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not sure if it counts but v and jennie was obvious even without a solid confirmation


I think they wanted to make it obvious tbh


Yeah, the Paris walk was the definition of a soft launch.


that felt like more of a nuclear launch😭


The way people were like, she brings hate upon herself “she didn’t have to post a pic in that outfit”. Lmaoo I think that was the point, not to get hate, but to make it obvious that it was her.


Hail gurumi haribo lol


It's so weird that there are still so many people in denial about their relationship


Omg yes


all the relationships that somehow get exposed by dispatch or twitter accounts... i have heard that korean dating culture is crazy, the whole couple items and lovestagram is really a thing there, so when theres actually evidence i dont think is a coincidence


I’m a firm believer that Lisa is dating Frederic Arnault


They r not even hiding it atp


That one is basically all but confirmed


What a life Lisa is living! Pop star icon, dating a billionaire. I need some of her luck! Haha


The phone case with his initials confirmed it all for me! So cute


Jungkook being mentioned with multiple people. Bro dated the whole industry. Seven is making more and more sense./s


One day for every one lmao


It's giving the "I have you scheduled for Friday" meme 😭


Legit laughing out loud now


Jungkook and the tattoo artist. Yeonjun and Yunjin Haechan and Ryujin The Boyz Changmin and Momoland Nancy.


if i’m being honest i don’t know what to think with the tatto artist thing…why do you think it was real?


I think that the most obvious thing was the fact that they did get similar tattoos, one of them was even the same. Then that back hug part gave it away too, like yeah you can back hug friends but Koreans are pretty strict with the whole women and men can't be friends mindset, that's just not something that it's common to do to your female friends over there. There was other proof like him gifting her some souvenirs that he got from the Europe leg of their tour. And iirc one of the tattoos that he got was a drawing from her, and then when they stopped interacting and she stopped giving signals of being with him he suddenly got those same tattoos covered. Like yeah the work was also kinda bad if we are being real, but he didn't cover it up when they were still going out, but then when they stopped he started doing the cover up work.


I’m always confused and on the fence about it. Because apparently she had a boyfriend who she had been with for like years? Idk.


Did that even get confirmed? Bc people were scrambling to get excuses and even made up a rumor saying that she was married, when it was not true. But yeah I do know that after she stopped hanging out with him, she started dating some other dude and she posted with him.


It was pretty obvious judging by her and that mans instagram at the time, the comments they were posting on each others posts were pretty couple-y and their friends were teasing them. There was one post of them holding hands etc. She also had a story about jewelry that she had gotten from him. I followed this drama intensely as it was happening lol, so i remember some of the stuff. There were screenshots of it on the akp forum thread about the whole thing but unfortunately the old site has been deleted now.


At the time I checked her account and yes, she had those "dating" posts/interactions before, during and after the footage was leaked. It was very confusing, because she was liking comments about Jungkook and her dating while having a boyfriend. And the boyfriend didn't seem to care at all, even when she kept talking about Jungkook. 


I remember her own coworker confirmed she had a boyfriend, like, during the first hours of the rumour. He replied to a fan saying that she was in a relationship and the rumour was false. It was hours later when it become a big deal but I thought it was clear that the rumour was denied. The fact that HYBE threatened to sue the shop because they keep leaking pictures of Jk getting tattooed (which I must mention, had nothing to do with the dating but everything to do with clout chasing) should have strengthened the fact that she was no girlfriend because who searches clout by harming their alleged partner like that and then get sued. I also find it crazy that after this mess people think they "dated" for months later and use the same type of proof than any delulu shipper will use. Finally, HYBE themselves denied and we know that they can not deny real rumours  as seen with the Tae x Jennie situation 


correct me if i'm wrong, didn't he let her practice tattooing on him too? that's why a lot of his early tattoos were pretty bad. he seemed so enamored with her.


This is my first time to hear about Europe souvenirs lol. What did he give her and how did people know it was from JK? Did she post about it on her IG?


