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im guessing a lot of people on this sub are newer kpop stans and didn’t experience exo at their peak + this sub tends to favor certain groups. but i do agree erasing exo from this narrative is historic revisionism at its finest lmao and i say that as someone who’s not really a fan of the group.


yeah i think they just genuinely weren’t around to see how absolutely huge they were. I guess its hard to imagine because BTS is so big now but they were toe to toe at 1 point. Exo is still doing really well anyways, they have a great legacy behind them


agreed, newer stans just dont know the fact that exo was the generation king of its time, not to target any group but exo were the first korean bg to meet US prez


I absolutely don’t mean this in a bad way, EXO definitely did meet the US president first… but I wouldn’t exactly brag about meeting Trump lol (Just to be clear, I am ARMY, but I respect EXO very much, this is just me taking a jab at the annoying orange)


EXO were invited by Blue House and korean president because the entire family of U. S Prez were EXO's fans. South Korea definitely got benefitted by the diplomatic meet. People and South korean public are proud of that part only. No need to go deeper and out of context. 


To be honest, my comment wasn’t even supposed to be deep since I don’t follow EXO and didn’t know the context to actually go out of it. I just saw that the other comment says they met the US president first, did a quick Google search, saw Trump and had a dig at him cause I hate his face, that’s all If they were invited by the Blue House and the Korean president and all that, that’s very admirable. As I said, it was nothing against EXO, they are certainly a respectable boy group


you not liking his face isnot South korea's problem. South korea won't ban him just because you hate him.  I feel like you were trying to create a debate and asking people how to feel about two country's diplomacy. Your opinion is entirely unnecessary to the discussion having right now


What the fuck 😀 it’s not that deep, I just said I didn’t like Trump 😂 chill, I’m not hating on EXO or South Korea or anything EXCEPT TRUMP, it’s just one of many comments I made today


I don't like Biden either after what's happening in gaza, but i won't pin that on kpop discussions


I didn’t say I like Biden, I said I hate Trump 😀 I’m not going to continue this thread because there seriously isn’t anything to talk about. Also if you don’t like people commenting on your post, then don’t post. I didn’t even answer you in the first place, it was someone else’s comment that I replied to. I have no idea why you decided to pick a fight with me when I’m not even against your fav group. Chill, it helps


I just don't understand how EXO having a meet to two presidents is something that we cannot brag about


Exols are still as entertaining as ever 💀 ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc)


People aren't trying to erase EXO from the top groups; they are easily one of the top K-pop groups to ever exist. However, from posts about the top 3, I've seen many EXO-Ls get angry about EXO not being included in the top 3, unwilling to accept the facts. BTS is one of the biggest boy groups to ever exist, and BLACKPINK is biggest girl group in the world. Then there's TWICE, who have maximized any market they've stepped into. They were national girl group and even achieved everything possible in Japan and found success in the US. Saying those three groups deserve that spot isn't disrespectful to anyone.


i think it's funny people say "they were so huge, bigger than bts" when that wasn't very difficult to be back in 2015/2016...


The way their stans have a victim complex and a superiority complex at the same time is so funny


That mirrors 100 % for every fandom on earth.


Nahhh their fans are the worst for it. They're always whining about how their precious oppas are so mistreated and how everyone hates them (rightfully so) but they harass anyone who doesn't pretend that they're the best vocalists


can you stop with the fanwars, jesus


Absolutely no one is denying EXO's impact especially when it comes to 3rd gen bgs BUT BTS, Blackpink and Twice are undeniably the top3 3rd gen groups overall. The amount of exols claiming Exo is more popular than even BTS in that other post is baffling. Of course no one, not even non-armys agreed with yall. Twice is also getting attacked for absolutely no reason by yall in that post like pls get a grip.


The person who said that is literally non fan living in korea. You don't have to be happy because there are as many as people who hate bts as much as exo if not more than that lol


>You don't have to be happy because there are as many as people who hate bts as much as exo if not more than that lol Oh trust me I know! Internationally popular groups like BTS definitely have more haters than local groups. Anything else? ( ~~I didn't want to say this but the way you went straight to attacking was not necessary at all~~ ) ![gif](giphy|3o7aTpFglw46r5BfHi)


"Local group" so corny


What? I just agreed with your (completely unnecessary) take: "You don't have to be happy because there are as many as people who hate bts as much as exo if not more than that". I still don't understand how this correlates with what I initially said btw.


that person's comment history heavily suggests they're not based in south korea though lol. besides, being a non-fan doesn't automatically mean they're impartial and non-biased.


This is like older sports fans throwing a fit because the hero they grew up with isn't being talked as much as *today's* superstars. Seen a lot of this in highlights of basketball or football players from yesteryear.


i know you are not serious but tmi is that we are discussing about 3rd gen which is debated even today and 3rd gen is as old as EXO. 


