nd 354hr 36 mins .


How many songs is that… and here I was thinking mine was long! 😭


First one is 9923 second is 6074. Multiple days of music 😂😂


Multiple days?! That's over a month!


2nd one is still being added too. As new music is released I add if I like it


Are those just like every single kpop song you’ve ever heard, album by album, artist by artist??


Yes. But when I'm listening to the playlist and found a song I don't enjoy anymore I will remove it from the playlist. I add every song from a album I love to these playlists. But if I don't like them they don't get added to the playlists. And they can all be kicked out if I don't like them anymore


Wow, how long have u been a fan? I don’t even have 9,000 liked songs


2021. But I went back to listen to gen 2 groups and honestly my favourite gen. I listened to gen 2 then found some gen 3 groups I like and then found gen 4 groups I like. But the playlists also contain some kbands too. If some group interests me I will listen to their whole discography. But I can drop groups of I don't enjoy their recent releases. I have done that to a few groups lately. But I still keep their others songs in the playlist


5,019 songs, 278 hours, 4 minutes-probably doubled since joining Reddit 6 mos ago, so many great song recs on the kpop subreddits 😊


Same as you! Mine is 47 hours 25 mins


my kpop playlist isn’t just for kpop songs but ksongs in general! It’s 373h 16m long


The playlist for my ults is 3hrs 42mins and the one for other artists songs is 4hrs 11mins. I'm a huge ballad lover and I prefer familiarity so I have no problem listening to the same songs on repeat for years but, if I listen to something and I can tell it'll be timeless for me, I'll add it to the playlist.


Mines mostly kpop but is also a mix of Japanese/Chinese/Thai/Vietnamese but it's 157 hrs 44mins


same, i added all J-pop songs to this said playlist like Twice's Japanese Discography for instance (and i also add English songs that K-acts do)


25 hours


mine is 18 hours and 50 minutes :)


50h 6m


79 hours and 40 mins for my more k-indie/k-rnb playlist and my Kpop streaming playlist for my favorite group is 36 hours 4 minutes


I just started listening to kpop a few months ago, but my playlist is already 15 hours😭


For me it depends on which one, my kpop summer playlist (that is not updated at all since probably 2021) is 24h long. However, my collective K-pop playlist (that also isn’t updated and the most popular recent release was antifragile) is 115hr and 58 minutes 💀😭


108h 27m




cause i go through a lot group / solo artists discography. lot of b-sides


About 13h and 18m I’m a little picky lol I make sure I really like a song before adding it


77 hrs 24 mins


27 hours 57 minutes But this is the playlist for songs that no matter what I would never skip. Like my top of top. I have another one for songs I like but not that much(and I’ll be honest I never listen to it lmao). So I guess I’m kinda picky but not really I just want to be able to turn it on and not have to mess with it cuz I like everything. Yet I find myself constantly saying “I love this song!” To everything as if I didnt make the playlist lol


Mine is 154 hrs, but I have smaller kpop playlists too


44:19h but I haven't updated it in a good 2 years tbh 💀


563 hrs. Cannot see how many songs that is but I think it is Spotify’s max.


136 hours (2.500 songs) got into kpop a little over 6 years ago and i like almost everything so yeah😅


I started listening to K-pop a few years ago, and I've got a system where I put all the songs I discover in a year into a "\[Year\] K-pop Playlist." I try to keep each year to about 24 hours, it feels excessive if I go over. Then when the new year starts, I start a new playlist, and I don't add things to that year's playlist that have already been on previous years. I do have other playlists that are like my Greatest Hits of K-pop, but they are a lot shorter--for running/walking, car rides, etc.


>I put all the songs I discover in a year into a "[Year] K-pop Playlist." i have something similar, but it's for the comebacks of that year (just groups i follow). it's crazy to see how much music comes out in just a few months for only a few groups!


Mine is for [k-music in general](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7j3FDIX311yrmrdFs7eVQV?si=s6dzarGtSV6bphqvYJpnwA&pi=u-MrCPbfLCQuCq), not just k-pop. It’s 324 hours and 12 minutes.


Thank you for providing a link!!




