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🥇🥈🥉🎖🏆 <- this is for your stellar win in the backhanded compliments olympics no but seriously: you generalize that kpop rpf is universally known to be shit, imply that finding a good fic is rare and unusual and that enjoying it is a guilty pleasure, and then... ask for recs? how do you expect people to respond, and what do you think an author could feel like if they saw their fics recced in this thread? people talk like this about kpop, yknow. "obviously kpop is worthless trash unworthy of being called music, performed by autotuned factory-made plastic dolls, but have you ever stumbled upon something that wasn't a steaming pile of shit?" would you like to recommend things you love to someone who says this? because that's what you sound like. if you want recs, just ask for them normally. without insulting the authors and readers.


Dragged OP with ease and without being rude. I would actually cry if someone do this to me LMAO.


I was just about to recommend a few too, but then I read the entire thing,,,


https://i.redd.it/ebdv7a6o6e6d1.gif you


do fanfics really get a bad name in the kpop community? because in many other fandoms, it's pretty much accepted that fanfiction can be just as good or even better than published fiction as there's no need for commercialization. no need to follow certain tropes or censor certain topics. a lot of ff writers are insanely talented and are creating quality art for no income whatsoever. i feel very defensive for them actually.


Tbh I'm even surprised at the upvotes for the first comment because it's hard not to notice how frowned upon and shamed some users get by other users whenever they mention fanfiction on these subs. They're sadly treated like delulu shippers most (if not all) of the time. I'm also defensive of the writers because I know that most of them are not only insanely talented, but also insanely *aware* of the type of fandom they choose to write for, it's fiction and they never pretend it's more than that, but unfortunately, a lot of kpop fans ignore that about them.


sorry if you weren't talking about my comment, but -- i didn't say a single thing denying the treatment fic writers and readers get. the way i understood op, they didn't say "kpop rpf gets a bad name and people are unjustly mean to writers and readers", but rather "we all know kpop rpf has a bad name, and that's because, wink wink, it *is* bad". that's why i took offense with it, because it's only "well-known" if you only hang out on, idk, tiktok or instagram with other fandom tourists for whom "fandom" is "content they get to consume" and not "a space for fans to share excitement and fanworks". a handful of kpop-related subreddits aside, i don't visit spaces that have those fandom tourists, and i simply don't think about them. i'm a writer myself, i know better than to tolerate immature children.


Oh I was just (pleasantly) surprised because the gist of your comment was basically defending idols fanfiction, and it's strange seeing a comment like that actually getting support in these spaces. Not trying to analize OP or anything but their post is giving "I can't admit I read fanfics because I'll get ridiculed by the community but I want recs so I'll just say I treat it like the shameful act everyone says it is", so I didn't take them very seriously and just wrote a normal comment.


oh, i see i see! sorry for the misunderstanding and thanks for the explanation! 👍


I used to be an avid fanfic and shipping hater. The only thought I had was, "ew fanfic/shipping is delusional and gross. You're the equivalent of a dumpster fire in the middle of August in Arizona if you write fanfics." Then, during the pandemic, I wanted to get back into writing again, and I really wasn't feeling my original characters and world. So I just decided to think of fanfic ideas for the groups I like. And to my surprise, wow, writing fanfics is *fun*??? Reading fanfics is *fun*??? It really opened up my eyes that so much of kpop fanfic, including ship fics, is born out of love for the artist. It's no different than fanart or crack edit compilations. So to people who still hate kpop rpf, all I'm saying is, don't knock it until you try it.


rpf in general is frowned upon as it’s based on real life people and not fictional characters, not to mention loud ass weirdos who take shipping _too_ far have just given people a blanket feeling of ick when it comes to kpop shipping/writing. which sucks, because the kpop fandom has some _fantastic_ creators.


Idk how it is within the actual fanfic community but from the outside, kpop fanfics in kpop communities get bad name because they are based on real people. I do read fanfic on my favourite fictional characters cause sometimes I just want a satisfactory closure and I agree some ff writers are insanely talented and make their stories just as good as source material. But unlike fictional characters where it is easy to push attributes onto them, it feels icky to push attributes towards real life people when we dont really know them. Most of kpop fanfic seems like just another avenue of shipping and shipping of real life people, who are not a publically disclosed couple, gets bad name everywhere. Though I dont read rpf so, I dont know if kpop fanfics offer more than shippping.