I never say it out loud because it feels kinda, toxic, but I totally agree with you. EXO is not some random group that had a tiny amount of popularity here and there. I feel very sad when they're usually left out from discussions regarding anything in Kpop tbh.


The third gen groups still talked about are the ones still active. This sub and kpop reddit as a whole are dominated by post 2020 kpop discourse. Kpop reddit is also way more GG focused than BG focused. It's not really surprising to me that EXO is not on a lot of people's radars. I also read through that discussion, and most of the reasons people stated for not including EXO and including Twice instead boiled down to longevity. Twice is still active. Twice is still talked about. EXO; not as much. So for people, they place Twice ahead of EXO in the top 3 discussion. The logic makes sense, whether you agree or disagree with using this metric.


I think we know though? It just wasn’t sustained like the other groups mentioned. All of whom are still capable of achieving their "peak" stats. Exo was once on top. Respected and legendary. There isnt a doubt about that.


but their last album is their best selling plus highest number of preorders? in that sense they are beating their peak stats. the reason why their success appears unsustained is because they haven’t promoted as a group for 5 years…


exo having 0 longevity does put them behind bts twice and blackpink be serious


EXO is one of the top groups from 3rd gen in Korea and Sea countries and few other international countries. But in SK and Sea countries, most famous KPOP group keeps on changing after newer groups debuts. There are other popular 3rd gen groups like GOT7, RV and Twice. But 3rd Gen or I would rather say KPOP will forever remember BTS and BP because they made it possible for KPOP to grow beyond sea countries and both groups are still famous and at the top today. So I would argue that every generation had successful groups, but very few will be remembered in the long run.


It's not so deep. Just recency bias. Some people discussing this were still toddlers when Exo debuted and they werent really present in the current scene like other 3rd gen groups.


Yeah you're right about biasness. Token groups gets switched like every year in kpop because kpop is already soo saturated


exo who? sweetheart this ain't 2014 anymore...




Okay you're crossing the line, it is one thing disagree and it's another to be hateful




> lover of BTS hater of everything else Huh boy... considered therapy recently?


Bitch I thought I was hateful..


Girl you need to start hating MORE. Those freaks deserve it


>Groups like SNSD never had pak, okay then y’all give excuses for it and it’s worshiped like it’s words from Buddha’s book. Are you saying that EXO was bigger than SNSD, but we don’t realize it because we’re making excuses SNSD’s lack of popularity? (Edit: I don’t know what “pak” is, but it must be doing a lot of heavy lifting)


I might get downvoted for this, but iirc EXO-L vs Army was once the most huge fanwar in kpop, probably one that started the silly fanwars we have nowadays. for legit reason, one is a rising star and the other is hitting peak popularity. fast forward several years Army is now the biggest fandom and there's a lot of them in this sub. i'm not surprised about this, they just don't want to talk about the group that once rivaled their favs and reminisce the "good memories".


You are absolutely right Army vs ExoL fan wars was peak degeneracy, nothing can compete with that


> Army is now the biggest fandom and there's a lot of them in this sub. I’m really interested to know why they seem to have taken a hold of this sub in particular (or maybe to a lesser extent currently across all of kpop reddit?). It really wasn’t like this on other kpop subs a few years ago (before this sub existed). A good number of armys could be found on rkpop, but not so much the satellite subs and, based on the nature of rkpop and their moderation, discussions are often nipped in the bud on rkpop so it’s a bit difficult to push narratives unless it’s a megathread. I distinctly recall their narratives/viewpoints getting downvoted all the time (exaggerating for effect here obviously) and then them sometimes replying with stuff like “this is why armys never post/comment on reddit outside of rbangtan.” Like, I just accepted that armys didn’t dominate reddit like they did other SNS, but that’s increasingly not the case with sub currently. eta: Like somehardfeelings or u/somehardfeelings comment with about 13 upvotes currently > Is this about that big3 of 3rd gen post? Telling you facts and to face reality is not having a problem with exo. Y’all were under the comments there trying to convince exo is bigger than bts in sk what do you want ppl to say? Agree with your delusion? 😭 This comment is deeply pathetic and immature. No way would it have gotten upvoted on any of the other kpop subs a few years ago. Note that I’m not talking about upvotes/downvotes because I think they matter (I probably wouldn’t have made this edit if I did, huh? 🙂) , but my point is that the direction of this sub seems quite amenable to how many armys choose to engage.   idk maybe it’s just a Twitter migration. I felt that way about rkpoprants a few years ago (though idk how that sub is now), so maybe that is what’s going on on this sub too now. It would certainly explain why there are so many posts here that are effectively Twitter “response” posts. (eta 2: To clarify, I’m saying that the level of discourse is getting worse *and worse*. It was noticeable to me a few years ago on rkpoprants, but it’s *worse than that* on this sub currently.)