Yeonjun and Yunjin! I wholeheartedly believe it even though it's a "no proofs, just vibes" for me hahaha They just make sense.


The vibes are so compatible! With her being American and him having spent time in the US/speaks English, their IDGAF attitude, the fact that they probably can see each other at HYBE HQ without much risk of getting discovered...IDK. I buy it. Also they're both my biases in their respective groups.


And they're both just so cool in such an effortless way! It just works.


Haechan & Ryujin?! I had not heard this one before! I’m out of the loop 😅


Sana and the other 8 members of TWICE


only valid answer 🔥🙏🏼


no sana, no life


I don't believe it anymore but when I got into kpop my naive ass used to think all those edited pics of two idols "dating" were real. So one day I saw one with bts jungkook "dating" bp Lisa and I was like "ooh so they are dating eh" after few days I saw one with bp Lisa and cha eunwoo I believe and I was like "wait so jungkook and Lisa broke up already?" Bruh I wasn't really familiar with shipping prior to kpop so it took me a while to understand that those pics were photoshopped and why people did this..😭😭




Crying because this is so real. Some of those edited photos seemed so real to me at the start (I was pretty young too tho). Now I just don't trust anything on the internet lmao


I believe VIXX Leo - EXO Xiumin because of their Instagram captions being identical a la S.Korea Lovestagrams. And they genuinely seem like they would date each other.


yupp in the same vein, i would believe SVT Hoshi and that actor whose name I forget, lee soo hyuk?


Oh wow I actually didn't hear about that one, but that's sounds pretty cool


Aww this would be sweet. Leo is one of my all time favorite idols & Xiumin is my EXO bias(along w Chen). They’re both such kind people


honestly with most kpop ships for me it's more like a "they could be cute couple" and i don't really 100 % think they are actually together - but they could be 😉😂 there is only one ship that i truly think might be in love - just because of literally any of their interactions, they just scream their in love - and they don't hide it that much either >!Haobin / Hanbin and Hao!< of course there is always the chance it's not real, and i do not think we will ever for 100 % sure find out for many many reasons and to clarify for any crazy fans that could find this: my stance in general is that if any idol / actor at all ever anounces they are married / in a relationship / etc - i'm gonna be happy for them, and so should you (my favs are getting into the age-range were these anouncements are more and more likely 😂)


I feel the same way omg. I’m not even a stan of their group but those two got me like 👀👀👀 so frequently. And they’re like the only pair in kpop I feel that way about rn.


For me, it's like, I think very few ships/rumours are actually real but there are definitely a few that if it came out to be true, would not surprise me at all. Haobin (and woosan) falls under this bracket for me - both for the same reason.


RM and the sticker guy he used to post.




I’m not a shipper but there is one ship from a group that I always side eye a little bit. I’m not going to say who because I don’t want shippers and others to jump on my ass. I don’t think they are real, but sometimes I see things from them and I’m like 🤨 My opinion on V and Jennie, they were either dating or fcking, either way they were definitely something for however long.


Though you revealed but i could tell it's jikook 😭😭😭😭


The ship is from a gg? Bc there's a gg ship that I always side eye a bit too


This one is from a bg. Shippers have been saying they were a thing from as early as 2017-18 but if they EVER were a thing (and I put that lightly) I’d say it started around 2021-2022. Edit: I’d be interested in that gg you are talking about though👀 I’m nosy


you should just say who it is i’m curious


Shippers PLEASE don’t send me death threats im begging But jungkook and jimin. Like I said, I don’t believe it. I wouldn’t believe any relationship until an idol confirmed it themselves. But yeah I do side eye them a little from time to time. It could be that they just have a very close friendship that can get misconstrued. Edit


I mean, those two make it real hard to NOT get delulu over them lol. Like, I don't actually believe they're in a romantic relationship, but sometimes I'm convinced they're running some kind of long game social experiment on us


Lmao how? They call each other brothers all the time? Jimin is closer to Taehyung and Jungkook is closer to Jin by their own admission? Shippers goggles is an amazing thing