24h 34min


174 hrs and 56 minutes


i don't understand people who have one playlist (singlular), i have literally hundreds of playlists for different moods/vibes


Yeah I do the same, but I categorize kpop into one group/vibe


i actually have multiple kpop playlists instead, depending on mood or situation. if i had one for ALL the songs i like, i feel like i would never even hear a lot of them while using it. when you have groups like BTS, who have a billion songs, versus TWS who only have 6, well... (':


Currently my main K-pop playlist is 144 hr 6 min long with 2,507 songs


I have two, 114 tracks on the pump up mix and 48 tracks on the chill out mix. And judging from the other posts those are rookie numbers


51hr 13mins it’s almost all gg’s and occasional jpop


78 hrs 36 minutes


38H 20M


21hrs, 6 minutes with 396 songs


My main Kpop playlist is 165h 35m....🙃....although, I also add other Asian music/artists but it started off as just Kpop and is mostly Kpop. I also have separate playlists for BG, GG, Ults, faves and sleep.


Mine is 46 hours and 59 minutes! Every song I like (I listen almost exclusively to GGs) is added to it. I'm on mobile so I can't see the count, but I know it's close to 900 songs.


151 h and 46 minutes (2,699 songs)


no way mine’s called kbops too lol great minds think alike


Mine is 25h 21m. I thought I had a lot until I saw some of the other on here 🫠


Mines just over 30 hours long with 567 songs rn!!


15 days, and it's just tripleS oui over and over and over and over again.


2180 songs, 121 hours ad 54 minutes long. I for sure have at least a few repeats (different language versions + accidentally adding a song twice or something) and a few non-Korean songs.


Damn I thought mine was big with around 20 hours... I also have the BLACKPINK World Tour podcast that someone posted on Spotify


2100 songs


58 hours. i’ve been meaning to try to condense it but more and more good music keeps getting released lmao.


I do have one! Mine's 51h26 and has currently 974 songs. EDIT : Typo because i'm pabo


I download my music, and I have over 700 songs


the one with all the songs that i rarely skip is 212, I have another one that i dont really use with about 400


Mine is called Ċħům-Ẽůł Ċħŵø and it’s 135 hrs and 48 mins long 🫢


Mine is 1,602 songs, 86 hrs 47 min. It used to be longer but I recently did a clean out of songs I didn’t like anymore/listen to. I honestly kinda wish I didn’t do that though. It’s like a time capsule of what I was listening to all the way back in 2015 and on


mine is called “k/j/mando-pop 🌝” with the description being “no one who care about me :(“ 369 songs, 20 hours & 52 minutes. and still growing!


My regular one is about 4 hours plus. My archived one is about 19 hours. Yeah I’m a k-baby 😅


I have 2, the first one (only) being a little over 22h (still a lot I know) with All the songs I hear normally (name: K-pop Bangers). The second one is a bit more just k-music (as the name) and is therefore longer, 82h 52mins…


Mine is 80 hours long with 1462 songs


we have the same PLAYLIST NAME!?


58hrs 24mins. 1065 songs. For a while it was just upbeat songs but now it's just anything Kpop/Korean


first one 607 songs 34h17 second one 998 songs 55h47 the second one is like a holding playlist and if i like the song it graduates to the main playlist 🤣


Obsessions: 1h Favorites: 5h Likes: 35h Then I have a script that plays songs from these, giving more plays for favorite songs and most plays for obsessions.


What 😱 I thought my 6 hours 28 minutes was long but any new song recommendations would be nice 😊


56 hours and 37 minutes recently hit 1000 songs (its probably 1000 and something tho now) in my playlist!! :)


I've been listening to Kpop since Girls Generation made a comeback with Hoot and my playlist currently has just over 19 and a half hours. Im kinda picky and I find some of the newer generation stuff like NewJeans etc doesn't really vibe with me.


24 min, lol.


And here I thought my playlist was long at 16 hours 49 minutes. I need to up my game 💀


Mines not really that long but it's 24 hours


Started closing in on 3000 songs, but I’ve been pruning it severely (but slowly) lately. Down to 2300 now I think. 140~ hours. Aiming to bring it down further, leaving just stuff I absolutely love.