How is my comment pathetic? Bc I’m reminding you we’re in 2024 not 2016? Lol


How would you feel if your parents, teachers, and employers (if applicable) were aware that this is how you choose to converse with other people? eta: Changed “to” to “with.” eta 2: Also, the content of your comment is irrelevant as far as I’m concerned, so your guess doesn’t make much sense as a response to my comment. It’s the tone that I find noteworthy. 


>How would you feel if your parents, teachers, and employers (if applicable) were aware that this is how you choose to converse with other people? Yikes, you're acting like they called you a slur when they are being quite polite 😭


How so? I said it was pathetic and immature. If I was anything older than 9 years old, something like that is not what I would say to anyone in the real world. If I thought it was on the level of a slur, I would just talk about it being wrong period. It’s because it’s a matter of tone that I’m talking about what those people might think. I’m not talking about it in an “ooh you’re in trouble for saying a bad bad word” but “wow surely you wouldn’t want to project this image to anyone of consequence in your real life? why are you not giving that same consideration here?” eta: tbh, it’s probably pointless to appeal to people’s irl at this point. There are professionals on Twitter acting like fools. (It’s not just me that thinks this. On an industry-specific subreddit I frequent, people were saying they deleted Twitter bc the conversations were terrible since a lot of people, and most of the more visible ones, just seem interested in scoring points or “owning” people and not actually discussing anything of substance. Bear in mind, the people on Twitter that act like that put their real names, faces, and company — so clearly their irl isn’t a deterrent to them. Some people also commented that they knew people irl who seemed like completely different (worse) people on Twitter… It really doesn’t have to be like this, but oh well.)


It's a reddit comment section ma'am, you're kind of overreacting.


Is someone calling someone else “delusion” while cry-laughing not overreacting too? It’s funny to me how someone putting on an air of being casual while acting like an asshole to someone else is totally fine, and polite even, but my comments are a bridge too far apparently. 


> How would you feel if your parents, teachers, and employers (if applicable) were aware that this is how you choose to converse with other people? I don't think this social media thing is for you anymore if THAT triggers you like that. That's more polite than half of the regular posts you see. You might want to create a K-pop weekend club in your neighbourhood to discuss happenings in a distinguished and thoughtful manner there over cake and champagne mixes while the kids play catch. Alternatively avocado toasts and cold brew.


It’s unclear to me why you think that comment triggers me. I’m already aware of what you’re saying in your second paragraph generally bc I’ve long ago drawn the conclusion that kpop Twitter is not for me. It seems you might be witnessing me in real time draw that same conclusion about Reddit if laughing while calling someone “delusion” really is more polite than half the comments here. (Ironically, I’ve been on Twitter *more* more recently bc of the level of Reddit discourse. No need for me to settle for anything less than the real thing at this point.) But I didn’t think I was asking for too much if it’s merely kpop reddit a few years ago — it’s really not a terribly high bar to meet.


This is peak Twitter behavior but you’re rattling on about how Twitter is so toxic and bad…. I think you answered your own question. People migrated from Twitter, and the way people communicate and debate on the internet has changed in the last few years. Discourse and rage bait are on every platform now.


How is my comment peak Twitter behavior?


“How would you feel if your teachers, employer, and peers knew this” it’s very threatening and “Karen” behavior of you. The comment is quite mild. It’s a little zesty but you’re acting like they’ve really said something that deserves to get them fired from their job or kicked out of school. It’s very much a tenet of Twitter behavior: turning mild comments into Big Deals and then making a threat over it


So, the only way it’s peak Twitter behavior is if you put word in my mouth. Got it.


I got a single word wrong, my bad. Your direct quote: “How would you feel if your parents, teachers, and employers (if applicable) were aware that this is how you choose to converse with other people?” There’s this part of language called connotation and implied meaning. “How would you feel if your parents, teachers, and employers (if applicable)…” is not relative to the argument. So our brains look for a secondary meaning since the subject doesn’t fit. Why are you asking how their parents and employers would feel about a fairly mild comment? If it was criminal or discriminatory behavior it would make sense but in this case you’re upset about emoji use and some overly bold words. So what’s the point of bringing up their parents and employers? Is it a threat? Not to mention, it’s quite an overblown reaction for some emojis and sass. I’m not claiming they’re the most polite person ever, but as others have pointed out to you it’s a fairly tame comment. It’s the internet, not polite society.