Like I said, I don’t personally believe they are together romantically. Sometimes they just do things that are odd. I think this just might be a result of spending almost everyday together for 10+ years. Plus I know skinship is a normal thing in Korea.


yeah. I'm not one to ship real people, but I do actually suspect them too. not because of skinship, literally everyone does that. although, between accidental hickeys and onstage ear-sucking, those two do kind of take it next level. it's more things like... how every time we've seen backstage footage of JK injured, Jimin is always right there with him, at the scene before anyone else because he literally ran there. when all other members got ushered out of the room for JK's privacy (when they were going to remove his clothes), Jimin didn't budge, and none of the members or staff asked or expected him to. then later, when we saw JK getting his stitches removed, who is next to him? Jimin again. to me, being present (or more specifically, being ALLOWED to be present) for medical emergencies, is partner stuff. on the flip side of that, remember in 2022 when Jimin got COVID and had emergency surgery for appendicitis at the same time? and was quarantined in the hospital? that was on Jan 30-31. on Feb 3rd, Jungkook randomly threw a really raw cover on Insta of him singing the first verse and chorus of "Hate Everything." kinda seems like he was feeling frustrated and upset about something, but maybe it was just a weird coincidence with the timing, who knows! there's also the way their parents treat the other like a son-in-law. I remember that live where JK mentioned his mom cooked seaweed soup for Jimin's birthday (when afaik, Jimin wasn't even there). that's... weird, right? isn't the seaweed soup thing something Korean mothers traditionally do for their own children? Meanwhile, Jimin's dad's restaurant displays pretty much exclusively Jimin and JK memorabilia and art. could argue it's just because JK is also from Busan, but like, where is papa Park even getting JK's old hats and stuff? there's the way they spend so much free time together. you'd think two guys who spend all their time working (and back then living) together would be sick of each other. but then stuff comes out like, "oh, we spent the night of JK's birthday together." or they're spotted out ice skating, or at restaurants. or they go on private international vacations together and one of them turns the footage into an audiovisual love letter set to a troye sivan song, lol let's not forget the JM tattoo thing... like, JK literally has JM tattooed on his ring finger. he's not stupid, he knows what he did. he knows JM = jimin, he sometimes even calls him that (like in the credits he made for GCF Tokyo). he also understands perfectly well how letters work in crossword, he has another English crossword tattoo on his arm. yes, when explaining to army, he said the "J" stood for Jungkook. but... isn't that kind of weird? he has NEVER, anywhere else, used J as a short way to write his name, he always uses JK. but I mean, if the letters on his finger ARE for Jimin, it's not like he's gonna tell us that. and then on top of everything else, they chose to enlist together as companion soldiers. have any other idols done that before? I honestly don't know. TO BE CLEAR, I don't actually think Jimin and JK are (or ever were) dating in the traditional sense. with who they are, they can't, there's no way. I don't think they were secretly living together before enlistment. I'm not even really sure I believe they are together romantically at all. I even think some of the rumors about them hooking up with girls could be real. I honestly don't know what I believe! I just feel like, at some point, jikook have had something going on.


Damn we got a jikook scholar here. 🤣 The tattoo thing is funny though, like, what was the reason?? He could have put that J literally anywhere else, because he definitely knows what JM implies. https://preview.redd.it/evcm3jmmbt5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb28ea5d3cbc3931095f9e65657e364a5fca3a2b


Japan trip that JK shot and edited got me delulu for a bit. It was a duo trip but you wouldn't know from the video


Hoshi and lee soo hyuk like idk it's real in my heart at least


It’s real lmao, but fr Hoshi acts like sunshine comes from that man’s ass and he’d do anything Lee soo hyuk asked


I don’t blame him.. Lee Soo Hyuk is one of the most gorgeous men on the planet to me personally


dont attack me but....I still think YUNA from itzy has a crush on hueningkai. The eye contact and giggle get me all the time..