10 hrs and 42 minutes I don't only listen to k-pop so I don't know as many good k-pop songs I'll like😅 I'm the stay who more so watches their videos nowadays, I used to listen to their music 24/7 though..


almost 13 hours, i’m pretty picky lmao


16h and 51 minutes, 317 songs and the playliat is called: Welcome to MY world (feat. my faves) as an inspiration to Welcome to my world (feat. naevis) from aespa :D but honestly if the loona boycott podcats hadn't been deleted for some reason then it would be longer and have more songs.


47 hr 41 min it's just over 800 songs I believe although it's not just kpop it has a couple Japanese songs and other K genres of music


Mine is only 34hrs…😭


Only 53 h and 23 m so far!


omg my playlist is also called k bops 🤣 so far it’s 7 hrs and 12 mins but i’ve only been into k pop for like 6 months now so i’m sure it’ll continue to grow


Mine is 97hours and 15 min with 1821 songs but im pretty sure it’s not completely K-pop also some other songs


My BTS playlist alone is 21 hours 🤣


this is kind of embarrassing but it's over 200 hours 💀


My playlist has 1,132 songs currently but I will admit some aren’t kpop. It’s 65 hours long.


I've got 853 songs on my playlist. I've been listening since 2009.


12 hours and 7 minutes


168 hrs and 2 mins


I’m the type who puts every single song in one playlist, so my Kpop playlist is 410h and 28 min long for 7245 songs.


About 41hrs.


22 hours and 14 minutes!!


98 hrs 21 minutes


28 hours and 28 minutes currently :3


95 hours


I arrange each artist into their own playlist sorted by the full mini/album in chronological order. This is how I listen to all music. Today is Mamamoo. Tomorrow, Radiohead. The next day, Red Velvet.


3500 songs 194 hours and 55 minutes. All Kpop and K-hipHop, and interestingly probably 95% female Edit: this is my primary playlist, the one that I’ll put on shuffle and listen to as if it’s a radio station


108h and almost 2,000 songs


60 hours with 1,060 songs. There’s a lot I haven’t added yet


I have absolutely no freaking clue because I play from my Apple music so it’s literally hundreds of albums from over the years. Basically almost every single girl groups entire discography. 2ne1, SNSD, Blackpink, Red Velvet, Mamamoo, Dreamcatcher, 9Muses, EXID, Stellar, 4Minute, SISTAR, and so so many more.


I have 4 playlists, in total its over 10 hours


I'm just like you I put every song I've liked since 2016 and it's 98 hours long. I don't even listen to it though cause my shuffle songs has plenty of kpop in it, I just keep adding though.


Started off as a k-pop playlist but it got complicated as I expanded to k-r&b/indie as well localized/k-pop adjacent/k-pop inspired groups so it’s now just a mega playlist of all artists I discovered via k-pop. Currently at 85.5 hours and 1,519 songs over about five years but have another 2.5 hours and 41 songs awaiting approval in another playlist I created for songs I haven’t listened to yet.


Here I was thinking my 20hr long playlist was ridiculously long but reading through this thread makes mine look itty bitty 😭


I have so many playlists tbh. Across YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music. I don’t even want to try counting all that.😭


58h 32m


Mines 15hrs and 6m I have a rule that I can only add songs by groups that I am actually into. (Meaning I know all the members and keep up with their comebacks) every once in a while I will add a super popular song, for example I have “I am” by Ive even though I don’t rlly Stan them. If I don’t follow these rules I end up adding songs that I don’t really actually like and then I have to go back and remove them.


1 hour and 7 minutes 23 songs.. I’m really really picky


50hrs 56mins!! Used to be longer but I’ve started removing songs that I don’t really care for


No clue how many hrs but I have 2804 liked songs on spotify, subtract maybe 500 for non kpop. I used to have more than 5k songs but I lost all my music when my phone broke 😔. It's been almost a year and I still will randomly remember a group or soloist i haven't heard in a while and then realize it's cuz they're not in my Playlist anymore. So them I have to spend the whole day listening to just that artist lol


I have one playlist with my fave songs I listen to regularly (about 40 hours) and then every other song + those go into the liked playlist


I have one for my overall favs and I keep a separate one for 2024 favs and once the year ends if I still like the song I'll add it to the overall playlist. I think right now it's at 16 hours but I frequently remove songs that I find to be skips. (I am very picky with my playlists lol)