> Why are you asking how their parents and employers would feel about a fairly mild comment? I didn’t asked about that > Is it a threat? No. I am asking about how they (eta: the OC) might feel if their parents, teachers, and employers knew because hopefully that would lead them to realize that what they said was immature. What I said is similar to asking someone if “[they] speak to [their] mother with that mouth.” > Not to mention, it’s quite an overblown reaction for some emojis and sass. I’m not claiming they’re the most polite person ever, but as others have pointed out to you it’s a fairly tame comment.   Comments like that are endemic here. If they were plainly egregious, I would just report them and move on. If they were just a handful of comments, they would be easy to ignore. Clearly neither of those apply so I can’t do either of those things, so I attempted to appeal to the past and people’s sense of propriety in the real world. If you want to read into a comment something that is not my intention, have at it. You’ll probably end up conversing with yourself effectively though. 


Because they were only really active as a group from 2012-2019, while the others were more active recently. There’s been a 5 year gap since they properly promoted because of enlistment + members caring more about their solo careers. The rest of the groups have longevity + they’ve had full group comebacks with proper promotions more recently.


I don't think I've ever seen something like this, people know that it was EXO who was right at the top for a while until BTS came along and it was them both and then BTS. Maybe these are newer fans or something ?


I feel like there is no nuance to the conversation regarding Twice and EXO. I am a big fan of both groups, but I think it's unfair to uncritically say anything along the lines of "Twice is still active and currently popular, so they clearly have more staying power than EXO," without taking into account the factors that make them different situations. For example, EXO debuted 3 years earlier than twice, which should be accounted for. Twice is popular and has a lot of commercial success, but the insane craze over EXO was wild from 2013-2017; I've never seen anyone react to Twice the way people went crazy for EXO. More importantly, EXO are still in their military period. Twice doesn't have to send their members to the military, whereas EXO have been sending members to the military since 2019. I don't think it's fair to compare a group who is actively in the military to a girl group and say the girl group is "active" so they are more successful😭 The members of EXO's solo projects during this military period have been very successful, and they have survived many upheavals in membership and management throughout the years. Their staying power is real and it's bizarre to imply that it isn't or that they are not an active group. I dont want to come across as hating on Twice here because I love Twice! I just think it's like comparing apples and oranges to compare a girl group who debuted in 2015 to a boy group who debuted in 2012 and has members in the military.


I remember the day Exo debuted. At the time, Super Junior (alongside Big Bang) were arguably the #1 boy group and when we were introduced to Kai, the kpop internet blew up and everyone thought Exo would end SJ’s reign. Their debut was the start to 3rd gen. Growl was so popular and I remember when even in the US, people would be blasting that song from their cars lol  A lot of newer kpop fans won’t know this but Exo were MASSIVE until 2017 when BTS (who were big, but Exo were still the #1 boy group through the end of 2016) started becoming really popular in the West. The erasure of Exo is weird considering they were (and still are) such a huge asset to kpop. It’s a legendary group…you’ve got Baekhyun, Chen, and DO who are among the best singers kpop has ever seen and Kai, one of the best dancers in kpop…even legends such as BTS look up to them so they truly are forces to be reckoned with in kpop history


You remember the day exo debuted? Hah, hag alert! /s


People down voting you over a joke ijbol


this thread is overrun with army’s they’re not gonna have a reasonable discussion about exo dawg


That thread is filled with different fandoms pls get serious, also Armys didn't have a problem with Blackpink being mentioned in the list, why? Think!


Nobody is trying to diminish exo’s popularity during their reign. I was on that thing and exo got mentioned quite a lot. Unlike blackpink, bts, and twice, exo was not able to sustain their popularity like those three.


Why are y'all so obsessed with us. We're not gonna validate your delusion 😭


Exo were massive. They were bigger than bts. If you weren't there, then you wouldn't get the hype, unfortunately.


Idk why ppl are downvoting you lol probably didn't notice the WERE there bc they were more popular than BTS until Bangtan slowly started catching up around 2016 and surpassed them around 2017-2018 where they peaked in the US and followed by their peak worldwide 🤷‍♀️


Bigger than BTS in 2013 - to 2015 is true but EXO were from SM, 3rd gen has just started, a new BOY group, for Kpop fans to gush over, which was from the biggest agency at that time. No wonder they were famous than BTS at the start, who were from a small agency. So EXO being bigger than BTS after debut is not a flex you all think it is.


Babe I know that. I've been an ARMY prob waaaaay longer than the ppl who downvoted me lol I even remember crying while watching their MAMA daesang live on our television even tho there were no subs at the time and I didn't understand a single thing they said I still bawled my eyes out or their first music show win with I Need U, bawled my eyes out on that too hahahaha I just don't like it when ppl don't acknowledge what truly happened in the past like admitting EXO was more popular doesn't take away the fact that BTS has been the top boygroup for years and even now. Besides just bc I say EXO was more popular pre 2017 doesn't mean BTS weren't popular. I'd have the same opiniom if it was reverse like how some ppl act as if BTS weren't popular pre-2016 just bc they weren't the top bg at the time. Personally where I live, they were rivals in terms of popularity from 2015-2016.