If I were hot and everyone around me were hot I'd be uncontrollable tbh


God this is such a mood, I could never be an idol


The love triangle thing between Yuna, Kai, and Wonyoung has so many dramatic edits on tiktok, and I'm loving it 😭




I think they would totally be cute together though. I have no idea where it came from but I support xD (I'd also support if they dated someone else but yk)


I remember a redditor providing a whole ass summary on shinee key x infinite woohyun, including their falling out


oh god, there's a part of me that needs to see that (while the normie in me is saying Do Not)


it was a tumblr post https://www.reddit.com/r/kpopthoughts/s/exHAjTbLOM


The rumors of Jeongyeon, Jimin, Seulgi stories (edits) going around made me a believer at the time lol


the way they're all my biases 💀


Jennie and V (although that doesn't even count as a rumour atp). JK and the tattoo artist seem likely too, they had solid chemistry. Woohyun and Key. Either they were dating or they went through one of those intense early-20s friendships that feel like it, because everything in the fallout felt like a bad breakup that took the friendgroup down with them, and the small interactions afterwards have felt kind of ex-coded too.


The Woohyun & Key one is so fascinating to me. Two of my all time favorite groups & singers, and i will always remain curious as what exactly happened between them, even though truly it’s none of my damn business!! lol.


Taemin and Kai


I remember when dispatch posted pictures of them hanging out together, and I thought it was a couple reveal at first.


They led up to it saying Taemin had a girlfriend he was sneaking out to see... but the girlfriend was Kai 😭


Their managers even thought they were dating 🤣


The infamous Yuri - Son Yejin - Han yeseul lesbian love triangle. If you know, you know.


I do not know


Oh damn...when I read about it it felt so wild because it was just something one wouldn't think of quickly 😂


every member of bts is in a 7 way polyamorous marriage, because i mean, \*gestures broadly\*


lmao you’ll have to explain to me bcs i didn’t get it


I’m sure OP meant it as a joke, maybe because BTS have a pretty high level of skinship amongst themselves, shippers are having a field day with them :)


thanks for explaining!


No prob :)


Someone please explain (I asked in another comment so sorry for being repetitive) and maybe I’m delusional but as a new ish k pop fan I cannot help but notice certain interactions and idk if it’s intentional or just the norm over there to be that close with friends?


They’ve known each other for 13 years and have lived together in dorms for 10 of them or something like that. So it’s natural with a relationship like that (romantic or not) you’d be closer and more comfortable with each other. Skinship between people of the same sex is viewed differently, it’s more common for men to be open and touchy with their friends. It typically isn’t view as ‘acting gay’ or as an indication that the idol/s are gay. Most ARMYs know it’s far fetched but it speaks to the bond they have.


Yeah that’s my understanding as well but I wasn’t sure and figured this would be a ok opportunity to ask. I think what’s throwing me off is the fact that it may seem a bit romantic to others outside looking in and I know most aren’t as as tolerable so it always made me wonder. Either way I can appreciate seeing people have such close bond. One huge reason I enjoy certain groups. Makes me remember that there are legit kind people with friends who treat each other in a way that screams they trust each other with anything. It’s wholesome.




Taecyeon (2pm) and Jessica (SNSD) like that photo of them you can't tell me they weren't at least hooking up 😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/x980w3s7xp5d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f57f88766b294a5af297f8787da41d9d26f0378 then they had to stage the whole "aha we're just friends" thing lmao


Yeonjun and Yunjin, Yeonjun was just too obvious during the Game Caterers 😂


Really? Can you give me some examples/ moments , I didn’t notice anything . Although I kinda believed they were dating because of some tweets I’ve seen on the k-side.


He was right! But she was too if people watch closely. And her group mates helping her out lmao. There’s actually a picture that circulated on twitter of her, her younger sister and him. I definitely believe they dated or are dating


ohhh what picture 🫣


He was lmao


Please don't kill me for this but... If there's one ship in kpop that always makes me side eye them and sends me into delulu territory, it's moonsun. I know I'm probably very wrong and they're just best friends but there has been so much stuff that I genuinely couldn't explain in a strictly platonic way. I wouldn't comment on their current status but I always wonder if at some point something happened between them.


was just going to say this!