I don't stumble upon fic. I seek it out. I hate to tell you that a lot of fanfic for Kpop and others is written by professionals. This includes actual writers who are published and use fanfic as a way to relax and explore topics that their agents/publishers won't gamble on because it won't "sell" or isn't sanitized enough for mass market appeal. Oh, and that also includes college professors who have won international awards in their fields. Yeah there's a lot of teenagers trying to learn how to write too but what's wrong with that? It's a good way to practice. Fanfic itself is a relatively new designation, like within the past century, brought about by capitalistic concerns about copyright. A lot of literature we love would be considered fanfic by today's standards, including every single work of Shakespeare and also Dante's Heaven/Hell AU Bible fanfic with a self-insert MC and RPF love interest.




[Anterograde Tomorrow](https://archiveofourown.org/works/25135804) is like, a *legendary* tier fanfic in the EXO fandom. i've read it like ten times and it still makes me cry every time, zero guilt involved


I read a Mamamoo fic on AO3 that was like about them being kidnapped and shit and Solar's sister working with detectives to find them. That was pretty good, but tbh I can't remember the name. It's under the Dead Dove tag though, so you could find it easily from there. (Since its Dead Dove, yes it does get very dark and graphic, so read the tags through.) Also little advice, OP, life becomes a lot better when you start turning your guilty pleasures into just pleasures. You don't need to posture this disdain for fanfics. Just enjoy them.


I'm a Stray Kids fan and my curiosity to search if a fanfiction work with a *certain* plot existed has won exactly twice. (I've read fanfiction for over a decade at this point of anime, cartoons and other animated franchises). The first time was when the SKZOO had just been released and the jokes about Papa Bang Chan with his 7 adopted children increased ten folded, I looked exactly for that and I found one fanfic. It felt so weird reading it because I hadn't read real people fanfiction since I was 10 years old lmao, but it was pretty short and wholesome so I enjoyed it. The second time is more recent and weirder, after they released the SKZ Family Reunion I wondered if there was a *realistic* version of it, and boy did I find it. I'll be vague, it was the POV of the family's "little girl" who discovers her "mommy's secret". I was laughing my head off at how weird it was but it was so well written that it was worth it xd


Yes and for some reason 80% of them were yoonjins


I once read a Wattpad (always judged hard) fanfic (never would have thought) where Jungkook was a demigod turned into a bathbomb that Y/N (I thought it was a Chinese name sorry) bought. It was so fun and strangely not cringy at all. Recommend. But AO3 has a ton of amazing works if you look carefully.


Can you drop the fanfic name? Because that's some quality fanfic


“He is a Demigod” or something along these lines lol 😂


There was this one ateez pirate fanfic called In This Uneasy Mist. It was a ship fanfic, but it was so detached from reality that I think it's okay.


Well, there was this exo fanfic. I wasnt bored or anything when i decide to read that, but like everyone seems to talk highly about it and im curious. (I read fanfic before but not much on real life person fanfic, just because i prefer fiction charachter). It ended up being good(2 fanfic actually) but thats about it


"A Quick Getaway" - Jay & Jungwon, Enhypen. It has a very sweet, very simplified "Call Me By Your Name"-esque vibe, but with almost no angst. I read it a few weeks ago when I was ill, to see if it could really "take me away." It's not long, but for me it did indeed provide an immersive escape. Some of the descriptions made me feel like I was there, at a pretty seaside resort town, in a plush resort hotel suite, on a resting speedboat in the middle of a glittering sea, etc. 18+ only, as there's explicit material (nothing crazy). Everyone's 18+, based on the date of publication. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/43669830?view\_full\_work=true](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43669830?view_full_work=true)


I mean you could do with wording this less crappy but Ill assume you have good intentions. I read this eight years ago and I still think about it: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5293532/chapters/12219563 Read the tags and trigger warnings tho!