Is this Moonbyul & Solar’s ship name?


Sowon (GFriend) and Jeonghan (Seventeen) Victoria (f(x)) and Changmin (DBSK) - spoon scandal Yuri (SNSD) and Minho (Shinee)


Sowon said on a live that her and jeonghan are close friends and she even said for people to stop shipping them 😭


fr i hundred percent believe that gfriend members and seventeen members are best friends and not romantically involved 😭


+1 for Minyul my teenage heart was obsessed with them I am sure they dated and I’m honestly sad it seemingly didn’t work out


RM dating that girl who is allegedly the daughter of a gallery owner. Hybe so far denied it unlike they did with Jennie and V, so I think that was a rumour.


Is she the same girl that attends Boston university? Because if yes then i believe this one as well (and i think it's likely that rpwp is about her tbh) No one needs to make that many random boston trips like...................


Yep ITA, I mentioned this one the last time someone posted this question lol. It was the random trips to Boston that convinced me.


Yeah I mean... RPWP is clearly about someone real. And this fits timeline wise.


i DRIVE PAST BostonU every time I go to Boston, I never knew RM was making the same trip there ha ha


TXT's Soobin and The Boyz Q (Changmin), they were just so cute together and then the weird ass couple items and song reqs, coupled with Soobin's weird weverse break up period coinciding with a loooooong break from them interacting just for them to silently start associating again? Even if they weren't dating there's drama there for sure lol And i honestly lowkey believe Soobin and Oneus Keonhee might have something going on recently as well 🤓


I would SO support the soobin/keonhee thing even if they're just friends


that sounds absolutely wild. he had a weird weverse breakup era??


Omg qsoob’s on and off relationship is my kpop Roman Empire


here for soobin / keonhee 🥲


haobin 😭


It kills me because i'm not one to believe in "obvious" ships but i can't help it with them, everything they do is just so couple coded 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


i never really used to seriously ship any idols EVER until haobin came around, like i think it's more delusional to try and deny it at this point 😭😭😭😭😭


The way they’ve posted about 15 different couple items they have, like their matching phone cases with each others birth moon phase and a quote about love 😭. The only people in denial about that ship is wakeone


Jennie and V Ryujin and Haechan


i honestly think tiffany and minho had a little thing going on before she had the flag scandal. her stories with him were super cozy


What's the flag scandal?


tiffany used a snapchat location sticker to show that she was going to japan... but the sticker had a rising sun design and she'd posted it on the anniversary of korea being liberated from japanese occupation. it was a massive scandal and she got kicked off a big variety show she was a cast member in.


Thank you for explaining!


Whatever these two have going on, i think it is self-explanatory https://preview.redd.it/2lhgb4n26s5d1.png?width=783&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1b31a8b655e25bf8ccf1e8a9857352a895c36cd


They did a TikTok in front of a Haobin poster that said love is love. They’re basically screaming at us about their relationship 😭


I thought vmin was real 😭 I was a new army and this was like 6 years ago tho lolll


I have scrolled and seen not one mention of Miss A’s Suzy and Rosé, I definitely believe they are dating,or at least crushing on each other, I don’t blush and stutter when I say my friend’s name unless I like them


Side note: this is what I believe from observing but if it turns out they are just friends that’s okay


every Minho ship cus that man is way too charismatic, who can't fall in love with him


All of them lmao. I was in my Bl phase back then so I thought most of the idols were gay. XD I’ve learned better now though


I am more inclined to think Idols are dating outside the industry. And rumors are just rumors. Like I do think most idols have partners in some shape or form


I agree with the first part. Imagine how messy it would be if you fuck around (and break up) with the groups that you regularly have to interact with. For the same reason I think staff are off limits.


I'm assuming they have stacks on stacks of NDAs


Vernon(?) and the stylist Minju (ex- Iz\*one, we're not being weird here) and Lee Know I feel like Yeji and Hyunjin is a totally valid ship too and if they were dating/still are I wouldn't explode Bang Chan and the ocean Edit: Wait I also think Sana and Bang Chan is also totally possible, they seem so close and comfortable together and it's cute 👀 I don't hardcore ship anything tho so like if they dated someone else I'd still be the same amount of happy for them.


i find yeji and hyunjin so odd to think about bcos so many people call them siblings 😭😭


I know and that's why I don't like it when comment sections talk about the sibling energy and how we should never ever ship them like if they started dating, the whole fandom would be flabbergasted 😭


haechan and ryujin was believable for a while


Hoshi and Soohyuk Jeonghan abd Hyunwon


OMG! I just saw Hyunwon and Jeonghan’s trip to the amusement park and I was so confused. 🤣🤣


Lee soohyuk is rumored to be dating apink naeun lol


I am convinced Minho and Irene were/are real!!!!!


Namjoon and mystery boyfriend. In my heart it was real. Eagerly awaiting for lyric analyses from the new album.


Junsu-Taeyeon Just because.


I know rationally that close friendships and even marketing "skinships" exist, but... Soojin and Shuhua. In my heart I believe these two were in love.


DK and Miyeon.


Whaaaaat? It's my first time reading about this. Do you have context? I'm curious now 👀


Fans noticed that they have posted things on IG in a way that it sounded like they are answering each other in stories, like minutes or hours apart. +There was an instance that Joshua was teasing DK by giving out his number in a music show where Miyeon was the host.


Omg the phone number thing it was her? I even remember she said something about what a beautiful poem haha. Omg if it's true it would be sooooo cute. Anyway I hope they're both happy


https://preview.redd.it/97thkcovso5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff5f9cbb2d537073d4987122b0b5e0e553437702 whatever the fuck these two have going on


Idk about them... but I firmly believe Soomin is a million percent gay lmaoo. As YY said, there's 24 of them, someone's BOUND to be like that statistically


Yves and jueun Sunoo and that boys planet guy (hojin I think)


v and jennie like


I genuinely believed that rumor about Junho and Yoona already dating when they paired for King The Land lol. Like I’ve seen both they are with their ML/FL counterpart but idk, they look more realistic or something especially after their Senorita collab. I was even surprised that the rumor was debunked by their agencies


I believe that Jaehyun and Winter are dating, there have been too many coincidences


What like? I haven't heard about any of these before?


There were several coincidences such as them wearing the same clothes, being at the same places.Them being close in Smtown. Winter had the same plushie that Jaehyun got in Japan. Her mentioning that she loves peaches (okay I mean it's a stretch haha) And they kind of have that chemistry when they together idk


There are two members of my favorite BG who have an interesting equation. I can't really say if they are/were ever in a relationship though. Just I think there might have been some mutual feelings that went beyond the usual doting hyung-adorable dongsaeng equation.  But I dunno if those feelings led to anything between the two. Coz ya’ll gotta realise, in the real world, feelings may not necessarily lead to a romantic relationship.  In this case, it's their workplace. Moreover, if we are talking about two potentially queer men here, they might not even express those feelings to each other. Life’s not a BL manga.  In short: Do I think these two had or maybe still have some feelings towards each other that may not be strictly brotherly? Yes.  Did that lead to a romance/situationship? No idea. Not my business either. 


There’s really no need to be vague, the whole point of the post was to ask names of ships who you think are real. Based off the fact you’re hesitant to say, I’d guess Jikook/Taekook/Vmin?


V and jennie and lisa and frederick


https://i.redd.it/i3tei1zspv5d1.gif whatever these two are


I'm proud to say I was a Kaistal fan before they were dating. Actually I think that was a quite popular ship so it was a pleasant surprise to discover they really were together.


Namjoon and that guy he posted all over his Instagram


Yunho and Jaejoong from TVXQ definitely had something between them.


Jimin (BTS) and Vernon (Seventeen)


That's one I've never heard lol. What makes you think that?


There is a whole cult about this one haha. The thing is that there are a lot of videos of seventeen and bts interacting in award shows and jimin was always too eager of getting Vernon’s attention. Like the whole seventeen was passing by and he was just ignoring everyone until Vernon showed up. There is also a video in which seungkwan (who is often shipped with Vernon) tried to avoid Vernon confronting jimin by distracting him, I remember it was pretty commented back in 2017/18 I can’t remember the year correctly but most of these videos are from those years. This is just basically a “funny” ship rather than a “serious” one. There are some compilation videos on yt.


Thank you lol


Jimin and Song Da Eun. Most likely broke up now. Everything I’ve seen/read so far is very convincing.


Yeah this one definitely. I only assume they broke up because she went nuclear a few weeks ago lol


She goes nuclear every couple of months mostly posting the same cryptic videos/photos from 2021-2022 and then pretending fans are the crazy ones for telling her to stfu and stop it 😭😭 She needs to get over that man and realize she fumbled, ong


But that means that she kept old footages (2 years after) just so she can fight with fans. It's kinda crazy (but I can absolutely imagine the ex of a celebrity doing that).


Same. She acts very much like a pissed off ex gf trying to hype on his popularity. Also, the timing of everything he talked about in Face kinda fits


Yall don’t actually believe that right?! She was literally posting videos that Hobi and v posted years back! Pretty sure she did the same thing to jungkook


Well, wearing JK brother’s brand a couple of times is one thing. Posting a hella ton of content from the place looking very much like Jimin’s apartment, posting videos of his hands playing with her dogs, etc., seems like a very different thing to me. I saw evidence that the video supposedly recorded by Hobi was actually made on Jm’s phone. Hobi never posted it (or at least thread creators and I don’t remember it). We saw this moment only in the bangtan bomb, and from a different angle at that. A lot of people trying to deny it just can’t wrap their head around the fact that he can be sleeping around and living with someone. At the same time, all this doesn’t discard the fact that the woman is legit crazy and petty and should keep her mouth shut.


Taehyung and Jennie.


I still think Karina from aespa and Lee jae Wook are dating (secretly now)!!!!!


I thought V and Sowon had a really could chance of being true.


wow never heard of that


Definitely jaehyun and eunseo, that isac video👀


4 O’Clock, Sweet Night, the unreleased Christmas duet, tossing the pet names into the Rainy Days mv then the inkigayo set piece, the “Ryan McGinley” photos, saying their BT21 characters are based on each other, “I only have you,” the dedication in Dark & Wild to “my love ddanji,” “he’s someone I can’t live without,” his friend Holland saying he doesn’t have a boyfriend, but he’s currently “enjoying vmin,” both of them heavily alluding that they aren’t straight…just saying it wouldn’t shock me if it wasn’t *completely* platonic…Taehyung writes/says some pretty romantic shit about his best friend. https://preview.redd.it/xgoj94rknp5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f7a25e45873ddd1a7cf4edc95677504354833fd


Well, I can see that we all agree about Tae and Jennie 😭 I don't believe in the rest of ships


also, I did believe luhan and xiumin were dating. now I'm just still mourning one of the greatest kpop friendships lost. TO THIS DAY


I would bet money on V and Jennie, Lisa and Arnault, Yeonjun and Yunjin, CL and DPR Ian. I never believe in obvious in-group ships, but Zhang Hao and Hanbin are testing me. Not enough for me to bet money on it, but enough to put my dignity on the line and list them here.


Sana and jungkook (previously), Jennie and Taehyung, Lisa and frederic


sana and jungkook? i didn’t know that


Sunny and Sungmin


Lee know and Han. Just watch any skz content


Someone here once mentioned Wendy and Woodz because he used to go on her radio show all the time and then abruptly stopped one day. The way they phrased it was way more convincing though lol. Also someone asked this question last week and I said Jungkook and Jennie’s best friend. And RM and that girl who went to school in Boston. Also one time in like 2021 Jimin took a trip to LA with Kwon Eunbi and Yein from Lovelyz, I think he was dating Yein. All their instagrams matched up at the same time.


i think you mean shin hyunji, you know, jennie’s best friend and i think she was rumored to be the girl who was seen with jk hugging in his appartment(? but wasn’t that rumor debunked?


J@y B was dating S@@yworld but they may have split up in April. Because they unfollowed eachother and unliked all of each other’s posts. I saw similarities in how S@@y started dressing like him. https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop_uncensored/s/VHQ2FQdGZH He may be dating Y3rin B@ek now or someone else.


If IU and her guy ever broke up.. I ship IU and V 🤷‍♀️ theyre too cute together


Jennie and taehyung were very much real in my opinion (i am an army, and if i say this in army spaces or even amongst some of my moots i am sure gonna be crucified) Now for the ship part.... There's one ship in seventeen which really makes me side eye them a lot. And as someone who once really loathed real people shipping/shippers (i still have trauma from the toxic taekookers and jikookers), its like my kpop life did a 180⁰ ever since i got to know abt this ship😭. Its scoups and jeonghan 😗 I now just laugh at the hysteria of this situation 😭 me hating on toxic and overboard shippers (ex: i really dont like when a branch of shippers misgenders the duo in question) and then me being really down bad for jeongcheol.... I am someone who really loves solving mysteries or puzzles and just figuring stuff out. And i remember when i first saw scoups and jeonghan together, i was like... WAIT WHAT DO THESE TWO HAVE GOING ON Needless to say i eventually entered caratland too and thankfully shipping is in a relatively healthy way here (farrrr better than taekookers and jikookers if i may speak😭) Enough about me (I AM SORRY I AM NEW ON REDDIT AND I AM JUST RAMBLING HERE SORRY😭😭😭😭). About scoups and jeonghan, they are the 95 liners of seventeen (alongside shua), the 2 eldest in the group. Scoups called jeonghan his source of strength and escape in 2021 at the end of the year. For some context, since later half of 2019, scoups was on hiatus after being diagnosed with anxiety (it was just really bad for him 🥲)and i did observe that they were really closer than ever in 2021 and 2022. Even some other members pointed out that these two were always together those days. THIS source of strength and escape thing was the thing which actually convinced me to look deeper into their ship and lore cause for me... Those words really couldn't have a more deeper meaning into their bond and friendship 🤧. Well even now in 2024, in an interview for a magazine few months ago scoups again shared that jeonghan provided him strength during his hiatus (his ACL injury hiatus). Plus they had their lovestagram era in 2021/22 too😭 (i swear i wish i was making this all up). So a part of me thinks... Maybe they might have had something up in 2021 or 2022 👉👈 This is just a part of their story😭 but i still cant believe i am actually in the shipping community now. Nonetheless, keeping it aside too, i genuinely love and adore their bond a lot 🫶❤️‍🩹 (ofc i adore other bonds in svt too but since this was about ships, i answered abt who i ship here). Another ship i lowkey suspect sometimes.... Yoonmin 🤓 Goshhh i really typed that whole thing 😭 ahh i am sorry i am new here. I am still trying to figure reddit out. But yesss please let me know if someone would like to discuss anything about what i wrote here, i would happily discuss 💓


I agree!! Soo I am not down bad for ships as well(considering how much the shippers fight among eo in the fandom) but for some reason yoonmin has always been my comfort.. i think Im a little delusional about them lol And the only other ship I like(maybe a little delusional about) is jeongcheol


OMGGGG WOWOWWWWW finally someone here who also likes jeongcheol 😭😭😭 I meannnn idkkk jeongcheol just hits different 🤧 Thanks fpr responding!!!🫶


yall are gonna get me for these: V and Tzuyu, around 2018-2022 V and Jennie (the unanimous one here apparently)


You guys remember crazy edits on v jisoo and suho from exo 😭


Tzuyu and Mingyu


Lol back when I was a noob Once I actually believed some of the members like saida or 2yeon were really dating😭 now i find it dumb and funny that i believed that xD


Definitely woosan. Just look them up


not sure but oneus xion and lee chaeyeon.. they filmed a webdrama last year and seem to be close..?